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Houseguest Sindy Nguyen Discussion


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bbcan3-sindy-nguyen.jpgSindy Nguyen

Age: 25

Hometown: Huntsville, ON (in Toronto, ON)

Occupation: Assistant Cruise Director If there's one thing to know about this pageant princess, it's that she's "Sindy with an "S"."


Describe yourself in three words:

Sassy. Spontaneous. Honest


Do you have a strategy to win Big Brother Canada?

I don’t have much of a strategy going into the house. I know I would have to change it the moment I walked in anyway. I’m a very analytical person so when I meet all of the houseguests, I’ll decide what I need to do. I’m also not going to tell the houseguests that I work on cruise ships. They’ll just know me as the clueless pageant queen. The thing is, I don’t watch the show a whole lot so I’m just going to find my own strategy.


If you could take one thing inside the house, what would it be and why?

I would bring in tapioca so I can make Bubble Tea because I’m so Asian.


Brain vs. Brawn. Which challenges, physical or mental, do you fear most?

The endurance challenges will be hard for me because I have no upper-body strength.


If you won, how would you spend the $100k?

I would pay off my debt and help my mom with hers. I would also travel and then invest some money into my business. I’m starting my own international pageant. The logo is being designed right now! I love pageants and have been competing in them since I was 17. Last year, I did six pageants! I’ve won a national pageant and then got to represent Canada at the Miss World Pageant where I got the award for Miss Congeniality!


Who is your Big Brother Canada idol and why?

I don’t have an idol but I like Heather and Gary. Heather and I are a lot alike. She’s a girlie girl and people underestimated her. And Gary is just so fun. And he hosts and I host! When I’m on the cruise ship, I host activities and theme nights and I teach dance classes like Zumba. I’ve travelled to over 38 countries and I’ve dated guys from every continent except Antarctica. South Africans make the best boyfriends! I like British guys too. My last boyfriend was a stripper from London. And I’m talking Channing Tatum stripper.


True North strong and free. What is your favourite thing about Canada?

Multiculturalism – I’m Asian so it’s a good place to be. 

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