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Jury Questions


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Does anyone know when they will be questioned by the jury?  I know they will not show it until Wednesday's show but they do it earlier than that.  I know in the past, we can see them on the live feeds discussing who was mean to them and what they asked them.  Do you think it is today?

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Guest 6Borders

The jury will be deliberating today probably.  They ask their questions live on Wednesday night at the finale and after all the jury have asked questions they put their keys in the box.  Victoria (assuming she is kicked out tomorrow night) will have time to form a question also!

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I love this part but I agree ... the questions will probably be dull.  I am looking forward to seeing how Victoria will answer them.


Usually after this part, they talk about it on the live feeds so you get a pretty good idea what they asked them before you see it on the final show.  Many say how bitter that person was or "What did they mean by that?".

I would rather watch the jury!!  Don't know why they never show them much.

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Guest 6Borders

I think Frankie will ask "pissy" questions, and I except something semi-nasty from Christine.  I think Caleb will probably ask a pointed question.  Hayden might surprise us.  Victoria's will be a whiney "I don't understanddddd"

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Guest 6Borders

I love this part but I agree ... the questions will probably be dull.  I am looking forward to seeing how Victoria will answer them.


Twitoria won't get questions unless she is F2.


IF (heaven forbid) Twitoria is F2 all her answers would just be what an incredible social game she played and how he fought so hard to win comps...it would be worse than GM's answers last year.

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Are the jury questions really live? They usually only show one or maybe two  question from each jury member and I have heard a few HG say that the jury questioning part is a lot longer and can be pretty grueling.

I was thinking they are live but apparently not.  It might be different this year though, if they wait to do the third part of the HOH on the finale show, then the questions will have to be live. 

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If Cody & Derrick are F2:

Victoria is gonna ask Derrick about why she wasn't included in the "Hitmen Alliance" again. and she'll probably ask Cody the same thing.

Christine will ask Cody specifically why the boys chose to dump her in favor of Victoria.

Hayden is gonna ask about the Bomb Squad alliance and why he was excluded, or he may ask why they (Derrick & Cody) formed an alliance when Nicole was HOH then turned on them immediately afterward.

Caleb & Frankie will question them about keeping Victoria over one of the guys.

Jocasta may question the boys about what they're gonna do with the winnings.

I have no idea what Zack or Donnie or Nicole's questions will be - I just hope it's entertaining.

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You can find pics of the jury round table discussion on the main CBS BB website.  Frankie does NOT look happy!


Hope this link works ... never did it before





One can only hope that Frankie's not happy. I'm sure he will be as dramatic as possible since the spot light is no longer on him.

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Guest 6Borders

I liked the old format better when just the final 2 were left in the house the last week and they had jury questions a few days before finale.  I hate that they keep bringing Dr. Will in to "advise" the jury and steer their questions in certain directions.

To me that just takes away from the HG's the game they played and shared all season.  Who the heck wants to hear Will Kirby anyway!

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Guest 6Borders

Frankie will weave his sister's name into the question. 

Oh most definitely!  He will also probably bring up (again) how much he did for all of them and why should he give them the money!

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