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Monday September 15 Live Feeds / BB After Dark Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !


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Remember your time zones. Big Brother USA Time is Pacific Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. http://www.mortystv.com/images/bb16/Big_Brother_16_Houseguest_Guide.pdf


Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:


Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

Battle of the Block (BotB)

Bedroom (BR)

Back Yard (BY)

Bedroom (BR)

Dining Table (DT)

Fire room (FR)

Head of House Room (HOHR)

Kitchen (KT)

Indoor Lock Down (ILD)

Living Room (LR)

Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)

Washroom Area (WA)

Water Closet (WC)



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12:49am Derrick, Victoria, and Frankie all up again in the kitchen getting food and heading out to the BY.



12:55 am They seem to be sitting in silence for the most part. Derrick on the lounger part of the patio couchs. Frankie heads inside. Derrick is trying to better explain why she needs to be careful what she does. He says he didn’t want to come off mean  just  to be careful what she says and to who.


1:05am Derrick tells her he just doesn’t want her to take what he said personally. He just doesn’t want to see her mess up her chances  of staying because she had that extra glass of wine. He keeps saying he really thinks she's fine


1:13am Victoria and Derrick in the BY talking about the game and what has kept them sane. Victoria says she is praying she makes it to the top 2. Derrick says he thinks shes fine this week but they will need to win if it’s a double eviction. Frankie has gone back to bed


1:23am Derrick tells her in the end he's going to try and beat her just like she's going to try and beat him.  That if either of them win the game it will be on their own accord but they have helped each other along the way. She is freaking out about Cody when he came to the sliding door last night and made a comment about them being attached at the hip again.


1:34am Derrick tells her that he knows she is a great person and they will be friends  when they leave. But they are in different places in their  lives. They are going to talk but shes a 22 yr old single girl, she will be busy. His life outside this house is hectic, they will have a LONG talk when its all over but she is one of the few people in the house that he will keep in touch with. BUT inside the house he HAS to stay focused, he will try to help but he has to play for Jana Tenley and himself and he cannot lose focus now.


1:46am Derrick tells her that she is awesome, shes his little sisters age but she's awesome. He also says the game is about to get dirty and to remember no matter what that he does see her as a good person that there is only so much they can control.


1:56am Victoria is heading inside first tonight. Derrick is talking to the camera telling us that he almost slipped. He almost told her right there but that would be a mistake. He keeps saying just wat, just 6 days, God I can't wait to tell these people. He says telling her would've been dumb he thinks she would keep the secret but it would have been dumb.


2:17am All HG in nice warm beds and dark rooms again

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Wow. WORST BBAD ever. 1:20 in (I think we're at about this morning 10am BBT in the taping at this point) and it's been mostly compete silence for the last half hour.


10:05ish AM (1:29 TVGN time): Frankie announces to Victoria he "fucking hates the button."  They seem to be talking about maybe a response to Julie's interaction on eviction night. They then discuss acceptable swear substitutions.   Frankie says "hell" is the first Disney swear, but he doesn't understand the difference between "hell", the place, and "hell" used as profanity.  The Disney usage he refers to is not profane.


11:00ish AM (2:15 TGVN time) Frankie decides after nothing happening for 2 hours, he's going back to bed.  Victoria and Frankie are chatting soon in the fire room.  Derrick is cleaning in KT.  Cody keeps getting warned (at least 3 times in the last hour) he's sleeping on the couch and it's not permitted.  Caleb has been asleep in the HOH for about an hour.


11:05ish AM Victoria is worrying about her medical conditions, including her red, flaky, bloody scalp, and Frankie is trying to reassure her that it's probably from the stress and the awful dry house.  He says he's so dry his skin's like an alligator.  Derrick comes in and goes to bed in the fire room without saying anything.  Victoria says "this sucks" and goes over to Frankie to get a hug.  Frankie soon says he hopes people are talking about him on the outside, and then says "obviously they are."


11:35ish AM Frankie counting episodes, apparently still in the dark that an eviction will be taped Monday.  He says to snoozing Derrick Sunday will be episode 39.  He's still very confused about the schedule.  Nothing has happened with the tie-dye shirts yet.  They're still on the living room coffee table, as white as when they got them.

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11:55am Derrick, Cody and Caleb in the LVR talking about shoes. Derrick goes to the str and gets something then goes back to the LVR and Cody ask if he can wear the snaps for the veto then derrick goes back to the Wa and Victoria tells him GOOD LUCK and he says  good luck to him to  her too. Derrick says we are all winners and we are in the final veto comp. They are all getting ready to go out to play the veto comp.Derrick says can i tell you a secret and She says yeah  then he tells her i am nervous right now.and we go back to jeff's reels.

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