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Cody Calafiore (Week 11 - Take 2) - PoV winner


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He said on the live feeds last Thursday that he didn't want to be boo'd. He is very worried that he is going to be looked at bad because of what they were doing. She definitely crossed lines with what she did, but he could have been a little less playful with her knowing she was married.

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If he doesn't make F2 with anybody - he gets zip.

And trashing Hayden re: the luxury comp was childish & selfish. Hayden won the comp and Victoria was his partner so she won $5k.

The only reason he wanted Hayden to "throw it to Nicole" was because he was Nicole's partner - and he would have won $5k.

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When I first tuned in to BBAD Cody looked like he was in shock that he won. But I am glad that he bested his time by about 10 minutes. He definitely gets a star for that.

Up in the HOH with Caleb - he actually made a game decision (w/o checking with Derrick first). When Caleb wanted the vote against Frankie to be a tie - so he could make a big speech to Frankie and be the deciding vote to send Frankie home. Cody was quite decisive in shutting that down immediately.

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When I first tuned in to BBAD Cody looked like he was in shock that he won. But I am glad that he bested his time by about 10 minutes. He definitely gets a star for that.

Up in the HOH with Caleb - he actually made a game decision (w/o checking with Derrick first). When Caleb wanted the vote against Frankie to be a tie - so he could make a big speech to Frankie and be the deciding vote to send Frankie home. Cody was quite decisive in shutting that down immediately.

Yea , Derrick and Cody ain't that dumb to give Caleb a chance to think about keeping Frankie. :D

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I still think that there's a chance for something to turn around and change up Cody's game. Caleb & Cody are both aware that Derrick has never been nominated either initially or as a replacement nominee.

Caleb is not afraid of being on the block because he always had the votes to stay with the BS alliance. He never freaked out and he even volunteered to be nominated - he handled it well.

Cody has survived being on the block even though he was scared the whole time. Before the nominations Caleb told Cody that it was time for Derrick to take one for the team - but then nominated Frankie instead.

Even though Cody has been aligned with Derrick in their 2 man alliance -The Hitmen - since the beginning of the game, I think he would rather be in F2 with Caleb rather than Derrick. I believe that Frankie got in Cody's head with the stuff about Derrick in F2 with anybody and using his status as a family man with a wife & kid as justification for the win.

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