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EVICTED (Sep. 16) - Frankie Grande (Week 11 - Take 2) - nominated + Team America (Juror #7)


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Frankie is a big fan of the game and he played it hard, a lot harder than some of those self-proclaimed "super fans".  (I am so sick of the word.)  I don't think him being a Youtuber or having a famous sister should keep him out of the game. 


I'm not crazy about a lot of his behaviour in the house, but I don't like when people are boring either, and most everyone on this season was.


I'm with Slim - the whole season was pretty much a boring piece of crap and I won't remember any of it in a matter of weeks. 

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Guest 6Borders

Has anyone notified CBS that they can go ahead and send the jury home because skankie will single handily pick who wins?

I'm sure Fakie is already driving the jury nuts telling them how to vote.  He is going to interrupt every single thing any one of them says when it comes time for deliberations and try to run the whole show!!

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It was clear to me that most of them did not really like him. And he will have had a bit of time to make an entrance and bring sunshine to the "little Normal people" before Beast Mode arrives to "Tell on him" and to share Skankie's  parting words to them--his threats etc.   I am sure everyone will love hearing Skankie's final remarks to the final 4!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully , it will be fun!!!

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Thanks for your opinions. I understand how you feel about him. There is just something about his never giving up and always being upbea that I admire. I could be his friend without a problem. He would get on my nerves and i would have to yell at him, but I think he is a very loyal person who needs to grow up more. I wish him luck in his life.

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Guest 6Borders

I personally do not feel Frankie belonged in the regular BB game.   Being a big BB fan is great but being able to use his sister's fans (most of his followers are apparently hers because she's in all his UTube videos) for votes is just wrong, not to mention the constant shout-out's to Justin Bieber (who, because he and Frankie's airhead sister have the same manager) also started tweeting his fans to vote for Frankie! 


My solutions and what I think is more fair: 

1.  Have a special Celebrity BB and put people like Frankie on it.  They can name drop and shout out to their fan bases all they want,spend their days one-upping each other with their accomplishments, there won't be any "normal people" who don't belong in their world or travel in their circles, and CBS could give them special perks and privledges for how much extra money they make for CBS (just like they did for Frankie this year)...and they should ALL be playing for a charity!


2.  America's Favorite Player voting  should be limited to Live feeder's ONLY!  This would discourage the majority of the little twits 'n tweens who never watched the show but went to CBS to vote for Frankie because Air(head)iana and Justin Butthead asked them to, and CBS should get rid of the 2-day free feed trial before the voting begins for AFP!


3.  Have some other vote for something like a trip (that CBS can get donated) for the general TV/BBAD viewing audience to participate in.

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Maybe he would do better on that Donald Trump show where all the celebrities compete for their "charities".


I think Frankie has nowhere to go but down. His sister get tired of him taking credit for her success. If she ever marries, her priorities will change. If Frankie is in charge of her finances. That will grow old.


Frankie's penchant for straight man-groping could lead to his quick demise.

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I do HATE him and am quite happy to say so. He is evil, vindictive, nauseating and a despicable human being. Loyal ??? To whom? His sister? He has to be--that's where his bread is Buttered. 

Look up and check out the pathetic and creepy shots of  three big blown up pictures of Ariana with --Guess Who--in FRONT of her in the same pose. Of course he can do it better. That says it all.

Frankie = "Bitchmode Barf Boy"

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I still see nothing wrong with him being in the game at all.  He was by far one of the better players this season and that he did on his own. 


They should get rid of AFP altogether as you have players like Donny skipping out on the actual game in lieu of that and it would eliminate any so called advantage people with more famous ties have.


We need more big personalities, not less. 

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Guest 6Borders

I agree 1000000000% we need "big personalities" on BB,  but I 10000000% disagree that we should have the Fakie J. Grande's with their ready-supply of tweet-twits (via famous sister and nothing they did in the BB house to earn those 18.7 million votes) on this show!


There are plenty of big personalities out there among real people but CBS choses to cash in on the "Grande Connection"...;total Grodner&Meeham cop out!


What is so wrong with Zach, Nicole, Donny winning AFP???  Oh right...they don't travel in the "circles" Fakie (and his better wake up or soon-to-be-nobody sister, especially if she keeps saying she wishes her fans would all f'ing die) do!

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Guest 6Borders

They could have just eliminated Team America from eligibility for AFP all together.  They got some money already.  It would be unfair to Donnie, but like I said, he got some $$ already. 

Agreed!  The whole idea was pretty stupid and weak!


They also should have waited until week 4 or 5 for the selection of Team America and given us a chance to know the HG's.

I also didn't like most of the tasks.  Zach's game could have been affected by the "relation to Amanda" mission, and because he's Zaney Zach and decided to swipe a pool bal just to be funny, his game was affected.

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Alot of people don't get the reasons why I feel that Frankie should not have been cast on this show.  They have a show on another network its called Celebrity Apprentice.  The celebrities are competing for the title and they are competing for charity.  I do not hate Frankie but I dislike him so much simply because he acted like a typical want to be celebrity.  He told Nicole that he didn' get to hang out with normal people alot.  He had every intention of spilling his secret from the begining,  I think he was hoping that someone would actually regonize him from his you tube and when no one did he threw out the broadway shows it was only a matter of time before the Ariana card was played.  While I don't think that big brother should discriminate against house guests because of their connections I don't think they should be thrown in the house with regular people who don't travel with managers and a road crew and who are not playing for charity. I do know one thing I never heard of Ariana Grande before big brother now she is everywhere it is almost sickening I cannot watch any shows on TV without seeing her left side plastered somewhere.  She is hosting SNL on Saturday I am sure her older brother will be back stage hoping he gets to walk on the stage since he now considers himself a regular reality star.  I am hoping his 15 mins vanishes soon..

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I'm sure we'll see a reality show pop up that will feature people that have internet / tweeter / you-tube, etc. followers.


Kinda 'wanna-bes'.  Let them compete with each other ... and THEN have comps where their followers decide

who should win $$'s or prizes.


That kind of show would satisfy those that crave attention... and also the ones that are content being the groupies (sp).

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They had youtubers on Amazing Race, twice, and I don't remember any uproar about that.  Those sorts of people are not celebrities to me.  At all.  I don't care that he has a famous sister either.  That usually would have worked against him big time, but he was in a house with insufferable idiots this year.  But, at the end of the day, it didn't help him one iota either.  :P


That said, Slowpoke I could see a variation of your show working.  It would totally stroke their insufferable little egos and need for attention and their groupies get to feel like they are part of it all as well. 

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I just recently watched Frankie's video tape that he submitted for Survivor and I was quite surprised.

That Frank J. Grande was entirely different than the one we were exposed to on BB. That "persona" was not the 'over-the-top flamboyant, pink haired, self centered know-it-all' that played BB this year.

At this point, I don't even think Frankie knows who the "real Frank J. Grande" is.

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Guest 6Borders

@Janis, I totally agree 100% with everything you said!!  I feel the exact same way.


The difference between BB and TAR is on TAR we don't vote for teams to get special perks or prizes so it really doesn't matter what they do.  I always suspected that non-elimination legs were switched around on occasion to favor a team they didn't want elimiminated, but that's production manipulation and not fan manipulation.


Julie Chen is already doing her damage control, that Ariana's fans are young and don't watch BB.  This is true but it does NOT mean they don't go vote because Aihead tweeted them to do so, which is why it makes it totally unfair, not to mention Fakie & Airhead's mother sent out tweets and Bieber got the Beiber Brats involved.


I hope Grodner is smart and compensates Fakie in some other way.  Fakie said he needed 25K to build one school (how convenient that it just happens to be the amount of AFP).  The way I see it Fakie has his stipend and 20K from TA, so he can build a school and still have money left over for glitter!

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I read on another site that Ariana switched up with 10 hours to vote and asked that they vote for Zach, not Frankie.  I don't follow her, so can't verify if legit.  I put in all my votes for Zach.   Hope he gets it, or Donnie, either one...JUST not Frankie.  

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Frankie is just doing his thing like you and me and all the other crazy people in this world.  It's not that big a deal, really.  Who is to say?  He is so much less harmful to the environment than a bunch of past and present big brother house guests I deign to divulge.


She is his little sister, for chrissakes.  Let him enjoy a little of the glamour and be proud of her.  We all know he would adore being her but he won't.  Can't.  

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Frankie is just doing his thing like you and me and all the other crazy people in this world.  It's not that big a deal, really.  Who is to say?  He is so much less harmful to the environment than a bunch of past and present big brother house guests I deign to divulge.


She is his little sister, for chrissakes.  Let him enjoy a little of the glamour and be proud of her.  We all know he would adore being her but he won't.  Can't.  

I agree with you.


 Why shouldn't he be permitted to go on and on like Jeff and Jordan, Evil Dick, Rachael and Brendan?  Didn't Rachaels sister benefit from having loads of tweeters and youtubers from fans of her sisters? I don't think he is any different than the wash-ups that precede him.


He was harmless in the house and no more a phony than the rest of them that are putting on a show for the cameras. Frankie played hard and well. There is no such things as "real" people in the house, they all want a shot at fame.  Real people don't up and leave their jobs and families for money because real people who need money go out and earn it.


Even though there are countless bitch stories about Ariana daily in the news, she still has celebrity status and since that isn't easy to achieve it's no big deal he is proud of her.


Not sure what is about him that got everyone's panties in a twist. His biggest fault was being too trusting and he could have kicked the others to the curb first because he definitely had more opportunities they they did.

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Guest 6Borders

Frankie dropping the "famous sister" card did get him further in the game, however Derrick was the only one not impressed and he's mostly been calling the shots all season.


Frankie had some entertaining moments in the house but everything was "all about Frankie" (like that stupid TA play).


What bothered me the most was, and there is no other way to say it, the sexual harassment Frankie exhibited and was able to get away with, and the reason he got away with it are the same reasons people get away with it in the workplace or school or anywhere...they are scared to confront and be targeted, fired or harassed even worse.  Then Julie (who stuck it to Aaryn right out the eviction door for her remarks, mostly about Asians) treated Frankie like royalty and never mentioned the constant groping and humping of the guys in the house.


From the looks of the screen capture, Frankie is going to be very bitter with his questions!

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Frankie dropping the "famous sister" card did get him further in the game, however Derrick was the only one not impressed and he's mostly been calling the shots all season.


Frankie had some entertaining moments in the house but everything was "all about Frankie" (like that stupid TA play).


What bothered me the most was, and there is no other way to say it, the sexual harassment Frankie exhibited and was able to get away with, and the reason he got away with it are the same reasons people get away with it in the workplace or school or anywhere...they are scared to confront and be targeted, fired or harassed even worse.  Then Julie (who stuck it to Aaryn right out the eviction door for her remarks, mostly about Asians) treated Frankie like royalty and never mentioned the constant groping and humping of the guys in the house.


From the looks of the screen capture, Frankie is going to be very bitter with his questions!

I, too was disturbed by Frankie's sexual harassment of the boys in the BB house. I've been around gay men in social situations and I've never seen a gay man behave that way. Big Brother has cast several gay men as HGs in the past - and none of them ever behaved that way.

I am not homophobic, nor am a prude - but I never thought I would live to see the day where I would witness a gay man sexually harass straight men on television -constantly. I understand touchy-feelie type people because I was raised by a family that hugs & kisses and offers that kind of physical intimacy when appropriate (ie. meet & greet as in welcoming someone into your home; during times of celebration; offering a shoulder to cry on in times of despair, etc.)

I honestly believe that the only reason that Frankie turned on Zack was because Zack rejected Frankie's sexual advances. Frankie will use the excuse that Zack was messing up his game - but I think that Frankie's ego could not accept Zack's rejection. I also believe that Zack did genuinely like Frankie - but only as a friend.

The men on BB16 tolerated Frankie's inappropriate behavior for far too long - but towards the end you could see that Caleb and Cody were getting tired of it.

Big Brother production allowed Frankie to behave this way and televised it. (BBAD) They could have stopped it at any time - but for whatever reason they did not.

I can't help but wonder if it was a straight man doing this to the women in the house if the result would have been the same.

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Was Frankie touchy feeling behavior over the top? Yes is was. However, I don't buy into the belief that the reason he got away with it was because people was afraid of being accused of being homophobic. There was only one gay guy in the house. People could have put a stop to Frankie's behavior at any time. Derrick is a cop. Zach was a loud mouth that didn't mind calling people out for other things. However, he enjoyed Frankie's attention. Caleb was a veteran that served in the infantry and as a prison guard. I believe they allowed it because they were in the BS and they believed it was in the best interest of their game. Simple as that. They didn't have any problem calling him out when he started talking about being the most important person in the jury. 

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