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EVICTED (Sep. 16) - Frankie Grande (Week 11 - Take 2) - nominated + Team America (Juror #7)


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Guest 6Borders

Do you really think Skankie's sister will be in the audience the night he gets the boot? I mean after all it's not guarenteed he's going home that night. With her hectic schedule I don't see her being there unless it's a sure thing. If he made the F2 I could see that happening.

She was there the last time BB was afraid Frankie MIGHT get the boot and he didn't.  He's in real trouble this time so I have no doubt she will be whisked there on whatever moonbeam it takes to be in the audience!  I'm sure her brainless fans will totally understand if she has to be late for a concert of something to be there for her bro!

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She was there the last time BB was afraid Frankie MIGHT get the boot and he didn't.  He's in real trouble this time so I have no doubt she will be whisked there on whatever moonbeam it takes to be in the audience!  I'm sure her brainless fans will totally understand if she has to be late for a concert of something to be there for her bro!


I was under the impression that anyone going to sequester was not allowed ANY contact with the outside world, or influences.. so why would the Diva be in the audience?  ( other than to try to increase CBS's ratings ) 

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Frankie knows he's toast. It's a moot point whether they tell him or not.

Frankie got outplayed by Derrick and he knows it. And Frankie is not the type to just let it go.

Frankie could totally blow up Derrick's game by planting some seeds of his own with Caleb & Cody - because both of them are easily manipulated.

Caleb & Cody are highly competitive with each other because they're always counting & comparing their respective win records.

If Frankie could somehow get Cody to use the veto on Victoria - Derrick would go on the block automatically vs Frankie. Caleb could tell Derrick that he is just a pawn because Cody & Victoria will vote to evict Frankie. Caleb could tell Derrick that he has to take one for the team- since he's never been on the block.

But instead of 2 votes to evict Frankie - it's tie and Caleb gets to break the tie and have his moment in the spotlight to give his speech.

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I was under the impression that anyone going to sequester was not allowed ANY contact with the outside world, or influences.. so why would the Diva be in the audience?  ( other than to try to increase CBS's ratings ) 

She could just smile and wave.  It wouldn't affect anything.


They have already had a fair amount of outside influence with Jeff and Jordan coming in. 

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I was under the impression that anyone going to sequester was not allowed ANY contact with the outside world, or influences.. so why would the Diva be in the audience?  ( other than to try to increase CBS's ratings ) 


That's what I said a few weeks ago when he was up against Jocasta. Jocasta went to jury and BB knew that whoever was voted out would go to jury. Ariana was in the audience and then took pictures with people. She said she wanted to be there because of their grandfather just dying. So do we really all believe that CBS wouldn't have let them talk to each other.

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Frankie's meltdown continues. He paces back and forth in the bathroom mumbling his Veto Mtg speech  ... he again tries to get into the DR but they won't let him in ... he sits in the LR with Cody, Victoria and Derrick jabbering on constantly while wringing his hand.

After the way he's trashed many of the other HGs, I gotta admit that it's fun to watch.  :clap:

I hope BB stays out of this and lets nature take its course.

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Frankie's meltdown continues. He paces back and forth in the bathroom mumbling his Veto Mtg speech  ... he again tries to get into the DR but they won't let him in ... he sits in the LR with Cody, Victoria and Derrick jabbering on constantly while wringing his hand.

After the way he's trashed many of the other HGs, I gotta admit that it's fun to watch.  :clap:

I hope BB stays out of this and lets nature take its course.


Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

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Guest 6Borders

I was under the impression that anyone going to sequester was not allowed ANY contact with the outside world, or influences.. so why would the Diva be in the audience?  ( other than to try to increase CBS's ratings ) 

Those rules only apply to "real people".  CBS would not fly in nor let attend in the audience (before finale) Derrick's wife and baby or Cody's dad!  CBS will make every attempt to cash in whenever the Airina Train pulls into the station.  Last time Julie took selfies with Airhead and they milked the publicity (it goes both ways, helps Airhead too) for all they could get!


I still think CBS has some show in mind with Fakie and Airhead sister!

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Those rules only apply to "real people".  CBS would not fly in nor let attend in the audience (before finale) Derrick's wife and baby or Cody's dad!  CBS will make every attempt to cash in whenever the Airina Train pulls into the station.  Last time Julie took selfies with Airhead and they milked the publicity (it goes both ways, helps Airhead too) for all they could get!


I still think CBS has some show in mind with Fakie and Airhead sister!


Maybe they can put those two with the Kardashians. They can call it "El Grande Kardashians" They could have a contest to see which is more inflated: Grande's ego or Kardashians boobs.

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Those rules only apply to "real people".  CBS would not fly in nor let attend in the audience (before finale) Derrick's wife and baby or Cody's dad!  CBS will make every attempt to cash in whenever the Airina Train pulls into the station.  Last time Julie took selfies with Airhead and they milked the publicity (it goes both ways, helps Airhead too) for all they could get!


I still think CBS has some show in mind with Fakie and Airhead sister!


They did bring Brittany's kids for her eviction. Maybe it is just a new thing they will be doing now for some houseguests.


The Frankie hate out there has really snowballed.


I have 2 things to say about Frankie


1) He has played the game really well. He always kept his head in the game and worked hard to get to the end. If he won he deserves it.


1) His touching and and hugging and kisses are something I think is intruding on a person's personal space. His laying on the men is wrong. The guys don't like it but Frankie knows there is nothing they can say about it or they will be called homophobic. That power he has is what I call sexual harassment.

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I think this was just what BB wanted. They probably asked in the interview stage what the Guys would do if a gay Man acted this way, they needed to counter react what happened last year. That being said I also think it was game play on the guys side. I think Frankie and Darrick are the only two that are playing the game.

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I agree, minimom. They went overboard on the "tolerance" issue because of the "sins of the past" so to speak. Those guys are definitely earning their money this year.

Just a little aside on the cuddling thing though. My sister was telling me last night that our niece (who is a freshman in college) and the kids she hangs out with (lots of theatre/music majors) are like the BB house. They all hang all over each other, cuddle on the couch while watching movies, etc., in a strictly platonic way. She said she couldn't get over how similar it was to BB EXCEPT, the hetero-sexual guys don't cuddle other guys. Lol. I'm so old! I just don't get it. I'm a very affectionate person but my personal space is and always has been reserved for my guy, not my girlfriends or guy friends. New trend or is someone gonna tell me my niece and her friends are gay? Lol

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They did bring Brittany's kids for her eviction. Maybe it is just a new thing they will be doing now for some houseguests.


She wasn't going into jury. And they didn't have fly them in from anywhere since she lives in that area.


On the double eviction show that Ariana showed up for, Jocasta went out first and then Hayden. Ariana showed up in case Frankie went out on the second (double) eviction. She wanted to be there for him. Jury members have always been sequestered and not allowed access to the outside world. 


The BS that Julie was throwing out there last week on The Talk about how Ariana was low key and slipped in after the lights went down and blah blah blah.... Hayden saw her and even commented that she threw some shade his way. 


The fact is that CBS is playing to the tween crowd on this one. And it's working. Most of Ariana's fans had never even heard of Big Brother. And for the most part they won't watch next year. So look for another "sibling" to show up for BB 17.

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Ya know - I don't watch the Talk so don't know what is going on.


I do keep passing over the thread here here that is named Ariana. She is not in the game.


What does it mean that Ariana "threw some shade" at Hayden?


(forgive me I am not hip) :cookie:

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Ya know - I don't watch the Talk so don't know what is going on.


I do keep passing over the thread here here that is named Ariana. She is not in the game.


What does it mean that Ariana "threw some shade" at Hayden?


(forgive me I am not hip) :cookie:


Don't feel bad Marty. I used to be hip but I had that replaced. :dj:

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Ya know - I don't watch the Talk so don't know what is going on.


I do keep passing over the thread here here that is named Ariana. She is not in the game.


What does it mean that Ariana "threw some shade" at Hayden?


(forgive me I am not hip) :cookie:

Throw shade, from urban dictionary:


To talk trash about a friend or acquaintance, to publicly denounce or disrespect. When throwing shade, it's immediately obvious to on-lookers that the thrower, and not the throwee, is the bitcy, uncool one.


I first learned the term from watching Real Housewives of Atlanta.  It's not a phrase I would really use in real life, because people would look at me like I was nuts.  :laugh4:

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