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Caleb Reynolds (Week 11 - Take 2) - HoH


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He's a complete narcissist with a low IQ.  Is that harmless or dangerous?  :scared:  I think he has misogynistic tendencies too so it's concerning for the not-so-bright country girl who actually does want a relationship with him.  Her world will have to revolve around his, being he's the center of the universe and all.

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After watching last season and thinking of all the crap the hg's will face when they get out this years batch of lab rats should have nothing to fear. With the exception of their home towns they will all have their 15 minuets of fame and then POOF, their gone. I really thought Aaryn and Gina Marie were gonna catch hell for the racial remarks they made for a long, long time but within 30 days I never saw a media clip of them peroid. America's attention span for stuff like this is very short lived which is a good thing for these fools.

I predict he will see t-shirts that say "MY NAME IS AMBER AND I HAVE A RESTRAINING ORDER" for many years to come.


Or better yet:  KISS ME, I AM BEAST MODE.

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Do you think he's dangerous, Kywildcat?! If so, I think a good part of the male population should be incarcerated lol.

I've worked and lived around many guys like him as well as many intelligent, well-educated men. Caleb may be lacking in grey cells but believe me, there are plenty of successful, well-educated men whose egos require a partner who thinks the sun rises and falls on them. They just know how to hide it better.

Just my opinion but I think he's pretty much harmless. I don't think I would want my daughter to fall in love with him but none-the-less, no more "dangerous" than your avg guy. He just needs to take his mother's advice and learn to be humble. He's young and full of himself right now - he'll figure it out as he matures hopefully!

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I think that Caleb has some sorta "IT" factor. Call it charisma; likeability or whatever - but he has it.

If Caleb doesn't make F2 and comes in 3rd or 4th - I think that he should capitalize on his infamous "infatuation with Amber" and turn it into a positive.

Instead of his bad idea of a TV show where he dates unattractive girls who are desperate. He could host a scripted reality show that gives dating advice to hapless men like him. He would need a couple of experts on hand to show the dos & don'ts of dating, etc. But I think it could work.

Or he could host a scripted reality show about Hunting. Colby from Survivor had a shooting competition show on the History Channel called "Top Shot". I don't like or shoot guns - but I watched that show because I like competitions with real people. (Been a BB fan since the beginning.)

Plus Caleb is a big romantic at heart - His favorite movie is "The Notebook".

And please let Beastmode Cowboy die at the end of BB.

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Guest 6Borders

After watching last season and thinking of all the crap the hg's will face when they get out this years batch of lab rats should have nothing to fear. With the exception of their home towns they will all have their 15 minuets of fame and then POOF, their gone. I really thought Aaryn and Gina Marie were gonna catch hell for the racial remarks they made for a long, long time but within 30 days I never saw a media clip of them peroid. America's attention span for stuff like this is very short lived which is a good thing for these fools.



Exactly!  I think GM did get fired, and this year's rumors on last year's HG's went back and forth on Spencer (I suspect he got a reprimand in his jacket and that was the end of it).  Aaryn's mommy hired 2-3 publicists to get her butt off the hot seat, starting with the wrap party, and turned it around that Aaryn dropped her agency and signed with another one.  Miss Aaryn is apparently doing fine (tho I could care less about her or any past HG).


Caleb will try to capitalize on his BB experience and probably fail (he just does not have enough in the whole package to be attractive to an agent/agency) so he'll bore people in bars and on "hunts" about his BB experience.  He keeps offering to take some of his "fans" on a hunting package...I am sure there will be plenty of low-life nobody's out for that free-bee, not the big celebs Caleb thinks he will attract!

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So, what are you saying, arrowhead? Caleb's family hasn't been sufficiently conditioned to believe it's perfectly acceptable for a gay person of the same sex to dry hump you? Lol. You DO realize they would be considered haters by the politically-correct movement if they gave him crap about it, right? Only safe to do so in private - otherwise the "thought police" will crucify you. (Wish I could throw in some emoticons here!)

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After the show he could always catch flies for a living.


ooops... that won't work.  He'd do the 'catch and release'... like they do with some fish.


Never mind.


He could start a snail farm. crunch crunch :lol:

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please nooooo .... I just got my shell back from the shop after my last encounter with Wicked...



:lookaround: by the way_ _ _ where has she been all day ? :hide:


Maybe she's busy down in her dungeon hiding bodies :r2d2: Ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing

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Just reading the LFUs before I call it a nite.

Couldn't resist copy and pasting Kekila's update :


#BB16 7:33PM BBT  Caleb says that he sees himself opening for a country singer.  :sing:  Says he will take the name Beastmode Cowboy. Says he can see if on the banner.



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Just reading the LFUs before I call it a nite.

Couldn't resist copy and pasting Kekila's update :


#BB16 7:33PM BBT  Caleb says that he sees himself opening for a country singer.  :sing:  Says he will take the name Beastmode Cowboy. Says he can see if on the banner.





I know this is totally mean and cruel but don't you just love it when some delusional douchbag on BB really thinks that when they get out of the house throngs of their adoring fans will be waiting for them. Have they not watched this show before? Quite a few of them in the past have had the same thoughts and in the end had the same results. I would be terrified to openly say stuff like that and have it backfire in my face. I'm telling you now Caleb and Skankie are gonna be STUNNED when they find out Donny is getting a small part in a daytime soap opera. If he gets AF they are going to need smelling salts as well.

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Guest 6Borders

I know this is totally mean and cruel but don't you just love it when some delusional douchbag on BB really thinks that when they get out of the house throngs of their adoring fans will be waiting for them. Have they not watched this show before? Quite a few of them in the past have had the same thoughts and in the end had the same results. I would be terrified to openly say stuff like that and have it backfire in my face. I'm telling you now Caleb and Skankie are gonna be STUNNED when they find out Donny is getting a small part in a daytime soap opera. If he gets AF they are going to need smelling salts as well.

It's just the cruel hard facts you speak!!! :hammer:


I doubt Frankie will care about Donny getting a spot on a soap (soaps are beneath a big broadway star like Fakie).  Caleb might be impressed but the Bold and The Beautiful is a joke soap CBS has tossed several of their past HG's on with guest spots (Rachel, Jeff...I am sure there were others).


The ONLY thing real and semi-not delusional about Caleb is his military service.  I applaude his service to his Country (tho I can see why the Army made him a prison guard so they could keep track of him, otherwise Caleb would have been running around Iraq and Afghanstan with an M16 trying to single-handedly defeat the enemy).

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It's just the cruel hard facts you speak!!! :hammer:


I doubt Frankie will care about Donny getting a spot on a soap (soaps are beneath a big broadway star like Fakie).  Caleb might be impressed but the Bold and The Beautiful is a joke soap CBS has tossed several of their past HG's on with guest spots (Rachel, Jeff...I am sure there were others).


The ONLY thing real and semi-not delusional about Caleb is his military service.  I applaude his service to his Country (tho I can see why the Army made him a prison guard so they could keep track of him, otherwise Caleb would have been running around Iraq and Afghanstan with an M16 trying to single-handedly defeat the enemy).



I believe Howard from last year BB  had guest spot on there as well...

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During the Iraq war, when you were a prison guard, your prisoners were enemy POWs. We all recall the scandal at Abu Girab. For a 19 year old to spend almost two years doing that would explain a lot about Caleb's quirks. He received an honorable discharge but is still battling PTSD. I suppose patriotism is a big joke to some people.


I'm disappointed with CBS that they would put him on this show. When(if) he is evicted Wednesday he will be a real man about it. Unlike Frankie or Donnie for that matter who made his eviction a big  pity party to get AFP. JMO.

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During the Iraq war, when you were a prison guard, your prisoners were enemy POWs. We all recall the scandal at Abu Girab. For a 19 year old to spend almost two years doing that would explain a lot about Caleb's quirks. He received an honorable discharge but is still battling PTSD. I suppose patriotism is a big joke to some people.


I'm disappointed with CBS that they would put him on this show. When(if) he is evicted Wednesday he will be a real man about it. Unlike Frankie or Donnie for that matter who made his eviction a big  pity party to get AFP. JMO.


Good post and very introspective. God Bless our brave men and women that have served for us.

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