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BB16 General Discussion - part 3 (non-houseguest-specific)


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I don't see this vote on the CBS page. This may have been twitter post.



I have been team Derrick from the start but for me, this is just BS. Why should he (or Frankie if some twist saves him) get an extra 50 thousand just for doing some silly missions that had no real effect on the game?

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So I'm a little confused (don't go there) We will have a eviction on Tues. and Wed. night, right? Are both going to be live evictions? I guess if Julie says "stay tuned for tonights evection" it will be taped. If she says "stay tuned for tonights live eviction" it will be live. Either way Wednesday will be a whirlwind for the hg's. HoH, nominations, Pov, results of Pov and next evicted HG PLUS the start of 3 part final HoH comp.


Are you confused? I know I am.

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So I'm a little confused (don't go there) We will have a eviction on Tues. and Wed. night, right? Are both going to be live evictions? I guess if Julie says "stay tuned for tonights evection" it will be taped. If she says "stay tuned for tonights live eviction" it will be live. Either way Wednesday will be a whirlwind for the hg's. HoH, nominations, Pov, results of Pov and next evicted HG PLUS the start of 3 part final HoH comp.


Are you confused? I know I am.


snap out of it! :fish:



I did hear that the taped eviction would have CBS staff and family in the audience on Monday.


Could be rumor could be true.... :animated_scratchchin:



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Who do find more annoying?


Caleb the Clueless who still does not understand how this whole thing works.


Frankie the Fakie who continues to talk about all the fame he will have.


It's times like right now that the feeds are:


Cameras 1 and 2 Frankie squealing like a fame whore about God knows what.... his voice is like a high pitched whistle that calls dogs....

Cameras 3 and 4 Caleb rambling on about final four and America's Player being one of the final four and just not grasping the BB concept.

Marty, according to Dingo Hamsterwatch, the eviction will be taped on Monday. Feeds will stay down until after Wednesday show. Live conviction Wed. Friday is season highlights. Last show/finale will be Wed. Sept.24.


I think the feeds came back on after they taped the eviction to get them to final four last year. That's what I've seen posted (with You Tube videos) because I cancelled the feeds last year.

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I hope they do, KissesinVa....Feeds have been pretty fishy this year. Supposedly, after Frankie goes, final four HOH comp is held. On Tuesday two go up on block, in BBhouse, veto comp, veto meeting...whoever wins POV will be safe.

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I'm not sure if this is the proper thread to place my query but here goes. What strikes me very odd this season is how easy the HGs have had with luxuries such as a pool table, exercise and weight equipment as well as games such as that beautiful chess board upstairs. I remember seasons past where one groups of HGs had to use cardboard or paper to make playing cards for something to do. I remember some sort of trash bag Slip 'n Slide creation for entertainment. And the HGs would plead with BB for some sports or exercise equipment. It seems like HGs are eating quite well [unless you were a Have Not]. They also seem to be asking BB frequently for special food or alcohol things and getting them.


I also don't remember another season where production is talked to so much or maybe that's just on TVGN's BBAD. My other observation is what's the use of having an HoH room when EVERYONE is using it . . . for showers, for snacks, for sleeping, etc. Also, Derrick and Cody seem to fall asleep a lot on the living room couches. So much to the point of the BB "voice" having to bust them verbally from above.


I have this question every BB season [well, almost everyone] . . . why don't the women play smarter and form an all girl alliance to vote the boys out for a change? This year, someone attempted and was so shut down so fast by the women that it cost her the game. It's the same beef I have with "Survivor" so maybe it's more of a sociological question of men vs. women.


And, last [i promise] . . . has anyone heard of America's Favorite Player voting? Caleb thinks he's a sure thing [not in my observation]. I think it's a toss up between Donny and Frankie but I think Frankie is losing America's favor as of late. If anyone knows where we can cast a vote or if CBS is even going to fork over the cash to do AFP this season, please drop me a line.


I would really also love to send my hearty thanks for all those who gave us daily updates off the live feeds. I was hospitalized two times this year for extended periods of time with tests often run during BB nights [don't they know to leave patients alone when BB is on?]. I can not thank you enough for the hours of joy brought to me by reading the updates, looking at the pictures and seeing  posts by my old friends mixed with new ones here at Morty's. Shout out to Morty. Love ya.

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Guest 6Borders

TV_Paige:  For quite a few years now the HG's have gotten more and more luxuries and entertainment in the house.  In the good old days they had to earn food, hot-tub privledges, parties....!!  They had to (as you pointed out) make their own entertainment


In the old days they also had to actually apply (send in tapes, go and stand in casting call lines for hours), now they are 90% recruited and just there to further or jump-start their careers, or promote their business (Boogie w/his restaurants; Will & Boogie with their bear & coffee biz or whatever it was), or promote their famous siblings (Frankie and his soon-to-be has-been sister).


BB is no longer about BB, it's about ratings and product integration.  Timnes they have a'changed!

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TV_Paige:  For quite a few years now the HG's have gotten more and more luxuries and entertainment in the house.  In the good old days they had to earn food, hot-tub privledges, parties....!!  They had to (as you pointed out) make their own entertainment


In the old days they also had to actually apply (send in tapes, go and stand in casting call lines for hours), now they are 90% recruited and just there to further or jump-start their careers, or promote their business (Boogie w/his restaurants; Will & Boogie with their bear & coffee biz or whatever it was), or promote their famous siblings (Frankie and his soon-to-be has-been sister).


BB is no longer about BB, it's about ratings and product integration.  Timnes they have a'changed!


Very good observation 6borders. They went and commericalized my damn TV show.

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True, times have changed in the BB house. I hate the fame-seeking thing but really, I like the fact that they give them things to do (I wish they would give them MORE things to occupy their time) & feed them well, etc. Personally, I would go bat-chit crazy being locked up in there with a bunch of idiots. I don't want to watch a bunch of down-trodden, depressed souls!

I wish they would stop recruiting people whose main objective is to launch their "celebrity" status, up the prize to 1 mil for first & $250K for second so they would be more inclined to actually PLAY the game instead of obsessing about how much freakin' camera time they're getting or Crushing on someone. I also think they should throw in someone who isn't competing for the prize and is just there to stir the pot so we can enjoy characters like Zach throughout the ENTIRE season.

As far as the women vs men thing...I don't know if we'll EVER get a season of women who will actually have the intelligence, social skills & savvy to break up a massive guy alliance formed early on. . .which will more than likely be the strategy every year. It's just their nature to view women hg's as weaker pawns first & foremost and #1 targets if they're smarter than a box of hair! Every year I hope we'll get to enjoy the females turning the tables on the boys club...every year I'm disappointed on that front!

I think it's impossible to come up with a cast that includes enough women who are focused, smart, confident, brave and wiley enough to form an impenetrable all-girl alliance capable of picking off the males one by one. The guys make it look so easy because it IS easy for them. WHY can't the females do it? Million dollar question.

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Miss seeing you around kiddo.  Sending a couple of 'stay well' thoughts out to you.


AND, YES, seems like the HGs feel like they're due lots of goodies to keep them occupied.

I'm soooo tired of hearing them say... " I'm boooored !! "


NOPE, not like the BBs of the past.

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Guest 6Borders

Wisegal, agree with everything you said!


I think the biggest problem(s) with getting a good cast is it's hard to find people who can and will take 3+ months off from their jobs to be on BB.  It's rare to get the Derrick's and Donny's who have real jobs to which they can return (or hopefully return).  This is why we get so many airheads & wannabee's, former semi-pro athletes and unemployed Zach's.  Even students have a hard time taking the time now that BB has extended the season so much.  Andy wasn't a full professor with tenure (if I recall correctly).


They definitely need more things to do in the house and BB (for editing purposes) packs all the comps in and then the rest of the week is either nothing because the outcome is set or paranoia, but either way usually a boring several days after POV.


I think it would be great to go back to earning food and perks as a whole house.  Get rid of have-not weeks but thow in have-not days as punishments!  Throw in a perk or prize for the most creative slop meal.  Each week points to an HG who has done something (like the most dishes, or anything equally silly) and get the phone call or something from home (without having to be HOH).  Anything to create some more excitement on both sides of the screen/monitor.


I also think it would be fun to have everyone play multiple comps for points for two weeks and then have a double eviction every two weeks, and also show at least 1/2 of those comps on the feeds.  It would give production plenty of time to get good footage, give the HG's something to do, and give the feeders less fish time.

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True, times have changed in the BB house.

I think it's impossible to come up with a cast that includes enough women who are focused, smart, confident, brave and wiley enough to form an impenetrable all-girl alliance capable of picking off the males one by one. The guys make it look so easy because it IS easy for them. WHY can't the females do it? Million dollar question.

The Big Brother franchise has been around for over 10 years and I believe that the producers shouldn't cast 'newbies' with 'veterans'. Some times the HGs who don't really know the game are too easily manipulated and controlled by the HGs that understand the game.

The producers could cast a season of nothing by 'fan favorites' People who know the game. Or they could cast a season of all 'newbies' - I feel the would have a better chance.

I also think that the season that Jordan Lloyd won made it look easy to prospective female HGS. The situation with Jeff & Jordan , I believe was unique and will most likely never happen again. But a lot of the women come on the show and think they can latch onto a man and win.

For this season I think that Joey, Brittany & Amber were the strong women who could have mounted a defense against the boys - but they ere evicted too early in the game. Nicole & Christine should have known better because they both know the game well - as super fans. When it comes to women making alliances with the men - I guess they forgot about BROS BEFORE HOES. That's a BB classic.

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The Big Brother franchise has been around for over 10 years and I believe that the producers shouldn't cast 'newbies' with 'veterans'. Some times the HGs who don't really know the game are too easily manipulated and controlled by the HGs that understand the game.

The producers could cast a season of nothing by 'fan favorites' People who know the game. Or they could cast a season of all 'newbies' - I feel the would have a better chance.

I also think that the season that Jordan Lloyd won made it look easy to prospective female HGS. The situation with Jeff & Jordan , I believe was unique and will most likely never happen again. But a lot of the women come on the show and think they can latch onto a man and win.

For this season I think that Joey, Brittany & Amber were the strong women who could have mounted a defense against the boys - but they ere evicted too early in the game. Nicole & Christine should have known better because they both know the game well - as super fans. When it comes to women making alliances with the men - I guess they forgot about BROS BEFORE HOES. That's a BB classic.


But Joey/Brittany and Amber were recruits - gone gone gone


Nicole and Christine were superfans and played for the men


Not sure what Jocasta and Victoria are...  super flops

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Jocasta, Pow-Pow & Victoria were "filler".

Thinking back - maybe Jocasta was there to form a 'christian alliance'??? In the beginning of the season these HGs did a lot of Bible reading - at one point or another, Amber, Caleb, Cody, Christine. But after Jocasta was evicted what happened to the Bible? Did she take it with her?

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Jocasta, Pow-Pow & Victoria were "filler".

Thinking back - maybe Jocasta was there to form a 'christian alliance'??? In the beginning of the season these HGs did a lot of Bible reading - at one point or another, Amber, Caleb, Cody, Christine. But after Jocasta was evicted what happened to the Bible? Did she take it with her?


Yep -  good call

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I just want them to cast a truly diverse group of people to play the game of Big Brother.

I'm a die-hard fan of the game and I wish they (the producers) would go back to the good old days of casting. I don''t need the "air-head eye candy".

I understand that CBS wants to capture the young demographic and be involved in social media - But they're hurting the Big Brother brand in the process.

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Guest 6Borders

I just want them to cast a truly diverse group of people to play the game of Big Brother.

I'm a die-hard fan of the game and I wish they (the producers) would go back to the good old days of casting. I don''t need the "air-head eye candy".

I understand that CBS wants to capture the young demographic and be involved in social media - But they're hurting the Big Brother brand in the process.

They should change the name to Big Brother Bucks for Greedy Producers and just make it a weekly game show! The "young demographic" that is upcoming is so fickle (namely the Airana, Belieber Brats and Frankie by proxy) that they will be on to the next thing in 6 months, if their attention span lasts that long.  The Ian's and Nicole's are in the minority of super fans who begin watching as kids!


CBS could really give a jar of Frankie's flying glitter about the real fans!

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I agree with many of the posts about the caliber of some (many) house guests but cbs and big brother are not upset about the numbers and we are here; watching and talking about it, just like last year and the year before.  I suspect that some of us would only leave big brother if big brother left first.   :cowboy:


Season 16 is not one of my favorite seasons.  Maybe it's just me.


I have come to realize that The Amazing Race is my favorite show of the type.   Big brother has become something predictable and boring, indeed.  Survivor seems to be going to the same well.  Again, maybe it's just me.


CIAO, everybody!  

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