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Thursday,September 4 Live Feeds / BB After Dark Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother USA Time is Pacific Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.

To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. http://www.mortystv.com/images/bb16/Big_Brother_16_Houseguest_Guide.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

Battle of the Block (BotB)

Bedroom (BR)

Back Yard (BY)

Bedroom (BR)

Dining Table (DT)

Fire room (FR)

Head of House Room (HOHR)

Kitchen (KT)

Indoor Lock Down (ILD)

Living Room (LR)

Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)

Washroom Area (WA)

Water Closet (WC)

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If you post questions or start conversations with each other here, they will be deleted.

Thank you! 

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#BB16 1:08AM BBT Nicole and Derrick have a long talk in the WC. She says she feels more human now that Derrick has talked to her and cleared things up.


#BB16 1:22AM BBT After rubbing his hand for a bit earlier, Christine asks Cody if she can play with his hair until he falls asleep. She starts to do so. The camera zooms in and she looks at it and continues playing with Cody's hair.


#BB16 1:50AM BBT Nicole and Derrick continue to talk. About who will take who to the F3. She talks about Christine taking Cody over Derrick. Nicole tells Derrick that she heard this is a boring season for strategy.


#BB16 2:16PM BBT Derrick goes to Christine and Cody. Christine tells Derrick that she spilled about the Detonators in her goodbye message to Nicole.


#BB16 2:39AM BBT Derrick goes to the Rock BR and Victoria gives him hassle shim about how much time he spent with Christine and Cody. Derrick tells Nicole that he ied about their conversation to Christine/Cody. Victoria talks about how much she hates Cody. Around 3 AM all HG finally go to sleep.


#BB16 3:37AM BBT Various HG are up in the KT getting snacks. Just general chatting no game talk. Finally one by one they head off to bed.

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#BB16 9:14AM BBT All HG still sleeping.


#BB16 9:36PM BBT Still sleeping...


#BB16 9:48AM BBT We have FOTH - time to wake up, drop off your activity tracker, change batteries and head back to bed!


#BB16 10:02AM BBT We are back. Caleb and Frankie back in HOH bed. Victoria wandering the house.

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#BB16 1:14PM BBT The feeds are back. Victoria is in the shower. Nicole still packing. Frankie in the KT - he got new hair dye so he is happy.


#BB16 1:19PM BBT Caleb walks into the WCA to tell the girls he found some make up and an earring in the SR. Nicole tells him the make up is Frankie's. Caleb goes out to the KT and tells Frankie about the make up. Frankie says that he left it in the SR so BB could buy him some more.


#BB16 1:31PM BBT Nicole in the shower. Caleb and Frankie in the KT talking about how they have this.


#BB16 1:34PM BBT Victoria flat irons her hair. Derrick talking about wrapping his knee for the competition. Victoria tells Nicole that they do the mock vote at 3 or 3:30PM.


#BB16 1:41PM BBT Derrick is wrapping his upper thigh. Nicole is drying her hair. Cody goes into the fire room. Derrick tells Cody to be careful what he says to Caleb. Caleb told Derrick that Frankie can not be trusted.

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#BB16 1:54PM BBT Derrick in WCA shaving off his beard. Victoria tells him not to do it - it makes her nervous. She says she has been looking at his face with his beard for a long time. He says it's basically gone as he continues shaving.


#BB16 2:03PM BBT Derrick still shaving his beard. The girls doing make up. Cody is sleeping.


#BB16 2:13 PM BBT Frankie picking at pimples in the mirror. Derrick finishes up. They all tell him he looks younger. Victoria says she likes it. Derrick teases that he know looks her age. Victoria still prepping for the show.


#BB16 2:21PM BBT Frankie wants to put concealer on Derrick to cover the dark circles on his eyes. Derrick says fine. Frankie starts to put it on. This is on all 4 feeds.

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#BB16 2:26PM BBT Derrick giving Frankie a haircut. In the KT, Caleb talking about how he has had a great summer being in the house Says he has been who he truly is. Frankie says that they lost 10K for TA because of Donny. Derrick says he takes responsibility for the one. Frankie says he isn't going to - he was willing to do all of them.


#BB16 2:36PM BBT Victoria in the WCA asking Derrick what to say for her eviction speech. He tells her to go with her heart. She says she gets nervous. Derrick starts to get up. Victoria asks him where he is going. He says no where. Victoria continues to practice her speech.


#BB16 2:40PM BBT Victoria has finished her practicing. She is complaining that BB hasn't given her the shirt she requested. She doesn't know what is taking so long. Frankie says that his hair is so long he can barely tip it with the color. Cody and Christine still napping.


#BB16 2:53PM BBT Victoria still working on her hair and make up. Nicole curling her hair. Frankie talking about hair dryers to the girls. Says they are all broken. Victoria says that BB has provided them with crap for hair dryers.

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2:59 PM BBT We see FoTH for a few minutes. Live Feeds come back with Nicole asking Frankie if she would wear her outfit? He says, yes, because when she sees Julie again, they could be matching. He says, Julie is obsessed with that color. She is in the WA putting hairspray in her hair, and she has long curly locks. Caleb is using the hair clippers on Derrick, by the sink, as he sits in a blue chair from the KT. Frankie is sitting on the couch, watching them. Cody is sleeping in the rock room. Derrick says, he goes in the DR today, and they asked him what's going on in "Derrick's Barber Shop" today? We see FoTH.


3:04 PM BBT Live Feeds come back for a moment with Frankie singing. We see FoTH again.


3:07 PM BBT Live Feeds come back. Frankie asks Nicole to use her tweezers, he says he lost his some time ago. Caleb and Derrick are standing in front of the mirror in the WA. Nicole says, "This lighting is horrible." Cody and Christine are both still sleeping in the rock room. Caleb says his hair is finally getting there. Nicole says, "What's getting there?" Caleb tells her that his hair is getting there. He says, just adding water on it, it's holding. Frankie makes a big deal out of a curly facial hair he pulled out. He says it was ingrown. He, Caleb and Derrick all say that Devin was pulling them out of his face all the time. Derrick says he was able to distract him in Tumbling Dice. He says he told him he had something on his face, and he looked in the mirror, and didn't get to figure out the combos.


3:10 PM BBT Nicole laughs about it, and Frankie tells Derrick, congratulations. Caleb says, if you tell him he had something on his face, he was worried. Derrick says Devin told him that it was only sweat. Frankie says he did a facial on him, and he told Caleb he will give him a facial whenever he wants one. Frankie asks Caleb is he wants him to clean up his neck? He says, he probably should. Caleb drapes a turquoise towel over him, while Derrick gets the clippers to trim the back of his neck. Frankie says, he slept for 9 hours solid last night. He says, that was so good. Derrick calls Caleb "Caleb". He says, "Did you call me Caleb again?" Derrick says, "Sorry, Beastmode, I gave you that name." Caleb says, that's going to be his stage name. Caleb says he hopes he can trademark the name. Frankie says, hopefully CBS trademarks it, and you can pay them. Nicole says, "Anyone can trademark it, just because?" Frankie says, "Yes."


3:15 PM BBT Frankie says his little brother's name is James Marchione. He says he doesn't talk about him all the time, because he doesn't live with him. It's his dad and step-mom's child together. We see FoTH for a few moments. Live Feeds come back, and Frankie tells Caleb how he uses hair paste while they are still in the WA. Nicole is brushing her teeth. Frankie asks her if she's watched Real Housewives of Beverly Hills? She says, no. He tells her about the show. Frankie tells Caleb the name of the hair paste is Rango Tango. He talks about a Gifting Suite he was at, and he saw one of the people from that show.


3:19 PM BBT Frankie tells Nicole that the person he met had her daughter with her, and she was really wasted when he saw her. He tells Derrick about her husband beating her. He says the husbands business started going down hill, and then he killed himself. We see FoTH for a moment. Live Feeds come back with Nicole asking Derrick if he thinks it's a DE, and he says, yes. He says, "Especially after the rehearsal." She says, "Rehearsal?" He says, "Yes, the two hour lock down. AKA rehearsal." Derrick and Frankie both say they are nervous. Frankie talks about how he forgets he's on a Reality Show until Thursday comes, and he sees Julie on stage. Victoria walks in the WA, looks in the mirror, and walks out. She is still dressed in a robe. Derrick's shaving his beard off by the sink. Victoria is sitting at the KT table.


3:24 PM BBT We go to Jeff's Highlight Reels.


3:59 PM BBT We still have Jeff's Highlight Reels.


4:33 PM BBT We are still enjoying Jeff's Highlight Reels with Donny as his guest.


4:55 PM BBT We still are laughing and enjoying Jeff's Highlight Reels.

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#BB16 7:04 PM BBT

Feeds are back, Frankie and Derrick can’t believe how hated Christine was. Frankie says it was unbelievable. Derrick says Christine must be making fun of everyone. Derrick says Christine used to make fun of Jocasta and hated her and said horrible stuff about people. Frankie says Christine was evil. Derrick says Christine has admitted that people in real life don’t like her and think she’s evil. Frankie says that when Christine started acting nice it wasn’t the real her. The rude and mean Christine is the real one. Frankie and Caleb are positive that Christine said horrible things about them in the DR. Frankie is worried that Christine said bad things about his sister in the DR.

#BB16 7:08 PM BBT

Derrick tells Caleb he better think twice before pushing the button, because if he does and unleashes something terrible on the house, his game could be ruined. Derrick says, “How much do you value your game?” Caleb is trying to say it’s like Pandora’s box. Derrick says no way, “Pandora’s box does not happen two weeks before the show is over.”


#BB16 7:09 PM BBT

Victoria says she’s going to pack Christine’s stuff her for and asks Frankie if everything of hers was in the same room. Frankie says he’ll help later. Derrick says he’s in shock about how hated Christine was. Derrick says she wasn’t racist or a bigot, so what did she do?  Frankie says, honestly, the things she said to him in mocking about other people, were terrible. He’s not shocked at all that America hates her. She said the last two days, especially last night, she has said horrible things about Nicole. Nicole told Frankie the things Christine said to her and Frankie believes Nicole about that. Caleb says Christine said awful things about the live feeders and they were bad. Frankie says we absolutely made the correct decision in who we evicted. 


#BB16 7:12 PM BBT

Derrick wonders if he heard cheers when he won the HoH. Frankie said he’s not sure, but he knows he heard the gasp when he won veto. Caleb says they cheer for anyone who wins hoh. Derrick says, “After what we saw tonight, no.” Frankie is telling Caleb to push the button. Derrick says he will not push the button, because he thinks it will ruin the game. Frankie says America wants us to push the button. Derrick says, “Screw it. I’ll push the button.” Frankie says, what if we push the button and Donny comes back in?” Derrick says we should eat before the next comp.


#BB16 7:15 PM BBT

Caleb is telling them about his mess up in the DR when he was live voting for Christine. Victoria sys we have stayed in for 11 weeks. Derrick says what if anyone who voted to evict Donny gets booed? Frankie says, “Shut up. That’s not the reason Christine was booed.”  Frankie wonders if his sister was in the audience. (She was singing the National Anthem at the NFL kickoff tonight). Derrick says he’s happy that there are no have nots this week. They said they heard more boos than claps for Christine and even Aaryn got more claps than boos. Derrick said obviously she was the most hated house guest ever, and must have said some really awful things. Frankie wonders if she was completely lying about everything in the house. Caleb said the way she left was terrible and that didn’t help her at all in their eyes.  Cody is telling them that Julie called him adorable in his costume. Frankie says, “Julie is feisty.” Derrick said he wanted a Rascal Flatts cd for his HoH. Caleb says he won’t get the music since he won a short one. Frankie begs Victoria to request his sister’s new cd if she ever wins HoH.

#BB16 7:20 PM BBT Cody said he still doesn’t get it. Frankie finally says, “I’ll be honest with you, if you’d like.” Cody says, “Please.” Frankie says, “America hated her because of your very inappropriate relationship. It was not okay for her as a married person. He says no one faults you, but she didn’t view you as a friend, she viewed you as someone she was in love with.” Cody isn’t buying it. Caleb and Frankie said, “Trust us, she likes you way more than was appropriate for being a married person.” Cody is defending himself and they say, “Cody, we don’t view you negatively, you are single and she  is married. She liked you way more than you liked her.” Derrick says that the Zingbot thing didn’t help the view. Caleb says, “I’m with Frankie, she would not leave you alone and definitely like you as a more than a friend. She’s married, but you liked her as a friend.” Caleb says “You treated all the girls the same, but Christine bought into it more than any of the other girls.” Frankie says, “It doesn’t reflect on you.” They encourage him to go the DR to get answers. Frankie said, “It was the way she looked at you that the world thought was wrong, not the way you looked at her.” They tell him to stop worry about getting booed. Cody says he was just stunned to hear the boos and didn’t even know they could boo until last season. Derrick says honestly it was probably a combination of a bunch of things that made people dislike her. He says if people bash everyone in the DR, you don’t leave with many friends. He says if you boo everyone you’re gonna get booed. Derrick says Nicole told him what Christine said to her and they were some awful things in the DR. Derrick says when you go out and don’t get booed, it wasn’t about her talking to you, it was more than that. Derrick says, “I don’t like you, that’s just a personal opinion. I’m not a fan.” Frankie says, “I love you. I love you so much.”


#BB16 7: 27Derrick says out of 11 people she’s the first to get booed. Frankie tries to cheer Cody up. He says, “You’re charming, talented, sexy, and funny. You can’t help it that America loves you. He offers to have sex with him if he wants.” Cody leaves and Derrick, Caleb, and Frankie talk about it. Derrick does agree with Caleb and Frankie that Christine definitely likes Cody way more than he likes her. Frankie says that Christine was saying awful things to him at the end of the week and was so happy when she left so unclassy. Derrick said he actually felt bad until she left that way. Frankie is so happy they made Final 5 out of 16 people. Frankie is making food for the final 5 celebration.

#BB16 7:29 PM BBT

#BB16 7:30 PM BBT Frankie says honestly he was just worried about Nicole and Christine being in the house together. Derrick says, “Nicole honestly played a way better game than Christine.” Frankie says Nicole’s message was clearly about voting Christine out and that she’s going to be ecstatic when Christine walks in the house.  They say if they had taped goodbye messages they would have made Christine’s a lot meaner. They talk about how Christine hated everyone. Caleb says “I don’t hate anyone. I dislike people, but I don’t hate anyone.” Frankie says for awhile, they were together early and were really close. They ask Victoria how it feels to be the final girl.

#BB16 7:34 PM BBT

Caleb and Frankie are trash talking about the next hoh and the pov competition. Caleb says, “The thing is I’m going to smoke you. Wake me up when you’re done and then I’ll win it.” Derrick says he hopes it’s the wall comp. Cody comes back into the kitchen and Frankie is saying he knows how the world thinks and they hate Christine and not Cody.


#BB16 7:39 PM BBT
Frankie says his outfit leaves little to the imagination and he was featured on live television since he won veto. He’s not worried though. Frankie says he told everyone he’d win any puzzle or maze vetos. He says there will be no more mazes, but puzzles probably.

#BB16 7:41 PM BBT

Frankie is saying again how the audience gasped when he won because he crushed the competition and he had 10 seconds of awkward silence. He says he smoked Christine.


#BB16 7:44 PM BBT
Frankie still can’t believe how brutal the audience was to Christine. He can’t believe that Devin didn’t get booed, but Christine got the whole crowd booing her. Caleb tells Derrick he is not losing the endurance POV. Derrick says he better win. Frankie tells Cody he expects Cody to win the F4 hoh to make sure they all make it.

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Bb16 7:48 PM BBT
Frankie tells the house guests if any of the former house guests talk crap about them at the Finale party, just to say, “Yeah, but did you make Top 5? Because I’m sure more than likely the majority of past BB guests didn’t.” Derrick says he’s eating to get ready for the HoH competition.

#BB16 7:49 PM BBT

Frankie says he knows for sure Christine was expecting this tonight. Victoria says no way. Caleb and Frankie say, “She was a beast. She knew we’d eventually turn on her.” Frankie says, “She beat me last week in the HoH and if I had been in veto I would’ve crushed her.” Caleb makes fun of Derrick and Cody being bad at the maze veto. Caleb says some people are good at mazes and can see the solution without even trying. Frankie says, “I’m like that. I can solve any puzzle.” Frankie says, “Christine would have been so mean if she had won it.” He says, “That puts so much perspective on the season.” Cody says, “Yeah, I’m super excited to find out about it.” Caleb says, “Cody don’t worry, you’re fine.” Caleb makes fun of Christine’s speech about how she loved Tim. He says, “Well you should have been thinking about him earlier in the season, sweetcheeks!” Caleb, Frankie, and Victoria say they feel bad for Tim. They wonder if they’ll show the HoH comp on TVGN? They say probably not. They are waiting for Derrick to get out of the DR, because he’s hosting the next competition like they did last Double Eviction.


#BB16 7:56 PM BBT

Frankie says, “Christine hates us. I don’t even get it. We were all really nice to her.” Cody says, “Oh my God, there are only five keys left!” Victoria says, “They probably locked the storage room to remove Christine’s stuff for her.” Frankie tells Cody he’s so happy who has made it to Final 5. They hug. Cody says he thought he’d get evicted tonight. Frankie says, “I didn’t think I’d get this far.” Caleb says, “I didn’t know. I thought I’d might be gone. Caleb says if it was gone, I’d be gone. Normally, key players like us are gone in the first 5 weeks. The BOB has saved the strong players this week.” Cody and Frankie agree. Cody says last year the house guests were so hated at this point. Frankie says, “They should have sucked less. The only player who was good was Helen.” Derrick comes out and they ask when he’s hosting. He said I haven’t been told anything. They think the veto competition will be hosted by a celebrity. Derrick says, “We made it through two double evictions!” Caleb whispers to them, “And once again we control who goes home!”

#BB16 8:01 PM BBT

Frankie says, “I guarantee if Christine wasn’t on the block and last week and had won that veto, she would’ve saved Nicole. Cody says, “Are you serious? She told you that?” Derrick and Frankie say, “There is no way Christine was being loyal to us.” Frankie says he is mad that he said he sadly voted to evict Christine. Cody says “I said I voted to evict Victoria. I don’t know why they said 3-0.” Victoria giggles as Frankie says, “Be careful, she’s standing right here.” Cody says it was so awkward when Julie announced the 3-0 vote. No one attempted to hug Christine and it was so weird. Derrick says, “Did she expect us to save her?” Cody says, “Christine told me last night that the boys were going to evict her in the double eviction.” Derrick says, “Are you serious?” We cut to fish.

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#BB16 8:04 PM BBT

Derrick tells Frankie what Christine told him about wanting to be the Britney H. of season just like Britney was to the Brigade. Derrick said Christine said that her fate wouldn’t be like Britney’s. Frankie laughs as says, “So clearly my game was way better than hers!”  Frankie is positive that Christine was talking crap about him and his family in the DR and he’s pissed. He wants to tape his goodbye message to her and say things like, “America is TeamGrande, @#$*!!

#BB16 8:07 PM BBT

Derrick goes to the fire room and reads his HoH letter from his daughter and wife. He whispers, “Thank you, Tenley. He puts her baby blanket over his face and cries.

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#BB16 8:10 PM BBT
Extended time with fish on the feeds.

#BB16 8:28 PM BBT

Feeds come back and all the houseguests are allowed to go in the new room with the button. They are guessing what happens if they push it. Frankie hopes if he pushes it another homosexual will enter the game. Derrick wants to know if they’re supposed to wait in the room. Fish keep cutting in and out. Caleb thinks it’s like Pandora’s box.

#BB16 8:31 PM BBT

Feeds are back again. Frankie plays a prank on the other house guests. When the leave the room, with the button unpushed, he screams as if someone is in the house. Everyone get’s excited and then call Frankie a jerk for doing that.  Cody says, “I’m so proud of us for making it to the final 5, we’ll make it to the final 4 and get Victoria out.” He says that he was open for getting rid of Christine for weeks now and wasn’t as close to her as everyone thought. Frankie said, “That’s understandable, a lot of people thought the same of me and Christine.”  Frankie says, “Justice was done today with her being horribly booed.” Frankie says when Donny and Nicole left they were outrageously cheered and clearly loved. Cody wants to know what Christine was doing to be so hated. Frankie said, “I have no idea, but I Sure am glad she’s gone!”

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#BB16 8:42PM BBT

Cody, Frankie, Derrick, and Caleb say they won't tell Victoria she's gone until the day of the eviction. He doesn't wantto hurt her feelings, but she has to go, so they all make F4.

Caleb says, "We'll just tell her that we've had an alliance since day 2 and she had to go, it's not personal."

They talk about how awesome it was that four of the original Bomb Squad made it.

#BB16 8:46 PM BBT

Caleb tries to convince everyone that they should push the button because it will be something good. For the most part, Frankie is agreeing. Derrick is the only one who saying it's probably going to be something bad unleashed in the house.

Derrick bashes how smart Christine really was in the house and how offended she got at Derrick earlier today for telling her that there might be new competitions today and Christine bit his head off and told him, "The entire season has been consistent, why would they change it now?"

#BB16 8:50 PM BBT
Derrick thinks Christine was just bashing everyone left and right in her DRs and probably bashed Arianna Grande, and Arianna led the charge on social media to go after Christine. Caleb says, “I better not get booed, I’ll cry.” Cody says, “When he leaves he’s going to leave really timidly and see the reaction he gets.”

#BB16 8:56 PM BBT Caleb, Derrick, and Cody are worried about Frankie winning endurance. Derrick says, "We have to win the next comp first and then take a shot at him." Derrick says even if he wins veto, we send Victoria home. They say Frankie would have to win both Hoh and veto to stay safe for the rest of them and if he doesn't, he goes."


#BB16 8:58 PM BBT Caleb wonders if they could get Victoria to throw it to them and convince her they are targetting Frankie. Derric says at this point, they could try, but Victoria would probably try to win. THey all say they're going to win regardless and make it to final four and then make their move to get rid of Frankie.

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9:00 pm BBT Cody, Caleb, and Derrick are in the Fire BR and they say that if the HOH comp involves getting cold or wet, Frankie's hands won't hold up. Caleb and Cody say they won't throw the comp to one another. Derrick says it will be a battle of the beasts. Victoria comes into the room and Derrick says that it's Victoria's HOH to win. It's going to be her first HOH. Caleb says it's going to be his HOH. He says if it's the wall he's not losing. He tells her if she looks over at him and sees that he's chillin', that she shouldn't kill herself hanging on though.


9:05 pm BBT Derrick and Caleb are checking out the veto necklace. Caleb says he thinks it's made out of real gold. We get FotH. When we return, Cody is wondering aloud if he will get to take off his costume for the HOH competition if it's an endurance comp.


9:10 pm BBT Frankie says how weird it is to be thinking about the HOH comp and to not be thinking about who he has to beat. Usually he is thinking about who is coming after him or whatnot. 


9:18 pm BBT We go to Jeff's reels. The HOH competition is likely underway!!


9:40 pm BBT Jeff's reels.


10:00 pm BBT Jeff's reels.


10:22 pm BBT  Feeds return.  Frankie is wearing the key. He is the new HOH.


10:25 pm BBT  The HG are gathered in the room discussing whether to press the button. Derrick brings up the season where the coaches pressed a button to enter the game. Frankie says they always press the button in BB. He's the HOH and he's pressing the button. Derrick is against pressing the button. Caleb says if it was Pandora's box, would he press the button. Cody says he doesn't know why they would be in the house and not press the button. What the worst that can happen. Derrick says someone could go home. They press it. A countdown starts... 5 days 19 hours 11 minutes 42 seconds.


10:35 pm BBT  Derrick says he thinks that pressing the button is going to be a game changer because it's obvious what is going to happen now. --and it's before the next eviction, too. It's something that's going to affect the next evictions. It will alter the way we strategize. He says it won't be a countdown for something good. Cody says there isn't anything negative in his head. Caleb says he loves it. Derrick says it will alter the game. Cody says he disagrees because they had the button in there before the double eviction. Derrick said he doesn't think it will be a punishment, he just thinks it will change the format of the game or alter how they make it to the end. He says he doesn't think it will be like, "Congrats... you just won a trip to Hawaii." Caleb says it's a huge button, though... you have to press it. It's all good, baby... it's all good.


10:40 pm BBT  Frankie says that Derrick is so scared. Frankie says it's Big Brother, you have to press it. Caleb says he doesn't see the button being any different than Pandora's Box. Derrick says that Pandora's Box always comes with a positive and a negative. Cody says he's super excited. Frankie says that America would think they were as*holes if they didn't press it. He says that BB would hate them if they didn't press it...they put so much into that room, and then they don't press the button. The week could have been so boring, and now it's spicy. They are trying to figure out when it will happen. It's around Wednesday at 5 p.m. [They don't realize that the eviction episode is now on Wednesday night. --Morty]


10:46 pm BBT  Frankie says it could make him not safe for the eviction. Cody says he just wishes it wasn't so far away. Frankie asks if anyone wants to talk about noms. Obviously someone else has to go up with Victoria, but she is the target. They are talking about the competition. It involves balls. Caleb says he was close to Frankie. Frankie agrees he was right behind him. It sounds like it involves balancing balls.


10:50 pm BBT  Frankie speculates that maybe they will play a game Wednesday. Caleb says that in the game will be a Diamond Power of Veto. Derrick says that would be "Sick." 


11:00 pm BBT  Frankie says he is so excited. Caleb says (again) that he thinks they will play a game. They discuss that time will run out at 5:30 pm BBT on Wednesday. They all go into the button room and stare at the countdown. They believe it would have run out at that time no matter when they would have pressed that button. Frankie and Derrick are in the SR. Derrick tells Frankie that he wanted him to win out of anyone. He says he is nervous that pressing the button could send him home. Frankie says that he doesn't want anyone to be pissed about his noms. Derrick says that Frankie is one of the smartest people he's ever met and he probably has it figured out already. He says that Frankie said it best weeks ago when he said this isn't Big Sister or Best Friend, it's Big Brother. Derrick says that he knows he lost Christine's vote tonight because he told her she was safe. Caleb comes into the SR. Cody is the only one of the 4 guys who isn't in the SR.


11:04 pm BBT  Caleb is wearing nothing but his underwear and a pair of cowboy boots. Frankie hugs Caleb from behind and Caleb says, "Frankie, people are going to think I'm fruity if you keep doing this." Frankie reassures him that people are going to think he's a sexually frustrated homosexual." Then Caleb asks Derrick if he thinks his ratings are going up right now. Derrick says "Of course. They are final 5, dude." Frankie leaves the SR and Derrick says that Frankie is a beast. He won a veto and an HOH in won night. He says he's not better than them, he just stays in a zone. Caleb says, "He is a beast." Derrick says you have to give credit to a man when credit is due. They leave the SR.


11:06 pm BBT  Caleb tells Frankie that he should have won. Frankie says that he wasn't trying to beat him. They were right there, side by side. He tells him that at least now he can win next week. Caleb says there are 5 agonizing days and Frankie says 5 fun-filled days... no agony. Frankie says his HOHs are fun. He says, "Let's do another play." Cody is back in his dinosaur costume. Frankie remembers he doesn't have to choose have-nots. He asks Caleb how many days he didn't sleep with him this past week. Then he says that there have only been 18 days that he hasn't slept in the HOH room since he has been in the house.


11:14 pm BBT  The guys share their theory with Victoria that the button will allow them to play a game. Frankie says that the final 5 have always played for money in the past. This year they will play for murder. They tell her, in front of Derrick, that he is very fragile, not to joke with him. 


11:18 pm BBT  Derrick and Frankie are talking in the Fire BR. Derrick is telling Frankie things that Nicole said about people in the jury house. They both say that Jocasta hates them. They aren't sure how Hayden feels about them. Nicole likes Derrick, but not Frankie. Frankie doesn't know why people like Caleb so much because he's such a puppet (he make hand movements like a puppeteer). Derrick says that people like what he stands for... a soldier, his candor, the country thing. 


11:22 pm BBT  Derrick tells Frankie that he knows he's either going to be loyal to him or burn him. In the end he knows that Frankie is going to win and he hopes he will put 50K in his pocket. Derrick says that he thinks Frankie has set the record in wins. Frankie wonders aloud how many wins Janelle has and he does think he has her beat. Victoria comes into the room. 


11:25 pm BBT  Frankie says he is going back to playing like Frankie... no conniving, manipulating, backstabbing. Derrick says that clearly Christine has the wrong formula. Frankie thinks it was personal. Derrick says he doesn't think they made it as big a story as they might have. Frankie says they might have backed off after Zingbot because he wasn't asked anything after that. He says that here was this Christian girl with a bible and a proclaimed ministry staring into someone's eyes with love. He thinks it was more than America could handle.


11:30 pm BBT  Victoria tells Derrick she is worried, but he tells her not to worry too much because he thinks the thing in there will change / alter the game. In the KT, Frankie tells Cody and Caleb that if he goes home because of the button he will laugh in everyone's face.Caleb says you better hope there's not something in there that says to dethrone the HOH. Derrick tells Victoria that they are final 5. If she goes home tomorrow she will be the most remembered girl in BB16. She says, "In a good way?" He says that she's the top girl and he still has 3 other guys to beat. She is smiling from ear to ear and tells him he is the best ever. She tells him she is scared to get booed now and he says he is, too. He says that he thinks she was crushing people in the DR. Frankie is talking about how every decision Derrick makes in this game is for his baby / his family and how he feels the pressure more than any of them and he understands how the decision to press the button weighed on him.


11:36 pm BBT  Frankie is calling out to BB the things he would like in his HOH basket. Derrick and Vic leave the Fire BR. Derrick tells Caleb that he can't wait to get pics and a letter for his HOH win. Derrick says that he knew it would be hard to get Christine out of the house, that she is a beast of a competitor. He says the biggest question mark of the season is what she said to get the reaction she got. They wonder if she said something about religion or something. Derrick says that thinking back, he thought he heard a reaction when he nominated her. Frankie speculates that the crowd was probably very happy that he won the veto and that the camera was probably going back and forth between him and her.


11:50 pm BBT  HG are in the LR talking about the HOH competition.

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