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Frankie Grande (Week 10) + Team America + D/E PoV winner (did not use)


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Guest 6Borders

For there to be sexual harassment, the people involved would have to complain to BB that they told Frankie to keep his hands off or to stop making sexual comments to them/around them. Since everyone in the house seems to accept Frankie's excessive touching, groping and sexual comments to them, BB has no reason to step in.





The girls did complain one season (can't remember which) about Marvin and BB called him into the DR and told him to stop it.

I think the HG's are scared to complain and become Frankie's target because he's mean and evil when he's crossed or does not get his way!

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The girls did complain one season (can't remember which) about Marvin and BB called him into the DR and told him to stop it.

I think the HG's are scared to complain and become Frankie's target because he's mean and evil when he's crossed or does not get his way!


Yeah, there was also in Janelle season when that guy in the first weeks was touching the women and they complained. Then they voted him out.


I'm sure part of the reason guys are letting Frankie get away with his crap is they don't want to cause waves or seem homophobic. But too many times I have seen them plop down on the bed with him and let him snuggle in. The HoH also could have easily said they would like the room to themselves and kept him from crawling in with them. I just don't think they seem really uncomfortable with it.

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How interesting it is going to be if Frankie is nominated/evicted and booed while Ariana is in the audience with the booing crowd. Love to have the camera focus his face.Anyway, I don't think Caleb will go along nominating Frankie now. Dumb as he is, he knows Frankie will side with him more than CodDer.

I think the days of Ariana being in the audience are over. I heard her publicist has her locked in his basement.

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I think the days of Ariana being in the audience are over. I heard her publicist has her locked in his basement.


Is that about the nudie pics that someone hacked from her?

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Guest 6Borders

Frankie certainly has the ability to sense when he is in danger. He sensed it and ripped the idea of being  him being put on the block right out of Caleb's little brain.

OK...., I guess that would be the brain DR told Frankie he had and he was in danger of (again) so he ripped the idea of out Caleb's actual stupid & loyal brain (unless Caleb just got paid in the DR, maybe 2nd time...1st being Fakie to win the BoB by himsef when Caleb allegedly sat out) and went out to save his butt, courtesty of CBS!!


This is such a stupid scripted show it's become BB Boring!    Grodner can throw "new, twisted, best, most unexpected"....end of the day/show/BBAD/Season, it's just Grodner CRAP that Julie delivers (pays well) once a week and the rest in the DR for some excitment..this season BB16 MISSON FAILED!!


Thank you Alison for another "Fakie" Grand season..enjoy your "Air-iana" profits (and thanks for paying off Victoria's family for the "rape" comments with her F1-F2 win!!!

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For there to be sexual harassment, the people involved would have to complain to BB that they told Frankie to keep his hands off or to stop making sexual comments to them/around them. Since everyone in the house seems to accept Frankie's excessive touching, groping and sexual comments to them, BB has no reason to step in.


Cody did a lot of hugging, petting and rubbing with the women. All of them seemed OK with that, too.




Or just tell him or her or whomever to keep their hands to themselves and get out of your space.  Seems to me that viewers are more upset about frankie and christine (in particular) than the house guests themselves.  That is pretty much why it has continued; I imagine.  You have to have harassed called; to call harassment.

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6Borders -- great post...absolutely agree.  The show is far too obviously scripted.  After last season's distastefulness and this season's bore-fest, I'm really not feeling BB too much anymore.  There's not even optimism that things will get better either.

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The problem is that when a girl claims sexual harassment, it is acceptable, but when a guy claims SH, and it is because of another man, it is called homophobic, and if because of a woman he is called an idiot.    Frankie realized that at the beginning.  These HGs all saw last season and were warned against any homophobic or racial remarks.  He is absolutely disgusting, and his family should be embarrassed, even though they would never admit that. I wish Cody and Derrick had tried a little harder to convince Caleb to keep Nichol. 

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When I watch Frankie, including his zingbot rapist portrayal, I wonder if CBS is thinking, "All publicity is good publicity."  :wacko: 

It seems as if the disgusting filth bar is pushed as far as it can go, maybe to see how much fans will take and still be fans.

CBS welcome controversy and very appreciative for the HGs creating it. It gets headlines in newspapers, tabloids and evening news and help BB ratings.

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Guest 6Borders

Sometimes I just wonder if Frankie is purposely trying to push people's buttons with the rubbing and humping so he can pull out that "gay card" at some point and accuse people of being homophobic.

Interesting point!!  It could very well be


I think most probably he is just an attention whore who wants as much camera time as possible to promote himself, his UTube and his "projects".  He's been bragging about his Utube is going to be bigger, etc.


When Cody was drunk the other night and it seriously looked like he and Frankie were going right into a make-out session, it looked to me like Frankie was kind of backing off

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Interesting point!!  It could very well be


I think most probably he is just an attention whore who wants as much camera time as possible to promote himself, his UTube and his "projects".  He's been bragging about his Utube is going to be bigger, etc.


When Cody was drunk the other night and it seriously looked like he and Frankie were going right into a make-out session, it looked to me like Frankie was kind of backing off


Frankie WAS backing off. 


His hanging on both sexes is insecurity. The very same reason he dated through Craigs List.


He knows he's different and needs reassured he's accepted. Throws himself out there and it's probably worse when in a new setting.


He's in shape, smart but easily derailed by his own insecurities. 

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Its true Frankie was the one who backed off. I was actually really surprised by this. I thought he would have been all for Cody. If it was Zach, I'm pretty sure Frankie would have went for it. I've said it before and I'll say it again.. I don't really like Frankie. He's too much for me and he doesn't have a filter. However he has it going for himself that he's very out going and people love that. I really enjoy that energy about him. However sometimes he takes it too far.. I give Frankie props for backing away from Cody.

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Its true Frankie was the one who backed off. I was actually really surprised by this. I thought he would have been all for Cody. If it was Zach, I'm pretty sure Frankie would have went for it. I've said it before and I'll say it again.. I don't really like Frankie. He's too much for me and he doesn't have a filter. However he has it going for himself that he's very out going and people love that. I really enjoy that energy about him. However sometimes he takes it too far.. I give Frankie props for backing away from Cody.


Excellent observation.

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Sometimes I just wonder if Frankie is purposely trying to push people's buttons with the rubbing and humping so he can pull out that "gay card" at some point and accuse people of being homophobic.

Cody might have been better being labeled that like Jeff then being on gay porn websites now. LOL




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Guest 6Borders

I can't believe how much i liked Frankie at first. I did think he was over the top, but i felt like he had really good energy. No. He is awful.

Agree!  I didn't like Frankie because of the famous-sister connection (that he was going to keep secret but he and BB both used it to their advantages) because even before the show she was tweeting to get ppl to vote for him and it's just unfair to have that kind of voting block/advantage!


Since the famous sister thing was a given, I intially did like Frankie, even tho a little of him goes a very long way.  About mid-way I started to detest him, mosstly because of all the touchy-feely stuff but he's an evil little garden gnome and I don't find his game play interesting, especially when he used his famous sis to save himself.

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