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Christine Brecht (Week 10) - nominated, PoV winner (saved herself) + D/E nominated (Juror #6) - EVICTED Sep. 4

Guest 6Borders

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Back in the ole' Big Brother days of years past I used to be a much more judgmental and mean poster. I think I used to take out my anger in real life on the houseguests.

I could bash with the best of them.

It is just not in me anymore to really hate on anyone ... These are people shut up in a house for a social experience. I love watching how people act and how they play the game.

Hating and judging Christine for flirting behavior is just not something that gets me in that "hating" place I would find myself feeling in past seasons.

I wish them all the best in the outside world.


carry on......

That is how I feel. The game is hard and the people never said they are perfect.

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On Christine's exit interview w/Jeff you could tell she was totally unphased by the outpouring of hatred/boos the live audience gave her. She's back to being her obnoxious, bitchy self. So glad she's gone. Hey, send Cody right behind her. If she crawls in his bed in Jury he'll do whatever she wants. No cameras, you know.

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I thought she was trying very hard to give answers that Jeff wanted to hear...


and also be very 'in the middle of the road' with her opinions.


I thought she looked pretty uptight myself.  ( but, was hoping to show she was unruffled by the audience's reaction

when she walked out of the BB House )

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On Christine's exit interview w/Jeff you could tell she was totally unphased by the outpouring of hatred/boos the live audience gave her. She's back to being her obnoxious, bitchy self. So glad she's gone. Hey, send Cody right behind her. If she crawls in his bed in Jury he'll do whatever she wants. No cameras, you know.

Cody said he didn't regret anything he did or said so . . . . he (when he's evicted) will continue to cuddle with Christine and with no cameras he will go farther with her and Frankie (when he gets evicted)

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All I can say on the subject is that if you or they are married, you just don't touch or stroke them in a lingering or caressing manner.  That whole scene was ridiculous and the fact that their fellow house guests talked about it said much to me.


The fact remains, however, that how a person conducts themselves on big brother is their business.  The fact also remains that how a person conducts themselves on big brother is going to possibly garner comment; positive or otherwise.

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Maybe a president has been set on Big Brother. I have heard several of you say that you had the oppertuinity to attend a "live" show and were instructed NOT to boo. In the event that a particulary offensive HG got the boot i.e. Arian Giles they replaced the audience with CBS employees to cheer the outgoing guest. Not only did CBS allow the crowd to boo Christine they carried it forward to Sunday's show and spent sone time talking about it. Could it be the winds of change are a blowin???? I sure the hell hope so.


Just sayin..........

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Maybe a president has been set on Big Brother. I have heard several of you say that you had the oppertuinity to attend a "live" show and were instructed NOT to boo. In the event that a particulary offensive HG got the boot i.e. Arian Giles they replaced the audience with CBS employees to cheer the outgoing guest. Not only did CBS allow the crowd to boo Christine they carried it forward to Sunday's show and spent sone time talking about it. Could it be the winds of change are a blowin???? I sure the hell hope so.


Just sayin..........


Could be. I have been in the audience. It was a big eviction of Jesse and he was really hated. I clapped softly. No boo's were allowed. :shutup:


The first booing was Aaryn last season and now Christine. I think you are right. The booing will now be allowed and makes for entertainment for some people and paranoia with the houseguests.


boo  hoo  :sneaky:

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Last season when Candace was voting to evict a HG she could hear booing (during the live voting). I cannot remember who was being evicted that night. But from that point onward the HGS could no longer hear the audience response during the live voting. Candace did tell several of the remaining HGs that she was booed during her live vote.

Christine was booed for several reasons.

1. Her inappropriate behavior with Cody

2. Backstabbing Nicole.

3. Cheating during the Black Box competition - nobody likes a cheater.

4. The never ending bashing of the HGs.

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I hope that BB reconsiders if the booing thing is to be permitted now.  To be clear, I can't stand Christine or Frankie.  The only one I have liked this season is Donny.  Still, I cringed when Christine was boo'd.  I think booing them is a little extreme and reminds me of a crowd screaming for blood.  Maybe we could throw them to the lions instead.  ;) 


I'm sure it's merely 'innocent' fun to most, being able to publicly make known their anger/dislike toward a specific hg, but a public display like that might be life-altering to someone who is mentally fragile, who is there to play a game and try to win some cash (or get a foot in the door of their imaginary fame world) and they made some stupid mistakes while there. 


I'll forget most of their names by Halloween, therefore, I have no desire to see any of them really hurt.  I figure they'll know soon enough (from reading the forums) exactly how the public viewed them.  Opinions are forever plastered all over the wide, wide world of web.  I see no reason to nationally, publicly humiliate them live on tv too, but that's just me. 


I can rag 'em out with the best of 'em here at Morty's though!  :D

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I hope that BB reconsiders if the booing thing is to be permitted now.  To be clear, I can't stand Christine or Frankie.  The only one I have liked this season is Donny.  Still, I cringed when Christine was boo'd.  I think booing them is a little extreme and reminds me of a crowd screaming for blood.  Maybe we could throw them to the lions instead.  ;)


I'm sure it's merely 'innocent' fun to most, being able to publicly make known their anger/dislike toward a specific hg, but a public display like that might be life-altering to someone who is mentally fragile, who is there to play a game and try to win some cash (or get a foot in the door of their imaginary fame world) and they made some stupid mistakes while there. 


I'll forget most of their names by Halloween, therefore, I have no desire to see any of them really hurt.  I figure they'll know soon enough (from reading the forums) exactly how the public viewed them.  Opinions are forever plastered all over the wide, wide world of web.  I see no reason to nationally, publicly humiliate them live on tv too, but that's just me. 


I can rag 'em out with the best of 'em here at Morty's though!  :D


I share your opinion, kywildcat. I didn't at all like Christine, nor do I like Frankie, but I still think the booing was/is inappropriate and childish.

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Christine didn't backed down when she was ZINGED. She and Cody appeared disturbed for a moment but then they were back to their ritual. At her exit interview she wasn't perturbed either when asked about the booing. At the jury house, she got cold shoulder from the evicted HGs. Will she ever knew and acknowledge what she did wrong? Will she ever learn from her mistakes? At times, people has to go through hard times to see the point because "sparks of awakening" don't seem to matter at all. It has to be real painful to sip it through their veins to get them to reality. It's sad!

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Christine didn't backed down when she was ZINGED. She and Cody appeared disturbed for a moment but then they were back to their ritual. At her exit interview she wasn't perturbed either when asked about the booing. At the jury house, she got cold shoulder from the evicted HGs. Will she ever knew and acknowledge what she did wrong? Will she ever learn from her mistakes? At times, people has to go through hard times to see the point because "sparks of awakening" don't seem to matter at all. It has to be real painful to sip it through their veins to get them to reality. It's sad!


Not a Christine fan but she didn't do anything wrong. She was just playing the game the way she thought was best. She has nothing to show penance for.

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Christine appears to have thick skin, which is a good thing for her. Maybe she's used to that type of backlash with her sometimes odd behavior, and choice of men. I guess she dances to the beat of a different drummer. I can't say I hate her but she's deffinately not my type, or anyone else's for that matter.

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Yes Christine was playing the game. But to say that she's playing the game she knew was best was wrong. Didn't she know what is right and what is wrong, what is appropriate and what is inappropriate. Just because it's a game she had to do anything regardless what the public perceived just to win it even whoring (not that she did) herself if she had to. The whole world is watching her so it's a choice she had to make to portray herself that bad ignoring the public perception about her. If she's okay with it then she's okay how the public would react

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Yes Christine was playing the game. But to say that she's playing the game she knew was best was wrong. Didn't she know what is right and what is wrong, what is appropriate and what is inappropriate. Just because it's a game she had to do anything regardless what the public perceived just to win it even whoring (not that she did) herself if she had to. The whole world is watching her so it's a choice she had to make to portray herself that bad ignoring the public perception about her. If she's okay with it then she's okay how the public would react


Good point...

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Not a Christine fan but she didn't do anything wrong. She was just playing the game the way she thought was best. She has nothing to show penance for.

True, but she does have to live in the jury house for 2 weeks with the HGs that she back stabbed. Ouch. Her cool reception was telling. No hugs & kisses for her. That was rough - but she did it to herself.

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umm... how she was acting with Cody was NOT game strategy.  How could petting and pawing all over (and with) the guy

gain her any leverage? 

As far as I could see her only strategy was agreeing and voting with her alliance. She HAD to know they would vote her

out when the numbers dwindled  down to the core guys. 

Her main strategy was keeping track of where Cody was and trying to be within touching distance of him.


She was infatuated with the guy and let playing Big Brother (a dream she'd hoped and dreamed of) be flushed right down the toilet.

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I wasn't a Christine fan and don't particular care about her private life. What perturbs me about this situation is that Christine and Cody both defined their relationship on multiple occasions. Yet, the people watching the show has decided that they will define the relationship totally opposite of what Christine and Cody defined it as. I never saw Christine and Cody kiss, feel or rub each others privates or say things that would give me the impression that they were in love. I did not see them act differently when they were around people than they did when they were alone. Sure, they rubbed each others arms and stroked each others hair, but if they believe they were acting innocently, why does the public feel the need that they need to be booed and treated like crap. If Christine husband has a problem with what Christine did in the house, let him handle the situation. I really can't understand the people that sit around wishing bad things on other people. 


Hopefully BB will put a stop to the booing. There will be people in the future that wont be as thick skinned as Christine and they will be booed for any and everything, from game play to relationships. That will be bad for the HG and for the game. I don't want people to start worrying about playing the game and how well they will be treated when they leave the house. That will make for boring games because people will not vote out people they perceive as a public favorite. I want people who as ruthless when they need to be. I want one or two Dan's in every season. 

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I wasn't a Christine fan and don't particular care about her private life. What perturbs me about this situation is that Christine and Cody both defined their relationship on multiple occasions. Yet, the people watching the show has decided that they will define the relationship totally opposite of what Christine and Cody defined it as. I never saw Christine and Cody kiss, feel or rub each others privates or say things that would give me the impression that they were in love. I did not see them act differently when they were around people than they did when they were alone. Sure, they rubbed each others arms and stroked each others hair, but if they believe they were acting innocently, why does the public feel the need that they need to be booed and treated like crap. If Christine husband has a problem with what Christine did in the house, let him handle the situation. I really can't understand the people that sit around wishing bad things on other people. 


Hopefully BB will put a stop to the booing. There will be people in the future that wont be as thick skinned as Christine and they will be booed for any and everything, from game play to relationships. That will be bad for the HG and for the game. I don't want people to start worrying about playing the game and how well they will be treated when they leave the house. That will make for boring games because people will not vote out people they perceive as a public favorite. I want people who as ruthless when they need to be. I want one or two Dan's in every season. 


Ya I so agree. I don't get why people think that the houseguests have to pay some sort of retribution for such things as touching hands and hair and innocent flirting.  Yes the touching is creepy but nothing happened between the two. I was so disappointed in "nice" Donny for saying that Christine will need a lawyer. That was just out of place for him to say it and for CBS to put it on the show. Think of past seasons where people were having sex for the cameras and CBS ignored it. This season they chose to highlight the shaming of Christine. 



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I absolutely enjoy reading everyones thoughts and comments on the game, even the ones I do not agree with.


That being said I laughed by butt off when Donny asked Christine if she had a lawyer, and CBS showed it, and she looked like she had no clue what he was talking about.

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I hope that BB reconsiders if the booing thing is to be permitted now.  To be clear, I can't stand Christine or Frankie.  The only one I have liked this season is Donny.  Still, I cringed when Christine was boo'd.  I think booing them is a little extreme and reminds me of a crowd screaming for blood.  Maybe we could throw them to the lions instead.  ;)


I'm sure it's merely 'innocent' fun to most, being able to publicly make known their anger/dislike toward a specific hg, but a public display like that might be life-altering to someone who is mentally fragile, who is there to play a game and try to win some cash (or get a foot in the door of their imaginary fame world) and they made some stupid mistakes while there. 


I'll forget most of their names by Halloween, therefore, I have no desire to see any of them really hurt.  I figure they'll know soon enough (from reading the forums) exactly how the public viewed them.  Opinions are forever plastered all over the wide, wide world of web.  I see no reason to nationally, publicly humiliate them live on tv too, but that's just me. 


I can rag 'em out with the best of 'em here at Morty's though!  :D

I agree with you.  I think it is tacky and trashy.  The HG's have the rest of their lives to deal with the fallout from their BB appearance.


It is a very disrespectful way for CBS to treat people who have put their lives on hold for 3 months for next to no money.


As for the audience, it brings them down to the same level as any of the hated HG's and it says a lot about America that they feel it is their right to extract their pound of flesh.


They don't owe anyone anything.   

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