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Derrick Levasseur (Week 10) + Team America + D/E HoH

Guest 6Borders

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Derrick is now really working everyone, telling all the guys how they would beat him in F2 and why.  I'm surprised Caleb and Frankie have not exploded from the way he's inflated their egos.

I honestly thought they only believed him some of the time.  I think they are on to him, but they have all backed themselves into a corner now and have to work with what they have.

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Guest 6Borders

I'd like to see Derrick on the block just once to see what kind of game he really has.

Derrick is my pick to win.  Would love to see Frankie go out at F4 or F3.

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I agree that of the remaining members of the Detonators/bomb-Squad, Frankie is likely to draw the first blood. Christine has the likelihood of doing but she will be swayed to put Victoria up (Frankie might talk to her into putting CodDer and she might). Frankie sensed that this is the second attempt to get him evicted. If he still lay low and wait for the others to strike, the third will be his last and he knows it.

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I have to wonder if Derrick would get the votes if he was F2. His manipulation of these people has been pretty low key. I don't think any of the guys would believe that they were manipulated by him. They all think that they have been playing a great game and making their own choices.


Derrick has also been pretty weak in the comps. Caleb especially thinks he is not good at the game or the comps. Caleb still believes that he has been the one to keep his "army" together all this time.


The women? Don't have a clue They have no idea who has pulled so many strings in that house.


Only Frankie and Donny know that Derrick has been playing hard since week one. Frankie knows because he has been playing the same type of game. Donny because he watched it happening from the outside.

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Hayden knew about Derrick's role. Even Devin, before he was out, talked to Derrick to save him and was upfront with him that he has the power and influence of the others.

Nicole appeared not to be so smart not to see it or she could just be playing Derrick to save her.

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I think that if derrick goes on the block, he will be evicted; unless saved by POV.


He has Caleb, Cody and Victoria to save him. Caleb wants to take Derrick to F2 because he has not won many comps and Beast Mode thinks it is all about comps.


If he is up with Christine and Frankie he is safe for sure.

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He has Caleb, Cody and Victoria to save him. Caleb wants to take Derrick to F2 because he has not won many comps and Beast Mode thinks it is all about comps.


If he is up with Christine and Frankie he is safe for sure.

That was all said by Caleb along with "we need to get Frankie out" and that never happened.


Caleb will never take Derrick to F2.  I don't think Caleb is as stupid as we think he may be. Caleb did the best thing for his game by not replacing Frankie in Christine's seat. Caleb knows he does not have Cody or Christine or Victoria and Frankie is his only shot.

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Both Derrick and Caleb are dunces. If Caleb saved Nicole, she would not have put up Derrick or Caleb assuming she would be in a position to do so.  Frankie is more dangerous at competitions than Nicole and Frankie would turn on both D & C on a dime since he is so self absorbed (remember Zankie).  A stupid, stupid move not to get Frankie out when they can.

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Derrick cannot start war or division in his alliance at this time. He's not very good in comps and that's the reason he preferred to stay in the shadow. He would only show his true side when it's too close to the end and had the protection from somebody

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Derrick cannot start war or division in his alliance at this time. He's not very good in comps and that's the reason he preferred to stay in the shadow. He would only show his true side when it's too close to the end and had the protection from somebody


Maybe he isn't good at comps, OR maybe he's throwing at least some of them to keep blood off of his hands. What happens in the coming weeks will tell a lot.

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Guest 6Borders

Derrick has managed to avoid the block all this time and he's made most all the decisions without it looking like he has.

I would still love to see him and Victoria on the block together (after the POV) just to watch her have another meltdown and him have to fight to stay.

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Like any good cop I think Derrick is waiting till the last minuet to pull the trigger. I firmly believe he's thrown a few comps to keep blood off his hands. I think after the DE this week we will see beast mode Derrick come out. He's still my favorite to win.

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Guest 6Borders

Like any good cop I think Derrick is waiting till the last minuet to pull the trigger. I firmly believe he's thrown a few comps to keep blood off his hands. I think after the DE this week we will see beast mode Derrick come out. He's still my favorite to win.

I hope you are right.  It would be nice to have some excitement in the house for the last couple weeks.

He's still my pick to win too, and the only HG (in my opinion) deserving of it, but I still want to see him sweat a little bit!

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I do think that overall he has had the best game play. It strikes me as completely calculated every step of the way.  He doesn't consider anyone in the house to be his friend, but none of them except Donny have been able to catch on to that.


He told Victoria that "none of these people are your friends". He gave her a major clue on how to play, and how HE is playing, but it's unlikely she caught on. She's a tool, and in fact has been Derrick's tool since the beginning, which we all know. Derrick, IMO, knows how to read people better than any other HG this season. He no doubt has a major edge over the rest of the HGs because of his background.  He's just gliding along under the radar, just like a good undercover cop is supposed to do.


Additional note: I still suspect that he contrived a plan for him to rope in Victoria and for Cody to rope in Christine. He recognized shortcomings and insecurities in each of them and is using them to his advantage.

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Last night...


Flaming bed + Derrick + Victoria rubbing his leg for quite awhile.


Nicole front row seat never said a word.


Dippy V supposedly had a bum thumb that miraculously healed so she could stroke her man. 


Derricks winnings might not cover his divorce costs. Although with a new baby or self image issues, I'd imagine she'll overlook the canoodling. 

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These hgs are just so okay with people rubbing on them.. I mean maybe they don't like it. But they sure don't say anything. I know if it was me, I would be very uncomfortable and say something. I mean its fine, give someone a shoulder/neck massage, but beyond that is just too much for me. It's like they forget they're on tv for the world to watch. Come on Derrick, get some sense. I thought he would have asked Vic to stop for sure.

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Guest 6Borders

Derrick's big mistake was not trying harder to backdoor Stankie.  Doing so would give him Nicole's and Victoria's gratitude and their votes in the house and Jury.  Keeping Stankie leaves that lying snake in the house. 

That's the one thing that might come back to bite him.  The HG's are always saying it's too soon to make a big move or too soon to evict a certain person and I think it's failed them every time.  Derrick has essentially been playing the whole season as 3 people:  himself, Cody & that useless twit Victoria.  He's dragged Vic thru the game and Cody has pretty much been on Derrick's coattails.


I suspect the DR had more to do with Derrick not working harder to get rid of Fakie than any game stragedy.

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Derrick's big mistake was not trying harder to backdoor Stankie.  Doing so would give him Nicole's and Victoria's gratitude and their votes in the house and Jury.  Keeping Stankie leaves that lying snake in the house. 


I was a done deal with Cody and Derrick on board until Frankie and DR got to Caleb and he changed his mind.


Watching last night Frankie grilling Caleb about who was in on the thought to back door him. It was not an easy thing for Cody and Derrick to have that conversation with Caleb because they know he might change his mind. Caleb could then tell Frankie his bros wanted to back door him. Well Caleb sorta outed them last night with Frankie.


Frankie has a way of getting information out of Caleb. He got Caleb to say that everyone trusts Derrick and everyone would want to take Derrik to final 2 because Derrick is "weak".

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