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Victoria Rafaeli (Week 9)


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Guest 6Borders

She says her wisdom teeth are coming in (so that's what she's been missing all these years) and whining about the doctor hasn't come yet, then she took 2400 mg. of Advil.  Cody at least had the brains to tell her to back off on taking anymore while the others were telling her to have a glass of wine (on top of all that Advil) and lie down.  I think she said Caleb told her how much Advil to take (add medical and dental school to his list of accomplishments it seems)

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Latching onto her summer crush, certainly paid off for her.  I'm hoping if Derrick does make it to finals, he leaves her behind (doubt it), because I bet she'll be the sad little puppy and that will make me laugh.



Momma told her at the pool side conference, "Honey you find a good solid well established older man, you latch on, use your youthful guile & feminine ways, bat those lashes, sashay that dupa, play young dumb and naive!!  Then take him for all he's worth!"  


Oh wait, that was Momma's facts of life story! Guess she doesn't know she's playing a game!!!

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Wish BB will send her home with her medical condition (toothache, scalp bleeding, etc) and Donny and Nicole stay for another week and play for next HOH AND WIN!!!

I was thinking the same thing! Maybe they're waiting to see that Nicole & Donny are the noms. Or even after Veto is played and who wins. They would remove her from the game if Franky was a replacement and just not have anyone go out this week. On Survior they will sometimes not have anyone leave that week, but then I've seen them go to tribal anyway and vote someone out. Guess it's all in who is in danger of being voted out.

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Guest 6Borders

Maybe we should give poor Victoria a break. After all, BB house is filled with mirrors. How is she supposed to think about anything else when at every turn of her head, her amazing visage is staring back at her.

She didn't want to go into the DR because she was embarassed.  Does she not realize she's on TV 24/7 to millions of people?

As far as cutting her a break....nawwwww!!!

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Guest 6Borders

I think it was Frankie who suggested she take all that medicine.  It's part of his plan to kill (literally) Derrick's chance for advancement. lol

Yes, you are correct, it was Frankie.  I still think the minute she said she was going to have wine BB should have told her NO or called her to the DR and told her NO or Nicole the nurse should have told her NO...someone should have said NO!  2400mg of Advil in that short a time and any alcohol is NOT a good combo!


She said they gave her glucose IV (which would be for low blood sugar) and nothing about her teeth.  I'm sure they also gave her a shot full of AB's and she came back with a medicine cabinet of pills.  I'm sure BB is going to downplay this aplenty because she had so much pain and a swollen jawline (which is infection somewhere) and they didn't get her to see someone.


I am willing to bet her chip was not even in the POV bag!

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If it does happen,  it will be on Thursday or maybe Wednesday and announced  that no one from the nominees is going home that evening because Victoria will be out for health reason.  HOH will be played right then HOPEFULLY 

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If she left and there were no live feeds, would we even NOTICE?

Not really.


I'm sure she thinks that Derrick has some deep rooted feelings for her because he wanted to save her from the hair extensions, but I think he just wanted to save his vote.


The other night he touched her and she made a comment that it was short and then he said something that it had to be because they were on National TV.  He feeds into her crush, all to have her on her side.

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Guest 6Borders

Since we are in the season of BB16 really bad poets, I submit:


What a tangled hair extension I weave when first I practiced to decieve;

I swoon, I faint, my scalp doth bleed, but screw you, I'll be F2, I do believe


My knight is Derrick in the BB House and Zach can kiss the remains of my infamous pink hat

Frankie beware, when I meet Ariana, I will trip on the stairs and sue your famous sister

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Since we are in the season of BB16 really bad poets, I submit:


What a tangled hair extension I weave when first I practiced to decieve;

I swoon, I faint, my scalp doth bleed, but screw you, I'll be F2, I do believe


My knight is Derrick in the BB House and Zach can kiss the remains of my infamous pink hat

Frankie beware, when I meet Ariana, I will trip on the stairs and sue your famous sister


:clap: Love it!!!!!


You are a poet, and I bet you didn't even know it, your toes show it, for they are long fellows.

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Although I don't like for anyone to be in pain.....this would be a perfect chance for BB to fix this horrible summer. Send her home for medical reasons. Save Donny. They have rigged the game for others. Remember in S13 when they said over a million people for Brendon to come back into the house? Really? Not according to on-line polls. They just knew it would make good tv. Same reason here. She leaves, watch Derrick scramble.

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Not really.


I'm sure she thinks that Derrick has some deep rooted feelings for her because he wanted to save her from the hair extensions, but I think he just wanted to save his vote.


The other night he touched her and she made a comment that it was short and then he said something that it had to be because they were on National TV.  He feeds into her crush, all to have her on her side.


And Cody was all OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooo at that comment. 

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She is so needy and and whinny. I give Derrick a lot of credit for his patience with her. But then again with Derrick it is all about game. :donatello:


He has no choice at this point BUT to be patient with that wackadoodle.  Lots of time invested.  I give derrick credit for honing in on the perfect victim/vote to take with him to the finals.  He also was smart to use caleb and cody as part of the equation.

Oh no I am starting to like cranky, bitchy Victoria. lol


If memory serves, you like frankie, also, right?  Wouldn't it be a hoot if frankie and victoria ended-up final two?

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Guest 6Borders

She is one nasty little girl!  Donny was just making conversation with her and she told everyone he was SO rude and bothering her when she was cooking.  Next she shoots daggers out of her eyes whenever Derrick even says good morning to Christine and calls Christine all kinds of names.  Jealous of two married people...what a piece of work!


It would be fun if BB rigged up some trick mirrors and they shattered every time she looked at herself.  Her activity tracker should be for primping and preening...it would explode!

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He has no choice at this point BUT to be patient with that wackadoodle. Lots of time invested. I give derrick credit for honing in on the perfect victim/vote to take with him to the finals. He also was smart to use caleb and cody as part of the equation.

If memory serves, you like frankie, also, right? Wouldn't it be a hoot if frankie and victoria ended-up final two?

I would be so happy. The joke would be on Derrick. I get bored easy and they entertain me. Caleb is moving up there too. lol

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She is one nasty little girl!  Donny was just making conversation with her and she told everyone he was SO rude and bothering her when she was cooking.  Next she shoots daggers out of her eyes whenever Derrick even says good morning to Christine and calls Christine all kinds of names.  Jealous of two married people...what a piece of work!


It would be fun if BB rigged up some trick mirrors and they shattered every time she looked at herself.  Her activity tracker should be for primping and preening...it would explode!

OMG please let that happen.  I am still laughing that is funny!  I would love to see her face if that happened.  I can hear Caleb now.

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Guest 6Borders

Her paranoia and delusions are getting the best of her.  Now she is imagining that everyone is being rude to her and saying mean things about her.  Maybe BB put a little bug in her hair extensions and Zach is piping whispered insults from the jury house.

This girl is a certified, card-carrying looney-tune!

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