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Nicole Franzel (Week 9) - NOMINATED (brought back from Jury House)


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Too late now, but she really shouldve nailed Cody with the concept that the jury house has already decided to give the $$ to whomever made the big move agianst their alliance.  Actually, she should tell all of them that.  Just sit em all down in a big house meeting and say, look fellas, now WE are the majority, and WE are running the final decision, so the first one to go against your little alliance gets the money,  It's up to you to decide if its yourself or let someone else make the move.


Thats the ONLY way anything is going to happen in that house. If nothing else, it will stir up paranoia and get their blood pumping.

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Too late now, but she really shouldve nailed Cody with the concept that the jury house has already decided to give the $$ to whomever made the big move agianst their alliance.  Actually, she should tell all of them that.  Just sit em all down in a big house meeting and say, look fellas, now WE are the majority, and WE are running the final decision, so the first one to go against your little alliance gets the money,  It's up to you to decide if its yourself or let someone else make the move.


Thats the ONLY way anything is going to happen in that house. If nothing else, it will stir up paranoia and get their blood pumping.

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Too late now, but she really shouldve nailed Cody with the concept that the jury house has already decided to give the $$ to whomever made the big move agianst their alliance.  Actually, she should tell all of them that.  Just sit em all down in a big house meeting and say, look fellas, now WE are the majority, and WE are running the final decision, so the first one to go against your little alliance gets the money,  It's up to you to decide if its yourself or let someone else make the move.


Thats the ONLY way anything is going to happen in that house. If nothing else, it will stir up paranoia and get their blood pumping.


Maybe she is saving that tidbit for next week if she's not HOH...

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I liked Nicole and I don't think she is stupid but I don't think she would be able to come up with that kind of well thought out lie. She also would not be able to present it with confidence. Even in a normal conversation she talks nervous and can't clearly say what she wants to say. 

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i wouldnt want her to be my nurse



god she was clueless handling the whole victoria situation :animated_bouncy:

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the way donny and nicole played the counting veto  so timid when cody only need one more stay to win and they still folded


this should have been a double eviction week and send both home for stupidity :animated_bouncy:

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the way donny and nicole played the counting veto  so timid when cody only need one more stay to win and they still folded


this should have been a double eviction week and send both home for stupidity :animated_bouncy:


That really was stupid. They gave it to Cody.

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Nicole was closer on the last one. It was sooo dumb of Donny and Nicole to fold. They gave away that Veto. But its not like they knew that Cody would be staying every round. But still. They should have tried more.

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