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Thursday, August 21 Live Feeds / BB After Dark Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother USA Time is Pacific Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.

To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. http://www.mortystv.com/images/bb16/Big_Brother_16_Houseguest_Guide.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

Battle of the Block (BotB)

Bedroom (BR)

Back Yard (BY)

Bedroom (BR)

Dining Table (DT)

Fire room (FR)

Head of House Room (HOHR)

Kitchen (KT)

Indoor Lock Down (ILD)

Living Room (LR)

Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)

Washroom Area (WA)

Water Closet (WC)

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If you post questions or start conversations with each other here, they will be deleted.

Thank you! 

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12:05am Frankie is running a bath and talking to Christine about tomorrow. Christine suggests trying to get vic to throw the HOH if it’s a double eviction. Caleb is being a ninja (dressed in onsie and scarf covering his face) and after making Victoria scream is headed up to the HoH


12: 12 am Caleb ninja rolled into the DR then joined Christine and Derrick in the LR before slinking off to the FR where he flipped off the lights and crouched down. Derrick and Christine in the LR talking about Christine eating something tonight so she will have some nutrients for tomorrow


12:19am Zach is trading Caleb 2 tank tops for a dress button up shirt. Zach is thinking about wearing it tomorrow and throwing fake flowers to the audience when he leaves. Cody and Victoria are playing with the Jenga Blocks at the KT table. Christine and Derrick talking about tomorrows comp in the LR


12:25am Zach and Caleb in the SR. Zach is ironing the dress shirt he got from Caleb. Victoria and Cody at the table he is explaining the Jenga house he built


12:33am Cody jokingly smacking the bottom of Victorias foot with a 2liter bottle. Both the girls laughing. Derrick and Frankie in the HOH saying they hope this week is easy and just goes smoothly.


12:40am Caleb, Zach and Frankie in the Havenot room dressing Zach for tomorrow. Zach saying how swag he looks working on a rhyme for tomorrow. Victoria and Christine in the kitchen talking about Donny and saying no one likes to hang out with him.


12:50am Victoria enters the HNR and the guys tell her shes going to wish that she had a showmance with him when she sees him tomorrow. Derrick, Cody and Christine  cleaning the WA mirror.


12:57am Victoria in Hoh room listening to music. Derrick is picking up the ER a bit, everyone else in the WA listening to Frankie tell about his dad go to med school in Italy.


1:04am Zach, Victoria, and Cody in the SR, Cody is ironing while Zach digs through the pile of clothes and shoes under the table. Everyone else in the WA saying that Donny won't win HoH. Frankie says the can't meditate he won't it is bad, they have to meditate for them to win.


1:12am HG are doing shout outs so we keep getting FotH. Cody is prepping his outfit for tomorrow, Derrick says its going to be a long comp because he's not coming down till Donny's  down


1:19am Cody, Christine, Frankie and derrick staring at the Memory wall talking about who they miss the least.  Christine says Devin Cody says Paola.


1:27am Everyone except Victoria in the living room collectively talking about Jocasta and whether or not she spoke in tongues.


1:34am Small talk in the living room current topic of conversation is energy drinks and four locos.


1:45am Conversation has turned to if they are going to stay there a few days before heading home. Cody says his dad talked about coming out there for a week when it was over and Zach says he's catching the first plane home. FotH


2:00am Back to general chit chat what cd's they want to listen to Cody is playing with Christines hair and Frankie keeps signing


2:06am talking about the couches being the color of slop colored stool and saying they don't really go with anything else in the house


2:23am Caleb, Zach, Christine and Frankie in the living room talking about how Caleb thinks hes easily a blue belt. Victoria and Derrick in the WA, talking about how well he knows her.


2:39am Frankie talking in one of his funny voices. The one with the botox conversation turs to elissa. Derrick and Victoria talking about how she feels, he didn't realize she felt like that and that they have talked in the  past few days, she disagrees.


2:51am Small talk continues in the living room, every so often a funny voice from caleb or Frankie. Victoria and Derrick talking about the difference spot the difference competitions there has been. Frankie says he's heading to bed.


2:56am Caleb trying to teach everyone in the living room how to say hello how are you and fine thank you, you  in another language. Derrick and Victoria have left the  WA and Frankie has made it to his room


3:08am It appears everyone except Cody, Christine, Derrick and Victoria have gone to bed. Victoria is eating slop while everyone else talks about past travelling. Derrick prefers trains.


3:17am Frankie and Caleb laying in the HoH bed talking about how they think people will act towards them after the show. Caleb tells Frankie he might understand what its like for others to admire him but many others in the house don't.


3:28am Talk in the living room has changed to the houseguest giving out twitter and Instagram handles we keep getting intermittent fish. Frankie and Caleb talking about Frankie building a school.


3:35am Derrick, Victoria, Cody and Christine are sitting in the living room complaining about the competitions. Christine says we have to be bored and angry. They want something endurance or physical.


3:42am Frankie and Caleb lying in bed talking about the order of the HG evicted this season. Saying how they managed to survive them all and they would love to be final 2.  LR gang still talking about competitions from past seasons, speculating what tomorrows comp will be saying again how much they dislike Donny, calling him stupid and how they don't want him to win.


3:49am Christine and Cody getting ready for bed. Victoria saying that her head is bleeding bad from the extensions. Derrick asks why she wears them all the time here if she doesn't at home. She says it's hard to explain, she's going to be publicized and even her best friends don't know what happened.


3:58am Christine and Cody have rejoined Derrick and Victoria and they are talking about who was  the most attractive females in this house and in past seasons.


4:07 Living room gang talking about how they dress at home. Victoria says she runs around her house in nothing but a t-shirt and underwear even around her dad and brother. Christine says she's always naked with a bra but she couldn’t do that. Derrick and Cody head to bed, The girls are left up with Zach


4:17am Victoria and Christine getting settled in. Zach climbs into bed and says" turn off the lights in the living room, in the house please everyone is in bed. What's up camera what do you want? It's my last night sleeping in the big brother house tomorrow around 7o'clock I'll be walking out that door with my head held high. I may not be walking out with 500k but I am definitely leaving a winner. Peace out America it's been real I did what I came to do"


4:30am All Hg in darkened rooms and sleeping

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6:10 am BBT  All the HG are asleep in their beds, visions of 500 Grand dancing in their heads.


7:00 am BBT  Camera 1/2 Show Christine and Victoria in the Have-Not Room. Camera 3 shows Caleb and Frankie in the HOHR. Camera 4 is focused on Cody in the Fire BR. Sleeping in there with him is Donny and Derrick. Zach is sleeping alone in the Earth BR.


8:40 am BBT  Still asleep. For those of you who don't read through the middle of the night updates, Zach signed off last night before bed by saying, "Turn off the lights in the living room in the house please. Everyone is in bed. What's up camera? What do you want? It's my last night sleeping in the Big Brother house. Tomorrow around 7 o'clock I'll be walking out that door with my head held high. I may not be walking out with 500k, but I am definitely leaving a winner. Peace out America. It's been real. I did what I came to do."

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#BB16 9:03AM BBT Still sleeping...dreaming of winning HOH and not aware of a HG returning tonight.


#BB16 9:30AM BBT Nothing has changed in the BB house - except some have rolled over - all HG still sleeping.


#BB16 9:55AM BBT Still sleeping.


#BB16 10:20AM BBT Still no wake up call. (Not that they get out of bed with a wake up call to begin with.)

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#BB16 10:26AM BBT We finally have FOTH - must be the wake up call.


#BB16 10:3AM BBT Donny is up and having breakfast. Victoria is heading towards the SR.


#BB16 10:58AM BBT HG all sleeping again but this time with the lights on. Donny not on the feeds.

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11:03am Donny is walking around the LVR and KT area for a morning walk. Everyone else still in bed.


 11:12am Victoria is now up in the WA doing her hair and make up. and we get foth.


 11:19am derrick is now up and in the WC. 


11:24am Victoria is eating  her slop for breakfast. Zach is in the STR changing batteries and Donny sitting at the  table playing with jenga blocks.


 11:27am We get Foth then it switches to Jeff's Reels.

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 1:37pm Caleb and Cody in the KT and Caleb says he can not remember what to say so when he gets up there to speak it just comes out. Cody laughs at him. Derrick in the WA doing his hair cut. Frankie now in the KT making food.


 1:40pm Frankie is asking who was HOH when they had a week off of being have nots. Cody says it was the week Brittany was evicted.


 1:41pm Caleb is shaving Derricks head as derrick tells him how to do it.


 1:50pm Victoria is plucking eyebrows again as derrick tells Caleb how short to go on his  sides. Cody and Frankie in KT. we get foth.


 1:54pm Frankie is washing dishes and says  you are not allowed to say the word cheesy and we get a brief foth. 

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2:02pm Frankie says he is going to every Dr. he knows when he gets out, this is not the cleanliest place he has lived.


 2:06 pm Frankie, Caleb and Cody talk about how good/bad they sleep in the house. Mostly bad. Frankie wonders if BB ever had a dishwasher (No) and if they messed it up or something. Caleb wonders why they don't have one, you know....with 16 people there.


2:11pm BB tells them to clean the house. Frankie says that's what I am doing. Oh, the rest of the house. Caleb gets the vacuum from the SR and using the wand end spot vacuums the LR.


2:20 pm Cody is foot mopping in front of the stove, picks the rag up and wipes the edge of the counter with the same rag. Frankie says they have broken 2 can openers, he didn't know it was possible to break a can opener.

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2:25 pm Derrick still playing with his hair, Caleb takes the clippers to it again. Vic still doing make up. Frankie and Cody still cleaning KT. Frankie finds a nasty avocado. He says there is nothing they can do about how disgusting it is at this point. 


2:29 pm Frankie says it would have been funny if Kathy Griffin had walked in and said how bad it stinks in the house. (she was on a talk show right after she was there and said that it stunk in there)


2:35 pm. Caleb and Frankie say they have been ruffied before. Caleb says there is video of him chasing cows in a field with writing all over him. He says he was supposed to be in the last Pirates of the Caribbean movie, but his BFF got pregnant....WBRB Feeds back---end of story.


2:41 pm Derrick is still going hair and shaving. BB tells him to put his mic on (for about the 8th time) He says he has water running, he is just looking out for them. Doesn't make sense.


2:46 pm Frankie has moved on to cleaning the fridge. He has to wash a drawer out as it has fish oil in the bottom. He is throwing a lot of stuff away. There has been sign of Donny, Chris or Zach. Vic finished her make up and went off cam. Cody gets called to DR. After all this time working on his shaving, Derrick tells Caleb he wants to shave it all off, he is tired of messing with it.


2:55 pm Caleb catches a fly and lets it go. Frankie and Cody give him a hard time about letting it go. Caleb says he will eat it. They compare how clean the dish rack is to when Caleb and Amber cleaned it weeks ago. Caleb says she did most the work, he isn't going to do it again.

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3:00 pm Frankie cant wear polarized sunglasses, they make him dizzy. Donny is awake, uses WC and washes his hands. Vic washes her face and starts over on her make up.


3:09 pm Derrick in shower. Donny asks when they get locked down again (HOH), they say about 4pm. Frankie raps and WBRB. Caleb juggles two jelly jars and a peanut butter jar. Frankie and Vic rap again...WBRB....BB says "Stop that."


3:17 pm Chris is awake. Derrick is bent over in the shower (I don't want to know what he is shaving now). Vic's cover up is almost gone, she is tapping the empty bottle on her hand to get more out of it. Frankie picking at his forehead.


3:24 pm Caleb and Cody wear scarves on their head and stand off as Ninja that turn into rappers.


3:27 pm They keep rapping and we get WBRB, feeds back and Caleb goes...Production how about stop talking....WBRB. feeds back and change of subject and attitude. Caleb and Cody play Jenga.


3:32 pm We are back to Jeff reels.

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7:26 PM BBT Live Feeds come back after Live Eviction show. Nicole is back in the house! She is in the KT talking with Donny, Frankie, Cody and Christine about Frankie's sister and the VMA's. Derrick and Victoria are in the LR sitting on a couch.


7:28 PM BBT Nicole gets told she's not allowed to talk about production. Christine tells Nicole about Kathy Griffin, and how she had said she hates her, and then she was hosting the Veto comp. Victoria tells Derrick, there are 8 people in the house again, this sucks. She goes to the KT. Frankie is cooking dinner. Cody, Derrick, Caleb and Frankie are in fire room. Derrick says there is no reason for anyone to go behind closed doors with her. We see FoTH.


7:32 PM BBT Derrick says that this person coming in right now is worse for Donny and Christine. Donny is walking around Dining Room table, and says there are Fruit Loops everywhere. Nicole asks Donny in the KT, if he cut his hair again. Derrick is telling Cody and Frankie that Nicole is way more prepared now, then they are in the house. Derrick is telling them that she has to go up, since she's been out of the house watching movies and things. He says they don't owe Nicole anything, and there is no reason to have closed door meetings. Derrick says he wanted Zach to come back in. They are talking more game.


7:36 PM BBT Derrick asks Cody what's in his hand, and he says Christine gave it to him. Derrick says Christine's not good for his game at all, and especially after her ZINGBOT. He says his wife would kick him right in the nuts, if that was him doing what she's doing. Derrick says, that Nicole can tell him anything she wants to make up about Hayden and Nicole. Christine in the KT with Donny, Caleb and Nicole. She says they need to play real BB now.


7:38 PM BBT Derrick and Cody say they are not going to believe anything Nicole has to say, because they think she'll lie, just like she did before she left. Donny is pacing back and forth in front of the picture boards. Caleb asks Nicole if she did a lot of sleep in the jury house? She says, yes, you can sleep when you want there. She says she didn't get a lot of sleep the last night in the house. She says she didn't sleep well at the hotel either. Caleb asks if she has someone with you, and she says, you have 2 people with you. We see FoTH. Feeds come back to Caleb telling her about the people in the lot. We see FoTH again. Feeds come back. Caleb says he wonders if Zach gave Julie the rose. Nicole says she knows a lot of people like him, and a lot of her questions were from Zach Attack fans. We here, "you are not allowed to talk about production.


7:42 PM BBT Derrick is telling Cody and Frankie that they need to get back down to 7 HG's, and they owe Nicole no loyalty. He says, he doesn't want her to pit them against each other. Frankie says, no one has been in the Beehive since Nicole left. Derrick says, that if anyone goes in the Beehive room with her, they are hurting themselves. Cody says, who is she to come back in the house to talk to people by themselves. Derrick says, she has no right to do that, and doesn't have the right to talk sh*t about them to each of them. Donny and Nicole are sitting at the Dining Room table.


7:44 PM BBT Caleb goes in the fire room and tells the guys that Donny, Christine and Victoria are sitting there playing Jenga with Nicole. Nicole is playing with the Jenga blocks by herself at the Dining Room table. Christine gets called to the DR. Nicole is smiling at the Dining Room table, when Christine goes to DR. Derrick is being paranoid, saying that Donny is going to tell Nicole everything she needs to know. Donny tells Nicole about the bone game, and that you needed 5 bones to win. He tells her about the Skittles, and she says Zach told her a little bit about it. Donny says, at least he has a friend again, and she says, yes. He says, they are all against him, and she says, her also, because she was gone. She tells Donny, she has his back. Victoria walks through KT. Donny tells Nicole that Victoria doesn't even know she's there, that she has no clue.


7:48 PM BBT Caleb walks through the Dining Room to the KT spying on Donny and Nicole. Victoria is in the fire room with them now. Derrick is trying to turn Victoria against Nicole also, to keep her on her side. Frankie goes up to Nicole, and gives her a hug. He says, she's America's Player. Frankie asks, how she liked his good-bye message, and she says, it was nice, they all were nice. She says, it was cool to see them all in the DR. We see FoTH. Frankie is making small talk with her as Caleb keeps going back and forth, and Donny is walking around. Frankie says he can't believe his sister was in the audience. We see FoTH.


7:51 PM BBT Frankie yells, "Nicole and Hayden are together." She says, "No we're not." Frankie goes to fire room. Derrick says if one of them win HOH, one of them will go home. He says, If one of them wins, one of us will go home, I like those odds. They are talking about the building going on in the BY. Caleb says it could be a puzzle. Nicole says she can't wait to do some DR sessions. She goes in the SR. Derrick says, Nicole is a huge fan of the show, so it's good she gets to come back in the house, but they still have an HOH comp coming up. Nicole tells them that they basically could get anything they wanted to eat in the jury house, but she didn't make the list. She says, they had unlimited candy, Doritos, and chips. We see FoTH.


7:55 PM BBT Christine goes in fire room with Derrick and Victoria. Derrick tells Christine that no one has used Beehive room to spread rumors. He tells her there is no reason for any of them to talk to her alone. He tells her that Cody says he wants to tell her, that is she doesn't win, she goes home. Christine says, she doesn't want them to think she was sitting out there with her, when she was in the DR. Derrick tells her that if Donny or Nicole win, that her or Frankie, or both will be on the block. He says that they have to win HOH.


7:58 PM BBT Christine says that Hayden would not look at her when he was there. Derrick says Jocasta didn't say anything to him. Cody gets called to the DR. Derrick says that Nicole will probably start to spread rumors. Derrick says that if he wins HOH, both Donny and Nicole are going on the block. He says, that most people want to see Donny leave now though. Frankie goes in fire room and asks if anyone wants fish? Christine says, I wish. They talk about the Beehive Room again. Christine says, she is not saying any names if Nicole asks.


8:00 PM BBT Caleb says that Frankie has been cooking fish every night since she left. She says Jocasta made some fish last night, and it was good. Caleb asks if she cooks every night, and Nicole says, actually the people there cook for them. Caleb, says what? We see FoTH. Nicole comes back telling him about the bathrooms, and he asks if they get iPods to watch? We see FoTH again, and then all cams go to fire room. More game talk about sticking together and not losing themselves. Derrick says that Frankie doesn't have to kiss her a$$. He tells Derrick that his sister was out there waiting for him to leave. Caleb walks in fire room, and we see FoTH.


8:03 PM BBT All cams come back on Dining Room table with Donny eating. Then we see Nicole washing and dryer her hands in the WA. She goes to the Dining Room table. Victoria and Derrick talking about sticking together. They leave fire room, and go to KT. Victoria asks if someone is making more slop? Frankie says he can't believe that Nicole saw his sister's billboard. We see FoTH. Cams came back and to FoTH again. Cams came back, and Nicole asks if someone has a zip up she can wear until her stuff gets there. Victoria says all of hers are dirty, but Christine offers her one. We see FoTH. Nicole says thank you to Christine when Live Feeds come back. She says, you got it girl.


7:56 PM BBT Christine says, "Dear Jesus, please don't make me a HN next week." Caleb goes to the LR and sits in an orange chair. Derrick is sitting at the Dining Room table with Donny and Nicole. Christine, Frankie and Victoria are by the KT table.


8:09 PM BBT Caleb asks Caleb if he wants some food, and he says that he's already eaten some pizza and fish. Nicole tells everyone in the Dining Room and KT, that it was so peaceful in the jury house, and now Zach Attach is there making some noise. Frankie goes to eat in the LR with Caleb. Caleb tells Frankie he thinks it's like the comp they had last year. Caleb says, "Caleb, please go to the DR," and still sits in the LR.


8:12 PM BBT Frankie and Cody in the SR, Frankie says he can't believe his sister is opening the VMA's, and that Hayden was probably saying horrible...We see FoTH. Live Feeds come back, and Cody and Christine are in SR getting something to drink. She says, balls definitely taste weird, and laughs non-stop. He says, that didn't just help us, as they walk out of the SR. Caleb still sitting in the LR, looking all pi$$ed off. He recites Derricks Zing. Donny is telling Nicole what the Zings were for everyone. Christine tells Nicole she more than welcome to join them in a slumber party in the HN Room.


8:15 PM BBT A couple HG's say, they are building, there's something going on out there. We see FoTH. Cody asks Nicole if she likes the smaller table? She says, yes, it's cute. She asks if they did the nom ceremony on the smaller table yet, and they tell her, no, it changed on Saturday. She says she hopes they get to pull out keys now, instead of turning them. Cody starts to hum. We see FoTH. Christine comes back saying when she's in the KT alone, and the cams follow to what she's looking at, and it's never anything really to look at. Cody starts humming again, and we see FoTH.


8:19 PM BBT Cams back with Christine and Cody joking around. Derrick goes to the LR. Christine says that Zach was really a character in the house, and it was brilliant for him to throw fruit loops on everyone before he left. Cody reads a serving suggestion of 2 chips on a bag. Nicole, Victoria and Donny are sitting at the Dining Room table. Cody hums, we see FoTH. Christine comes back and says she wonders what Veto's going to be this week. Cody starts singing, and we see FoTH again. Cody says he's sorry. Nicole is asking about what beds are free. Derrick says, maybe they are going to do the comp on TVGN. Cody tells Nicole that he sharted in the bed in the fire room, and she says, he better not have. She says, she's tired, and really wants to lay down. We see FoTH.


8:22 PM BBT Feeds come back with Caleb saying we just got rid of one, and gained another one back. Derrick says it could be two DE's, or an extra week. Caleb asks if a DE would be tonight, and Derrick says, no, in the next couple weeks. Cody and Christine are chit chatting at the KT table, and Nicole and Donny are chit-chatting at the Dining Room table.


8:24 PM BBT Cody asks Nicole where he key is? We see FoTH. Live Feeds come back with the general convo. Nicole gets told to please go to the SR. Cody is playing with the keys on the Picture Board Wall. Nicole's picture is back to a color photo. Nicole comes out of the SR and has her luggage. Caleb says, they were told HOH is in a couple of hours. Someone gets called to the DR, but it was inaudible. Frankie starts talking in his British accent, and we see FoTH.


8:28 PM BBT Frankie and Donny go to the SR, and come out. Cody was saying that Jocasta was about to start talking in tongues during the comp. Caleb, Derrick and Cody are in the LR. Cody starts to sing, we see FoTH. Feeds come back, and Cody asks if someone's in the DR? Caleb says, yeah, Nicole. Cody sits down on the couch. Frankie is walking through the house, saying the corn tortillas just fall apart. Christine starts to sing, we see FoTH. Feeds come back with Christine cooking on the stove. She walk away, leaving the pan on the stove, cough's, grabs her drink, goes to the LR, sits on the couch next to Cody, and punches the pillow. Cody says, "Hey, another girl in the house." Everyone says, oooooooooo.


8:31 PM BBT Christine says, "Production, when I win HOH can I get..." We see FoTH. Cody talks in weird voice and making faces. Derrick and Victoria are talking about chocolate chip cookies. All HG's are in the LR, while Nicole is in the DR.


8:33 PM BBT Victoria asks Cody if he wants to make out. The HG's ask if Nicole and Hayden have made out? They say that she was told to kiss him for the camera's. Derrick says, they watched 42 movies together, there had to be some making out. We see FoTH. When Live Feeds come back they are talking about things in the jury house, and we see FoTH again.


8:35 PM BBT HG's are talking about Five Guys and In and Out, and Jack in the Box. Nicole comes out of DR. Frankie walks in the WA, and back out. Nicole goes in there, and says, she got her clothes back, and she unpacking. She says, what a pain. Christine is sitting next to Cody on the couch, and they look back at Nicole making noise with her luggage. Frankie puts his plate in the sink, washes his hand off, and dries it. Nicole asks Victoria if she can condense her stuff, since she has all of the drawers. She says she needs to. Christine is grabbing Cody's hand and comparing it to her hand, and says, he has fat, sausage, man hands.


8:39 PM BBT Derrick says they need to get a vacuum. Frankie gets called to the DR. Cody asks him to request a vibrator for the both of them. All gets quiet, until Christine says, she slept a lot today. We see FoTH. Feeds come back with Cody and Christine screaming things out about meeting Julie. General chit-chat continues, and we see FoTH again. Several convos going on in the LR, about the comp tonight.


8:43 PM BBT Live Feeds come back from FoTH, and Cody asks Victoria if she wants to make up. Cody asks Christine that if they were in a comp, and you fart, and it comes out a shart, would you drop? She says, absolutely not, I would stay up there. She asks him if he would drop, and he says he would stay up there absolutely nude. Christine says the HOH room is going to be given so late again. Derrick says, unless it's a quick comp. Christine says, the last time they did a late comp, it was really late when they got the room. Derrick goes in KT, and asks if there's a reason the timer was on, and Christine says, yes, for her slop. She goes to the pan, and scrapes the slop off the bottom of the pan. Derrick helps her, so she doesn't hurt herself before her comp.


8:46 PM BBT All HG's leave the LR. Cody starts screaming something from the bedroom. Victoria goes in the WA, looks in the mirror, picking her face, walks around, and looks in a bin under the sink. Christine in the KT by the pan of slop. We see FoTH, and then switch to Jeff's Highlight Reels. It's probably time for the HoH comp.


BBAD HG's are back from HoH comp. Cody wins comp. Derrick, Cody, Christine, and Victoria in fire room. Derrick says Donny will be gone next week, and it's a DE, so we're good.


BBAD Derrick tells Cody that he got the dopest HOH so far. They are talking about hitting the buzzer, and things that happened in the comp.

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9:12 pm BBT We are still watching Jeff's highlight reels. As soon as we know more, you will know more!!


9:30 pm BBT We are assuming the HOH competition is still going strong as we are still watching highlight reels. 


10:03 pm BBT Cody walks through the KT and Donny says, "Congratulations you scoundrel." He stays out in the KT to talk to Donny and Nicole. In the meantime, in the Fire BR Christine, Derrick, Victoria, and Caleb are celebrating," Frankie speaks to the camera with his hands on his hips, "Are you going to get a MF-ing endurance comp now that we've proven we can still F'ing wreck every F-ing mental comp?"


10:08 pm BBT  Cody comes into the Fire BR. Donny is telling Nicole that he talked game with Christine yesterday morning at the KT table. Then when he came out of the DR she was upstairs in the HOHR with everyone. He tells her that he doesn't know how lonely he has been. Cody tells everyone in the Fire BR that he can't wait to tell Donny that he knows everything that he said. Caleb says that you can tell him he can talk in front of everyone. Derrick says if the votes are leaning toward Donny then we go that way. Unless Nicole is stirring things up. Derrick says that if he pulls himself off, then they won't have a choice. Derrick says they will evict one of them off and the second eviction they will get rid of the other one. They say if it's a puzzle, Frankie will beat Frankie. Meanwhile, Donny is telling her that if it's a DE they will ride in the same car.


10:13 pm BBT  Cody says now they will all be there through Day 70. Frankie says he would have sucked at this competition. Caleb asks what other mental comps they have left. Out in the LR Derrick says it was a cool comp but he liked their outfits more. He goes into the WA and sees Nicole. He says, "Welcome back, homey." She says she can't believe how bad she sucked. She was off on the number of days in they are in the house by 20 days. He says that if it makes her feel better, he has lost to Victoria before, too.


10:17 pm BBT  Derrick and Caleb discuss that tomorrow will probably be the have-not competition. Donny tells Nicole he's glad she is there for him to hang out with. He says Zach slept 30 hours a day, but they hung out when he was awake. Derrick and Caleb are in the SR. Derrick tells Caleb that Cody's win is the biggest win of the season so far. Then he backtracks and says that his DE win was, too. Cody, Frankie, Christine, and Victoria are talking in the Fire BR and Frankie says as long as we keep shutting both of them down during the week, we are OK. Cody says that Nic is going up because she's the only person in the house who has gotten a second chance. Donny is going up because of all he has said and he is his target. Victoria says that Cody will probably be the first HOH to get a one on one with Julie.


10:21 pm BBT  Nicole says she can't believe there is only one HOH. Derrick says he thinks it's because of the buy back and there will be a DE and maybe even one more DE. That or there will be an extra week of BB this year, making it the longest summer of BB ever. In the Fire BR Cody says he is obsessed with the story of Ariana in the audience. Frankie says it's probably because Zach talked so much sh*t about him that she wanted to be there to see him be evicted. Christine says that in normal BB we wait outside for the noms. Will we do that? Will we get to turn the keys? What's it going to be like? She says that she doesn't want to have a have-not competition. They discuss whether they will have luxury competitions after what they've gotten so far.


10:25 pm BBT  Derrick is talking about how Zach made it to Day 63 and could get asked back because he was so entertaining. He says he is kind of jealous that he got to go to the jury house. He asks if it's like the Bachelor House. She says she doesn't know what the Bachelor House is. He asks if it's gated. She says she doesn't know because it's gated. He asks if they get fast food. Then they talk about his man "Dave." They agree that Dave is the man and we get FotH. When the feeds return he says all he wants to talk about the house. Derrick says that Ariana Grande was in the audience and gave Hayden the stink eye. He says that he's sure Hayden couldn't care less. Then they talk about the comp. She says if she had known what day it was in the BB house, she would have done different better. She says it was a tough comp.


10:30 pm BBT  Frankie cuddles Cody and tells everyone to love Cody as much as he does. He leaves the Fire BR and Christine immediately gets in bed with Cody. Christine, Victoria, and Cody continue talking about Donny and how much they want him out of the house.


10:35 pm BBT Nicole says that she thought she would be playing in an endurance comp coming into the house. She said there hasn't been anything endurance and nothing messy. Frankie joins her and Donny in the LR and they talk about the competition for a couple of minutes. Frankie goes into the KT to talk with Derrick. Donny and Nicole sit in the LR.


10:43 pm BBT  Cody, Christine and Vic say they are so happy the BotB is over. They say they must be going longer or there are more than 2 DE. Frankie and Derrick say that they think Pandora's box will come back. Derrick says the only problem with that is opening it. Frankie says he thinks Cody could be locked in a room with Devin and Ariana could come into the house. Derrick says that he's a little worried. Frankie says there's no reason to worry this week. The only reason to worry is that Cody does get a little excited.


10:50 pm BBT  Cody, Christine, and Victoria decide to join the rest of the HG. Cody sits in the LR with Nicole, Caleb, and Donny. Christine  goes to the KT with Derrick and Frankie. Caleb says that when the game rules were read to them, he turned to Frankie and said, "Well... I lost this one." He says that he doesn't even know what day it is in the BB house. Nicole leaves and heads to the KT. Frankie says that it's going to be a late night. Christine says that they are halfway through the game with 8 people left. Frankie says but only 20 F-ing days left!


10:57 pm BBT  Frankie tells Nicole he wishes she was here for all the crazy "Saboteur" stuff last week. They fill her in on it. Caleb says it was good to see Jocasta and Hayden. Cody says it was surprisingly good to see them. Donny says he thinks that's what it will be like on finale night. It won't be game or hard feelings. Cody says he can't believe there isn't a pool table at the jury house. Caleb says would you want there to be a pool table in your 10 million dollar home? No. Derrick says that Nicole said there was a bathroom for every bedroom. They talk about how Jocasta is probably enjoying the privacy. Donny says there were times she would be surprised if he walked in and he would think why is she surprised if I walk in? There are 9 million people watching her right now. Cody, Derrick, Caleb, and Donny then talk about whether they have had any slipups where people have seen them at all this season.

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11:07 PM BBT All HG in the LR, talk about Pandora’s box saying Devin would come in the house and terrorize them and eat all their food. Cody gets called into the DR, the HG hope he is getting his HoH key.


11:12 PM BBT HG are still waiting for Cody to come out of the DR. Derrick is speculating that nominations and Veto competition will be tomorrow and a Have/Have Not competition will be on Saturday since the BotB comp will no longer be tomorrow. Donny and Frankie are making origami.


11:18 PM BBT HG still talking in the LR, Nicole asking about the Saboteur events, each HG talks about realizing their stuff was missing and forming the BB neighborhood watch. Donny and Frankie still doing origami. Christine went to the bathroom to shave and Victoria went to the Kitchen to get a drink. Cody is still in the DR.


11:22 PM BBT Nicole is talking about her and Hayden. She admits she should have kissed him before coming back in the house and she was surprised that she kissed Jocasta instead. Nicole says Hayden mentioned his parents might have moved to Michigan, which is close to where she lives, and Hayden might want to move to Chicago.


11:28 PM BBT In the LR, Nicole is telling the HG about watching he competitions in the Jury house, sayig it was weird to watch but really cool. Caleb asked if he looked "shredded" when he wore his overalls during a comp, and Nicole says he looked really good. Nicole says everything looked professional. The HG request Frankie to reenact his Veto Ceremony speech and he does it.


11:34 PM BBT The HG in the LR, minus Cody, are saying they think Zach was America's Player. They are all listing the times Zach has gotten away with something that Production has yelled at other HG for: Sleeping anywhere when a Have Not, Breaking a camera during the Veto Comp, and standing on top of the nomination chair (Cody was told to not to do that same thing by BB).


11:40 PM BBT The HG say that there have been seven mental HoH comps in a row. Nicole says she is surprised the one today wasn't an endurance competition. Donny says that him, Caleb and Cody were killing flies this afternoon. Caleb caught a fly in his bare hand and let him go. Christine says Amber would be proud and Caleb says "Amber who?".


11:48 PM BBT Nicole says the jury house is worth 6 million. BB is renting it out from someone for the summer, the owner is renting out the house because their kids have grown up and moved out. Nicole says the only TV she watched was movies, like Dallas Buyers Club.


11:52 PM BBT Nicole is saying there are no electronics to use, except Pandora can play any music they want. The jury members are able to use a pen and paper to write. Donny says that out of everything in the jury house he is most amazed by the pen and paper. Caleb asks him if he has ever used pen and paper. The HG say Donny is from the stone age.


11:55 PM BBT Donny and Caleb are talking about chewing tobacco. Donny said his 3 packs lasted until today. Donny has been chewing tobacco since he was 14 but he had quit for 2 years once. Caleb is chewing on beef jerky to satisfy his tobacco craving. Donny shows the tooth he has lost, it isn't noticable and quotes, "Children, if you aren't true to your teeth, they will be false to you." Christine says to preach it.

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******CODY'S HOH LETTER******


Cody's HOH Letter: Cody Bear, You won HOH, Yeah! So excited that you get to have some of your favorite snackies and fun stuff, you deserve it. I'm sure it has to be tough, but remember to thank God above every day, for the fun you have, and blessed with to be where you are today, and the rest will always fall into place, just where it is meant to be. I'm not gonna lie, I miss ya. But, I know you are right where you should be, rockin' the house with your new friends. Your new summer family will love you, just like we all do. So, stay true to yourself. Love you baby boy, keep your head up every day you wake up, because every new day is a blessing. Muuaazz! Can not wait to see you. Make yourself proud. XOXO Love, Mommy XOXOXO

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12:02 AM BBT Cody is still in the Dr, feeds 1 and 3 are on the DR door. Victoria and Christine have left the LR, both are not being shown.


12:03 AM BBT Cody comes out of the DR with his HoH key, all HG follow him upstairs. Caleb tells Cody his sister is pretty, Christine says he has a good looking family, and even Cody says his mom looks hot in one picture. Cody got a CD from Papa Roach.


12:07 AM BBT There is a picture of Cody's dad wearing a Zebra tuxedo on his wedding day. Cody's letter was from his Mom who called him Cody Bear and the HG says they are going to call him that too.


12:13 AM BBT All HG are sitting around talking in the HoH room, Donny tells Cody that before the HoH comp tonight he thought Cody was some dumb kid, Derrick piles it on him too. Cody tells them he is a college graduate.


12:19 AM BBT All HG are in the HoH room eating Cody's food and asking about his family. Frankie gets called to the DR. We get a brief FOTH for about one minute. Feeds return and Donny is in the KT getting something to drink.


12:26 AM BBT Donny is getting ready to go to bed in the FR. Caleb and Derrick decide to make a pizza. Nicole, Victoria, Cody, and Christine are still in the HoH room talking about the HoH competition. Nicole says she is glad she wasn't in it because she wouldn't have lasted past the first question. Nicole tells the HG more about the romantic things Hayden did for Nicole in the jury house. On the way to the SR, Caleb does more karate moves and asks the cameras if they liked that or did he just hit himself for no reason.


12:35 AM BBT In the HoH room, Cody is trying to get Nicole to tell him more things her and Hayden have been doing in the jury house. Caleb goes back upstairs and says, "Where are all the girls? Oh! Cody's HoH room." Cody says Caleb and Derrick have been jealous all week. Derrick tells Cody when he goes to meet Tim, Cody will get kicked in the nuts. Frankie is out of the DR and Donny says that was fast. Donny has now laid down on the LR couch. When Frankie goes back up to the HoH room he comments about how much BB is building for the competition set for tomorrow.


12:40 AM BBT Christine leaves the HoH room and while walking through the KT to the SR whispers, "Please God don't make me a Have Not". The HG tell Nicole they haven't met ninja Caleb and Caleb starts his ninja skit.


12:45 AM BBT General talk including a previous competition with boxing. Everyone is laying down on the bed or couch except Caleb, who is still doing his ninja moves. Victoria is massaging Derrick's head, Derrick is laying down and looks like he is falling asleep. Frankie is now in a dancing spin competition with Caleb.


12:54 AM BBT Production has called out Derrick for being asleep, he says he has been closing his eyes, Christine says his eyes have been closed for a long time. Caleb and Frankie are throwing a ball to each other. Derrick tells Caleb their pizza is probably burnt and sends Victoria to check on it.

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