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L F U's ... thanks for a tough BB16


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LFU's I would have been lost without your updates this season.


This year was especially hard for East Coast Live Feed watchers.

(unless you wanted / or could  stay up all nite) This bunch got their day started later

than any other season it seems.


I've actually got LFU under my name... but, I'm really slow on typing and listening at

the same time... and haven't contributed hardly anything at all.


Thanks.... your efforts are appreciated by all of us.  :hurray:

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Yes I too want to say a BIG THANK YOU!!  I started the season with hopes of helping this year, but much to my dismay my main computer runs on XP and will not stream without problems and my laptop took a dump.  So many many thanks!  And a shout out to Morty who has done above and beyond this year!

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Yes, I agree completely!! I love reading the updates daily, and getting a much closer look at what is really going on in there versus what we see on tv. Thank you for keeping all of us in the loop of what is really happening in the Great Social Experiment.

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Definitely thank you for your hard work!  I wasn't able to get the feeds this year because I moved to the middle of nowhere with satellite internet that has a poor signal.  I would be lost without you guys!  Great job!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I want to thank the LFU too!  Y'all do a great job with the updates, and we all appreciate you taking time out of your schedule to catch us up on what is going on in the house!  I honestly don't know what I would do during BB without the updates here at morty's.

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Well, then that leaves me out...I'm old and leathery, probably a bit tough to chew....

Also, got my own caldron going on that night, a pot of telemarketer stew....... :)


Ya I can verify the truthfulness of her statement!











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  • 2 weeks later...

Morty you are the best in reporting what goes on in Big Brother.  I have followed a few sites and over the years and yours is far the best site around.  I love the ones that say they are bloggers and write 2 paragraphs a day, 2 - 3 tweets and then whine that unless you support them then by buying the feeds and sending other money then they will have to shut down.  Please do shut down as no one follows Big Brother like your team does and I'm so glad I started buying the feeds from you 2 years ago.



THANKS MORTY I deleted all other big brother sites.

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Yes, thank you all!


I actually tried to contribute once to live feed updates - I'm a super fast typer. But it was way more difficult than I thought it would be. I summarized like 2 minutes of what was happening on the feeds and decided I'm not cut out for it. Maybe I'll try again next year!


So thanks a bunch - I've been reading Morty's daily updates for years. This is the first year I've read/posted on the forum though. And I'm embarrassed to admit, this is the first year I've donated money. But I finally did it and will continue to next year.


Thanks everybody!!

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