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Christine Brecht (Week 8) - nominated by Derrick, BotB winner (saved)


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Seems like I could see her reaching out and feeling an arm or shoulder.

She might have been able to tell just by feeling ?


Maybe even a grunt as they bumped?

Yeah, I'm sure she could tell Cody just by feeling him since she has had plenty of practice.


The grunt signal was from beast mode cowboy touching his farm animal.

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Guest 6Borders

I heard that they called her out on it when the competition was going on and I found it interesting they didn't show that on the show.  What are they trying to make her look like she was actually throwing it???? Also they have never really showed her hanging on Cody on the shows so I suppose the attempt last night was so they could air her Zing on Wednesday. 

I saw her handing off bones (in the comp that is, on the show, because they did not show it on the feeds, at least when I was semi paying attention) to Cody & Caleb like she was feeding starving dogs.  The comp (at least how BB showed it) was clearly 3 against 1!  IF production had a hand in helping Donny it would be a clear case of Donny vs Beauties & The Bitch!

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Speaking of conspiracies, how is it that Christine was able to hand off bones to Caleb and Cody so easily since no one could see and there was no reason to talk them?


Toldju all yesterday. After the comp they were all yapping casually about earpieces and Christine being told to go LEFT yada yada.


Donny was handed the win and I think it bothered him LATER.

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Toldju all yesterday. After the comp they were all yapping casually about earpieces and Christine being told to go LEFT yada yada.


Donny was handed the win and I think it bothered him LATER.

But Christine threw it so I don't get it.  Could it be they were telling Christine where Caleb and Cody was because if you watch the footage I think every time she handed off a bone to them it was to her left.

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Toldju all yesterday. After the comp they were all yapping casually about earpieces and Christine being told to go LEFT yada yada.


Donny was handed the win and I think it bothered him LATER.

Throw some gas on the conspiracy!!


Wasn't all the bones that Christine passed the wrong sized bones? Where did Donny find bones 3 and 4. Seems like they showed every bone being found except I could not tell where Donny got his 3rd and 4th bones. Look like they just appeared in his hand.   

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I don't buy the conspiracy theories. In this day and age getting away with outright rigging stuff like this would come back to bite CBS at some point. I don't think they'd want any part of it.


With high definition TV, the feeds and the fact people can't keep quiet about anything, regardless of contracts signed.


On the other hand I could see production asking leading questions in DR sessions and selecting certain competitions at certain times that might produce the results they want.

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Throw some gas on the conspiracy!!


Wasn't all the bones that Christine passed the wrong sized bones? Where did Donny find bones 3 and 4. Seems like they showed every bone being found except I could not tell where Donny got his 3rd and 4th bones. Look like they just appeared in his hand.   

The last one came from a square box on the side of the room. It looked metal but you clearly see Donny digging through it and pulling out the bone.  I can't remember anything about the third one since there was more focus on Christine crawling on the floor trying to find her lapdog and the cowboy.

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Guest 6Borders

I don't buy the conspiracy theories. In this day and age getting away with outright rigging stuff like this would come back to bite CBS at some point. I don't think they'd want any part of it.


With high definition TV, the feeds and the fact people can't keep quiet about anything, regardless of contracts signed.


On the other hand I could see production asking leading questions in DR sessions and selecting certain competitions at certain times that might produce the results they want.

Grodner has been "manipulating" the show for years.  BB is not under a game show contract so she can do whatever the heck she wants, including (but not limited to) casting HG's who are friends 'n family with/to/of/have worked for CBS and their employees (not allegedly "allowed" under game shows or contests).


Depends on your definition of "outright rigging"!  Let's say we have "John" who is in danger of being evicted unless he wins the POV (and it just so happens he's a fan and/or Grodner fav..fan favs+ money & ratings). 


So the comp is finding one heart, moon, star and clover in among 10,000 other mostly similar shapes, one at a time getting them back down your lane and hit the buzzer to win.  So John just happens to be in Lane 2, where the heart, moon and star just happen to be practically on top of each other (so he knows where they are going back for them (and maybe in a criptic DR they said "go left young man") and the clover is nearby enough but not too obvious, while the other lanes just happen to be scattered all over the place!  In a wild comp where pieces are thrown all over who is really paying attention and who is really going to be able to challenge (since the staff is under non-disclosure contract and the set is broken down within hours).  All the HiDef and feeds will not show you much about a comp that gives fish or Jeff reels when it's going on, they will show you what they want you to see. 


Until such time as Grodner is made to show the listing and setting up of each comp, special power or safety net (in order before the show starts) there will be production manipulation...because they CAN!

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lol... I'm sitting here thinking... even if they told Caleb to stay on the left side of the wall....

He still wouldn't find them.


I'm still sticking to my feeling that this wasn't one of the 'fixed' Comps.

Think I'll look at the TV video of the show tonite if there's nothing interesting on TV.

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Oh and I don't like Christine as a person. That's on topic for sure. To say you hate a person is a very strong emotion. How could anyone dislike Donny as a person and be as rude to him as most of these hg have is beyond me. Her flirting with Cody is second in line over her human nature to be a mean hearted person. And yes, she was very jealous of Amber.

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This forum and all of those who are so quick to jump on the conspiracy theory bandwagon make this for hilarious reading. Thanks for the entertainment.


Don't lump us all into one pile. I never bought into that bullshit but i KNOW what I heard them discussing LIVE.



But Christine threw it so I don't get it.  Could it be they were telling Christine where Caleb and Cody was because if you watch the footage I think every time she handed off a bone to them it was to her left.


Not certain but I know they specifically said she was being told to go LEFT in her EARPIECE and then FOTH lol. 


This is why talking ABOUT production is a big no no bwahhhhh 

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Don't lump us all into one pile. I never bought into that bullshit but i KNOW what I heard them discussing LIVE.


Not certain but I know they specifically said she was being told to go LEFT in her EARPIECE and then FOTH lol.

This is why talking ABOUT production is a big no no bwahhhhh

I wasn't lumping everyone into the same pile. There are several of you who have either said you would want to see for yourselves or just never bought into it at all. Caleb is the boy who cries wolf in my opinion.

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I wasn't lumping everyone into the same pile. There are several of you who have either said you would want to see for yourselves or just never bought into it at all. Caleb is the boy who cries wolf in my opinion.

Guess you weren't watching the feeds. Was one of those NEED to BE there moments to know. 


Carry on people.

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No, I don't have the live feeds and depend on the updates from Morty's page to get what I can't see on BBAD or the regular shows. I do however pay very close attention to details and personalities.


Feeds make a difference. 


You cannot capture the truth of the moment off of hearsay.


CBS edits the show to the point the people are nothing like how they truly are live on the feeds. BIG difference. 


Posts also do not capture the inflection of what is said.

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I agree with you on that but am I wrong in saying that Caleb was the one to start yelling foul play?

Is he not easily guided into thinking whatever he is told is fact? If Christine dropped a plate and let's say Derrick told Caleb she threw it because she was mad because she finally realized they will be getting rid of her next...Caleb would not only believe it but have a story built up about it within minutes and running to tell Frankie and Cody.

Caleb lost the game to Donny and started yelping like a hurt puppy and surely Donny had cheated. Just because he says it, doesn't make it true... Or maybe he does do all the things he says.

Have a nice night Wicked.

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I agree with you on that but am I wrong in saying that Caleb was the one to start yelling foul play?

Is he not easily guided into thinking whatever he is told is fact? If Christine dropped a plate and let's say Derrick told Caleb she threw it because she was mad because she finally realized they will be getting rid of her next...Caleb would not only believe it but have a story built up about it within minutes and running to tell Frankie and Cody.

Caleb lost the game to Donny and started yelping like a hurt puppy and surely Donny had cheated. Just because he says it, doesn't make it true... Or maybe he does do all the things he says.

Have a nice night Wicked.


He wasn't the only one discussing the directions being given and said it without malice.

They were actually laughing and having a great time post comp.

They were simply talking about what happened during the comp without finger pointing and just giggles whilst cleaning up.

ANY yelping occured later once the dust settled. 

I did not misconstrue their discussions.

I still don't believe EVERYTHING is controlled however, I do know this competition was for a lack of a better term... aided. Undoubtedly.

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OK... ear mics or no ear mics...


4 people were in a dark room

3 people were gathering bones for one team

1 person was gathering bones for the other team.


Somehow (aided or not) the single game player won the game.


Case closed...

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Whatever you believe your going to believe but they only show a small part of the comp on TV.  Christine did try to throw it and did get called out by production.  They of course did not show it on TV.  Maybe its a simple case of Karma.  I do not know but I for one was glad that Donny won just so Derrick could feel a little nervous for once. Plus just the fact that every week I have to listen to them plan for weeks ahead and this put a little kink in their planning.

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