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Donny Thompson (Week 8) - nominated by Derrick, BotB winner (saved) + Team America


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SueZqueZ : "   As it happened he was immediately shunned by the youngins and it was deflating.  If he'd been in the room the night the BS was formed instead of Christine, we'd all be talking a different scenario. "


SueZ... I posted something similar to that a couple of times.


A lot their fates were sealed the minute the BS was formed. 

I'm hoping against hope that next season a bunch of them don't form another one the first day or so

because this one worked out so well.


Toooo predictable

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I am in the minority because I also feel that Donny has played the social game the only way he has been able too and a damned good one at comps.  I'm an extrovert personality, at least NOW I am, but it is easy for me to spot someone who is introvert because I was one as a young child.  Unless dragged by the arms (so to speak) they will not try to break into another groups airspace...they stand off and hope to maybe, just maybe, find a small opening one on one and then maybe be brought into the group that way.  With the forming of the bomb squad, the tightness of Christine/Nicole/Hayden in the beginning, all that remained to befriend was Poa, Brit and Jocasta...ergo no one to really get him into the mix.  Maybe he shouldn't of tried out for BB as a game player, if I hadn't of tried out for a girls softball team at 12 yrs old and been befriend by one girl, my personality never would of risen either.  Maybe this was the experience Donny was looking for.  In a game like this you would go into it thinking "someone will need me, if only as a number".  As it happened he was immediately shunned by the youngins and it was deflating.  If he'd been in the room the night the BS was formed instead of Christine, we'd all be talking a different scenario.


Hoping for the best for him, but fear he will not win.  

I completely agree.

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well I see Christine wasted no time in running to Cody and now Donny is a Fing ahole and he has no clue what is going on.  Really she missed his whole point in the conversation.  What a piece of work she is.

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Donny Was thrown a bone to keep the pacifists and older folks happy. Can't lose that portion of the audience and he's this seasons NICE guy. 

Derrick was sailing too smoothly and people were rumbling bored.


I'd prefer a non-manipulated game but it is what it is.


Any doubters either don't have live feeds or weren't watching when certain things were said.


If you're not IN the room during a conversation, you don't know what is being said let alone when and how. 


BB is coming very close to picking a winner BEFORE the people even enter the house. 

I had some time on my hands last night so I reviewed the feeds for the comments you talked about that show that the comp was fixed. You know… those comments about IFBs and ‘turn left’… The storyline you’ve been putting out there recently about the last comp just doesn't match reality.
The only one to say anything about ear pieces or production instructing Donny was Caleb. He went wandering around the house for more than an hour spewing this non-sense. 
He never said that he saw or heard anything about Prod helping Donny. He never said that prod gave instructions to Donny via an IFB or that production told Donny to turn left. 
What Caleb actually said was::
7:40 Caleb-Christine in Washroom Cam 4:: 
“I swear it FEELS LIKE they got a little earpiece in his ear”
7:44 Caleb-Frankie-Zach in Kitchen:: 
“It SEEMS LIKE he’s got a little IFB and their telling him where the bones are”
7:52 Caleb-Zach in SR cam 4:: 
“I swear dude, it FEELS LIKE they put an IFB in his ear AND LIKE turn left”
No one else said these things and Caleb himself never actually said that Donny had help. What he did say was that it SEEMED LIKE  or it FEELS LIKE… in other words, just excuses for his own loss. Listen to it again, this was nothing more than making an excuse for Beast Mode Cowboy losing a contest to lowly ol’ Donny.
I'm human so I could have missed something, I've been wrong before and I'll be wrong again, but I didn't see anyone claim to know that Donny had help. If you have the times and cams, then tell us what the are and we can see for ourselves that the group was talking openly & 'giggling' about knowing that Donny actually had productions help.
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Donny Was thrown a bone to keep the pacifists and older folks happy. Can't lose that portion of the audience and he's this seasons NICE guy. 

Derrick was sailing too smoothly and people were rumbling bored.


I'd prefer a non-manipulated game but it is what it is.


Any doubters either don't have live feeds or weren't watching when certain things were said.


If you're not IN the room during a conversation, you don't know what is being said let alone when and how. 


BB is coming very close to picking a winner BEFORE the people even enter the house. 

Those two things are exactly the reason he is still here. 

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What is it with these people that they can't keep a single conversation to themselves? How does it benefit Christine and Cody to run and tell Derrick what Donny said to them? The two of them are such stupid little puppets.


This whole season it seems like the HGs that were in the original BS have repeated at least once, usually more, every single game convo that was ever said.

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What is it with these people that they can't keep a single conversation to themselves? How does it benefit Christine and Cody to run and tell Derrick what Donny said to them? The two of them are such stupid little puppets.


This whole season it seems like the HGs that were in the original BS have repeated at least once, usually more, every single game convo that was ever said.

The reason they run and tell is because Donny didn't spend the early part of the game trying hard to build up a rapport with the other house mates. He didn't have to go talk game with them back then, he could have just kept working to just have small conversations with them, once or twice a day. The other night, he talked with Zach and they spent a lot of time discussing Donny's brother. If he would have participated in conversations like that early on, he may have built up enough trust with a player or two, they might listen to him now and keep their conversation secret. Christine and Cody feels their games can be helped more by Derrick than Donny. Why? Because they trust Donny. I haven't seen them question why he's dragging Vic along. 


I know people disagree with me and all kinds of excuses will be made about how Donny was treated, but again, you have to play with the hand you get and not with the one you wish you had. If he would have sowed his mustard seeds weeks ago, it's possible that he could have been in a position to enjoy the harvest. He may have built up just enough trust for a few players to take a step back, evaluate what he said for a few days and then decide what they are going to do. They may not have joined him, but I believe they would have been more inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt. The last few nights, I have noticed that he's been up later and he's trying to engage people more. Unfortunately, it may be too late. At this point, none of the other players trust him and he has to depend on trying to win every POV.  

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He is playing with the hand that was dealt him and doing great with his POV wins to keep himself safe.  And, he did try to sow seeds weeks ago.....but the seeds he planted were plucked out of the ground and blown into the wind or the jury house.  He was never able to have any one on one with any of the BS squad because they only talked among themselves, nor did he want too talk game with them for more fear of the repercussions once Devin outed who the BS squad was. 


Great game play, no not in the standards of a Derrick or (yuk) Frankie, but he's still there ain't he?

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He is playing with the hand that was dealt him and doing great with his POV wins to keep himself safe.  And, he did try to sow seeds weeks ago.....but the seeds he planted were plucked out of the ground and blown into the wind or the jury house.  He was never able to have any one on one with any of the BS squad because they only talked among themselves, nor did he want too talk game with them for more fear of the repercussions once Devin outed who the BS squad was. 


Great game play, no not in the standards of a Derrick or (yuk) Frankie, but he's still there ain't he?

Agree.... except for the last line.


I don't see Donny's game to be any weaker or stronger than Derrick's or Frankie's game, just different. D & F have made some pretty poor decisions and what's worse is that they made them from positions of extreme safety. 


Actually, they've made quite a pile of mistakes. Derrick owns Brit's loyalty but he freaks and pushes for her eviction... Frankie owns Victoria and losses her to Derrick... Zach's out... Zach's not out... Frankie is out... Frankie is in...now Zach is out again...  Caleb loves Amber so get rid of him... no, get rid of her... Caleb hates Amber, so get rid of him... no get rid of her... Cody has his chance to strike but with Derricks support he punks out... These two are the Keystone Kops of Big Brother.


Over and over again this BS/Det group has proven to be a mess... given their cards, they should have had much smoother sailing and who are we giving credit for pulling the strings... D & F. They've both played a pretty poor game but have the luxury of the protection of a huge early alliance and the good fortune to be playing with nitwits. It's hard to lose when your dealt a straight flush but these two have managed to work their cards down to a straight and a flush. Lucky for them that besides Donny, the others think the cards are real pretty and are great for coasters and pasties.


Derrick ,Frankie and Donny are the only ones actually playing the game... the rest are housebots. Unfortunately for us, D,F, &D are playing a very average game. Give me season 6 again. I demand my season 6!!!!! (only this time, let's not have Maggie & Ivette win)

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Straycat : "  This whole season it seems like the HGs that were in the original BS have repeated at least once, usually more, every single game convo that was ever said. "


Yep.. it's not just that Donny's remarks are being repeated... they're all guilty of repeating ANY and ALL game talk within 15 mins. of whoever it is.

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Guest 6Borders


I had some time on my hands last night so I reviewed the feeds for the comments you talked about that show that the comp was fixed. You know… those comments about IFBs and ‘turn left’… The storyline you’ve been putting out there recently about the last comp just doesn't match reality.
The only one to say anything about ear pieces or production instructing Donny was Caleb. He went wandering around the house for more than an hour spewing this non-sense. 
He never said that he saw or heard anything about Prod helping Donny. He never said that prod gave instructions to Donny via an IFB or that production told Donny to turn left. 
What Caleb actually said was::
7:40 Caleb-Christine in Washroom Cam 4:: 
“I swear it FEELS LIKE they got a little earpiece in his ear”
7:44 Caleb-Frankie-Zach in Kitchen:: 
“It SEEMS LIKE he’s got a little IFB and their telling him where the bones are”
7:52 Caleb-Zach in SR cam 4:: 
“I swear dude, it FEELS LIKE they put an IFB in his ear AND LIKE turn left”
No one else said these things and Caleb himself never actually said that Donny had help. What he did say was that it SEEMED LIKE  or it FEELS LIKE… in other words, just excuses for his own loss. Listen to it again, this was nothing more than making an excuse for Beast Mode Cowboy losing a contest to lowly ol’ Donny.
I'm human so I could have missed something, I've been wrong before and I'll be wrong again, but I didn't see anyone claim to know that Donny had help. If you have the times and cams, then tell us what the are and we can see for ourselves that the group was talking openly & 'giggling' about knowing that Donny actually had productions help.


No, I don't think you are wrong...that's what I heard (and questioned at the time) as well.  I saw that they had goggles but not ear pieces.  BoastModeCowflop just could not believe that one person beat the 3 of them idiots in that comp!

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The reason they run and tell is because Donny didn't spend the early part of the game trying hard to build up a rapport with the other house mates. He didn't have to go talk game with them back then, he could have just kept working to just have small conversations with them, once or twice a day. The other night, he talked with Zach and they spent a lot of time discussing Donny's brother. If he would have participated in conversations like that early on, he may have built up enough trust with a player or two, they might listen to him now and keep their conversation secret. Christine and Cody feels their games can be helped more by Derrick than Donny. Why? Because they trust Donny. I haven't seen them question why he's dragging Vic along. 


I know people disagree with me and all kinds of excuses will be made about how Donny was treated, but again, you have to play with the hand you get and not with the one you wish you had. If he would have sowed his mustard seeds weeks ago, it's possible that he could have been in a position to enjoy the harvest. He may have built up just enough trust for a few players to take a step back, evaluate what he said for a few days and then decide what they are going to do. They may not have joined him, but I believe they would have been more inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt. The last few nights, I have noticed that he's been up later and he's trying to engage people more. Unfortunately, it may be too late. At this point, none of the other players trust him and he has to depend on trying to win every POV.  


I agree with you. (don't hate me people) LOL


One thing to consider about Donny winning so many comps.... he has played in about every BOB and POV comp since the game started. Cody has not won comps but he has only played in one POV comp besides the weekly HOH comps. (I am not a Cody fan though) Donny has won his comps to save himself at just the right time and God Bless his pea pickin heart.


I personally don't like the pity card. I don't know how many times Donny has said I am all alone in this game.


Like I have said I am all about the scheming and clawing to get to the finals. I love the mental game more then the physical game. For me the game starts on day one and not day 40 something.


just me

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I don't know what he's thinking going to Christine. I guess desperate times and all with nothing really to lose. She back-stabbed Nicole, so probably the last person to go to though.


I honestly think he's been trying to get into an alliance of some kinda since practically day 1 and no one takes him seriously. There was of course the terrible and short lived Crazy 8's. Then there was the Double D's with Devin.


Then he tried with Team America. Then he tried with Nicole & Hayden and they opted to go with Cody & Derrick.


So to say he hasn't been playing since Day 1 doesn't ring true to me.

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I agree with you. (don't hate me people) LOL


One thing to consider about Donny winning so many comps.... he has played in about every BOB and POV comp since the game started. Cody has not won comps but he has only played in one POV comp besides the weekly HOH comps. (I am not a Cody fan though) Donny has won his comps to save himself at just the right time and God Bless his pea pickin heart.


I personally don't like the pity card. I don't know how many times Donny has said I am all alone in this game.


Like I have said I am all about the scheming and clawing to get to the finals. I love the mental game more then the physical game. For me the game starts on day one and not day 40 something.


just me

He didn't start on day 40 something... he was in an alliance on day 2, won his first POV week 1. No one started before Donny, most started after he did. Donny engaged socially but he was too old and different to fit in with the young ones. That didn't stop him, he spent time on the BY coach working to engage each and every time he was alone with another HG. He told his jokes, he lead the muscle train, he let the HG's he trusted in on his observations and analysis. He did this as the members of the BS were doing little more than reveling in their power and safety.


Derrick wasn't seen as a power center in the first weeks, it was Devin, Caleb, Cody, and Frankie. Derrick was a ride along. If it was Donny standing next to Cody on day 2 when the BS was forming, it would be Donny seen as the mastermind and Derrick scrambling for his BB life. Remember, on those few occasions where we've seen Derrick scramble, it hasn't been pretty.


You've mentioned several times that you admire a 'mental game', and the only three that are playing a 'mental game' are Donny, Derrick and Frankie. The thing that surprises me about your admiration of the 'mental game' is that Derrick and Frankie have not shown that they have anywhere close to the observational and analytical 'mental game that Donny has. Donny figured out the opposition time and time again and he figured out more and figured it out earlier than either Derrick or Frankie. That's not an admirable 'mental game' on their part.


Those two have misfired over and over again. Derrick had Brit's full support but he freaked and pushed for her eviction. Not smart, not cool headed and definitely not analytical. The only reason Derrick's game appears to you as it does is because he has been blessed to operate in safety from the very beginning nearly regardless of his own behavior. It was almost impossible to get targeted if one was in the BS.


Think about what outrageous nonsense it took to kick Devin out of the BS. Then think about how it took Caleb's full-blown craziness to remove Amber. Derrick hasn't had to meet a very high standard to remain safe in the BS/Det. Derrick is given credit where no credit has been earned. It's easy to be comfortable if one is born into comfort and Derricks began his BB life in comfort through a stroke of luck that had him standing beside Cody when the BS recruiting was active. So, I don't agree that Derrick has played much of a 'mental game.'

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Everything TripTrey said, I totally agree with.


Derrick may be the luckiest player eva.  He fell into it.  No strategy, no mental work.  Bonus luck is

he has been hiding behind so many others and now that he's starting to be exposed, you can see he

already has problems keeping it together.


As bad as Zach shoots off at the mouth, I dare say he has shown more cool than Derrick has.

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TripTrey, there are two people on this feed who dislike Donny and seem to think that only older people can appreciate a person like him. I'm not sure what older is but if someone has the mindset of a 12 yr old...then yes, I'm much older.

I'm not going to say anything further because I read the rules. I'm not as nice as Donny.

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He didn't start on day 40 something... he was in an alliance on day 2, won his first POV week 1. No one started before Donny, most started after he did. Donny engaged socially but he was too old and different to fit in with the young ones. That didn't stop him, he spent time on the BY coach working to engage each and every time he was alone with another HG. He told his jokes, he lead the muscle train, he let the HG's he trusted in on his observations and analysis. He did this as the members of the BS were doing little more than reveling in their power and safety.

Derrick wasn't seen as a power center in the first weeks, it was Devin, Caleb, Cody, and Frankie. Derrick was a ride along. If it was Donny standing next to Cody on day 2 when the BS was forming, it would be Donny seen as the mastermind and Derrick scrambling for his BB life. Remember, on those few occasions where we've seen Derrick scramble, it hasn't been pretty.

You've mentioned several times that you admire a 'mental game', and the only three that are playing a 'mental game' are Donny, Derrick and Frankie. The thing that surprises me about your admiration of the 'mental game' is that Derrick and Frankie have not shown that they have anywhere close to the observational and analytical 'mental game that Donny has. Donny figured out the opposition time and time again and he figured out more and figured it out earlier than either Derrick or Frankie. That's not an admirable 'mental game' on their part.

Those two have misfired over and over again. Derrick had Brit's full support but he freaked and pushed for her eviction. Not smart, not cool headed and definitely not analytical. The only reason Derrick's game appears to you as it does is because he has been blessed to operate in safety from the very beginning nearly regardless of his own behavior. It was almost impossible to get targeted if one was in the BS.

Think about what outrageous nonsense it took to kick Devin out of the BS. Then think about how it took Caleb's full-blown craziness to remove Amber. Derrick hasn't had to meet a very high standard to remain safe in the BS/Det. Derrick is given credit where no credit has been earned. It's easy to be comfortable if one is born into comfort and Derricks began his BB life in comfort through a stroke of luck that had him standing beside Cody when the BS recruiting was active. So, I don't agree that Derrick has played much of a 'mental game.'

From now on, when you post something, just say that I, (me)second that. HAHAA!!! You'll save me some time. Seriously, we are of the same mindset 100 % on this.

I'm glad you had time to go back and read some of the other post/threads as well.

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My negative comments towards a player doesn't and shouldn't be equated as dislike for a player. Dislike for his game, sure. I am not in love with Donny so i do not have blinders on and can make negative comments about his game. So far, I haven't been impressed with his play, although he has started to step it up. From watching the show tonight, zingbot had an effect on him when he called Donny's social game "suck dynasty". When Donny does something impressive I will be sure to give him a pat on the back. 

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Yesterday up in the HOH Donny had a talk with Frankie. He said he wanted to help Frankie get to Final 2 so it would clear the way for him (Donny) to win the America's Favorite. Donny thinks that Frankie is the only one coming between America's Favorite.


I really think that Donny has been working hard all season to get that AF vote. I think he has done a good job of it.


on another note one of those entertainment shows last night did a big thing about Ariana and they showed Frankie in the BB house and Ariana said she has 5 TV's on in her house and she watches the feeds obsessively. Frankie and Ariana are getting a lot of media attention. So Donny is right to think that Frankie is standing between him and the AF vote.

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Oh well Derrick is looking like a stand up guy now folks lets see he is there for his daughter and how dare Donny come between his daughter and the money.  Its perfectly ok for the Idiot squad to pick nominees from a candy bag ( yes that is their genius showing) but when Donny finds out they lied to him about picking the nominees and he says he is going to use M&M's  to pick his nominees if he wins, Mr. Head Idiot says I will knock that bag (alot of expletives goes with this) right out of his hands and tell him to pick them up.  Oh you are so tough Derrick Mr Cop please do this so I can watch you head out the door.  Make sure when you knock that bag out of his hand that you hit the hand too.  That would make my season to see you leave for just that.  I really don't care to argue whether or not Donny has played the game because we will never agree.  I have already made my points on why I like Donny and why I think he is playing a game. What I do not like and I don't like it ever is when the whole house wants to berate someone for doing the same exact thing they are doing as a group.  I get so tired of them running what they are going to do when one of them wins the HOH.  Who they are going to put up and who they want to backdoor. They scheme night and day and poor clueless Cody cannot stand Donny because he is a schemer.  Did this idiot ever watch big brother before? I truly hope that the competion tonight will not be for the present house guests but they will watch someone compete to get back in the house and the winner is the new and only HOH. That would be a good twist and it would make for good tv.  I can only hope the returning House guest  grew a brain while in jury and will not believe anything the idiot squad says.

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I think Donny has been playing the game in his own way. He's done well with it so far. He's still in the house so that's good. Donny has played the game a heck of a lot more and better than Vic. Why is Vic even there? To look pretty? I think she's pretty... but not that pretty. She's a total floater who can really win things. On the other hand Donny has actually won things.. If he wasn't playing the game he wouldn't win, and he wouldn't be in the house right now. Vic shouldn't be in that house. Soon enough she will be out. Or it will be like in BB Canada when Sab was taken to the end, and she couldn't win a thing... She did win second place though.

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Unfortunately she is, and it sucks. I would love to see two hard headed competitors for for F2 and see who wins. None of this take a floater to the end. I want to see people fight for this money.   

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