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Derrick Levasseur (Week 8) - HoH2 (dethroned) + Team America


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I not only want Derrick to win because he has played the best game...


I would love for him to win the money for his family. It is not like he would use it to move to LA to try to break into show biz or anything frivolous.

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I not only want Derrick to win because he has played the best game...


I would love for him to win the money for his family. It is not like he would use it to move to LA to try to break into show biz or anything frivolous.


Completely agree.

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Guest 6Borders

Derrick totally deserves to win this game but I would like to see him squirm a little (or a lot) by being in danger of being evicted just to see how he would really handle that!  So far he's not had to!  I would love Donny to be sitting 2nd chair for the 50K!

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Guest 6Borders

Derrick would be the hands down winner of this game if Frankie or Donny doesn't backdoor him before the final 3, but how could that happen when anyone sitting next to him would go instead? 

Donny, NO, Frankie, yes if he could!

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Well, I've already gone on record -- I can't stand him.  His self-entitlement, not being able to

handle the stress, his condescending (and patriarchal) handling of Victoria.  His intense hatred

of Donny.  Putting the blame for inane things onto others (i.e. the mission of voting against the

house then pointing the finger at others -- WHICH HE CLEARLY DIDN'T WANT TO DO -- but

rammed the blame onto Donny every chance he got -- "He cost us $5,000!!!!!" by refusing to

do it, oh, please.....).  And the most self-serving line of all was telling Zach when Zach outed

the alliance to Victoria -- "You are literally taking food out of my daughter's mouth."  Telling Cody

he's going to be PISSED if anyone other than he or Cody (read:  just Derrick) end up winning BB

this season 'cause they clearly have played the best game.  He's got sore loser written all over him.


Nope.  Don't like him and think he's lame as all get out.

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Love Derrick ... He is playing such a great game do not get the haters for him ...he is smart and savvy playing all sides and succeeding! IMO brilliant player next to Dan


I agree. I think a lot of people hate the bomb squad / Detonators type of male alliance. They don't like that Derrick is doing so well in the game working with the guys. Some people don't like that the women were always the underdogs in the game. There will always be a large group of Big Brother fans that will root for a certain "underdog" and that is Donny or it is just the women that are being picked off. If anyone does anything against that person or those people they are rooting for then they dislike that player. Many people see Derrick as the one working to get Donny and the women out.


There is also the fact that some people really love Derrick's game so other people want to NOT root for the best player. There is also the fact that he is a cop. They think Derrick should play the game with higher standards and call him out for every play that might be conceived as devious. A good example is that Zach can yell and scream at the women and call them names. He is a fan favorite and they think well that is just goofy Zach. Derrick one time talked to Victoria in a stern voice and you hear all over the Internet that Derrick is a bully and condescending to women.


We all remember when Elissa was the underdog and she developed a huge fan base. That is somewhat like the Donny fans.


For me I love watching the mechanics of the game and appreciate the game moves and I see Derrick playing like a chess game where he thinks out every move. That fascinates me. I loved the game that Dan played because he "played" the other houseguests to get to the end and was brilliant at it. I see Derick as playing a brilliant game too. For me that is what Big Brother is all about.

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Guest 6Borders

I think Derrick is playing a lot like Dan as far as approach to the game.  Even tho their stragedies are different, so far the results are the same.  He's in a little bit of trouble this week if the POV is used and Frankie decides to backdoor him (I think he would have the votes to stay over Caleb, not sure about Cody).


As to Derrick's fan base, I have to disagree that it's like Elissa's (or Frankie's).  Elissa came into the house with Canada and the Brenchel fans behind her.  Rachel and Brendon started tweeting their followers to vote for Elissa even before the game started and Slice was running ad's every week supporting Elissa, as were other organizations and groups in Canada.

Frankie has Ariana's (and apparently Bieberbutthead's) fans and his U-Tube followers.  Derrick just has his hometown friends and family, The Boys In Blue, and Animal Groups (Rescue, Humane and PETA love him), in addition to the fans he has made being on the show.


On the personal side I like Derrick.  He's not in an easy job, he's a family man who wants better for his family, (not to become an actor, model or do TV cop commercials) and he is big on animal rescue.  None of this has anything to do with why he should win the game but if I were voting and it was between Derrick and someone else who played the game well I would vote for Derrick.

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I don't think Frankie would put up Derrick this week. I think Frankie likes having an person in the game that plays with his brain and he knows Derrick is good at talking down the loonies.


Frankie I am sure if he goes any farther can out comp Derrick and get rid of him later.

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Frankie might keep in mind when there was all the turmoil last week against Frankie that is was Derrick that insisted Zach and Frankie make up. He said for the good of the alliance they all need to forget the past and what Frankie did to them by turning on them should be forgiven. Derrick kept saying clean slate.


I do think Frankie needs to keep Derrick in the game longer for his own benefit. Frankie knows all the others play on impulse and emotions.


I think if anyone else goes up as a replacement it will be Zach or possibly Victoria. I think Frankie sees the value of Victoria for now so it will be Zach.

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In response to some of the posts, I think that it is human nature for us to be drawn to some people and not drawn to others, oftentimes; for no particular or specific reason.   It is okay for you to like one person and okay for me or him or her to like another.   


I do not like derrick.  I did not like dan.  Not liking them has nothing to do with my admiration for them playing a good game of big brother.  IMO, dan's second appearance on the show shouldn't have happened, at all, and I was glad that he lost.


Derrick and Donny are probably the best of the lot on season 16.  I have zero in common with either, wouldn't be pals with either and would be fine with either winning.  

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Last night, I thought Frankie pushed Zack to win HOH next to ensure his safety.  Also, when Zack mentioned Victoria going home if the VETO is used, Frankie responded that something big has to happen before that.  That tells me that he's planning big to happen this week unless Derrick convinced him otherwise 

Am rooting for Hayden.  I wanted  Derrick and Frankie to go . . . Christine, Cody, Victoria.  Donny and Hayden F2

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Marty, I don’t agree with your take, I think that sort of reasoning about the assessments of others may be far too simplistic. That take on fan dynamics also has a ‘reaching for straws’ quality about it, in that it ignores some things we know, minimizes other things that we know, all the while pushing a wholly improbable alternative. 


Do folks like underdogs? Yes, but there are limits. How many weaklings have we seen over the years leave without much fanfare from the fans... We've all seen that once a favorite sympathetic HGs is evicted, fans move on to their next choice. Most likely, all of us has liked an underdog at one point in the game only to drop him/her like a hot potato as the weeks pass. Donny is interesting in that he is and isn't an underdog. He has proven his ability to evaluate the dynamics of the house, take care not to let a slip of the tongue with the wrong HGs happen, go to the 'most' trustworthy(think Hayden) and has also proven to be a competition nightmare. And the's done this without abusing anyone.


Do folks dislike seeing all male alliances? I suppose some few do, but I haven't seen any evidence that their dislike of these is the key feature in their decisions of who to support and who not to support. It's just one more little nugget in a much wider decision making process.


Do folks dislike bullies? Yes, but there are either mitigating factors that are present in the bully’s character or not. Obviously, no person is one-dimensional; we are all complex beings. Some have few redeeming qualities, while others have many. In Zach’s case, Zach is a bully. Zach has chosen to be the house bully. His style is to push the ‘over-the-top’ bully persona as far as he can. Can he be a creative, sympathetic, charming, humorous bully? Yes, at times he can, and that’s his game. He relishes keeping folks off balance. It’s a little reminiscent of a mixture of Dr Will’s outrageous ‘ claims of dislike’ for his fellow HGs and ED’s over the top pot clapping attacks.


Derrick on the other hand, did far more than engage Victoria one time in a ‘stern voice.’ Unless someone is a personal friend or family member, I don't see the need to soften and dismiss his actions. 


Derrick crossed the line into abuse when he continued well after his point was made and his control over Victoria was once again established. He continued to apply more and more pressure even after she had fully submitted, had broken down and was pleading for his approval. He displayed an appalling lack of decency in that exchange that spanned far beyond game play. He also persisted for far too long to pressure an obviously cracking Victoria. What he did had no sympathetic, charming or humorous aspects to it. It was abusive pure and simple. He tried the same thing with Brit after Devin blow up the BS to her but Brit was a stronger person than Vic and was better able to handle his abuse.


This guy is mean for the sake of being mean. How exactly his he any different from Christine other than his mean streak has shown itself more often and for longer periods of time? They are two peas in a pod, both lucky to have been pulled into an alliance because of who they were in a room with when the recruitment began and both have mean streaks a mile wide. 


Instead of scratching for excuses for Derrick, his fans might consider that his game might not be all they have come to believe. Maybe, just maybe, the dislike some have for him isn’t some failure in them to see the good Derrick, but a failure in Derrick himself.

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Last night, I thought Frankie pushed Zack to win HOH next to ensure his safety.  Also, when Zack mentioned Victoria going home if the VETO is used, Frankie responded that something big has to happen before that.  That tells me that he's planning big to happen this week unless Derrick convinced him otherwise 

Am rooting for Hayden.  I wanted  Derrick and Frankie to go . . . Christine, Cody, Victoria.  Donny and Hayden F2

The other night with all the talk about who should get nom'd, what sides and who should throw the comp, Frankie mentioned a scenario and Zach said "then one of us will be put up."  Frankie then said "and yeah, I know."  So, Frankie already started thinking about getting out Derrick and rightfully so.

Frankie may play the fool, but he's not one.


I wish both of them would go, so we can actually see what those other morons would do.  For those who love the "game play" of BB, essentially  there is none now, just a some leading and a lot of following, so with just the bottom feeders left we should get a really good game.

In response to some of the posts, I think that it is human nature for us to be drawn to some people and not drawn to others, oftentimes; for no particular or specific reason.   It is okay for you to like one person and okay for me or him or her to like another.   


I do not like derrick.  I did not like dan.  Not liking them has nothing to do with my admiration for them playing a good game of big brother.  IMO, dan's second appearance on the show shouldn't have happened, at all, and I was glad that he lost.


Derrick and Donny are probably the best of the lot on season 16.  I have zero in common with either, wouldn't be pals with either and would be fine with either winning.  

I agree and really dislike the word "hater" because I don't think like the person using that term.


I don't connect with any of them because it's not me to get personally invested with these characters, but I most certainly like some more than others and sometimes for no particular reason.


I don't have to like someone in the game because their gameplay is phenomenal (most of the time it's not, it's just that the person saying so "likes" the hg), but I will always give credit where credit is due and hope for fair play across the board in the house.

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Oh, and btw, Derrick f*cked up big time with Christine as his pick.  Is he so confident that he thought he even has Christine in his pocket?   I'm sure Derrick is not the cool, calm, collected player today that we've been seeing. He was expecting to be HOH this morning.  Oh well.


If Frankie doesn't make a big move this week, than his game play equally sucks.

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Oh, and btw, Derrick f*cked up big time with Christine as his pick.  Is he so confident that he thought he even has Christine in his pocket?   I'm sure Derrick is not the cool, calm, collected player today that we've been seeing. He was expecting to be HOH this morning.  Oh well.


If Frankie doesn't make a big move this week, than his game play equally sucks.


Derrick did not pick Christine to go up. All the pics were done by picking colored skittles and it was random. It was the great Skittle nomination ceremony. LOL

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