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Nicole Franzel (Week 6 HoH) - HoH2 + D/E replacement nominee


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As much as I'd like to see Jocasta make her way out da-da-da-da-da door, I'd really like to see Hayden keep Nicole strong on the plan to put Frankie next to Zack. Nicole is just cannon fodder for Derrick, Frankie, Zack and Cody and no matter who she puts up, next eviction she will be sitting on the block again if one of them win.

Make a bold move, Nicole. Play hard or fall by the wayside.

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Nicole and Hayden supposedly COOLED IT so no one would see them as a threat couple.

They couldn't threaten their way out of a soaking wet PRE torn paper bag. Poor kids.

Well according to Zach (I think it was him) that said any couple is a threat, so let's see how much the others keep their eyes on them.

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It seemed like she was holding her own before the POV...

But, now that Christine has won the POV... everyone is scrambling and throwing all kinds of stuff at her.

( there are SOOO many alliances that it's a wonder they can keep track of 'what' and 'what not' to say to anyone )

She's really in a pretty sticky spot... especially with all of them expecting a 'double eviction' this week.

I actually wouldn't blame her if she took the safe way out... and protected herself by not making too many waves.

She certainly can't depend on ANY alliance to have her back at this point.

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Nicole tells Hayden that she wants to try to convince Christine that she will put Donny up as a replacement if the veto is used. If Christine uses it, she will put Frankie up. If Nicole does this, she will move way up in my respect for her game. Just the fact that she isn't being fooled by Christine makes me like her more.

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Nicole tells Hayden that she wants to try to convince Christine that she will put Donny up as a replacement if the veto is used. If Christine uses it, she will put Frankie up. If Nicole does this, she will move way up in my respect for her game. Just the fact that she isn't being fooled by Christine makes me like her more.

Ya I like that she wants to get blood on her hands and go big.

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Have finally figured out why I come back year after year. Because it gets to moments like this and I find myself wanting to scream at the TV. Niicole should force Christine's hand. She should say I hear shady things about you and I am afraid the guys are gonna pick "us girls" out one by one and keep Zach. The guys are all working together in some form or other and using you to do it. Donny has agreed to be the pawn. Prove your loalty by saving the high priestess. When she uses it Nicole puts up Frankie and one couple gets broken up. She has already written Christine off as an ally but if she pulls the move she may get Christine's VOTE if it ever comes to that. PLUS either Z or F or BOTH will implode if up against each other (F might like that come to think of it) for three days.

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Guest 6Borders

If Nicole can pull off getting Christine to use the POV on the ruse of putting up

Donny and then putting up Frankie it will be the epic move of the season.

Once you know you have made jury, take a big move/risk! Doesn't seem likely

Christine will use the POV tho. Frankie has to see that he could possibly go up

and he will be in her ear all over the place.

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This eviction is a win win at this point. If she gets out Zach or Frankie (depending on how Veto goes) she gets out a make detonator, and thats a big move. If she gets out Jocasta, she can say she eliminated a floater, which is pleasing in its own right. Really she has this in the bag, she just needs to learn how to spin her own PR and make it seem like it was her plan all along.

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If Nicole can pull off getting Christine to use the POV on the ruse of putting up

Donny and then putting up Frankie it will be the epic move of the season.

Once you know you have made jury, take a big move/risk! Doesn't seem likely

Christine will use the POV tho. Frankie has to see that he could possibly go up

and he will be in her ear all over the place.

Well it looks like that plan went by the way side....

it seems she giving up trying to get Christine to use the veto...

Derrick asked her about doing it and she said she was thinking

about it but then she be swimming in blood..

everyone is scared to get blood on their hands...

people you can use soap and water to get the blood off your hands....

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She should have known weeks ago that Christine could not be trusted when she kept her side alliance secret, but hopefully not using that POV will convince Nicole that she better work hard to get Christine out.

Nicole definitely has a target on her back now and it's too bad because so far, she is the only one with balls in the house. She should have tried to align with Brittany, they may have been a good team.

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Guest 6Borders

BB really needs to make sure there is booze in the house at all times.

Nicole is funny when she's a little tipsy!!! (might even improve her game).

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Guest 6Borders

She handled Zach pretty well last night in spite of the fact that he was being more

of a jerk than normal.


I just wish she would lose the extra 50 or so letters she adds to the alphabet ...

"Haydennnnn.....stopppppp ittttt...!!!"

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She handled Zach pretty well last night in spite of the fact that he was being more

of a jerk than normal.


I just wish she would lose the extra 50 or so letters she adds to the alphabet ...

"Haydennnnn.....stopppppp ittttt...!!!"



I canNOT stomach that bimbo's whinningggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg 24/7. It is only punctuated by that horris Fozzy Bear voice she tosses in.

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