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Saturday August 2 Live Feeds / BB After Dark Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother USA Time is Pacific Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.

To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. http://www.mortystv.com/images/bb16/Big_Brother_16_Houseguest_Guide.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)

Water Closet (WC)

Kitchen (KT)

Dining Table (DT)

Living Room (LR)

Back Yard (BY)

Bedroom (BR)

Indoor Lock Down (ILD)

Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)

Head of House Room (HOHR)

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If you post questions or start conversations with each other here, they will be deleted.

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1:25 a.m. BBT - Frankie and Nicole in HoH room talking about all the past hot houseguests, especially Jeff. Frankie won't pursue a straight guy--he'll flirt with him though. Hayden is in the shower and Nicole tells Frankie to ask him to give them a show. He comes out of the shower wrapped with a towel and starts with a chair like he's going to strip. Nicole gets scared and tells him that he better have something on under his towel. He jumps on the bed and he has Victoria's shorts on (Nicole was hiding under the covers because she was scared he didn't have anything on). He jumps on her and tells her that he's hers tonight. She pushes him off and then he starts twerking and comes back on the bed and flicks his hair over Nicole! Hayden says to Nicole (in a sexy tone): I'm your head of household this week and I can be your HEAD of household this week.

1:35 a.m. BBT - Hayden and Derrick in the WA talking about their new alliance, the Quad Squad (Hayden, Nicole, Derrick and Cody).

1:40 a.m. BBT - Zach comes to the bathroom and practices his speech for the Live Show.

"Today voters, I've written a poem and I'd like to share it with you. Roses are red, violets are blue. Nicole is my target, I'm coming for you. I love you all so much and I am so grateful. Maybe I'll change my ways and not be so hateful. You all made it to jury, you're on the right track. Fans at home, make sure you hash tag, Zach Attack." This ceremony is important, if you make the wrong choice, it may cost ya, so when YOU GO IN THE DIARY ROOM, vote to evict Jocasta. (he follows it with like a Genie slap and head nod--not his gator clap).

He jokes that he might throw the PoV so that he can give the speech! He repeats it 3 times.

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9:23AM BBT In the earth room Victoria, Caleb, Cody and Zach lying in bed awake. The guys are joking that Victoria is selfish for not shaving her head.

Cody keeps singing, and says he won’t stop which resulted in fish.

9:25AM BBT Cody tells Zach in a girl voice he’s a dingus. [i think they are mocking Nicole -SCRTsqrl]. Zach says “I’d rather be a dingus than a fruit loop nincompoop” Now they are talking about Victoria farting in her sleep last night. Cody says “you were letting the rip!” and Zach throws in “It was disgusting” and Caleb says “Very un-lady like” Then talk turns to Jim Carey, how much they love him and his movies. They start quoting lines they like.

9:28AM BBT Donny walks into the earth room briefly and Zach, Caleb and Cody chant “Shave the beard! Shave the beard!”

9:29AM BBT Caleb says he wants to “scare the sh*t out of Christine today”

9:31AM BBT Caleb is STILL complaining about having to shave his head. He says it doesn’t look as bad as he thought though, he thinks even though it doesn’t look as good as his hair, he looks like a “handsome young man”.

9:33AM BBT In the earth room (Zach, Caleb, Cody and sleeping Victoria) Talk turns to the show family guy. They are doing character impressions. Zach mentions Mila Kunis is the voice of Meg. Caleb says she’s one of the hottest girls in the world. Zach says she’s a “Dime piece for my time piece, she is so hot”. Zach says “can you imagine having sex with Mila Kunis?!” Zach says “you could cut my dick off afterwards” and Caleb says “It would be life changing” At some point in this Frankie has walked in and he says “Are you serious?” He doesn’t think she is hot at all. Cody says she’s “just ok” They talk about how hot she was in the movie “Friends with Benefits” and Zach says “Justin Timberlake is the man!”

10:00AM BBT Victoria is tied to the DR handle doing her make-up while Caleb is in there.

10:09AM BBT Christine, Zach, Caleb and Frankie eating because they are worried about being Have Nots later today.

10:10AM BBT Frankie says the vacuum might as well be a dust buster. They need a “legit mop and bucket”. He and Christine remain in the kitchen complaining that they don’t have proper cleaning supplies or opportunity to really clean the house. Meanwhile Donny walks around the kitchen making fart noises with his hands.

10:33AM BBT Cody yelling for Victoria, she is doing her make-up in the bathroom. She yells back asking what he wants and that she is in the bathroom. Annoyed, Caleb says he is doing it on purpose. Victoria says she is finally done with her make-up and Caleb is relieved but then she says “But now I have to do my hair” he sighs and shakes his head.

10:35AM BBT Christine, Frankie and Nicole in the HOH talking about the “eye shadow incident” where Victoria made him go all the way upstairs for eye shadow and it wasn’t even up there. Christine says it’s hilarious. Nicole steps out to get a shirt and Christine tells Frankie “Zach needs to win the veto” and says if he doesn’t the whole other side will come after us. Frankie says he thinks Hayden is on board for keeping Zach. Christine says do you think he could convince Nicole of that? Frankie says “I don’t know, I’m not going to try to stick my neck out to try and convince Nicole”. Frankie says he thinks Nicole would back door Donny. Frankie says this is a really important veto. Chrstine and Frankie agree if it had been Victoria and Caleb on the block they would have voted Caleb out easily.

10:42AM BBT Christine & Frankie are watching the HOH camera feed and Christine says how great it is that the two people she doesn’t like are tied together so she can just leave the room and be rid of both of them.

10:44AM BBT Frankie tells Christine I feel like Derrick plays the game closer to the hilt than we do. He’s a strategist. Christine says he’s kind of scary. Every time he says something it seems very well thought out. Frankie says “exactly”. Frankie says he doesn’t know right off if he’s working with this person or that person, he feels like he’s legitimately playing his own game and using everyone. Christine says Derrick is very smart. Talk turns to Donny with the diluted blood on his hands [something he said during the nomination ceremony –SCRTsqrl]. Frankie says Donny wears that Harvard shirt, told someone to drink by osmosis, he wins the memory challenge, he spells the longest word, he wins the dice flipping challenge, he is a genius! Christine says he’s brilliant and Frankie says he’s a medical professor. Frankie says it’s amazing; het gets information out of everyone.

10:52AM BBT Christine, Donny & Nicole in the HOH bathroom talking about who to vote out for double eviction. Christine said she wants to win it so bad. They are throwing out Donny’s name. More talk about how Donny is secretly a genius professor.

11:02AM BBT Nicole & Christine are in the HOH room. Nicole asks Christine if he wants Zach gone and Christine says yes but she wants Jacosta to win because she thinks the votes will be split if she stays on the block. Nicole asks who would keep Zach and Christine says she’s 100% positive Derrick, Cody & Caleb would keep Zack because she thinks there is a guy alliance.

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#BB16 10:32AM BBT HG prepping for their day. Nicole curling her hair in the HOH bathroom.

#BB16 10:39AM Frankie and Christine talk about scenarios for POV. Frankie talking about puppet mastering Nicole to do what they want. He doesn't want blood on their hands.

#BB16 11:01AM BBT Nicole and Christine are in the HOH bathroom. Christine is telling Nicole about the things she was told to say about the Bomb Squad. Nicole tells her that is such old news she doesn't know why the guys were in such a panic about Amber.

#BB16 11:063AM BBT Christine tells Nicole that she really feels there was a guys alliance. They are going over who would vote for Zach to leave.

#BB16 11:11AM BBT Frankie joins Christine and Nicole in the HOH. They discuss how warm it is. They start bashing Donny and saying how he was so angry that there was so much noise. Frankie does some more Donny bashing and Nicole gets called to the DR.

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#BB16 11:16AM BBT Frankie and Christine continue to talk. Frankie tells Christine that Nicole doesn't want to waste her HOH so he feels convincing her to BD Donny is not a waste.

#BB16 11:28AM BBT We have reels. They should be picking for the POV at the moment.

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#BB16 12:01PM BBT Cody and Christine goofing around. He put his head in Christine's lap and she is playing with his hair.

#BB16 12:05PM BBT Victoria calls Nicole in to lay down with her as she isn't tired. She starts telling Nicole how she started watching BBUS with Jeff and Jordan. She says that she is a superfan of the BB US. She said her parents saw the McCrae/Amanda relationship last year and they couldn't believe it was shown. Nicole tells her that she is going to HOH to take a nap.

#BB16 12:17PM BBT HG discussing different reality shows. Discussing Survivor and the player who told the other players that his Grandmother died when she didn't.

#BB16 12:27PM BBT Nicole asleep in HOH. The guys sit around the LR talking about the price of the furniture.

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12:30PM BBT - Frankie and Nicole are in the HOHR talking about who they think will use the POV and who will not. Frankie says that Caleb will not use the POV, Zach and Jocasta would use it on themselves, and that Victoria and Christine would do whatever Nicole wants them to do.

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12:35PM BBT: Christine, Jocasta, Cody and Hayden in LR. No one talking. Donny enters and small talk about mic pack placements. Frankie seems to be laying the compliments on pretty thick towards Nichole. Saying she is America's sweetheart. Small talk with the LR crew. Spongebob, Fairly Oddparents, Angry Birds etc. Now Frankie and Nichole talking about Amber's secret that she kept talking about and never told. Frankie said I heard it over and over and over. Saying it doesn't make sense that she would come onto a reality show if she has some major secret. We frequently get silent fish as the LR gang are want to sing theme songs and quote movie/TV lines.

12:45PM BBT: Frankie telling Nichole that she should not have put up Caleb. Nichole agrees. Frankie then calls Nichole #1 Superfan. That her ratings this week must be through the roof. Nichole says no, she is just average. Everything she does in the house is just average. Nichole says that with Amber gone, she can handle Victoria much more than before. Victoria clung to Nichole to talk badly about Amber. Also with Amber gone, Caleb is being much nicer to the other girls. Nichole said that Amber should have pretended to like Caleb and to flirt with him. He would have done anything for her. Then Frankie tells Nic about Caleb saying Amber might like him better with his shaved head. Nichole then says, well, I no longer feel sorry for him then. Amber should not have flirted with him.

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1:50Pm BBT: Feeds come back and there is Pea Lime Pie on the table. Caleb and Victoria are taking turns checking themselves out in the WA mirrors. Now they are in the RR taking a nap. Zach and Hayden doing funny characters in KT, Zach making food.

1:55PM BBT: Zach makes a comment to Cody and is put in his place, reminded he is on the block. Zach says Yikes! I will stop making mean comments. Laughing about it. And we get LR group chit chatting. Cody, Christine, Jocasta, Derrick, Hayden and Donnie.

1:58PM BBT: Christine petting Cody's head on couch with Cody rubbing Nichole's shoulder. Nichole moves to give Hayden a massage while he lies on the floor.

2:03PM BBt: Camera zooms in on Christine's wedding ring as she massages Cody's head. Frankie attempting to make a slop pie using the pie crust they were given. Nichole and Derrick in Storage Room talking about assigning the Have-Nots. She said she would not have put up Donny but since there are only 3 HN's this week it worked perfect. Derrick said if there had been a fourth? She said Zach. He said absolutely.

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1:47 PM BBT Feeds back. The have not food is pea lime pie. Nicole gets to choose 3 have nots... Hayden, Frankie, and Cody. Hayden and Cody volunteered.

1:50 PM BBT Since Frankie is a have not he is asking for a onesie and a sleeping bag. He has a medical condition that affects his circulation, so getting cold can be difficult. BB has already said they would make it as comfortable as they can for him. Cody and Frankie make their way to the have not room. Frankie says his is already made, thanks to Derrick. Caleb and Vic are in the WA. Christine speculates that the comp will be around 2:45 PM BBT.

1:55 PM BBT Caleb and Victoria head to the rock BR to lay down. Hayden and Zach are in the KT, reverting back to a game show they were playing last night.

1:58 PM BBT Zach starts up with Frankie and Derrick in the KT and Frankie says, "Nice... have fun staying on the block." Zach says, "I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut." They all laugh. Sitting in the LR is Christine, Donny, Jocasta, Cody, Jocasta, and now Derrick and Nicole. Caleb is laying down in bed and we can see the underside of his camouflage ballcap. There is a piece of tape in it that says "Amber."

2:03 PM BBT Nicole is asking Cody if he's upset with her for making him a have not. She promises them massages and extra cuddling sessions for the week. Cody asks to use her shampoo and conditioner in the cold showers. She says YES. Christine says she's a nice HOH. Hayden says he'd rather sleep on an ice block and eat slop than sleep in a bed and listen to Luke Bryan. Everyone laughs. She says she can teach them how to line up the pillows so it seems like they are sleeping on a normal bed. Cody says he's just going to cuddle up with Hayden and it will seems like a normal bed (ha ha).

#BB16 2:10 PM BBT Frankie is in the KT and he's already begun experimenting with slop. He promises that he will still cook fish for everyone this week. Christine is sitting on the LR couch playing with Cody's hair, and has been doing so for about 10 minutes. Hayden throws food down at them from the HOH balcony. Cody says that Hayden loves being a have not. Hayden says that he's gotten fat over the last couple of weeks (being able to eat regular food). Nicole is in the KT making some food and asks why everyone thinks they did the have not comp before the POV. No one answers her. Cody walks by and tells Frankie that he likes they way he makes slop. Frankie tells him he's making a slop pie right now.

2:10 PM BBT Zach goes to lay down in the same room as Adam and Eve. He tells them he's proud of them and they say, "Thank you, father." Vic says she can't imagine Jocasta if she had gotten this punishment. She asks if they chose it, too. Zach says they chose manure bath, no HOH, and slop for 2 weeks. It was the shortest way to the end. Meanwhile, Hayden, Cody, and Nicole are in the HOH and Hayden says that Christine is planting seeds with people. She said to Victoria and Caleb that Derrick, Nicole and Cody were upstairs. She thinks they're talking game. Nicole says Christine is trying to get her to put someone up against Zach because the house is trying to keep Zach. The conversation is hard to follow because some of what Christine is telling Nicole is the truth, but the guys have Nicole convinced that they can't trust her.

2:17 PM BBT Nicole says that Christine told her the guys have an alliance. Hayden says all she does is plant seeds. She asks why they make her sleep with Frankie. They say he does it himself. Cody says he wants you to put up me or Derrick. He told Zach that and Zach told me. Now Derrick has joined them. As soon as they start to talk game, Frankie comes up the stairs. Within a minute, Christine has joined them, as well.

2:23 PM BBT Caleb and Victoria are still talking with Zach about the BotB. Zach is just kicking himself for losing. He just keeps going over and over it in his head. Nicole is telling about how last night Hayden was putting on a show for her and Frankie, putting on Victoria's high waisted shorts...and they fit him! She said she was laughing hysterically. He's got some on now and Christine says he looks like a sexy lifeguard. He pulls them up in back and he's twerking for Nic again.

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2:40PM BBT - Cody, Derrick, Hayden, and Nicole are in the HOHR talking about alliance names. Some of the names: quadtropolis, married with kids, islands incorporated, & the rationale.

2:45PM BBT - Christine and Frankie are in the KT talking the post-veto nominees. Frankie says that if Zach wins that Donny will go up and go home. If Jocasta comes off the block, then put someone up that won't go home and get Zach out.

2:54PM BBT - Zach says that he doesn't even remember Joey and barely remembers Paola.

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1:47 PM BBT Feeds back. The have not food is pea lime pie. Nicole gets to choose 3 have nots... Hayden, Frankie, and Cody. Hayden and Cody volunteered.

1:50 PM BBT Since Frankie is a have not he is asking for a onesie and a sleeping bag. He has a medical condition that affects his circulation, so getting cold can be difficult. BB has already said they would make it as comfortable as they can for him. Cody and Frankie make their way to the have not room. Frankie says his is already made, thanks to Derrick. Caleb and Vic are in the WA. Christine speculates that the comp will be around 2:45 PM BBT.

1:55 PM BBT Caleb and Victoria head to the rock BR to lay down. Hayden and Zach are in the KT, reverting back to a game show they were playing last night.

1:58 PM BBT Zach starts up with Frankie and Derrick in the KT and Frankie says, "Nice... have fun staying on the block." Zach says, "I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut." They all laugh. Sitting in the LR is Christine, Donny, Jocasta, Cody, Jocasta, and now Derrick and Nicole. Caleb is laying down in bed and we can see the underside of his camouflage ballcap. There is a piece of tape in it that says "Amber."

2:03 PM BBT Nicole is asking Cody if he's upset with her for making him a have not. She promises them massages and extra cuddling sessions for the week. Cody asks to use her shampoo and conditioner in the cold showers. She says YES. Christine says she's a nice HOH. Hayden says he'd rather sleep on an ice block and eat slop than sleep in a bed and listen to Luke Bryan. Everyone laughs. She says she can teach them how to line up the pillows so it seems like they are sleeping on a normal bed. Cody says he's just going to cuddle up with Hayden and it will seems like a normal bed (ha ha).

2:10 PM BBT Frankie is in the KT and he's already begun experimenting with slop. He promises that he will still cook fish for everyone this week. Christine is sitting on the LR couch playing with Cody's hair, and has been doing so for about 10 minutes. Hayden throws food down at them from the HOH balcony. Cody says that Hayden loves being a have not. Hayden says that he's gotten fat over the last couple of weeks (being able to eat regular food). Nicole is in the KT making some food and asks why everyone thinks they did the have not comp before the POV. No one answers her. Cody walks by and tells Frankie that he likes they way he makes slop. Frankie tells him he's making a slop pie right now.

2:10 PM BBT Zach goes to lay down in the same room as Adam and Eve. He tells them he's proud of them and they say, "Thank you, father." Vic says she can't imagine Jocasta if she had gotten this punishment. She asks if they chose it, too. Zach says they chose manure bath, no HOH, and slop for 2 weeks. It was the shortest way to the end. Meanwhile, Hayden, Cody, and Nicole are in the HOH and Hayden says that Christine is planting seeds with people. She said to Victoria and Caleb that Derrick, Nicole and Cody were upstairs. She thinks they're talking game. Nicole says Christine is trying to get her to put someone up against Zach because the house is trying to keep Zach. The conversation is hard to follow because some of what Christine is telling Nicole is the truth, but the guys have Nicole convinced that they can't trust her.

2:17 PM BBT Nicole says that Christine told her the guys have an alliance. Hayden says all she does is plant seeds. She asks why they make her sleep with Frankie. They say he does it himself. Cody says he wants you to put up me or Derrick. He told Zach that and Zach told me. Now Derrick has joined them. As soon as they start to talk game, Frankie comes up the stairs. Within a minute, Christine has joined them, as well.

2:23 PM BBT Caleb and Victoria are still talking with Zach about the BotB. Zach is just kicking himself for losing. He just keeps going over and over it in his head. Nicole is telling about how last night Hayden was putting on a show for her and Frankie, putting on Victoria's high waisted shorts...and they fit him! She said she was laughing hysterically. He's got some on now and Christine says he looks like a sexy lifeguard. He pulls them up in back and he's twerking for Nic again.

2:28 PM BBT Nicole takes Hayden goes downstairs to show Victoria. He climbs on top of her. Victoria is pretty obsessed with whether she went through her garbage bag to get them out. She says they were dirty, they are on backwards, that they are going to be really stretched out. --these are all repeated several times. Nic goes back upstairs and says, "Surprisingly, she's letting Hayden hump her in the shorts." Hayden says he can easily stick the tip of his penis out of his shorts. --and he does in the HOH WA. Christine says it's creepy nut cameltoe.

2:37 PM BBT Caleb says he lost his virginity around his 21st birthday. Zach says he was 12... but he was kidding! He said it for shock value. Meanwhile, upstairs Nicole is putting on some music for Hayden. He says, "The first word is truck." Christine leaves... it's Cody, Hayden, Derrick, and Nic. Derrick says now that we know who is playing we are golden.

2:44 PM BBT Christine gets it, tell her not to use it. If she secretly uses it, I'm putting up Frankie. If anyone secretly uses it I'm putting up Frankie. They are back to talking about names. Hayden likes Quadrupulous, but no one can pronounce it. He also likes Married with Kids because Derrick is married and they are his kids. He also likes "The Rationale" because they are all pretty rational people. He also came up with "Islands Incorporated" because they are all such different people. They all really like "The Rationale." Christine comes in and everyone is laughing, so Hayden says, "Do you or don't you think Derrick is an asshole?" She leaves, so they follow her with he HOH camera. She goes to talk to Frankie, but she isn't talking about them.

2:50 PM BBT Caleb and Victoria are on their way up to the room, so they all quickly decide on "The Rationale." Cody says, "It's so much better than "Quad Squad" and Derrick says "F*ck you." They are all laughing when Vic enters, so she asks what they are laughing at. Hayden covers by saying they were watching them coming up the stairs. He asks if they are deeply inlove now. Caleb says NO. Meanwhile, Frankie and Christine are talking downstairs. If Zach wins... Donny goes up and goes home. Medium case scenario, noms stay the same and there is an uneven vote. They whisper about other scenarios, but it's hard to hear. Also, Frankie plays everyone in the house and it's unclear as to whether he wants Zach to stay or not.

3:00 PM BBT Christine, Frankie, and Zach are talking about Duck Dynasty. They say that you know they are playing characters on the show. Christine says she wonders if she is her parents least favorite character on BB. Now they are back on Donny being a professor again. He used the word "osmosis." Zach reminds them that his brother is a teacher. Frankie tells them that he is such a loose lipped person that if he has to lie about anything, he will fail (ummm... yeah, right). Zach told them that he hadn't originally planned to tell people he had graduated from college, and then he accidentally told everyone when they were introducing themselves.

3:08 PM BBT What former HG do you want to like you? Christine says Dan and...she doesn't know. Zach says Jenn City for Christine. LOL. Frankie says Jeff...and Janelle. Zach says Dr. Will and Boogie. Zach says he thinks Dan got lucky. Christine says that Dan got people to throw competitions for him. Frankie says people threw competitions for Devin. Zach says he can't believe they are already halfway done and soon enough they will be at the finale.

3:11 PM BBT Zach and Christine say that they can still hear BB building in the BY. They are guessing the POV will be at night.

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3:30PM BBT - "The Detonators" are all talking, Zach says that after this week that there will be 10 players left in the game. Zach says that the best thing to do is to get Jocasta out this week if they can't get out Donny. He also says that out of the 5 players that are not in their alliance, the last one that should be evicted is either Caleb or Victoria. Order to get out rest of players assuming Jocasta leaves: Hayden, Donny, Nicole, Caleb, then Victoria.

3:39PM BBT - Zach tells Christine that if Nicole wins the PoV, that she needs to follow her around everywhere and be in her ear. Cody says that he does not think that Nicole will use the PoV because she would not want to get anymore blood on her hands.

3:40PM BBT - Christine says that they would have to convince Nicole that Zach would not be coming after her. Zach says that himself or Caleb needs to win and Cody says that he believes they will be good this week unless Jocasta wins the PoV.

3:45PM BBT - Now "The Detonators" minus Derrick are talking about who Hayden likes, saying that Hayden has been having sex with Victoria in the shower everyday. Also, they say that he made out with Paola. Zach says that someone should tell Nicole, and everyone says "No" immediately. Frankie tells Zach to say it during his exit speech.

3:47PM BBT - Frankie is cutting up his "Slop-Pie" and letting some of the other houseguest try it out. Cody and Hayden said that is was good, and Cody went back for seconds.

3:50PM BBT - Nicole is telling everyone that Hayden has a cuddle score of 4 out of 10, and that Cody has a 9 out of 10.

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3:16 PM BBT Nicole asks Caleb and Vic if they want to sleep with her tonight (I think she wants to assure that Frankie is not in her bed). Meanwhile, Frankie and Zach head into the beehive. Zach has a speech prepared for Thursday about a cat and mouse game, calling Nicole a mouse, saying she looks like one. But he has already decided that he isn't going to use it. They start talking about who will use the veto. Derrick and Christine come in. Zach speculates that Nicole will not use the veto. Frankie's advice is to make up with her. She's the only girl who has shown ball in this game. The he realizes Christine is in the room so he says, "Besides you."

3:20 PM BBT Zach feels that as long as Jocasta doesn't win veto he's golden. Frankie says even then he thinks Nicole can be convinced to put up Donny. Derrick says there's no chance. He's sure they made a deal when they were both HOHs that they wouldn't put each other up. She wouldn't even make him a have not. Zach says he thinks Hayden would vote to keep him, Victoria might (Derrick says "I don't know"), Zach says that Donny might vote to keep him over Jocasta.

3:35 PM BBT Cody comes in to the beehive, so now it's Derrick, Zach, Cody, Frankie, and Christine. They start whispering and Derrick says they need to keep talking normally --no whispering-- so that no one thinks they are an alliance. After a few minutes, they start talking as an alliance. Derrick asks Christine what she believes. She thinks if she wins she will put Derrick, Cody, or Frankie up against Zach. Frankie and Zach say that he needs to chill. Zach says he will sleep, play some pool. Frankie says, "No more dingus fruit loops." Meanwhile, up in the HOH room Nicole is talking to Victoria and Caleb and they both say that they will not use it if they win it. Victoria hopes it's the "Stay or Fold" one.

3:42 PM BBT Cody says that he doesn't think Nicole wants the blood on her hands of having to nominate another HG. Frankie tells Zach to be nice. Zach says he can't be nice, but he'll be on good behavior. Nicole, Caleb, and Vic are asleep in the HOH room. Zach leaves the beehive for a minute and Frankie says if Zach goes to the jury house he will probably be following him there. Cody and Christine laugh. Zach comes back and they say they have to keep telling Nicole that Donny is coming after her. Nicole wakes up and heads downstairs to the KT.

3:50 PM BBT Frankie is serving up some slop pie for Hayden and Cody. It is deemed a success. Cody asks if she made Hayden any better at cuddling. She says NO. He wanted to cuddle Cody because she gave Cody a 9/10 and she only gave Hayden a 4/10 and Hayden thinks he's definitely an 11/10. She says Cody is pretty good. Cody says it's a lifestyle. It's not something you can think. He tells him not to hate the player, hate the game. Hayden tells him to shut up!

#BB16 3:55 PM BBT Jocasta and Donny are sitting in the LR. She is doing some shout-outs to her kids and husband. She tells them she hopes they have some new bookbags for school and that they aren't disappointed in her. She thanks her mom and 'Jessica' for helping out while she has been in the BB house. Cody and Frankie are in the SR looking at what they can eat while on slop this week.

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4:20PM BBT - Christine and Nicole are in the LR and Christine tells Nicole that the plan is to keep Zach this week. Christine is talking about post-veto nominees and Nicole asks Christine that if she does not put up Donny, who should she put up. Christine tells her either Cody or Derrick because she thinks that they are a team.

4:25PM BBT - Cody, Derrick, and Frankie say that the past PoV competitions have been around 6 at night except for last week, which was around 3.

4:27PM BBT - C, D, and F are now talking about what to do if Zach stays on the block. Frankie says to make the vote 5 to 3 and keep Zach, and then point fingers at others to stir things up.

4:37PM BBT - Because Caleb and Victoria are dressed up as Adam and Eve, Victoria is sitting in the LR reading scripture from the Old Testament to Caleb, Christine, Donny, Jocasta, and Nicole.

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4:04pm Christine eating an apple in the Kt talking to Frankie, Nicole Hayden and Donny about grandma's. derrick talking to Cody in the fire rm about if they vote Zach out.

4:08pm Caleb and Victoria are now up and in the KT. Caleb keeps pulling on his speedos.

4:10pm derrick and Cody are talking about Christine and you can't trust her and derrick says i know 100% that Nicole and Hayden are working together.

4:15pm derrick and Cody still in fire rm repeating themselves as Most Hg are in the Kt eating and chatting about nothing really.

4:20pm derrick says we will know where Christine and Frankie are soon cause we will put up Nicole and Christine and if one wins we put up Hayden and vote him out dude.

4:24pm alot of whispering going on in the fire rm between Cody and Derrick , Frankie comes in and brings Cody some pea soup.

4:28pm derrick ask Frankie if jacosta and zach remain on the block what do we do and Frankie says i say make it a 5to3 vote and keep zach in this house.

4:31pm Frankie says that Nicole and Hayden trust him and if she was going to put him up she would tell him cause she trust him and it would be a thing where she would say that i would be safe.

4:36pm Frankie talking about he can make pea soup all week and pea pies and slop pies and Cody says we wont starve. Frankie says yeah we can handle it cause they gave me extra blankets and now i just have to figure out the shower and derrick says the shower outside is good when you are hot.

4:37pm In the LVR Victoria is reading the story of Adam and Eve from the Bible.

4:45pm Frankie and derrick are whispering in the fire rm about Nicole then Frankie says he is mad that the money for the TA mission was lost but they should get another mission next week.

4:48pm Christine is now in fire rm with Frankie and derrick. Derrick says if someone comes down and Donny went up would be best but if not then Jacosta will go.They tell, Christine she can get Nicole to do it and there wont be no blood on her hands cause she can say she did it for you.

4:52pm Frankie was just called to the DR and everyone cheers as Frankie is hosting the POV.

4:58pm Everyone is getting ready for the POV comp and Cody is in the fire rm with Derrick asking if they are getting played by Frankie

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5:01pm Nicole tells Hayden in the hoh rm that Christine said that He and Victoria made out and i did not believe it and Hayden says i promise Victoria and i never even kissed i mean we cuddled that one time and that's it. Nicole says why would she say that cause i don't believe her.

5:04pm Hayden says did you tell Cody and derrick that and she says i talked to Cody as she went to the fire rm with Frankie and Derrick.Hayden says put her up and she will go home i promise that.He says i can not believe that she is the worse so don't tell her anything. Nicole says no i won't tell her anything.

5:07pm Hayden ask who will you put up if you have to make a replacement nom and she says Frankie or Christine.Hayden says Frankie is stronger that Christine and Nicole says yeah i can pretend to be her friend and control her.

5:08pm We now have Jeff's reels as the HG play the Veto Comp.

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Feeds still out, but appears the show is live on BBAD. Seems the POV comp is still happening but those who were not playing are in lockdown in the HOH room.


Still Jeff replays on live feeds.


Still on replay.

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9:35PM BBT - Live feeds are not back up, but BBAD is airing on TVGN. Cody, Derrick, Donny, and Hayden, the houseguests not in the PoV, are on LD in the HOHR.

10:00PM BBT - Houseguests in the HOHR are playing a game of "Would You Rather...?"

10:12PM BBT - The houseguest in the HOHR heard Frankie walk up to the door and are now leaving the HOHR.

10:14PM BBT - There is now there is fish showing on BBAD.

10:25PM BBT - The live feeds are back up, and Christine won the PoV.

10:26PM BBT - They are talking about the PoV, and Zach is mad because he could not solve the puzzle. He said he took a piece and through it across the yard and hit a camera.

10:20PM BBT - Zach says that he tried to give up 3 times, but production would not let him. He said that he only had Donny and Victoria mixed up in the comp.

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9:08 PM BBT on BBAD, Cody, Hayden, and Donny, the three players not playing in VETO are on indoor HOH lockdown .Cody and Hayden are sleeping and Donny is eating Wheat Thins. When the feeds come back or the scene changes, we'll let you know.

9:11 PM BBT Derrick has joined Cody, Hayden, and Donny in the HoH room.

9:16 PM BBT Donny and Derrick discuss that the competition has now taken three hours. They are talking about Zach . How witty he is and that he's not a dummy. He graduated from the University of Florida and that you have to be pretty smart to get in there.

9:22 PM BBT
Hayden is shouting out to his parents and the live feeders. Derrick asks if his parents knew he'd be as 'outgoing' as he is (showing himself). Hayden says that his parents follow him on Instagram and he actually posts pics of himself naked there, but censors himself with HUGE censors.

9:25 PM BBT

Cody is asleep in the HOH bed and Hayden is giving him the finger with both hands and dancing around the bed. He's laughing while he's doing it. Now they are all talking about how cold it is in the DR.

9:34 PM BBT Earlier in the HoH room, Donny and Derrick said that having to wait in the DR or the SR before or after the competition is a form of torture because the DR is freezing. They said Vic would have to put her outfit back on after the comp, too. So, the veto is a timed competition and each guest goes individually.

9:43 PM BBT
Donny says on Survivor they usually vote the prettiest girl off. Hayden says that the male viewers probably hate them. They speculate there are probably more female viewers of the show.

9:45 PM BBT Donny asks Derrick if he watches the cable show, too. Derrick says YES and the live feeds. Donny says he just watched the 3 shows, nothing else. Derrick says his wife would be watching the shows and he would have the feeds on at the same time.

9:50 PM BBT
According to lockdowned players, they can hear players screaming and loud buzzer noises. Sounds like Zach was screaming earlier.

9:53 PM BBT
Donny says last year the 5th player going home was Howard. Cody says he liked Howard, he just couldn't speak very well.

9:57 PM BBT
Donny asks Derrick if the 3 regular shows really represent the HGs true characters well. Derrick says NO. He says there may be someone you don't like and when you watch the live feeds you may find you actually like them or vice versa. In the background you can hear someone screaming, it sounds like it's still Zach.

10:00 PM BBT Live feeds are still down due to the comp, but BBAD is up and live. Hayden asks if they would rather have scaly skin like a snake or horns like a devil on their heads. They all agree on horns because they can hide them with hats. Apparently, Zach quit the comp, because he couldn't find a piece.

10:02 PM BBT Hayden... would you rather always have a red clown nose on or tie dyed hands? They all agree on tie dyed hands. Donny says it's because people look at your face when they are speaking and his brother doesn't even have hands.

10:04 PM BBT Locked down houseguests are still playing would you rather. Derrick...would you rather drown or be burned to death? The consensus is drowning because burning would hurt. Cody asks would they rather burn to death or freeze to death. They all still pick burn because it would be quicker.

10:06 PM BBT
Cody... How would you react if you were swimming in the ocean and a great white fin is headed toward you? Derrick says he would sh*t himself. Cody... would you rather have a pet tiger or pet panther? Derrick says a pet tiger. Hayden wants a panther. Cody takes a panther. Derrick would like a pet monkey if they didn't jerk off all the time and throw their sh*t at you.

10:13 PM BBT Feeds should be back soon, the locked in houseguests are leaving the HoH room. They are calling everyone to backyard to do POV winner reveal.

10:26 PM BBT
Feeds are live. According to Zach, Christine, and Nicole they had cards to swap. Christine won the pov. Zach said he gave up after saying he would three times. He got in trouble by production for throwing the pieces, because he was so mad. He said he got three at the end and he had the order wrong for 20 minutes as was furious.

10:29 PM BBT Everyone is in the kitchen talking loudly over each other about the comp. Nicole said they were on a zip line playing the comp and they weren't really high off the ground. Victoria tells Frankie she is so frustrated that she didn't win the POV.

10:30 PM BBT
Apparently the theme was a comic theme. Both Victoria and Zach are wearing I heart BB Comics t-shirts.

10:32 PM BBT
Zach says that waiting around 10 hours to play and wait for the comp to end was worth it, because each guest got a picture of themselves as a superhero. He is taking it home and hanging it up on his wall. They said Cody's said, "Effronator". Caleb's said "Metro by day and Beastmode by Night".

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