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Friday August 1 Live Feeds / BB After Dark Updates


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Big Brother After Dark

(ed: Wish I could be doing more BBAD's this summer, but I can't. I have read every summary every day on the front page, and I appreciate all the live feed updaters volunteering their time to contribute to the updates!)

9:03 PM BBT Caleb and Victoria are chained it seems like. Caleb tells Victoria he will try not to go number 2 and Victoria says the same. Caleb then goes on to mention he only goes number two once a week and others in the living room seem shocked

9:05 PM BBT Nicole and Frankie are talking game in the HOH. It has to do with the veto and possible scenarios. Frankie says he will respect Nicole's wishes as HOH and wouldn't change nominations. They also talk about BotB and Caleb saying he would look terrible with his haircut and some offensive tattoo on Caleb's head. As frankie tries to get Nicole to talk strategy, she says "I don't know" and "mm-hmm" a lot.

Frankie leaves to go check on his cookies.

9:09 PM BBT Caleb/Donny/Victoria in the living room. Caleb is talking about men vs women shaving their heads. He's talking about how women would get more TV time for shaving their head on national TV.

9:15 PM BBT Frankie is back in the HOH bed with Nicole talking about being a have-not and how miserable it is when people are loud downstairs while trying to sleep. They then move onto Amber and how they think she'll react to the other houseguests when she watches what happened. Nicole says she was not cool with Amber ever since she nominated her. She then mentions it's amazing how one competition can change this game. Frankie thinks Caleb will lose his mind being on slop for two weeks. Nicole says being a have-not is what you make it. She wasn't deprived of food and went to bed at a decent time. Seems like Frankie may be volunteering to go up as a have-not if Nicole has to choose. Frankie is also talking about issues he would have if he becomes a have-not (I'm zoning in and out listening to it). As Frankie asks Nicole about when she will start being a nurse, BBAD cuts to commercial.

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#BB16 8:08 pm BBT Derrick steps in to finish off Caleb's head shave. It appears they are using a 1 guard so he isn't going completely bald. Caleb asks Victoria if she would let him cut hers off to make for good TV.

#BB16 8:11pm BBT Caleb runs his hands across his head like he just entered Basic Training back in the Army. Without the Drill Sergeants in his face, yelling at him to get down and eat some grass maggot.

#BB16 8:18pm BBT Caleb hops in the shower and realizes he is still mic'd up.

#BB16 8:24pm BBT Donny, Christine and Cody are out in the living room.. Derrick is sweeping up Calebs hair. Nicole is up in the HOH with Hayden talking about how uncertain she is who she would want to put up if Zach comes down. Hayden says he is terribly afraid that if Jocasta is still up on the block during voting, that she will go home.

#BB16 8:27pm BBT Still in the HOH room, Nichole explains how she says it would be a waist of an HOH if Jocasta goes. If she puts up Frankie up against Zach that they would still be stuck with one of them. Hayden says that Donny would seriously vote Frankie out before Zach, and that Frankie has a really good chance to win HOH next.

#BB16 8:33pm BBT Still up in the HOH room Hayden and Nichole are pow wowing over what way they need to go. Nichole is so scared over Zach gunning for her. Down on the couch, Cody, Derrick and Christine are joking how Derrick will live vicariously through Cody when they are out of BB. Derrick tells Cody that his wife will be checking to see if he is talking to Cody again about the amount of women that he is now dating and will want him off the phone immediately. She will love and hate Cody all at the same time.

#BB16 8:34pm BBT Caleb sitting out in the kitchen with Victoria discussing on how they should have played so they wouldn't of had all of these punishments.

#BB16 8:38pm BBT Looks like a little "Jedi training" is going on out at the couch with Cody reciting the postions some things were in at the comp. ( I think, I came in a bit late on that conversation) Zach has made an appearance and is by himself in the kitchen. Caleb begins talking about Army regulations on hair cuts and how you could get "scuffed" for incorrect cuts. He is doing all of this while wearing the crown in the LR.

#BB16 8:47pm BBT Looks like Frankie is making some cookies in the kitchen with Christine and Cody. Victoria is being drug around by Caleb. (He maybe taking the whole Adam and Eve thing a bit to literal.Just kidding)

#BB16 8:53pm BBT Frankie gets Nicole in the HOH room and asks her what she wants to happen this week. Nicole says she wants Zach to go. Frankie really emphasizes that she should try to keep the nominations the same. (Almost as if he realizes he's her target if Jocasta comes off) He says it would really suck if Donny wins the Veto and pulls Jocasta off the block.

#BB16 8:56pm BBT Nicole rehashes how Zach asked to be put up by her down in the storage room, and how she wants him out even more now that he is running around saying she is his target. Nicole continues to tell Frankie that her and Hayden haven't really talked about the POV and what would happen. (Stuttered way to much in that lie)

#BB16 9:08pm BBT Checking in, Caleb, Victoria and Donny down in the LR talking over the BOB comp. Nicole and Frankie still in the HOH talking game and how she needs to worry about next week and the votes she will need.

#BB16 9:09pm BBT Caleb admits to making up the lie about him having a questionable tattoo on his head in hopes that Victoria would cut hers off. Tells Victoria that she would've went straight to Ellen if she had, and that she could have gotten some serious TV time off of that.

#BB16 9:20pm BBT Back in the HOH room Nicole still talking to Frankie. Frankie says that Amber is going to see everything and it will make her crazy seeing .Caleb still down talking to Donny and Victoria on how he feels the nominations should stay the same. Jocasta has had her chance to save herself.

#BB16 9:25pm BBT Frankie tells Nicole how that if he becomes a Have Not that he would have to up his medication for his condition about his circulatory condition he has. Evidently BB told him that they would help him if he became a have not. Down stairs in the condition, just general chit chat around the middle island.

#BB16 9:28pm BBT Nicole telling Frankie about her nursing class that she would've been in had she not been chosen for BB in the HOH

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9:30 BBT Nicole/Frankie are still in bed in the HOH talking about New York City. Frankie loves it. Nicole says she doesn't think she could survive there, but she could possibly survive in Chicago. Frankie says New York is his favorite place on earth followed by, "Why are the back of my ears so scaly?" Nicole points out that they are dry and may be peeling. They then go on a search for neosporin. Frankie/Nicole hug and he leaves the HOH room.

In the kitchen, Christine, Zach, Jocasta, and Cody are laughing.

In the living room, Derrick, Donny, and Caleb are talking saying this is BB right here. Caleb is sitting down next to the DR door where Victoria is. The topic of conversation is Caleb's shaved head. Derrick talks about him shaving Caleb's head. It's riveting conversation. Derrick yawns. Caleb has been wearing his crown this entire time too.

Feeds switch back to the kitchen where Nicole and Frankie have joined the crew. Kitchen crew still laughing. Frankie says he has been cage diving before. Zach is very intrigued by this.

Nicole walks to the living room and rubs Caleb's head. Nicole asks "Is Hayden sleeping?" Caleb says "I don't know." Nicole then walks into the bedroom saying, "Hayden?" Donny laughs because she just asked if Hayden was sleeping then starts calling his name not knowing if he is sleeping or not.

9:38 PM BBT Derrick and Cody in HOH now talking game. Cody says, "I am so beyond sketched out by Frankie. He literally went to Hayden and Nicole to try and link up..." Derrick interrupts with non-game talk. Cody, "Let's say Donny wins POV, takes down Jocasta, it's down to me, you, Christine, and Frankie that are the only ones to replace. Also Hayden, but Hayden ain't going up." Derrick says they have to solidify an alliance tomorrow. Seems like Derrick and Cody want to solidify something with Nicole and Hayden. Cody talks a bit about Frankie as BBAD heads to commercial.

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9:45 PM BBT Nicole is in the HOH. Nicole is telling Derrick and Cody that Frankie wants Jocasta to go home this week. She is basically spilling what Frankie was telling her earlier. Nicole is saying that Frankie said that he thinks Nicole doesn't have the votes to get Zach out.. Nicole says she doesn't want Jocasta to go home. Cody and Derrick both say they are scared of Donny. Nicole is telling Cody that Donny probably would've nominated Christine instead of him is Caleb/Victoria lost BotB and veto was used. Cody doesn't seem so sure and believes Donny would've nominated him. Derrick is asking what happens if Frankie wins veto and Zach gets taken off. Nicole doesn't know. Nicole tells Cody and Derrick that Frankie said that he is ready to get blood on his hands and it is going to be a bloodbath. Nicole, "He's trying to scare me. He through my name out there last week and didn't care. He tries to make an alliance with me then throws my name out there like he doesn't give a crap." She says he is close with Caleb, Zach, and Christine. Derrick says he has won three HOH's too. Cody says he has heard that Frankie will eventually target Cody. Nicole: "I don't give him any information." Nicole says Frankie tries to make an alliance with everyone. She then says she wants to stay true to Derrick, Cody, and Hayden. Nicole: "[Frankie] is ready to backstab. I don't know who, but he will go crazy." "He makes stuff up all the time." Cody: "He goes and says a bunch of shit. He literally just bullshits." Cody says that Frankie even told him that everyone shows Frankie their cards. That scares Cody. Nicole says that Zach and Frankie are using production as a strategy and weren't called out for it. Nicole: "That's scary." Nicole is a lot more talkative with Cody and Derrick than she was with Frankie.

Nicole: "Do you think you guys can protect me from Zach if it is a double eviction?" Cody and Derrick assure her they will. Derrick says that you can't control Jocasta's vote, but you can control Zach's vote. Nicole does not want to sit Jocasta next to Frankie. She wants Frankie and Zach on the block together. They all say this would be the perfect week for Donny to be pulled for POV and save Jocasta.

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9: 28pm Frankie and Nicole talking about her going back home and getting a job so she doesn't have to live with her parents and she hopes she can get a nursing job soon after she gets home. In the KT most HG are sitting around talking general talk.

9:32pm Caleb is sitting outside the DR door with the vine hanging through the door while Victoria is in the DR.

9:39pm Derrick and Cody in HOH rm , Derrick says if Caleb wants to keep volunteering then let him and I will sleep well every night.Cody says if Donny gets picked for pov and he wins then it is down to you me and Frankie to go up.Derrick says i will be honest to you Nicole is very smart at this game she knows this game.

9:41pm Cody tells Nicole and derrick that Frankie sketches him out and he follows Hayden everywhere. derrick ask her who in this house hasn't been a have not yet and she says Donny but I am not putting Donny on it.

9:45pm Cody tells Nicole if he wins the veto he will keep it the same.She says good we can talk about that later but we only need 4 votes this week. She says i am scared of Frankie but I am more scared of zach at the moment.

9:48pm Nicole says that Frankie is trying to scare her and zach is trying to scare her into doing things she doesn't want to do.She says I feel that he is a threat cause he has won 3 hoh's and he scares me .He tells me that he wants to work with me. Cody says I think he says that to everybody and if i put him up that's what I am going to tell him.

9:52pm Cody and Nicole talk about zach and how he thinks he knows everything. Nicole says it was so sketchy that he and Frankie got called out for using production as a strategy. Nicole ask do you guys think you can protect me from eviction if it is a double eviction? They both tell her yeah.

9:54pm Cody says he hopes Donny gets picked for pov and wins it and removes Jacosta. Nicole says don't throw it just keep playing to win.They say no way will they throw it.

9:55pm Nicole says Frankie told her that he cant wait to stab his friends in the back and get blood on his hands.

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9:59 PM BBT Nicole: "I'm getting too cocky." "I'm excited." Cody and Derrick are now trying to poke fun at Nicole with alliance names such as "The Dictators." They are all now thinking about what to call this alliance. Cody suggests "Wolf pack" such as the four people in the hangover. Nicole doesn't seem too fond of it. They want it to be fun like "Quack Pack" or "Goof Troop." In season 14, they couldn't use the name "Goof Troop" because it was copyrighted. Derrick suggests "The Funyuns." Cody: "I love funyuns." They want Hayden up there to help come up with a name, but he is downstairs socializing. Derrick says, "The Quad Squad." Cody loves it, "That's so sick." Nicole likes it too. Nicole says, "What is up with the word 'squad' this year?"

10:10 PM BBT The talk is now about Christine. Nicole is talking about how she feels uncomfortable about Christine because of three things that have happened. She doesn't say what, but she does say she would never tell Christine she is nominating Frankie.

Cody, "I love quad squad." Conversation has switched back to the alliance name. Nicole says we need a signal in case we need to talk to each other. Derrick is suggesting some code words like "red" or "nails." He refers to when he played baseball and how signals changed. Derrick is now talking about how Victoria will come up to him in a group and say, "Derrick, I need to talk to you now." He says he feels bad for her because she is someone's daughter and feels lost in her, but he isn't talking game with her.

Feeds switch to Victoria checking herself in the mirror in the kitchen. You can see nearly the entire house in the kitchen. Feeds then switch back to the HOH crew. Nicole, Cody, and Derrick quickly switch topic has Caleb and Victoria walk into the HOH. Caleb says they have to sleep in those outfits. Nicole, "I'm going to have two naked people in my bed?!" Caleb is getting frustrated with Victoria and getting snippy in his voice as they try to get comfy in the bed. She wasn't listening to him about how they should sleep/lay down with the chain attached to their wrists. Derrick, Cody, and Nicole laugh with one of them saying they are like a married couple.

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10:01pm Caleb is still tied to the DR door saying that girl (Victoria) better hurry up in there as he tries to stretch his legs.

10:04pm Nicole, derrick and Cody are waiting for Hayden to come to the HOH rm .Derrick says he is really slow but if he leaves then everyone will follow him.

10:06pm Derrick , Cody come up with a name for the new alliance of them two and Hayden and Nicole they will call themselves the Quad Squad.

10:13pm Derrick and Cody are coming up with a touching code for the Quad Squad. Derrick said lets make it a weekly thing like that do in baseball but it would only be something that you could use once for an emergency meeting but after you use that word you can't use it again know what i mean? Nicole says yeah.Victoria is now out of the DR and says they have to sleep in their Adam and Eve costumes.

10:16pm Victoria says she is freezing and needs a blanket to take upstairs with her.Most Hg are in the KT laughing and talking general talk.

10:18pm Adam and Eve go to the HOH rm and tells them they have to sleep in these costumes. Nicole says this is so funny. She ask if they can switch arms and Caleb says yeah we will have to so we can sit there on the bed.Nicole ask Caleb do you feel different and feel that your hair is gone? He says yeah i have had my hair for seven years.

10:27pm In the KT Zach and Christine are talking about tattoos. Hayden, Donny and Jacosta are sitting and listening to them. In the hoh rm is general talk about survivor and that they get a million dollars if they win that game.

10:30pm Caleb says he had to choose which game he wanted to play and he chose BB first but they was going to put him on survivor .Caleb said i think i could go right into survivor since i have already been through all the stuff for survivor cause that lady robin is over both of them.

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10:36pm Nicole gets up and says she is going downstairs to see what is going on. Caleb says safe for the week. Derrick says i hope i get picked for POV tomorrow and Caleb says me too. derrick ask what will you do if you win it and he says not use it.

10:44pm Caleb says Double eviction next week and one goes home and one to jury but don't know what is going to happen this week thought but back to one hoh next week i bet.

10:53pm Caleb tells Frankie even if Nicole says she is putting up a certain person then she is lying and Frankie says that is what i am thinking.Frankie leaves to go downstairs.

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10:25 PM BBT Game talk has ceased in the HOH. Caleb/Victoria still up there. Caleb is listening to music. Talk is of PETA. Derrick says he likes PETA and the undercover work they do (hint hint, houseguests). It has quieted down a lot with just random chit chat.

They are talking about survivor and the Woo/Spencer situation where Woo found the clue in Spencer's pants. Derrick knows the prize is $1 million, but Cody was skeptical, then accepts it. They then talk about how the winner doesn't find out they won for months. Caleb then brings the conversation back to him saying that they were going to throw him on survivor first before this. Nicole says "that's cool" then Derrick quickly takes the conversation back from Caleb. Cody says he didn't like Hayden Moss on survivor because of his attitude. Caleb brings the conversation back to himself saying, "I think I would jump right on survivor. I made it through all the interviews for it. The same woman, Robyn, she's over both. She has a big hand in both." They then talk about Allison Grodner and feeds switch to the kitchen where the other houseguests are chatting. the topic is tattoos. Zach, Christine, Jocasta, and Hayden are there with Donny walking by. BB then says "You are not allowed to talk about production." Zach says his mom has his and his brother's name on her arm. We can now hear Donny off screen brushing his teeth vigorously as the kitchen crew continues talking.

10:40 PM BBT (Victoria, Cody, Caleb, Derrick in HOH) Caleb believes the first person leaving this week is the first member of the jury. Cody is now listening to the headphones. Caleb says he thinks most people would vote to send Zach home this week. Caleb believes he may be called to the DR soon to talk about his haircut since he hasn't been called in since he had his shaved.

Downstairs, the topic still seems to be tattoos.

Frankie has made his way to the HOH room. The topic is last year's HOH competition that Elissa won with the baseballs being thrown at the wall. They also talk about Candice, Judd, Jessie, and Helen coming back into the house. Derrick really seems to know his knowledge of this comp even talking about Elissa falling off but catching herself and never touching the ground. They then speculate if someone comes back and participates in a challenge like that. Derrick also mentions how Amanda tried to say Elissa couldn't do that, but Elissa ended up winning anyway.

10:53 PM BBT Frankie leaves the HOH. Victoria seems to have fallen asleep. Not a moment later, Victoria says she has to pee. Everyone else seems to have left HOH. Victoria and Caleb now try to figure out how to comfortably let Victoria use the bathroom. Derrick makes his way down the stairs to the kitchen where the majority of houseguests are still laughing. Cody is running his fingers through Christine's hair.

Caleb and Victoria now head down to the kitchen. Victoria says she heard everyone from upstairs while laughing a little.

In the living room, Hayden and Frankie are doing ab workouts while Cody and Nicole sit on the couches. More houseguests now join the LR. Derrick and Cody whisper in the bathroom. Don't know what they are talking about. Derrick and Cody know frankie would not use veto on Zach, but they had to act stupid for Nicole.

(That's it for BBAD. Time for bed)

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11:02 PM BBT Cody and Derrick talking in the WA about Frankie getting caught again They say that they are comfortable with their new alliance with Nicole and Hayden (since they no longer trust Frankie). They know Frankie won't use the veto on Zach. Meanwhile, Frankie is leading a workout in the LR for him and Hayden. Most of the other HG are there watching --Jocasta, Christine, Adam and Eve (Caleb and Victoria), Zach, and Nicole. Derrick and Cody head that way, too.

11:10 PM BBT They are discussing who has hosted comps. The only one who hasn't is Victoria. Nicole says she will pick Vic if she isn't playing in it. Derrick says that Amber was horrible and that Vic better not be like her. They have a discussion about different competitions from previous seasons and what they might have. Frankie asks them if they have seen his lip. He says that Caleb assaulted him and we get WBRB.

11:15 PM BBT All feeds are in the LR. HG are just chatting and having fun together. They keep quoting shows and singing, so we keep getting WBRB. Caleb talks about how he will have been on slop for 21 days. Cody asks if he thinks he can do it for a month. Caleb says he might volunteer to do it just to prove he can.

11:26 PM BBT Frankie says he loves Ricky Martin. He starts talking like him. Imitating him he says, "I am bilingual, which means I also have sex with men." The HG all laugh. An insect is flying around and Victoria thinks it's a bee. She yells out, "Emah!" --which is 'Mom' in Hebrew. Frankie asks her what it means. She tells him and she says it's what she does when she is scared. He is laughing because of the way Caleb is looking at her. Caleb is staring at her like he can't believe he is stuck to her for a minute, much less 48 hours.

11:30 PM BBT Frankie, Christine, and Derrick are talking about when Amanda did the strip tease for McCrae last year and announced to the house that she had given him a blow job in the HOH WA. They were saying that the strip tease made it to the national show but that, obviously, the information about the blow job did not. They said the reason the strip tease made the national show is because Elissa said Amanda didn't look good in the lingerie she wore. Zach said he thought she did. Christine said that now she knows they aren't cousins. He said, "That's right America. They aren't cousins. She is his sister."

11:35 PM BBT Frankie and Hayden are now making up a game show to market to Nickelodeon, or maybe SNL. Example, If your dog sh*ts on the floor, do you tell your parents? Answer, NO --everyone cheers. All the way to ---> "What do you do when you see your principal's face in your high school?" Slime in his face...with your cum!" Zach says he doesn't understand why they are all laughing so hard at this. Derrick says it's because they are locked in a house and haven't seen TV or read anything in so long.

11:48 PM BBT Frankie is on a roll quoting and singing Ricky Martin songs so we keep getting WBRB. Zach asks BB to put on an episode of ‘Family Guy’ for them. Then he says they could act out an episode. Donny says he's never seen an episode. Zach says his brother watches it all the time and he's 10. Christine is surprised. Frankie says that he watched ‘Ren and Stimpy’ and it was really bad. Donny says ‘Beavis and Butthead’ was really bad, as well. Someone else pipes in about how bad ‘South Park’ is. They talk about how ‘South Park’ is written in 6 days, right before the episode airs. Derrick tells everyone that ‘Family Guy’ takes place in Rhode Island (where he's from).

11:58 PM BBT Frankie starts to talk about a specific episode of 'Family Guy.' Then the conversation turns to movies. --It is a SUPER exciting night in the BB house, folks! Zach is asking people which movie is better, this one or that one --Wedding Crashers or Super Bad, Dodgeball or Stepbrothers? We get WBRB. Stepbrothers or The Hangover? Anchorman or Old School? Derrick says that 21 Jump Street was one of his favorite movies. Caleb says that he will be honest with everyone, Magic Mike was a cool movie...a sick dancing movie. Frankie and Derrick liked Dallas Buyers Club. Frankie and Cody liked American Hustle. The conversation goes on and on. These HG are desperate for a movie!

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12:10 PM BBT Zach asks everyone for their favorite classic movie: Cody - Titanic; Caleb - Man of Honor; Frankie - A Few Good Men; Christine - Rain Man; someone says Forest Gump, but I'm not sure who --maybe Caleb; someone says Rudy, the Sandlot, Space Jam. Christine brings up - What Women Want and Cody says he loves it. Frankie says - Something's Gotta Give. Zach brings up - Devil Wears Prada and Love Actually. He says they are not guy movies, but he loves them.

12:20 PM BBT Frankie says he's on track for an early bedtime tonight. Everyone starts to figure out sleeping arrangements. Victoria wants to sleep with Nicole in the HOH room. She thinks it would be easiest with the bathroom situation and they can listen to music. Caleb doesn't want to sleep in a bed with 2 women when he is half naked. He says he cares about his image and she of all people should understand. She says she knows nothing is going to happen so she isn't worried about it.

12:30 PM BBT Vic wants some tea, so Caleb and Vic head to the KT. Caleb says this is going to be the worst 48 hours of his life. Vic says, "Thanks a lot, Caleb." Meanwhile, in the LR Frankie, Zach, and Christine are talking about who Nicole will pick if she gets to choose have-nots. Christine says that there are 2 people in the house who have never been have-nots... Donny and Jocasta. Ironically, in the KT Derrick congratulates Jocasta that she gets to eat because it's 12:30 BBT so she's officially off slop (but she wasn't a have-not, she just took slop in the POV comp). Zach tells Cody if he gets HG choice in the POV draw, he's choosing him. Cody heads to bed after BB makes an announcement that HG are not allowed to sleep anywhere but the BR. Zach, Derrick, Frankie, and Christine head to the WA to do their ADLs.

12:40 PM BBT Although we have no camera, we hear Caleb say that he can't wait for the 48 hours to be over, "Everywhere we go we have to go together." (I have a feeling we will be hearing this a lot over the next 48 hours! --Morty) They head to the HOH WA and Vic says she has to pee again. Caleb says he does too. He repeats that "This sucks." She looks in the mirror and he says, "Can you stop checking yourself out just for like 2 seconds. That's all I ask." Meanwhile, in the WA Zach tells Frankie and Christine that he's worried and they tell him that Jocasta is Nicole's target. Then Derrick talks how much TV time Zach must be getting because Julie has asked him a question 4 weeks in a row at the live shows.

12:42 PM BBT Derrick is in the shower and Frankie and him are talking after Zach leaves the WA. Derrick says they need to do some damage control. Frankie says the last thing they want is for Nicole's objective to be to get Zach out of the house.

12:48 PM BBT Caleb and Victoria head to bed in the rock bedroom. Cody and Zach are already in bed. She screams out to Frankie to bring her the blanket she left out in the LR. Then Frankie heads to the HOH room and he and Hayden talk about the POV. Frankie says that Nicole told him that she would choose him or Hayden if she gets HG choice. They speculate that if Donny gets chosen he would save Jocasta but Hayden says that Donny also loves Zach. Frankie says this is a week where people might begin to draw lines in the sand.

12:56 PM BBT Hayden says that he really likes Zach and that he always makes really good points. He just wishes that he could tone it down a little. Hayden says that there's no point discussing it because a lot rides on the POV. He gets up and goes into the HOH WA and says it smells really good in there...that Nicole makes the bathroom smell so good. Frankie tells him to kiss her. Hayden says "she would never." --that Nicole has only kissed 4 guys in her life. She's 22 years old and has only kissed 4 guys. He's going to wait until he's out of the house to pursue her. Everyone in the rock BR is asleep. Hayden is going to the bathroom and Frankie is now alone in the HOH room.

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