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Monday July 21 Live Feeds / BB After Dark Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !

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Remember your time zones. Big Brother USA Time is Pacific Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

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Washroom Area (WA)

Water Closet (WC)

Kitchen (KT)

Dining Table (DT)

Living Room (LR)

Back Yard (BY)

Bedroom (BR)

Indoor Lock Down (ILD)

Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)

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12:05 AM BBT Zach, Christine, Vic and Frank are in the hammock talking about when double evictions should take place and when jury should start. They agree it would be terrible if Brit or Jocasta had won HOH this week. They all think they'd be on the block this week. Brit is taking a bath upstairs.

12:15 AM BBT The hammock crew continues on to talk about how terrible Brit is. Christine calls her a mean girl, and says she is pretty and she knows it. Frank calls Brit Medusa. Christine says that Cody has poisonous women after him (she is lumping Amber and Brit together.) They all then move onto sex and how meaningful or not meaningful it can be. The other two feeds still show Brit lost in thought in the bath tub.

12:25 AM BBT Christine talks about waiting for marriage for sex because it was important to her. Vic agrees. Zach had never been tested for AIDs before BB and is happy to know he is HIV/AIDS free. Frank says he is tested every three to six months. He also keeps referencing the difference between gay and straight sex lives. Hayden joins the group as Christine gives a shout out to her Mitch and Seth because they are getting married this month. Jocasta is talking to Brit about her kids as Brit finishes her bath.

12:30 AM BBT Nicole and Hayden have made it an official showmance, they are making out in bed as I type this.

12:35 AM BBT Nicole asks if Hayden is over it now that the chase is over? (I cannot hear his response, but I am sure it is no because they keep on kissing). She says she is getting scared that someone is going to come in and asks to just snuggle. They kiss more. Hayden finally gets up and gives the camera a smile and a thumbs up before heading into a different room.

12:45 AM BBT Back on the hammock, Christine asks if Hayden and Nicole are cuddling or not. Victoria think she is passed out. Frank then brings up Jocasta in the Veto comp speaking in tongues. Christine says she told her she was not because Christine has done research on it and speaking in tongues is only done if it is a known language and there is an interpreter present (learn something new every day). Christine starts to talk about feeling bad about talking crap about others. Frank says he has to leave good Frank at the door because he has to assume everyone is lying to him all the time because this is a game.

12:55 AM BBT Derrick is now in the BY he asks Zach to play pool. They agree to play one game and then take showers. Back to the hammock the girls and Frank talk about BB outbursts that have happened. They agree the best way to go in the house is to not fight back against outbursts and to be like Dan. Christine says that Dan just sat back and read his bible. They like how sweet Hayden is. Frank says that Caleb is sweet and he didn't expect it. Vic and Christine both think that they don't get sweet from him. They agree they feel he is very self-absorbed. Frank says they all defy stereotypes though and that is what he meant.

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[Although not new to BB or the live feeds, I'm very much new to posting live feed recaps on Mortys =/ So bare with me here. I'm sure I will get more detailed as time goes by.]

12:00 BBT Cam 3/4 Zach, Frankie, Victoria, and Christine in the BY on the Hammock. Discussing who will go up as a replacement nom. Talk turns to what would have happen if Brit and Jocasta had won BOB. Frankie and Victoria saying that everyone will vote Brit out.

Everyone Brit bashing.

12:08 BBT Cam 1/2 Brit in the HOH bathtub by herself saying nothing. [Major game think going on in her head?]

12:09 BBT Cam 3/4 General Chit Chat in the BY on the hammock.

12:17 BBT Cam 3/4 Hayden walks up and talk turns to his greasy hair. After he leaves, everyone talks about Zach's sex life in highschool.

12:21 BBT 3/4 Talk of Zach's fight give us WBRB

12:24 BBT Cam 1/2 Hayden and Nicole cuddling in the BR. [Did Hayden finally get his kiss?! Awwww!]

12:31 BBT Cam 3/4 Still general chit-chat in hammock

12:33 BBT Cam 1/2 Hayden gets out of bed with Nicole and has a HUGE grin on his face, [LOL] and goes into the storage room.

12:37 BBT Cam 1/2 Talk of family and children w/Brit and Jocasta

12:39 BBT Cam 3/4 Christine talking about Jocasta speaking in tongues during the BOTB. Zach and Frankie giving impersonations of Jocasta during the comp. Jocasta bashing begins...

12:49 BBT Cam 3/4 Derrick and Zach playing billards. Talk of who should go up on the block in place of Victoria. [i guess I'm late to the party and Zach is a possible replacement nom?]
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1:05 AM BBT Frank tells the girls about how memories work and that we are more prone to remember good things out of the pure desire to not remember the bad. Zach won at pool. Derrick heads inside to get ready for a shower while Victoria heads inside to eat.

1:15 AM BBT Derrick grabs a snack before heading to the shower. Vic asks why he is different today. Derrick says she has BB paranoia and that he is plotting against her. He then says or maybe she is plotting against him and Vic agrees. They then head to the storage room upon Vic's request. She grabs jelly and asks if he wanted anything. Derrick says he thought she wanted to tell him something but no she just gets jelly. Victoria laughs and they part ways. Hayden leaves the DR and shares Hummus with Vic. The hammock talk is on Frank's speculation of the twist being Fans versus people who have not seen the show.

1:25 AM BBT Hayden heads outside to hang out with Frank, Christine, and Zach. They sing and we get fish. They talk about production, and we get fish. They then talk about how great jury will be and that the plan for Caleb is to get rid of him during a double eviction. Victoria comes out and gives Hayden a hard time for not going back inside. Frank gets up to get cereal. Hammock is officially broken up.

1:35 AM BBT Derrick is out of the shower and the rest of the awake HGs are making small talk in the KT.

1:45 AM BBT Just talk of birthdays and lives back home. All small talk all the time in the KT.

1:55 AM BBT Amber is now up and in on the small talk in the KT. Frank is talking about being in a Dora the explorer play as Boots. Hayden wakes Nicole up to tell her Brit was taking a bath upstairs and not talking about her so she can sleep sweetly. Caleb s laying in the rock room awake. Amber says she is heading back to bed then gets a snack. No game talk to report.

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9:00am BB has woken up then HG and Donny, Hayden and Brittany are in the BY. Donny and hayed are putting the awnings down for BB as Brittany is sitting in the hot tub.Victoria is in he WA do ASDL'S

9:13am Brittany is out of the hot tub and goes in the house to the WA where Victoria is.
9:18am Donny telling Hayden that he would love to win HOH and put derrick and Frankie on the block together. Hayden says that would be fun to watch and Donny says it would be awesome.
9:19am Donny says derrick doesn't care who wins hoh cause he knows he isn't going on the block and he is always talking bad about Victoria.
9:41am general talk in BY with Donny and Ha4yden, Girls are blow drying hair in he WA
9:49am Brittany is waiting outside the HOH room door for Cody to open the door since he isn't answering while is was in the bathroom.He opens the door and lets her in.She says i just wanted to talk to you before the meeting, so i stayed up all night trying to think of things but there is no way out so do you know who you are putting up? He says i do but one i was getting alot of push back do you know who it is and she says Donny and he says no i won't put Donny up.he says i wont put up Nicole she played hard .
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10:23 AM BBT Cody and Britt laying in HOH bed, Donny and Nicole talking alone in BY about the week he was nominated. Donny wanted to know who was the target the week he was nominated when she was the HOH. Vic comes outside to ask about what what to wear. Nic admits to Donny that it was decided that whoever she put up would be safe because her team was going to win so that she would be dethroned. She told him that if he was worried about being the target, that was never the case. Meanwhile Cody tells Britt that he's sorry she's in this situation. She says that she knows he has it out for her (sarcastically) and that she's his target. They hug it out and head downstairs. She goes VERY slowly.

10:30 AM BBT Cody and Frank meet in SR. Frank asks if meeting with Britt went OK. Cody says yes. Vic is walking around asking everyone if her outfit look alright. Everyone reassures her. She is worried it's too businesslike. Hayden and Nic flirt on patio. He asks her if she remembers all the comps and HOHs. They start to review. Britt and Vic are talking in the WA. Chris enters and complains about Hayden's snoring. Says she didn't get any sleep. Britt says she hasn't been to sleep.

10:35 AM BBT Chris asks when POV meeting will be. Britt says that Cody told her it's supposed to be within the hour. Britt tells her she wishes she could think of a way out of this one. Chris says there are ways. You never know in the BB house. Vic is outside with Hayden and Nic. She says she was talking to Britt in the WA. They say that Britt knows she's gone. Nicole is saying she's having a hard time remembering all the comps. She is someone who remembers things if it's written on paper. Hayden remembers everything, though. Chris tells Britt that if Julie likes you it's a good interview. Britt tells her they'll have the whole soccer ball thing to talk about. Chris says, "and the whole Devin thing."

10:40 AM BBT Nic says she's stressed because she will suck at the before/after, true/false comps. Frank and Chris are now up in the HOH room. He's going to help her with a bug bite she has. She says the way Caleb is talking to her is so weird. He says it's because he thinks he might be going up on the block. She tells him that Britt was just going over her exit interview with her. Donny is outside with Nic and Hayden. Hayden is telling Nic that she's so awkward. She says that starting now she isn't going to be awkward.

#BB16 10:44 AM BBT Donny comes upstairs and talks to Cody. He tells them that they both have family and friends watching. He doesn't want him to make decisions based on what other people want him to do. He still feels the same way about him that he did earlier in the game and he will no matter what he does today. He stands up and gives him a hug and tells him that's all. Cody tells him he has to say more. He says that's all it's a simple speech. He says he doesn't have to think about numbers, because there are plenty of people in the house who won't use him. There are some people in the house using Caleb for numbers.

10:50 AM BBT Cody asks Donny if they can have a frank conversation. He says that Frankie is always in the room and Zach is always up there. He says that no one wants Caleb up on the block because Brittany is coming after them. Donny says, "But Brittany is not coming after YOU." We get WBRB. When we get back Donny is promising him that if he makes it to jury Cody gets his vote, Nicole gets his vote. They'll do it the honest way. Meanwhile, Frankie and Hayden are talking about what would happen if Cody were to put up Caleb or Donny. They think Britt will go home either way. Cody and Donny both agree that they trust Nicole. Cody says he has a little bit of a target on his back because of the Amber situation because Caleb wears his heart like a teenager.

10:56 AM BBT Cody says Caleb can flex his muscles and say he's going to win as much as he wants. He's not winning. Donny says right after he won the $5K he said he wishes he could have switched for the trip so he could take Amber to Germany --not for the veto. Why? Because he felt safe. Donny says that Donny isn't stupid. Cody says it worries him to not know who Donny is working closely with... is he working with Jocasta, Britt?He says he supported Britt, and he would have supported anyone who had the punishment Britt got. He says he doesn't talk game to people because the last time he did, to Nicole, he ended up on the block. They agree that they trust one another. Cody says the only reason he's torn is that the only people left to put up beside Caleb are people he actually trusts and likes.

#BB16 11:01 AM BBT Donny says your true friends won't hold it against you. I didn't hold it against Devin. I forgave him. I didn't forget it, but I forgave him. I saved Jocasta, but didn't that work out well for the big group of brains? Cody says you did it for everybody. Donny says, "Look what I did for them, and look what they're doing to me." Cody says he'll put him up, he's not afraid to go against him or be put up next week if he wins HOH. Donny says if he's put up he could be home smelling his girlfriend's perfume, hearing his mama's voice. Donny says not to be sad, do what he needs to do. He won't hold it against him. Cody says it doesn't matter what anybody else says. HE'S NOT PUTTING DONNY ON THE BLOCK!! He goes downstairs to the BY and tells everyone he's putting Caleb on the block.

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11:10 BBT Derrick says that Frankie just told him he's putting Caleb up. Cody says, "I know. He's a f*ing little weasel." Derrick goes to the HOH BR. When he comes out, they talk. Cody says he won't put up Donny because he's done nothing but help everybody. He says he won't keep Caleb off the block when he's the sole reason he's in this situation. Derrick says he supports him but he thinks Caleb will go home. Cody counts off the HG who will vote Britt out. When he gets to Hayden, Derrick says he thinks Hayden will vote Caleb out. But, he says that he won't try to convince him to do otherwise, that's how he knows he's down with him. He says he's the only one he's got in this game, so he's with him.

11:15 BBT Cody points out that Caleb is one of the votes that Britt thinks she has, so he just doesn't think she can stay. Derrick asks what if Caleb wins HOH. "Then I go on the block." Cody says. He says he hopes everyone won't vote him out, but it's a chance he has to take. Derrick says you don't even have to put him in that sentence. He tells him this is an individual game even if there's an alliance. He won't pull a Frankie or a Zach. He may be talking to him in a week telling him he was right or they may be saying oh man you f*cked us, but he's not going to try to sway him.

11:15 BBT Frankie comes into the HOH room and we got to FotH. Since Britt said about an hour ago that the POV Meeting would probably be taking place within the hour, it's a good bet that's what is happening now!!

11:28 BBT Still on FotH. Who do you most want to see on the block?? And, if you were Britt, how would you campaign against that person to stay?

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12:19 pm Feeds are back. Seems like Cody did not put up Caleb, but ended up putting up Donny anyway. Hayden tells Donny Cody felt pressured. Donny is quietly sulking in the nomination chair while Caleb, Christene, Haden and Amber sit silent on the couches adjacent.

12:22 pm Derrick goes to Cody on the hammock to do damage control with Cody and get their story straight so Caleb didn't find out that he almost put him up. Derrick says to blame the idea to put Caleb up on "others in the house" so there's not problems moving forward.

12:25 pm Confirmed that PoV was used and Donny was put up as a replacement nominee. Brit is still the target.

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11:37 AM BBT Highlight reel. Assuming they are conducting the POV Ceremony.

12:08 PM BBT We are still on Jeff's highlight reel. So, we have "Beast Mode Cowboy" in the house this season, and he claims he's going to win a bunch of comps. Do you know which HG has won the most competitions in a season in BBUSA history? Who is it? How many comps? --and what were they??

12:13 PM BBT Feeds return Derrick hugs Donny in the LR.. Cody is taking deep breaths in the HOH BR by himself. Britt and DOnny are holding hands. Cody comes downstairs, hugs Britt and says, "I'm sorry Britt." Hugs Donny and says, "I'm sorry Don." Someone says, "I hate seeing Donny on the block, dude."

12:17 PM BBT Cody goes outside to the hammock and says to himself, I'm a f*ing pussy. He's talking to Frankie, Derrick and Nicole. He says he would have gone off and I would have been the next one up on the block. Frankie tells him it was the best game move he could have made. Cody says that if he (Caleb) puts him up next week he's going to go f*ing nuts. Frankie says he will tell him to put HIM up before he lets him put Cody up. Frankie says he took responsibility for everyone before doing what was best for him. That's what a leader does. He says he's not going to do what's best for his game this early in the game and f*ck over everybody else's game.

12:20 PM BBT Donny is talking to Hayden. He tells him that when they were talking upstairs Cody told him he would not nominate him. He also tells him that he told Cody he would not hold it against him no matter what he chose to do. Meanwhile, Britt came outside and sat by Derrick. She said that you had to nominate someone. Then she went away. It was awkward. When she walked away, Derrick said Britt wants to talk to him. Derrick said that last night she told him that she thought she had a chance against Zach or Caleb. Vic comes over and is sitting in Cody's lap in the hammock. Derrick heads inside, presumably to talk to Britt. Then he heads back to talk to Cody and asks Vic to leave for second.

12:23 PM BBT They are talking about how this isn't real life, it's to win a game. Talking about what to say to Britt. If she asks why he didn't put Caleb up, they are going to say that people in the house were saying that they didn't want to vote him out. They want to be sure they are going to tell her the exact same thing. Caleb approaches Don in the KT and Donny tells him he expected it and Caleb tells him that Cody wants Britt out of the house. He says that's why Cody put him up...that putting Donny up next to him guaranteed she would go home. Frankie and Cody are in the hammock. Frank says that if Cody had put Caleb up he would have rallied the whole house against him.

12:27 PM BBT Frankie says that Britt is working every angle. She's a vixen and she knows exactly what she's doing. Now Hayden and Donny are in the beehive talking. It 's hard to hear because they are whispering and Donny has a bag of chips that is crinkling. Cody tells Frankie about his conversation with Donny and how Donny says he's not working with Jocasta or anyone on "the other side of the house." Frankie says, "ask me if I'm working with Caleb." Cody does. Frankie says, "No. Now ask me if I'm working with you." Cody does. Frankie says, "No." Cody says, "I thought you were." Frankie says, "I would pass a lie detector test and I think that man would, too." Now Cody believes that Donny is a smooth talker because Frankie is a smooth talker. Frankie tells Cody that if his brother is watching the show he would know that he made the most courageous decision. Cody says he doesn't think so.

12:33 PM BBT Frankie keeps pumping Cody up, telling him this was such a smart game move. It 's gut vs. brain... not even gut but passion. Now Derrick and Donny are in the beehive. Derrick says, he said he wouldn't put you up? Donny says that's what he said. Derrick says that he thinks it goes without saying, but Donny has his vote. He tells Donny that he likes Britt, but he's not voting for her. Donny says that he likes her, too, but he's not in an alliance with her. He sat outside with her and helped her, but that doesn't mean they're working together. Derrick said they all helped her. Donny says he and Jocasta don't even talk game. Donny says he and Derrick don't even talk game. He says he doesn't talk game much with anyone and that's why Cody felt it was OK to put him up... he's pretty likable. Derrick said that Donny isn't Cody's target and Donny says it doesn't matter who his target it because he doesn't have a vote. Derrick says that he has his word as a man.

12:37 PM BBT Frankie keeps pumping Cody up, telling him this was such a smart game move. It's gut vs. brain... not even gut but passion. Now Derrick and Donny are in the beehive. Derrick says, he said he wouldn't put you up? Donny says that's what he said. Derrick says that he thinks it goes without saying, but Donny has his vote. He tells Donny that he likes Britt, but he's not voting for her. Donny says that he likes her, too, but he's not in an alliance with her. He sat outside with her and helped her, but that doesn't mean they're working together. Derrick said they all helped her. Donny says he and Jocasta don't even talk game. Donny says he and Derrick don't even talk game. He says he doesn't talk game much with anyone and that's why Cody felt it was OK to put him up... he's pretty likable. Derrick said that Donny isn't Cody's target and Donny says it doesn't matter who his target it because he doesn't have a vote. Derrick says that he has his word as a man.

12:42 PM BBT Britt tells Cody that she was telling him to look at the board and look at who deserves to be here. She thinks she deserves to be here more than Victoria, more than Nicole. She thinks Nicole has taken the place of Devin in the 9 person alliance. She also says that she's so tired that she can't get her words out. She says that she knows that what he did in the POV Ceremony killed him because he has a huge heart. She hopes he didn't tell Nic that she wanted her to go up. He says he didn't and wouldn't. He says that people have told him things about Zack and he hasn't gossiped. She says it scares her to be that open because it will make people want to get rid of her. She says do you guys really think if you're up against Nic and Christine they won't put you up? Do you really know where Hayden is in this game? There's just too many of you.

12:46 PM BBT He reminds her of when she was saved and Derrick and him wanted to work with her. She says that there was already a huge alliance. Did they want there to be the whole house in the alliance? She feels like it doesn't matter how hard she fights because she's always going to be on the block. She's been on the block 3 times, back-to-back have not, and worked her ass off kicking the ball. She's honest. It's just hard. Meanwhile Derrick and Donny are still talking. He says even if the rest of the house were to change their minds, he will give him his vote no matter what. Although he says that he thinks Frankie won't change his mind for monetary reasons. He thinks Frankie would want TA to keep going. Derrick also tells him that he genuinely feels that Cody doesn't want him to go home.

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#BB16 1:00pm BBt Cody and Amber are in the HOH amber is upset
that she is on the block, and she is talking to Cady about it Brit and
Derrik are sitting on the green sofas talking Brit is saying that she needs
to win HOH next week.

#BB16 1:10pm BBT Frankie and caleb are out in the BY
talking about how Crazy Amber is being and how shes isnt going anywhere
until jury house. what do you want her to do talk about being on her period all
the time come on Zack says Caleb now talk turns to working out

#BB16 1:20pm BBT now Frankie and Caleb are talking about their
allance, and how they saved it, and who to put on the block next and so on.
Caleb wants Victoria out next Frankie says put her up with Jocasta they are the two
weekest players. Dont put her up with Donny he is a breast, yea.
now talking about the last comp. Frankie says it was a crazy Comp.

#BB16 1:30on BBT Donny Jocasta, Christine,Zack, and
Nicole are at the KT table Zack is telling them about the last night
that Devin was here and the talk they had in the have not room it was so funny. HA HA HA....
its Hayen talking not Zack.

#BB16 1:40pm BBT now talk in the KT turns to pooping and farting, Yuck
How many times do you poop per day, yeah and it was Brit that asked that one
Hayen is doing the dishes with Jocasta.
meanwhile the boys in the BY are still talking about comps and things.

#BB16 1:45pm BBT Christine and Victoria are talking about Yogart, Caleb is talking about
his schooling and what all he has left to do there he wants to work in the ER.
Hayen is now talking about riding a bike and expresso.
Cody is now downstairs so is Amber.
Derrick is in the fire room with Zack who has been sleeping. he is still in bed.

#BB16 2:00pm BBT Frankie and Caleb are now talking about a bomb scare that Frankie
saw in New York, Donny walks out with Amber they are laying by the pool.

#BB16 2:05pm Brit pulls Cody into the HOH to have a talk with him about Nicole, Brit is wondering
what she did to her to make her mad at her(Brit).
Nicole is outside by the pool. Nicole is looking for her sunglasses.
Cody is saying that he loves Hayden because the dude is so cool about everything,
its like yeah whatever.

#BB16 2:10pm BBT Donny says thats either, bugs on the wall or its a bird learning how to fly,
Chrisine is now in the hoh talking with Nicole and Cody it wasnt Brit in the HOH its Nicole sry,
Cody is saying if Hayden doesnt win HOH he doesnt have his back really. He needs to win HOH next week.
Brit is in the BY and her feet are still sore from doing all that Kicking.

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5:00 PM BBT Victoria, Hayden, Nicole and Donny are in the KT. Victoria says she won't date guys that aren't attractive because she wants a beautiful family. Handsome people make the prettiest babies. She says physical attraction is the first thing you notice about a person and after that, you determine if you connect as a couple. Jocasta is alone at the hammock reading her bible.

5:10 PM BBT Christine goes into the KT to make a bowl of cereal. As soon as she pours in the milk BB calls her into the DR. She asks BB to hold on so she doesn't have to throw soggy cereal away since food and drink are not allowed in there. Hayden tells her he was in there just recently talking to them while eating a mango.

5:20 PM BBT Not much is going on in the BB house. Jocasta is in the hammock reading the bible. Occasionally she reads a passage out loud. She is currently reading about what one might be willing to give up their soul for. Donny, Nicole, Christine, Hayden, Frankie, Derrick, and Victoria are in the KT. Derrick and Hayden take their turns giving shout outs to loved ones back home.

5:29 PM BBT The HGs in the KT are talking about Cody and Brittany because she has been in the HoH for a long time. Frankie says he hope he is getting some. Christine says probably not because he can't vote this week. The HGs say there is a lot of dishes in the sink but not that many since they haven't washed all the dishes in four days. They've only been washing a few at a time.

5:33 PM BBT Donny goes outside with a bag of chips and Hayden joins him out there so they can share a bag of pink cotton candy on the patio. Donny says he needs to get his tennis shoes on and walk around because he hasn't done anything all day. He needs to wear himself out so he can sleep.

5:37 PM BBT Victoria, Nicole, and Christine are talking about Brittany and how mean she is. Victoria says at least her hair doesn't look like a rats nest every morning when she wakes up. They can't believe that someone who is the mother of three people can be so nasty. They are saying that she is mad at Victoria for winning the POV and made at Nicole for taking it away from her.

5:40 PM BBT The Brittany bashing is not limited to the ladies in the KT. It is now taking place in the BY as well between Derrick and Hayden. Donny reminds them what she went through yesterday and that she got absolutely nothing out of it.

5:51 PM BBT Brittany bashing has come to an end. Feeds 1 and 2 show Hayden, Derrick, Victoria, Donny, Christine and Nicole are sitting at the patio. Hayden and Victoria get into a pillow fight. Feeds 3 and 4 show Cody and Amber napping in the bird's nest.

5:55 PM BBT Derrick is telling the HGs about how he became engaged to his wife. He gives the full proposal story. The best part was after the proposal. He had both sides of their families waiting for them at the restaurant where they had their very first date.

5:58 PM BBT Christine's proposal story was not nearly so romantic. They were in the mountains with a car that was broken down and several hours before AAA could be there. They had to go into a field to pee and that is where he proposed because he just couldn't wait any longer. [To propose or to pee--Goldylucks]

6:01 PM BBT The HGs in the BY are talking about a lot of people outside of the house. We go from WBRB to all four feeds on the HoH where Cody is napping. So is Brittany. So, please excuse my earlier report. It is Cody and Brittany sleeping in the bird's nest. Not Cody and Amber.

6:15 PM BBT We got ten minutes of watching Cody and Amber sleep. When the feeds switch Amber has joined the crew in the BY and they talk general chit chat. Donny walks a little and goes to the weight bench for some arm curls.

6:21 PM BBT Hayden, Christine, Donny and Derrick are talking about Dan Gheesling and Dr. Will. They hope they get to talk to him afterwards. They think Dan is the best BB player and Dr. Will was smart but rude.

6:23 PM BBT The crew in the BY are talking about production so we get all four feeds on Zach and Amber making a snack in the KT.

6:36 PM BBT After ten minutes the feeds finally switch. Christine is in the hammock and Zach is sitting next to her on a bean bag chair. Christine says Brittany is going to be up Cody's butt until Thursday because it worked with Devin. Zach says it makes no sense because he has no vote.

6:44 PM BBT Zach and Christine in the BY he is saying "I'm not going to do anything for the next few days." Zach asks if Amber said anything today. Christine: "promise me you will keep your mouth shut, she said I wish it was Zach on the block" Christine laughs.

6:45 PM BBT Amber shows up at exactly the same time Zach and Christine are talking about her.

6:45 PM BBT BB asks the HGs to replace the awnings. Donny and Hayden remark in shock "Victoria is putting up the awnings?" Hayden to Victoria "Victoria, you are one of my best workers."

6:56 PM BBT All four feeds are on Donny and Hayden playing pool. Donny says he never claimed to be a good pool player. He then says you should hear me sing country. I kill hogs. Meanwhile Zach has turned Derrick in for napping in the BY."BB, we have a sleeper in the BY." BB gives a reminder that sleeping is only allowed in the bedrooms.

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2:52 PM BBT Britt and Donny in the back yard discussing her decision to choose Caleb to play for her in the POV. Caleb, Cody, Derrick and Jocasta in the HOH room. Caleb: "I would take someone out on a date, and the date would be a 5 day 4 night cruise" He is complaining about Amber telling him they can go on a date if he eats a pickle (Caleb hates pickles) He says he told her: "haven't I already done enough for you to go on a date with me, you can go kick rocks. He then eats a pickle.

2:57 PM BBT The girls are trying to pull a prank on Hayden who is sleeping. They have some kind of white goo the whipped up in the KT. Hayden knows they are in there and warns Zach who is also sleeping that the girls are after him. Nicole and Amber leave disappointed, and Nicole tells Hayden: "your feet sink" Zach: "F*** those girls"

3:04 PM BBT The Amber and Nicole go back in the fire room to try to "get/scare" Hayden. He is awake and the girls tell him to pretend to be asleep so they can do it. He agrees, they put the white gooey stuff in his hand and shove his hand in his hair. Frankie is in bed with Zach now. Zach: "I hate Amber, she is trying to be friends with them now" Hayden: "Instead of evicting, can we murder?"

3:06 PM BBT Amber and Nicole come back in the BR with a towel to help clean Hayden up. Zach: "I hate Amber, she is the fakest girl I have ever met" Vic, Christine and Amber are now upstairs in the HOH room. Hayden, Zach and Frankie sleeping in the Fire room. Nicole is outside with Donny. She is telling him she didn't know Donny was going up on the block. Donny: "I did" Nicole: "Oh, you did? Well that's good"

3:09 PM BBT Christine has some kind of bug/spider bite on her left leg. She is going to DR to have them check it out. Amber lays down in Fire room. Donny is just chatting Nicole about the weather.

3:14 PM BBT Only Derrick, Cody and Britt let in the HOH room. They are all in the Nest bed snuggled up. Brittney is wondering how Jocasta will vote. Nicole, Jocasta, and Donny now sitting out in the BY. We have lots of "napping" HGs.

3:16 PM BBT The 3 HOH "nappers" where quite for about 3 minutes. Brittney says "hey, you remember that time..." and Derrick freaks out "You are the worst, omg" because she can't stay quite. They are all 3 laughing. Cody asks if the blanket smells funny, Britt: "Ya, it smells like icy hot and farts"

3:19 PM BBT Nicole talking about her family, and her Dad retiring. Jocasta figures out that her Dad is one year younger than her husband. No one else is moving around. Only conversation is in the BY. The HOH crew are trying to sleep again.

3:22 PM BBT Hayden is up and heading to the WA. (maybe to clean that gunk out of his hair?). BY crew still talking about Nicole's Dad.

3:25 PM BBT Hayden comes to the BY, Nicole: "Hayden, I'm sorry! I didn't put it in your hair" Vic and Nicole have both been sure to say Amber put his hand in his hair. Donny said he could have pranked Nicole by peeing in her German hat this morning because Nicole left it in the WC. Donny gets called to DR.

3:31 PM BBT Nicole wants to know if Amber got into his bed. He says no, luckily. Jocasta is asking Hayden what his 5 year goal is. Hayden: "to be married, have kids, have a house, steady job, probably in the country." Nicole: "that is opposite of your goals" Jocasta: "that sounds like Nicole's goal" So Jocasta turns to Nicole and asks her what her goals are. She answers as if she is Hayden: "I want to be an actor, not have anything serious with any girl, go to the bar pick up girls, I'll probably live in 7 different places"

3:35 PM BBT Donny comes out of DR, goes back out the BY. Derrick is up and going to the BY. Jocasta continues to question Nicole as if she is Hayden, and Hayden as if he is Nicole. Christine went to DR to show her bug bite to the camera so the Doc can look at it. Britt is called to DR but she is sound asleep in the HOH with Cody.

3:40 PM BBT They call Britt again to the DR, she has trouble with the stairs and says it hurts. Derrick tells her "what kind of dummy walks upstairs with a bad foot" Derrick goes back up to HOH and tells Cody he spoke to Donny and Hayden and everything is cool.

3:43 PM BBT We are now treated to Cody pooping but he doesn't want to stop talking to Derrick, who says that's fine, I'll come into the bathroom and we can talk while you poop. So Cody has his mic on and we get to hear everything. (Sometimes my job sucks)

3:48 PM BBT Cody and Derrick are still talking game. Derrick says I hope you would not trust Frankie to give you information. Cody says no way, I never would. Derrick and Cody telling each they are running the house.

3:54 PM BBT The BY group are just talking general topics. How to spell certain words, being switch at birth (the TV show). Derrick and Cody still taking game weeks into the future, and all the people they can work with including Donny. Britt comes back upstairs to HOH Derrick pretends to be asleep. Britt says Cody is getting called into DR in just a second.

3:59 PM BBT Britt asks if "this is the real Derrick" Derrick says he hates it when she says that. He says to her "is this the real Brittney?" She says omg... Derrick says how ever you feel right now, that's how I feel. They seem to go over and over how bad the HOH bed smells and how many different nasty smells it has. (But no one does anything about washing it)

4:04 PM BBT BB has talked more in the last 5 minutes than any of the HGs. Called Cody to DR, told Vic to make sure her batteries were plugged in properly, they told her to exchange her mic for one in the storage room. All 4 feeds follow Derrick around as he walks through the house.

4:08 PM BBT We get the BY chatters back on camera now. They are talking about the age of their brothers and sisters. Derrick looks out through the sliding glass door, decides he would rather roam around the WA. Derrick has decided to shave his chest and stomach (all the way past his belly button).

4:14 PM BBT Derrick shaving half his body in the WA. Nicole, Christine, Hayden, Vic, Jocasta and Donny in the BY talking about Devin and the amount of food he ate. They think they did not get as much this week because Devin is not there.

4:17 PM BBT Cody and Derrick talking in the WA but we can't hear a word because Derrick has had the water running the entire time he has been shaving.

4:20 PM BBT Derrick must have heard us, he turns the water off, made several swipes, and then turns the water back on and lets it run again. The BY group are talking about how long it took everyone to learn everyone's name. They say Caleb still called Victoria,"Veronica and Virginia" two weeks into the game.

4:26 PM BBT The BY group is talking about actresses they like. Christine says she watches 70 hours of Law and Order a day. Donny says he watches tons of basketball. Cody shaves upstairs, washes his face and crawls back into bed with Britt in the HOH nest.

4:37 PM BBT Nicole is in the WA shaving Derricks back (yuck) She is telling Derrick that she heard Britt wanted her (Nicole) on the block instead of Donny. She said "did she honestly think she could beat me?" Derrick says Britt has been upstairs with Cody all day. We get a close up of Derricks back which looks like a very nasty piece of pizza.

4:40 PM BBT Nicole is thanking Derrick for sending Britt home so that her and Christine are safer. Derrick is saying he also told Cody not to put up Caleb because there was a chance Caleb would go home and Britt would go after Christine and Nicole and you (Cody) would lose their confidence if you did that, so I talked him out of it.

4:42 PM BBT Donny and Jocasta, talking game in the BY. Jocasta says she is not voting for Britt to stay and she hopes Britt would not even ask her to. Donny saying "there is a leader here somewhere, because I don't think Cody would have put me up" Jocasta feels like she has tried to talk to Cody but she feels like others in the house are stopping her. Donny says he thinks "they" take it in shifts in the HOH and makes sure no one can talk.

4:46 PM BBT Donny says they should stop worrying about Britt and start worrying about him, because he will "put some people up". He says "they" think you, me and Vic are in an alliance. Jocasta says that's stupid, how can we 3 do anything without help from some of them.

4:51 PM BBT Nicole is teasing Hayden about not remembering her name for the first 4 days. (She seems to have fallen hard since the make out session) Nicole says she thinks she is boring in the DR and we get fish.

4:53 PM BBT Jocasta is comparing Frankie to Judeus in the bible. They are talking about the fact that Christine, Cody, Frankie and Derrick have not been on the block. Donny is telling her to think about who she would put up if she won. He says, let me see if we can help Hayden out. He goes inside to the KT and Jocasta goes out to the Hammock to read the bible.

4:57 PM BBT Vic is talking about how she wants a beautiful family (as in good looks) she says why can't she have the "whole package" a good looking guy and smart and successful.

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7:05PMBBT Amber and Jocasta talk quietly in the WA. Amber looks like she has been crying. She tells Jocasta that she used to be close with Donny but isn't sure what happened. They talk about the position they are in within the house and how they need to watch what they say and who they talk to. Brittany is brought up briefly, she is starting to get clingy with Jocasta. There are a few moments of silence. Jocasta asks Amber what her Mom is probably thinking. Amber says her Mom is probably laughing at her having to compete and yelling at the TV to not trust this person or to trust that person. Talk turns to Amber's sister and we get WBRB for a moment. Christine and Victoria are chatting it up on the hammock in the BY.

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7:15PMBBT Jocasta is comparing her kids ability to do some dishes to these HG. She feels everyone needs to wash up after themselves. In the BY, Nicole and Donny are walking laps, talking about their home states. Donny says he likes to go to the beach, bird sanctuaries and "Just do nothin'!" Zach, Derrick and Hayden are at the pool table talking about one of the girls. Zach says "she" said she can go up and campaign against anyone but Donny. I am thinking it was Brittany he was talking about. They spoke openly in front of Donny, Nicole, Christine and Victoria who are all in the BY.

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7:25PMBBT Nicole and Donny are still walking in the BY, he asks her if she trusts him. She says "I do but, I don't think you trust me after what I did." He says he is working on it. He is now walking with Victoria. In the WA, Jocasta tells Amber "I am fighting for my life in this house." Amber seems confused by that statement. In the LR Derrick and Christine go through game facts. They list through the 4 nominations every week. Christine says it is so hard to remember 4 or 5 every week. Amber has now joined them. She is now rolling through the HoH's.

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7:35PMBBT The LR talk turns to previous years of BB. Derrick thinks it would be cool if one of them tells him he played a great game or worse, tells him he has the worst game ever. Christine hopes Dan will message her and tell her how great she did. Derrick wants to do a live chat or something like that for BB when he leaves the house, he doesn't think he could transcript! (I disagree. Derrick, we would love to have you on the team bro! Contact us when you are out!)

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8:05PMBBT Derrick, Zach, Cody are in the BY. Derrick says Brittany is getting pissy. Zach says "and she doesn't like me!" Derrick asks Cody to not say anything. Frankie joins them. Cody agrees that Brittany is paranoid. The guys think that next week is a double eviction week. They also think it is the step up, step down HoH comp. BB reminds them to not talk about production. And then BB has to say it again. All 4 feeds are in the BY. Cody wonders if Donny would go running to Brittany to say he is safe. Derrick says "No no, he wouldn't do that!"

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8:15PMBBT Jocasta and Victoria are in the KT. Jocasta is cooking, singing. In the BY, Amber, Hayden, Donny and Christine have joined the pool table chit chat. It is light, friendly. There has been a lot of random singing. One line or a hum of a song in the past little bit but no FotH for it.

8:19PMBBT Earlier Derrick complained about "someone leaves the Almond milk on the counter!" and we just saw that Jocasta and Nicole left the KT for the BY and BB zoomed into the Almond milks, both kinds (vanilla and chocolate) are left on the counter. Amber, Nicole, Frankie, Zach and Christine have walked past it, it remains on the counter. Amber and Nicole are going to steam some broccoli for a potato topping. They are back in the KT and the milk is still on the counter. (this is now driving me nuts)

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8:30PMBBT: Frankie: "Hayden the 90's called, they want their hair back....hhahahahaha!" The convo is still light in the BY. Jocasta is eating out there listening to the banter. Amber is in the KT talking to Nicole about her sister and how different they are. Victoria is listening.

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8:35PMBBT: Frankie and Derrick comment on the state of the pool. It doesn't look like the vacuum is moving. The talk turns to Brittany, they are hoping she can't flip anything but she has 2 votes to stay. Frankie puts the meat on the BBQ. Frankie is doing a lil tap dance waiting for the meat to cook.

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8:42PMBBT: Derrick asks Frankie about ticket prices for Wicked. Turns out Derrick was right that all tickets were the same price. In the hammock, Victoria and Zach are having a quiet game convo. Zach wonders if this is the last week of 4 noms. He says if he wins HoH he is putting up Jocasta and Amber, "You better not put me up!" she says to him. Vic doesn't know who she will put up. She gets up out of the hammock and Zach flips out! She heads into the house, wants half of a piece of Frankie's BBQ "Art" as he calls it. Zach tells Frankie that Victoria is starting to grow on him though.

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8:52PMBBT: Hayden is trying to do a trick with the pool cue and ball. It took him a few tries. Amber, Nicole, Jocasta and Donny waited patiently. Cody is called to the DR. Frankie, Christine and Victoria are in the WA. Frankie is talking about how many meds and creams he has. Christine wonders if her leg is infected. It keeps changing color. Frankie and Donny tell her to draw a circle around it. They think it is a spider bite.

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9:05 PM BBT Hayden in BY trying to walk across yard on his hands. Donnie, Jocasta, Nic, and Amber looking on and encouraging him.

9:11 PM BBT Hayden makes it across the yard.

9:21 PM BBT Caleb is holding court by the pool table talking to Donny, Jocasta, Nicole, Amber and Hayden about ants. It is an enthralling conversation. Caleb says he had 2 days to decide between Survivor and BB. He says he didn't feel like eating any bugs. He's going to do Survivor next and then maybe Naked and Afraid.

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