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Jocasta Odom (Week 5) -nominated by Frankie

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Wanted to throw up when she said praise god because Donny pulled her pathetic ass off the block.

Of course seasonally some moron just has to praise their imaginary sky daddy for saving them and not millions from starving.. disease...

Again................. BARF!!

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Guest 6Borders

She doesn't know when to shut up. Her "interviews" from the pool

table were borriiiingggg and endless.

Says she used to be a flight attendant...now I get the bowtie!!!

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That was speaking in tongues? I thought she was having some kind of psychotic episode. I wonder if she speaks parseltongue?

Definitely not speaking in parseltongue. I would enjoy listening to her more if that was the case.

But the gibberish was ridiculous. I want her OUT. She's sweet but useless in the strategic game of Big Brother.

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Complete retard and sheeple short circuiting.

Can't fathom that type of uselessness of a human brain.


She did it before they won and after they won, so it is some strange alien language where sounds have dual meanings.

I thought it was didlee, didlee, diddlee

What a fool.

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Jocasta up in HOH with Cody now grilling him about the game. She wants to know if he did what he thought was best for him. She and Donny are working the Derrick master manipulator angle.


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And people wonder why I'm not into religon.

My list is ENDLESS...


talking bushes

Condoned rape..







sky daddy allowing millions of people to be abused, tortured.. starved.. dogs lit on fire.. while supposedly blessing others with hunky dory lives.

Shall I go on?

Oh and... add IDIOTS like Jocasta.

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My list is ENDLESS...


talking bushes

Condoned rape..







sky daddy allowing millions of people to be abused, tortured.. starved.. dogs lit on fire.. while supposedly blessing others with hunky dory lives.

Shall I go on?

Oh and... add IDIOTS like Jocasta.

You don't believe in the power of prayer? Just look at Jocasta, week 3 and still in the house. :lol:

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Funny that you posted that picture, Wicked. During one interview she said she had some kind of secret something she was bringing with her and after her freaky babbling at the POV, I thought maybe she had a snake packed in her bags.

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Wow, I've never seen such disrespect for Christianity in my life.

For those completely thrown by Jocasta's "language" it's called Speaking in Tongue. Some religions believe in and practice it, while others don't. She's not "retarded" (a comment I'm appalled by), nor mentally incapacitated in any other way. She was simply communicating with God. We don't understand what she said because it is a language that is only spoken in the spirit, something God alone understands. It is considered a gift to be able to speak in tongue, because every Christian does not have that ability.

I really don't know what the problem with Jocasta is for most BB fans. She's done nothing horrible from what I've seen. She's polite, converses well with her roomies, and she does talk strategy while doing so. She was ill for a week, but the illness was explained, and she did her best to participate when she could during that time, so I just don't get the dislike towards her. Does it really matter that she put her name before Amber's when declaring the winners of the last BotB comp? It was a win for both ladies, and no one cared about the name order except a bunch of nitpickers who probably won't like Jocasta no matter what she says or does, because of her race. If that isn't true, than why is no one complaining on this same level about Hayden, and Christine who do absolutely nothing in this game but walk around from room to room wasting space?

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Wow, I've never seen such disrespect for Christianity in my life.

For those completely thrown by Jocasta's "language" it's called Speaking in Tongue. Some religions believe in and practice it, while others don't. She's not "retarded" (a comment I'm appalled by), nor mentally incapacitated in any other way. She was simply communicating with God. We don't understand what she said because it is a language that is only spoken in the spirit, something God alone understands. It is considered a gift to be able to speak in tongue, because every Christian does not have that ability.

I really don't know what the problem with Jocasta is for most BB fans. She's done nothing horrible from what I've seen. She's polite, converses well with her roomies, and she does talk strategy while doing so. She was ill for a week, but the illness was explained, and she did her best to participate when she could during that time, so I just don't get the dislike towards her. Does it really matter that she put her name before Amber's when declaring the winners of the last BotB comp? It was a win for both ladies, and no one cared about the name order except a bunch of nitpickers who probably won't like Jocasta no matter what she says or does, because of her race. If that isn't true, than why is no one complaining on this same level about Hayden, and Christine who do absolutely nothing in this game but walk around from room to room wasting space?

Deal with the retarded statement. I don't DO PC because the biggest offender in the world is religion. There are over 2500 so called gods and demi-gods and all supported by wars, death, bigotry, brainwashing and hypocrites.The bible is chock full of the almighty condoning rape, incest and genocide.. Blech.

I find it offensive some idiot gets all jezuz over a game. If some almighty, loving ( ha ) god ( Zues, Great Pumpkin, take your pick ) existed and chose to bless some with luck ( winning a game, nice healthy family ) while thousands die of hunger daily ( the least of the horrible things churchy folks avoid thinking about because let's ask why then dogs are thrown against walls and dragged behind cars, or violent to agonizing slow deaths occur to good folks ), then that's no ( so called ) god I'd worship. I don't do sheeple or respect something so outdated, vile or utterly ridiculous. If they drag it into the lime-light I'm going to shred it at will.

When the other HG's bust out their bibles and start DADADADADADADADAing I'll rip them too. And anytime someone brings up RACE.. it's their inner racist bubbling up. Misery loves company you know.

If you don't see the other HG's being picked on for their stupid crap then you need to wander into OTHER threads besides Jocasta's.

I think her DADADADADADADADA moment might just have made Caleb look normal.


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Deal with the retarded statement. I don't DO PC because the biggest offender in the world is religion. There are over 2500 so called gods and demi-gods and all supported by wars, death, bigotry, brainwashing and hypocrites.The bible is chock full of the almighty condoning rape, incest and genocide.. Blech.

I find it offensive some idiot gets all jezuz over a game. If some almighty, loving ( ha ) god ( Zues, Great Pumpkin, take your pick ) existed and chose to bless some with luck ( winning a game, nice healthy family ) while thousands die of hunger daily ( the least of the horrible things churchy folks avoid thinking about because let's ask why then dogs are thrown against walls and dragged behind cars, or violent to agonizing slow deaths occur to good folks ), then that's no ( so called ) god I'd worship. I don't do sheeple or respect something so outdated, vile or utterly ridiculous. If they drag it into the lime-light I'm going to shred it at will.

When the other HG's bust out their bibles and start DADADADADADADADAing I'll rip them too. And anytime someone brings up RACE.. it's their inner racist bubbling up. Misery loves company you know.

If you don't see the other HG's being picked on for their stupid crap then you need to wander into OTHER threads besides Jocasta's.

I think her DADADADADADADADA moment might just have made Caleb look normal.

Agree. When you consider that one of the biggest feel good stories in their bible involves the murder of everything living on the land, it makes violence in all its forms acceptable.

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Guest 6Borders

I find her pretty useless as an HG.

I'm not religious so I find the behavior a bit bizarre and don't feel it has any

business in the BB game. She should go in the photo booth or the DR

if she wants to do all that.

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Jocasta sick again. Will she play in the HOH tonight? Will she not be put on the block because people feel bad she has a tummy ache?


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