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Friday, July 4 Live Feeds / BB After Dark Updates


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9:01am Hayden and Cody now going over dates of when they played comps and nominations and BOTB was played and Veto comps.

9:07am Hayden is picking up his rice in the have not rm saying that BB says they are not allowed to do that.Cody says he is about to pass out in there since there is nowhere else to sleep.
9:14am Donny is now up in the Kt with Hayden and Cody and he says he couldn't sleep from the snoring.... Donny says my girlfriend talked me into coming here i think i might break up with her. Cody says i wondered about you when i first seen you cause you was so quiet and Frankie was a talker. Hayden says he is glad he met Donny.
9:18am Hayden and Cody telling Donny what some of the frat Quotes were last night like "Pantie raid" and "BB party song".and Part foul "he is streaking through the quad" the "sirens someone called the cops" and the " we hate freshmen" They were played many times each.
9:23pm Hayden says that Amber and Devin told him that they put him on the block so that he would win and Donny says I remember you saying that. Donny says I will be a bottom picker and you two will be in the middle and it is going to be a boring season if it keeps going this way and Hayden says no this was good it is changing things.
9:32am Hayden saying that Joey is already on her flight back home now after she had a good nights sleep.Donny says he needs to put his contacts back in and Cody asking Donny if he was in the military and Donny says i was not in the military no.
9:36am:Cody says trusting someone Quick is bad cause once something is out in the open then boom gone. I don't like the way some things are going down I believe in respect and Donny says they are treating Brittany bad. Cody says yeah all because she was sharing a bed with Joey.Cody says I like Paola but what will happen if I am the target and get put up against her? you know what I mean?
9:41am Donny says I need to put my eye balls in then get me something to eat and Hayden says they haven't stocked yet and Donny says I will eat bread with lemon. Have y'all seen me eat before I will put anything on bread and sit there and have water with it.
9:46am Hayden is heading to bed and Cody says save me a space to see if i can squeeze in and Hayden says yeah. Now Cody is heading to bed to try to sleep a little .
9:48am Donny is the only one up and is putting his contacts in.
9:52am Donny fills his water bottle with water and then makes himself some toast with peanut butter and jelly.
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9:58am BBT: Donny is still the only one up (at least on camera), humming

and eating his breakfast.

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10:04am Donny has finished eating his breakfast and is now in the LVRM putting his shoes on.He up and stretches then sits down and starts reading the little Debbie boxes.

10:18am Donny just sitting alone as all other Hg are sleeping.
10:37am Donny has gone back to bed and all HG are now sleeping.
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1:35 pmBBT Feeds are back. Caleb is just walking around the backyard alone.

1:37pm BBT Big Brother warns the HGs that the bedroom lights must remain on during the day.

1:38pm BBT Frankie in the Have Not Room taking meds.

1:49pm BBT Nicole, Frankie, and Christine talking in the bathroom about some prize that someone [Nicole] won. Possibly beeing free for 4 weeks?

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1:46pm BBT Devin and Caleb in the HOH room and Caleb is crying. Devin is trying to console him telling him to let it out and chill up there. Caleb went into the HoH bathroom and is washing his face. He wants a beer.

1:47pm BBT Frankie, Zack, Donny, and Christine in the kitchen talking about pancakes that Nicole made.

1:49pm BBT Devin thanks Caleb about what he went through and tell him that he can always talk to him. Devin says it takes a real man to let out his emotions. Devin offers Caleb space in his dressers to move in to the HoH room. Caleb goes downstairs to get a Redbull from the fridge. He goes down and then goes back up to the HoH.

1:53pm BBT Frankie is also invited to sleep up in the HoH and looks like hes moving out of the Have Not Room. Frankie asks Caleb if he wants to talk about it and Caleb says "nothing really to talk about."

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1:13pm we now have FOTH maybe it is a wake up call.

1:31pm Frankie is in the BY eating and Christine and Donny are in the KT making food.
1:33pm Donny now sitting outside and Cody walking around , Donny says they can do magic out here huh and Cody says yeah it is crazy . Zach joins the BY and ask Donny if Paola and Brittany are on the block who do you want to go home he says i would like paola to stay but there are some bullies in the house that wants the other to go so i kinda want her to stay and show the bullies up.
1:39pm Some of the girls are in the WCA getting ready for the day . Donny in BY talking to Zach saying this week it may not be as unanimous as it was last week and Zach says i know paola may have to be the sacrificial lamb this week. I like her though. Donny says me too and i know if she won HOH she wouldn't put me up and Zach says me either.
1:43pmn In the hoh rm Caleb is crying and Devin is consoling him.Devin says if you don't want to go out anywhere dud then stay in here dude you don't have to stay downstairs at all man.
1:46pm Caleb says i just want a beer as he paces around the hoh rm. In the KT Frankie, Brittany,Zach and Paola are making food.
1:49pm Caleb leaves hoh rm to get hios clothes and things to move up to the hoh rm.Amber and Nicole are in the WA doing make up with Victoria.
1:53pm Frankie is now in the HOH rm talking with caleb. He ask what is wrong and caleb says i think we all know but it is all good ya know? Frankie says yeah.Frankie tells him it is the three of us we will take it all down.They start talking about sleeping for 6 hours after changing their batteries.
1:57pm Caleb ask Frankie if the STR is restored and he says yeas they restocked.Devin is getting dressed and Caleb is now leaving hoh to make food he wants race and terriaki chicken.He walks throught the KT and they all tell him Happy Fourth of July.
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1:57pm BBT Frankie and Caleb talking about the wars they are fighting in the house. They talk about tearing down boundaries and stereotypes in the house.

1:58pm BBT Most of the girls in the bathroom re-applying make up after showers.

2:02pm BBT Victoria and Nicole talking about how long the night was while Victoria does Nicole's hair in the bathroom.

2:04pm BBT Caleb says any time he hears the National Anthem he breaks down no matter if it's at a rodeo or baseball game.

2:06pm BBT Caleb tell Frankie, who is in the HOH shower, that he, Caleb, and the squad can be up there while he is in the DR. However, he doesn't want any of the girls up there because he doesn't want to get close to anyone or run game and beg and plead.

2:09pm BBT It appears that Amber's team lost the Battle of the Block because Victoria asked her if her picture's are still up there (HoH).

2:12pm BBT Brittany and Paola talking in the kitchen about who "he" would backdoor. They think Victoria since everyone apparently doesn't like her.

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2:13pm Brittany and Paola are eating in the KT. Brittany says it really doesn't matter if you go with the house vote or not cause I believe that everyone would keep me and get rid of her I believe that.Brittany says if Cody wins the veto I am gone.

2:18pm caleb telling Frankie why he is crying and upset and it is because of the Holiday and Military family he says if people talk about military i get like this so if anyone ask why i am upset then you know.I haven't told to many people that my dad retired from Military and my brother just got back from Iraq 4 months ago.
2:21pm calenb says if you will just tell everyone that i would appreciate it that some people like military and some don't so just understand that he is having a rough day so just give him a hug or something. I don't know you are good a giving speeches Frankie you will tell em all something.
2:26pm Frankie is calling a house meeting to let them all know why Caleb is upset today he says he is really having a rough time today because of it being the 4th of July today and it is just a very emotional day today and he doesn't want anyone to think he is upset with them so I just wanted to let you all know cause it touched me alot.
2:32pm Frankie says I have a surprise for the house I have red and blue glitter and they all get excited so he says I will go get it right now.
2:37pm The girls are talking about making Hamburgers and Hot Dogs for a Fourth Of July celebration tonight.In the hoh rm Caleb wants to hear the Tim McGraw song. In the Fire BR Paola and Jacosta are talking about Brittany going home cause no one likes Brittany.
2:42pm In the fire Br, Jocosta is talking about she cant poop if someone is talking.In the BY Donny and Amber talking general chit chat.
2:50pm In the BY Frankie is talking about different Holidays and says Christmas and New years are the best and I never take down my Christmas lights cause they are like party lights.
2:53pm Nicole tells Caleb that she is going to give him his space today cause she knows it is hard on him she says I don't know what to say to make it better and Caleb says there really is nothing anyone can say to make it better.
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2:50 BBT: Amber, Donny, Christine and Frankie in the BY. Mostly discussing how hot it is today, how long of a day it was yesterday. Finally, Amber asks why Paola is mad. Frankie thinks its because she feels used, and suggests Amber take her aside and tell her it wasn't her that nominated her, so what's up? They all agree that Paola has established herself as "the perfect loser."

Amber: I don't even remember what I said last night

Frankie: your speech? it was perfect

Now talk about how they each slept last night, Frankie saying he slept great.

(side note: many of the HGs are in red, white and blue)

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3:04 PM BBT Donny, Christine, and Frankie are hanging out on the patio. Jocasta, Victoria, Brittany, and Paola are primping in the WA. Paola sings "Brittany is gonna win POV and I am screwed."

3:14 PM BBT Frankie and Christine are talking about the live feeds in the BY. They think that a lot of people probably signed up for the live feeds (many for the first time) because of everything that is going on and how the last episode ended. Nicole and Devin are tinkering in the KT.

3:22 PM BBT Paola and Brittany are the in the WA. Paola says tomorrow's veto will probably be puzzles or counting. Brittany hopes it isn't because those aren't her strong points. They joke about Joey puking on Devin on purpose when she was "pretending to be sick" because he's a germophobe.

3:25 PM BBT In the BY Caleb is talking about life in a small town. The biggest event of the year is the Ham Festival. The HGs are put on IDLD. Victoria thinks it's because of POV tonight or tomorrow. Frankie and Donny think it's because they can hear music on the lot.

3:43 PM BBT The HGs are locked inside. Devin and Caleb are in the KT talking about people they know that received purple hearts. Caleb knows one guy who got a purple heart in two different wars, Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom. Victoria, Jocasta, Brittany, and Paola are still primping.

3:49 PM BBT Amber comes out of the BR in a pair of stars and stripes spanky shorts. Her right butt cheek is showing. Most of the HGs are wearing red, blue, or both.

3:51 PM BBT Amber and Devin are in the SR. Amber has heard that people think Devin is manipulating her. Devin tells her that regardless of the POV, if it is used Victoria will be the replacement nominee. Amber says she just wants to stay neutral and wants it clear that no one is controlling her game.

3:56 PM BBT Amber has put her black leather mini skirt back on, covering her patriotic spanky shorts. Most of the HGs are dressing up for the fourth.

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3:21pm BBT Caleb is telling Frankie what to tell the other HGs about why he is up in the HoH upset. He is trying to tell him about all his pride about being in the military.

3:23pm BBT All 4 feeds in the bathroom. Brittany, Amber, Pao, and Nicole in there.

3:24pm BBT Frankie and Caleb still talking about why Caleb is having a rough day.

3:29pm BBT Frankie is calling the HGs from the backyard inside.

3:31pm BBT Frankie telling some of the HGs in the bathroom about why Caleb is upset and having a hard time being away from this family on the Fourth of July.

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3:36pm BBT HGs in the bathroom rehashing their rehearsal from last night and the live show from last night.

3:39pm BBT Caleb and Devin talking about going to Nashville and his adventure coming home when his daughter was born.

3:43pm BBT Caleb chimes in about what he learned about ear infections in kinesiology.

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4:10 PM BBT the IDLD is over. Most of the HGs Nicole and Amber head outside to sit on the patio. Nicole says the set for the BotB was one of the best she has ever seen. Amber says she got lucky by getting the goggles first. Nicole talks about some of them getting punishments and she feels bad.

4:15 PM BBT Nicole is talking to Amber in the BY. She says her Dad has only taken four personal days off work since he was eighteen. He took off for his wedding, the birth of Nicole and her sibling, and the day she got her key. She is hoping with the 4th being on a Friday that he may get a long weekend but she doubts it.

4:30 PM BBT Not much is going on in the house. Most of the HGs are just hanging out inside. Mostly general chit chat.

4:34 PM BBT The HGs are back on IDLD. They speculate it is because of the 4th of July parties on the CBS lot.

4:45 PM BBT Frankie and Victoria are talking about Devin in the Fire BR. Frankie says he is acting like a general when he has no army. Victoria can't believe he has a daughter and treats Brittany so bad. Victoria noticed Caleb's celebration when Devin won. "They are running this house."

4:48 PM BBT In the fire BR Victoria and Frankie are giving props to Brittany for keeping her composure after Devin's speech last night. She just blew him a kiss and said Ditto.

4:50 AM BBT Awkward moment. Frankie asks Paola what her little temper tantrum last night was about. She says she was just venting because sitting on the bed right next to him is the source of her breakdown last night. Victoria.

5:00 PM BBT Frankie, Nicole, Derrick, and Paola are talking about the sleeping arrangements. They are upset that Victoria slept in a bed alone and Cody and Hayden slept in the Have-Not room. Paola and Brittany had volunteered to sleep there but the boys wouldn't have it. Derrick says there is no reason anyone should have to sleep in there. He says they need to boys in one room and the girls in the other.

5:08 PM BBT Most of the HGs are laying around in the BRs. Frankie and Victoria want some 4th of July music. Paola wants her DJ equipment so she can mix it up.

5:14 PM BBT Derrick is in the shower. Cody comes up to him and starts whispering. I think they are discussing the plan to betray Devin and get rid of Paola but it is hard to hear.

5:16 PM BBT Cody goes into the rock BR and gets in the bed in between Frankie and Zach. They proceed to try to tickle him. Frankie acts like he is going to kiss him. Nicole and Brittany are quite amused. Meanwhile Devin and Jocasta are alone in the dining room talking about life outside the house.

5:26 PM BBT Jocasta and Devin are still alone in the dining room. She is talking about labor and delivery and about God answering prayers. Meanwhile, it's standing room only in the rock BR. Various different conversations going on at the same time.

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5:40PMBBT Brittany and Amber are whispering in the KT. Very hard to hear. Brittany's mic is covered. Nicole, Jocasta, Devin start smashing around dishes getting food in the KT. Brittany looks annoyed.The convos and giggles continue in the rock room. The boys are trying to figure out if there is something happening tonight or if it will be tomorrow. We get FotH.

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5:50PMBBT Amber and Brittany are in the LR whispering. Brittany is telling Amber what was said about her by one of the guys (sounds like Caleb but not 100%) In the Rock Room, Caleb is telling Cody about scriptures in the bible. Amber runs in and jumps on the bed. Amber tells Caleb to read the book of Matthew.

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6:00PMBBT Victoria does the dishes (and runs the water wastefully). Christine and Zach eat at the counter. Amber, Donny and Frankie walked some laps around the coffee table then Amber and Donny sat down, just chatting. Not much happening in the BB house right now.

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6:15PMBBT Brittany is campaigning. She went to Amber, she just went to Jocasta in the WA. She makes her way into the kitchen to get cookies out of the oven. Frankie and Zach mention UTI (Urinary Tract Infections) a few times. Frankie thinks he possibly has one. Donny and Amber continue chatting in the LR.

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6:03 pm BBT - Donny and Amber are analyzing the silver art and the types of things they see in it, i.e., deer, cowboy boot, ear, snoot to a hog's nose, and a puzzle piece of "some Chinese writin'." They discuss the Country dictionary, "tater, mater, nanner, fixin', papaw, mamaw, bubba, buggy, bibs (overalls), over yonder, littlone, ya'll. Donny wishes that he had his overalls there and Amber says that they could wear them together like on Hee Haw. Amber is trying not to be so country but Donny say that it's cute. He's glad that his ears are behind his mouth so that he doesn't really hear his voice the way that everyone else does. They are thanking each other for being there for each other. Devin joins them and Amber immediately leaves.

6:15 pm BBT - Devin is apologizing to Donny about how he was playing too hard and too fast and was questioning things and didn't really trust him. Donny tells him that it's all good.

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6:25PMBBT Caleb is testifying in the rock room. He is sharing more of why he believes in God and why he loves the bible. Christine, Hayden, Derrick, Cody are in there listening to him. He says he needs to win HoH again so he can put up people who least expect it and who have done nothing in the house. The topic goes back to his bible and how easy it is to use and find passages to relate to what he is going through.

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6:25 p.m. (BBT) Donny leaves to kitchen to get a cookie.

Meanwhile, Caleb is holding court with Christine, Derrick, Frankie, Cody about church/God and his awesome mom. He loves his mama. "So, I'm going to win the next HoH so I can read the letter." But he also wants others to win so that he can get to know them. When he is HoH, he will nominate people that haven't won competitions, or have done anything in the game. Caleb gives Cody his Bible. He says that Bible breaks it down in "Barney's terms" so he can understand it. It has sections of versus for loneliness, forgiveness, etc.

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6:38PMBBT Looks like the rock room has turned into a Bible study. In the KT, Victoria ate something out of a container, numerous scoopfuls with a fork, did not finish it and put the lid back on the container. Jacosta is reading the back of the cereal box. There was an announcement but no one quite heard what it said. We get a 20 second FotH and now the HG are just doing much of the same... which is not much.

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6:47PMBBT Foth for a minute then back to chatty houseguests, not much happening but random conversations mostly in the KT and Rock room. We get another FotH.

6:50PMBBT Devin is in the HoHR with Frankie and Derrick about Amber. He says she is playing a game of everybody get along and this is BB so it frustrates him. He complains about how long it took her to nominate 2 people. He says she repeated herself 3 times trying to explain something. Devin says he didn't want to say anything. Devin told Paola that if he wins PoV he will take her off and then Victoria will be the replacement.

6:57PMBBT Devin wants to sit Victoria down and tell her she is the floater and she will be able to float her way into the jury and she just needs to trust them. He continues that Brittany need to go, then Frankie adds they can just come up with reasons to nominate others until jury.

7:00PMBBT: Derrick "We are already at Day 21, if Brittany doesn't win the POV we are making it to day 28. That is the way you gotta look at it."

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