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Wednesday, July 2 Live Feed Updates


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11:07am Most Hg laying in BY just general chit chat going on .

11:14 am Frankie is acting like Julie Chen asking the HG questions he ask Victoria how it is living in the big brother house with all these men? She says no very pleasant.

11:23am Jacosta is in the BY eating grapefruit piled with sugar on top and she keeps saying don't judge me I am making grapefruit juice.

11:28am General talk going on about taking medications and taking hot showers and about medical conditions.

11:39am Jacosta , Hayden and Donny on BY couch talking about being on BB is a great experience. Victoria runs from a bug and Jacosta says that is why I don't lay in the sun it is the bugs territory.

11:45am Devin in Kt sifting something as Cody eats his slop and Frankie comes in the feed fish and to make tuna salad. In the BY most are laying around the pool with general chit chat going on.

11:55am Frankie making tuna and Devin making food Cody is talking general talk as BB tells him to move his mic higher and Christine laughs at him.In the BY is general chit chat between Victoria and Nicole as they lay in the sun.

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12:02pm Talk in the KT is about when the have nots will get to eat. Christine says you start slop during the day and get off of slop at midnight. It has always been that way.Devin talking about having a dream with boogie hosting and it woke him up.Frankie singing to the tune of "yellow brick road" that the tea has ants.

12:15pm Donny and Jacosta in BY talking about Diary room talks and BB gets on to them. Nicole is no in the WA doing her makeup again after laying out in the sun. Frankie and Devin and Cody and Christine in the KT talking general talk.Donny tells Jacosta that he is just going to watch that board this week to see if this bearded face goes on the block again.
12:19pm Jacosta wakes up Paola so she can wash the sheets off the bed before the LD.BB tells Zach and Caleb to change their batteries as they have not been up at all today.
12:23pm Frankie and Cody hugging as Cody acts like he is crying and blowing his nose on Frankie and then Frankie says thanks you for snotting all over me today I really needed that then Cody starts laughing.
12:34pm General talk about breaded and deep fried chicken in restaurants and and to ask if it is fresh or processed chicken cause if it is frozen it is processed.In the BY Nicole is telling Christine that Caleb told her not to trust anyone cause he was used in this house by a girl and she wanted me to take her to final 2 with me then she back stabbed tabbed me but he never said a name but I know its amber.So she is already making final 2 deals. Christine says this is so interesting.
12:50pm Donny goes outside to the BY couch eating fruit and Christine says there is a sticker on it so Donny eats kit and Christine yells eewww and Donny says I love me some sticker.
12:52pm Christine says Tim has blue eyes and she has green eyes so I wonder what color eyes our babies will have and Cody says they might have brown eyes so Nicole says I like it when you talk smart Cody and he says is that sarcastic? she says no I love it when you talk smart . he says you rolled your eyes though when you said that and she says you roll your eyes everything we talk.
12:58pm Most HG in the BY with general chit chat . Devin in WA shaving. Paola is now up in WA doing her make up.
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2:00 PM BBT: Devin, Caleb and Frankie in the HoH bedroom. Discussion about how expensive the cameras are. Frankie starts talking to the camera when it zooms in him, saying "hello lens". Devin leaves the room. Frankie and Caleb just lieing in bed, Caleb is complaining about not having cd player. Caleb starts singing and we get Fish. Caleb now starts talking about his music auditions, and different songs. They both say they love music so much and can't wait to go to a karoake bar and sing once the season is over. Frankie starts talking about his sister, and hopes she is in attendance at the live shows. Frankie says that he thinks Big Brother has finally figured out the temperatures in the house... (apparently the DR had been very warm)

Paola, Amber, Jocasta, Victoria, Christine, Zach, Donny and Nicole are sitting outside. Just the usual chit chat.

2:05 PM BBT: Feed 1 now turns to Joey and Brittany talking alone outside. Brittany is talking about how you can't prepare for this season just by watching previous seasons, you can never know what twists will be. She goes on to say about how things can change week to week and even day to day in the house. Joey says she hasn't given up hope yet, and is still talking to people trying to sway votes. Brittany tells Joey she needs to go to the "7" people and tell each one of them that they're vote is not a single vote, and that people should vote how they feel not as a house decision.

2:10 PM BBT: Feed 4 is on Caleb who is staring into space. Then he finally blinks and says if I would've only had that "p" i could have won HoH and PoV. Frankie says to him that'll he will probably win many more times to come.. Frankie says to Caleb that he would be his HG choice in the PoV random draw. Caleb says he would expect many people would pick him if they pulled the HG's choice. Frankie says he feels like there was so much more work in the first week, and now this week everyone is just trying not to lose their minds. Caleb says it sucks you can't be HoH every week, Frankie responds by saying that's why alliances are so important.

Joey and Brittany continue joking and talking outside on Feeds 1 and 2. Zach is playing pool.

2:20 PM BBT: Joey and Victoria now inside talking in the bathroom. Joey gives her spheel, that she would fight for Victoria if she was on the block, Joey then asks for Victoria's vote. Victoria says don't worry about it. They then hug and head into the kitchen.

Joey then heads into the have not room and asks Hayden (who just woke up) for his vote. Hayden says its no problem and then says "Ok" and they hug. Joey heads outside again to join Christine and Nicole on the hammock. Joey continues her campaign trail and asks for their votes as well.

2:25 PM BBT: BB announces an indoor lockdown, all HGs head inside.

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1:00pm BB time The HG are in the BY

chillin out in the sun, just talking no game talk

is going on.

1:10pm Bbtime Devin is in the BR messing around with his face

while it looks like everyone else is is the BY.

1:20pm Bbtime Devin and Poa Poa are still in the BR washing

up and stuff Zach and Amber are in the BY just talking Amber is

telling Zach how she didnt take a nap yesterday.

1:30pm Bbtime Zach says it sucks going into comps eating slop,

it makes you weak. Devin is now shaving. His front part. Poa Poa is putting cream on her legs. Amber is moving onto sour cream.

1:35pm Bbtime Christine and Victoria are at the KT table.

Devin walks by Frankie is in the KT Zach now is in, Amber is in

The BY all alone, Joey is sitting over by the sofas with Jocasta, and Hayden and Donnie,they are just talking.

1:40pm Frankie and Devin are in the HOH Frankie

is now giving Devin a shave, and out in the BY we have

everyone else it look like they are just laying around talking,

Joey is talking to Victoria

just general talk.

1:45pm Caleb and Frankie are up in the HOH room now

all four feeds are just on them, Caleb has his feather head band on. He is looking for something in his bed.

1:50pm someone was just called to the DR didnt catch who

Amber and Joey are still talking in the BY while Frankie and

Caleb are still in the HOH now both are in the bed just laying around. Devin comes back into the HOH. They are trying to figure out how the spy tv works.

1:55pm Frankie is talking in a funny voice laying in bed with Caleb Devin is walking around and in and out of the Bath. They are watching the TV. Joey and Britany are still talking in

the BY

2:00pm cams go over by the sofas where we have Jocasta Christina Donnie Victoria and Zach they are all just chatting.

Christina is talking about making iced coffee.

2:10pm Looks like its just a lazy day in the BB house not much is going on but a lot of laying around in the sun talking about Iced coffees and such Oh and BB coffee is really bad tastes like Do Do Yuck

2:15pm Nothing has changed just a lot of small talk going on in the BY and up in the HOH.

2:20pm Amber asked Joey what world she lives in. Other then that nothing has change Victoria went into the KT to get something to drink back outside. Frankie says he has earned his BB pay in the first week.

2:25pm Joey is now in the BR talking to Victoria trying to get her vote, Victoria says dont worry they hugs Joey walks into the KT. Joey goes up to Hayden and asked for his vote, Hayden no problem. Joey ok thanks. Leaves. Joey is now companing for votes, going around asking for peoples votes.

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2:35 PM BBT: Jocasta is meditating on Feed 1, Derrick and Amber are talking alone in the bedroom, Both agree that they can't speak for the others but both of them will stick together. Discussion turns to if they're will be 2 HoH's again, they think there will be. Derrick says she would not go up if he's HoH, but it is important to also stay close to the girls in case they both win. Conversation turns to what the competition will be tomorrow, and that they need to go to bed earlier tonight. Victoria has joined them now.

Conversation turns to who has been exposed this season, Derrick says Frankie, Zach, and Paola has that he knows of. and how all three are paranoid about this and having their pictures online. Then they start talking about how much time they will have between the HoH comp and the eviction and if they should wear nice clothes or not.

2:43 PM BBT: Donny and Hayden are sitting alone in the living room. Derrick and Victoria now talking about Donny in the bedroom. Derrick says he's a great guy, Victoria agrees saying he is very calm. Victoria and Derrick keep saying "happy birthday Lauren".

Joey keeps singing in the havenot room, which means we keep getting fish (like 6 times in 10 mins..)

2:50 PM BBT: (missing parts of conversation due to fish) Derrick and Victoria are whispering about Joey in the bedroom. They says she keeps going around asking for votes. Derrick says she think's its down to one deciding vote.. Derrick says that Joey will go home.. Amber is with them as well now. Derrick says it's just part of the game, and that the noms wouldnt have changed but since Donny stepped it up and won PoV, Joey is going home. Derrick tells them to just stay low and they'll be fine.

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3:20 PM BBT In the BY Caleb is educating Joey and Brittany in how to manage a hog population for the hunt. Meanwhile Christina and Frankie are laying out on the hammock soaking up some sun.

3:29 PM BBT Caleb and Joey are sharing the many methods for slaughtering a hog. I will spare you the details. Meanwhile, a wasp just ran Frankie, Christine, and Amber from the hammock.

3:33 PM BBT Everyone is hanging out in the BY. They are speculating on who would do well on Survivor and Naked and Afraid. They are also talking about former BB season.

3:43 PM BBT Frankie and Zach are on the hammock. Zach says he just wish he knew what was going on with the others. Frankie tells him there is nothing to worry about. They start talking about their budding bromance. BB tells the HG who are trying to make music to "Stop That."

3:49 PM BBT ODLD is over. The HGs go inside to see if they can find the reason behind the lock down. So far, they can't find anything.

3:51 PM BBT Joey corners Zach in the Have-Not room. She is starting to think she has enough votes to stay. She urges him to vote with her heart and his brain. "I am actually getting good vibes. I think I have like an 80% chance. I think I have enough votes." She thinks she has seven, maybe eight already.

4:06 PM BBT The HGs have taken their general chit chat from the BY to the LR and WA. They are mostly talking about each other, and accents.

4:09 PM BBT Frankie and Zach are in the HoH room talking about Caleb. They are pretty sure he is full of crap most of the time and that the girls are scared of him.

4:11 PM BBT Frankie is telling Zach that Caleb is causing all kinds of red flags. He is ADD, OCD, Bipolar, and takes an insane amount of vitamins. They start talking about his medication so BB switches the feeds.

4:16 PM BBT Nicole comes up to the HoH where Frankie and Zach are laying in the nest. Frankie invites her to lay down with them as long as she doesn't get in between him and his man. Nicole "I really like this bird's nest." Frankie sings "It better be your bed next week doo da doo da. It better be" WBRB.

4:27 PM BBT Zach is talking about a guy that broke his nose so bad is pushed his eyeball further back into his head. He had to have a $60,000 surgery.

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#BB16 4:40 PM BBT Donny shaving (but not the beard) and Frankie just out of the shower.

#BB16 4:47 PM Caleb and Cody in the SR talking about Caleb's favorite subject - Amber.

#BB16 5:18 PM HG in HOH general goofing around and chatting.

#BB16 5:45 PM Zack and Cody playing chess. No convo going on.

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6:15 PM BBT Derrick and Donny have invaded the chess game. In the beehive is Nicole, Christine, and Frankie. Just general chit chat.

6:07 PM BBT Nicole says that it doesn't help being locked in a house. It appears they are IDLD.

6:17 PM BBT Zach and Hayden are beating out another tune on the chess table. Lots of WBRB.

6:29 PM BBT Zach, Frankie, and Nicole are in the beehive talking about former BB twists such as MVP. Cody, Brittany, Joey, and Christine are cleaning the KT.

6:37 PM BBT Zach and Victoria are now in the beehive. He asks her if she could backdoor anyone who would it be. She says no one. He says he is nervous about people but he won't spill the beans. Meanwhile Nicole, Amber and Christine are cleaning the bathroom.

6:40 PM BBT Victoria and Zach are having a spat. Zach won't spill the beans to Victoria on who he is unsure of or willing to backdoor in the house because it "Doesn't matter." She says it's because he doesn't trust her. They are supposed to be "building a relationship" and he won't trust her.

6:45 PM BBT Some of the HGs are cleaning up the house, probably for tomorrow's live show. The others are watching others clean.

6:54 PM BBT The flies are starting to bother the HGs. Zach is sharing his homemade fly catching methods. He says putting sugar water in a bowl, covering it in plastic wrap, and putting a little hole in the top will result in flies entering the cup to get to the sugar water but not able to get out.

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7:15PMBBT: Feeds return and not much has changed. Hayden is massaging Victoria at the counter. Christine and Nicole are at the table. Zach, Frankie and I believe Cody are in the LR trying to figure out how many people are watching the feeds. They think about 100 thousand to half a million but there are always more than a thousand tuned in all the time. Frankie says he has never watched the live feeds "It takes a very special and wonderful person to watch the feeds... I love you" he says to the camera.

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7:37PMBBT: To recap, it's an indoor lockdown and there is not a lot going on. Small talk and chit chat, some cuddles, some laughs. Not much happening at all. Caleb is in the HoH watching the TV, observing the house. He is complaining to Frankie about Devin and how he is all about himself... oh a reference to Amber when she said there were some who were all about themselves in the house, she must have meant Devin and not him.

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7:40PMBBT: Cookie dough hit the ground, just a small piece of it rolled behind the couch (not sure how it happened as no one is baking) and Hayden picked it up. They thought he was going to eat it. He teases them with that thought a few times but put it in his pocket. Devin discusses turkey bacon in the kitchen with Paola. Zach walks through the house asking why everyone is so quiet. Lots of "I dunno" and shrugs.

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7:50PMBBT: Forget Donnie's chirps and bird calls, Hayden is showing off his arm fart sound abilities. Joey sings a line from "California Love" and a minute later BB tells her to stop it. In the WA, Caleb is telling Zach are discussing the game and Zach is telling Caleb he has no worries, they are discussing Devin as well. Jacosta is called to the DR.

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8:00PMBBT: Zach and Caleb are in deep discussion in the WA. Whispering and I can not make out most of what they are saying. Devin's brought up again and he tells Zach about Amber saying some people are all for themselves and she must have been meaning Devin.
In the LR, it was quiet, they are now doing animal sounds. Then it goes quiet again.

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8:05PMBBT: Joey is telling tales of kidnappings, cartels and makeup jobs in the LR. Amber looks in disbelief. Amber and Christine tell short stories about drama that happened in their schools. The talk turns to guns and Joey makes sure everyone knows she doesn't have a gun. Devin wanders into the WA. Caleb's tune changed quick. They talk about the changes tomorrow. New HoH, new basket, new pics to look at.

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8:20PMBBT: Frankie, Amber and Victoria are in the HoH bed talking. Caleb is in the LR telling stories, some giggles and groans. We are getting FotH every couple of minutes. (When it is slow like this BB should play pranks on them in the house. Give us some entertainment!)

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8:24PMBBT: Camera 1! Zach is talking to us! He is in the hive, mic up to his mouth venting about how creepy and snobby Victoria is! "All of my energy is going into ruining Victoria's life! Everytime I turn around she looking at me with those f'ing ugly disgusting eyes! She is rude as F---!" He carries on and adds he will stand behind everything he is saying, he hates her and will ruin her life. She reminds him of the snotty girls he grew up with in Florida. (It is pretty intense and then he just stops and sits down)

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8:35PMBBT: All 4 feeds are on Frankie, Victoria and Amber in the HoH bed. Victoria was writing with her finger on Frankie's back. They watch the HoH TV quietly for a bit. It is showing the HG in the LR. Someone is in the HoH bathroom, Frankie answers them, it is Derrick!

8:40PMBBT: In the hive, Zach tells Paola that he likes to be alone sometimes and just think to himself. She seems confused by this. They talk about who Zach would not put up on the block if he won HoH. He says he couldn't put up Cody. He tells Paola he always wonders what the up side is to everything, even things he says.
Victoria is slowly walking down the stairs. Joey is told again to stop singing.

8:45PMBBT: Frankie has a weird burn/rash thing happening on his fingers. Amber went to get him ice, Christine came up to the HoH to see what it is. He doesn't know if it was from doing the dishes or the sun or a combo of things. He says the rash is hot, burning. He has not been to the DR to ask for help. Victoria and Nicole are whispering in the WA. Christine walks in and they change the subject.

8:50PMBBT: Christine is popping pimples in the mirror. Caleb joking with Paola lifts her up over his shoulder but gently puts her down. Victoria and Nicole are in the fire room whispering about Cody and flirting. Nicole says she is a cuddler and if a super gorgeous guy wants to cuddle she will be like "OK!" She hopes Victoria understands that she doesn't mean anything by doing it. Showmance may happen but it is all innocent fun. BB calls Joey to the DR (she was in the LR) Victoria says Devin called Cody stupid and a little kid and she was really mad about it. Nicole is hoping that Cody has their back, they have his.

8:55PMBBT: Victoria and Nicole's heart to heart has finished in the fire room. Amber and Frankie are still in the HoH bed. Christine and Cody are chatting with them. Christine says she always wants sweets on a date and her hubby doesn't. Still lots of small talk.

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09:10pm Donny, Paola, Jocasta, and Brittany are relaxing in the Living room, Brittany and Jocasta are painting their nails. Hayden and Cody are playing chess with Caleb watching.

09:22pm Cody and Hayden still playing chess with Caleb watching. Frankie, Amber, Nicole, and Christine talking about how they don't want to be a have-not. Christine mentions that she can't eat slop because it has gluten.

9:31pm Christine and Nicole are discussing the upcoming HoH comp. Hayden and Cody are playing chess while Devin and Caleb watches and Devin eats his dinner. Frankie and Amber went downstairs to eat dinner.

9:37pm Devin and Amber talking in the HoH about Caleb and how Caleb feels like the whole house knows about Caleb and Amber's situation, all with Nicole in the room.

9:45pm Devin is explaining to Caleb, the conversation he just had with Amber, in the HoH, Caleb remains silent. Nicole is explaining the same conversation to Cody and Christine in the Beehive room.

10:05pm Devin, Brittany, Frankie, Caleb, Derrick, Hayden, and Victoria in the KT, Brittany is cooking. Victoria and Frankie are eating, the rest are just chit chatting around the island.

10:14pm Frankie, Caleb, and Cody in the Beehive room talking about Amber, and the conversation between Amber and Devin.

10:24pm Amber is talking about Caleb to Nicole, Christine, Brittany and Victoria in the KT. She also mentions she is ready to just be HoH and to see her family.

10:31pm Victoria and Christine are eating, Nicole and Hayden just sitting down chit chatting, Brittany is still cooking, and Joey offered to read palms,she started with Amber, all around the island in the KT. .

10:38pm Donny is brushing his teeth in the WA, Caleb, Cody and Derrick in the Beehive Room talking about the brand of their shoes and food. Amber, Nicole, Vicotria and Frankie in the Fire BR talking about the conversation between Amber and Devin.

10:47pm Amber left the Fire BR crying about the conversation between herself and Devin, Paola walks in to the Fire BR, Frankie Nicole and Victoria get up to follow Amber. Devin see's Amber crying, He wants to call a house meeting.

10:56pm - 10:58pm Paola, Frankie, Jocasta, and Amber in the WC with Frankie trying to make sure Amber is okay. Amber then goes to the Beehive room to talk it all out with Caleb. Caleb is explaining what hurt his feelings. She wanted to confirm that what he is hearing is from Devin.

10:59pm Amber denies saying Caleb was all about himself in reference to Caleb. She said it was a general comment about people in general. She doesn't want to point fingers at Devin but thinks maybe he assumed she was talking about Caleb.

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11:05 PM BBT Devin is in the BY on the couches coming clean to Donny about thinking he was not who he said he was in the beginning of the game. He says he apologizes for targeting him the first few days. He keeps bringing up his daughter and how he does not want to make her disappointed in him. He plans to tell the whole house. HOUSE MEETING!

11:15 PM BBT The meeting is on pause for Caleb's conversation with Amber to end. They are hashing it out and Amber has gone from not wanting to speculate about Devin to bashing him over the things he has told Caleb about her. Caleb says he is glad that she didn't say the things she said about him. Caleb says he went to everyone in the house asking how they saw him. He said that no one had anything bad to say about him and some said he was the best guy they had ever met (He doesn't sound like the full of them self description Amber had mentioned at all right?) He said that he started to change his mind and that he didn't think she meant anything bad about him. She agrees.

11:20 PM BBT Frank and Christine are in HOH talking about Devin absolutely losing it. Frank goes over telling Amber taking out the middle man and pushing her to talk to Caleb. Frank says that Devin is probably about to give a sob story to get people on his side and that it won’t work. They break it up. Everyone is now in the LR except for Caleb and Amber. Meeting is about to commence.

11:25 PM BBT Devin starts crying immediately. He says this is real talk and not game play. He says he just wanted to be honest and revolutionize the way the game is played. He brings up his daughter and wants to have integrity for her. He says that once he got in the house and he stood where some of the greats are he knew he might have to lie. He talks about pushing Caleb to put up Donny and not trusting him. He feels terrible about that and wanted to be honest about it. He said that he wants his daughter to be proud of him. He says that he will walk out the door with his head held high if he has to go home. He wants to show his daughter that he has integrity and that no amount of money will take that from him. He apologizes to everyone. Everyone claps as he walks away in tears.

11:33 PM BBT Devin retreats to HoH to cry it out. Caleb and Amber are repeating the situation and re explaining how they both felt. Victoria and Frank are in the Fire BR wondering what the point of his speech was. Frank said he just unified the whole house against him. They break it up. Frank moves into the SR with Zach to reiterate what he told Victoria. Zach says he is mental and is going home next week for sure. Frank agrees and they break it up. In the KT Brit is cooking food in prep for the HNs not being HNs anymore. They are all counting down the minutes. Frank goes into the Fire BR and tells the same story to Paola.

11:42 PM BBT Back to Caleb and Amber in the hive room. Caleb is going over the things he said about Amber while they weren't talking (embellishing nicely). She admits that she said that if he was going to be mean then she isn't going to help him along in the game either. Rinse, Wash, Repeat. Amber talks about having her dream final four and hers is the two of them, Frank, and Christine or Derrick. Caleb says he has a final four and it is going to happen. Derrick, Victoria, and Pao are in the Fire BR talking about Devin's speech. Derrick says he is probably trying to make his target smaller. Victoria says it seems like acting. Derrick says they all have targets he tried to lower his. Cody, Christine, and Zach are in the HN room having the exact same conversation as the kids in the Fire room.

11:55 PM BBT HN room crew agree that they are not swayed by his speech and that Devin is a bully. Cody says everyone sees it. Zach exits to the SR where Devin is and he tries to tell Devin how great his speech was. Zach says that his daughter will see that someday and be proud. Hayden walks in and says essentially the same thing. Pao goes into the Hive room and backs up everything Amber has been saying and they go over it all again. Pao half recaps portions of Devin's speech and Caleb confirms most of what was said.

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