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TEAM America (Donny + Frankie + Derrick) - Joey


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The whole Team America thing was stupid from the get-go, mostly because BB decides

what the tasks will be and then allegedly America decides on which one.

They should have made it that if someone wanted to opt out of the "mission" they would

also be dropped from Team America and let the other two continue to play.

I seriously doubt Frankie and Derrick would have gone thru with it had it just been

left up to them. They are both big talkers but not big move makers. Much easier to have

the scapegoat to blame it on.

I agree. Donny would have got no where if he insisted that it was Cody, Zach or Christine that were targeted.

Yep, everything they have pushed others to do was still a safe move. Their goal was to keep their numbers to control the house and they accomplished that.

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The last mission where America wanted Team America to play puppet master and get two HGs to argue at the Veto nomination ceremony failed, IMO. Zach's tirade against Amber did not fulfill the goal that was stated. But apparently BB changed the rules and the intent of the mission so that Team America could win. I have totally lost all respect for the team!

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The last mission where America wanted Team America to play puppet master and get two HGs to argue at the Veto nomination ceremony failed, IMO. Zach's tirade against Amber did not fulfill the goal that was stated. But apparently BB changed the rules and the intent of the mission so that Team America could win. I have totally lost all respect for the team!

They failed on the last 2 missions. I think TA might be at it's end.

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My bad!! Instead of going to CBS.com I relied on information that I had read on another BB site which said that TA successfully completed that mission. It said that BB had agreed that if Zach would berate Amber for at least 20 seconds that the mission would be considered accomplished. I thought this was ridiculous and it made me lose respect for the team. I should have verified that information before posting my comment. :cry:

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Guest 6Borders

My bad!! Instead of going to CBS.com I relied on information that I had read on another BB site which said that TA successfully completed that mission. It said that BB had agreed that if Zach would berate Amber for at least 20 seconds that the mission would be considered accomplished. I thought this was ridiculous and it made me lose respect for the team. I should have verified that information before posting my comment. :cry:

It was confusing. From the feeds we got the impression that it was mission accomplished

after the nomination ceremony but that failed. The mission was a 20 second argument between

two and Amber just looked at Zach no matter how hard he tried!

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Work together to convince someone to go on the block as a pawn and then get them evicted.
Have each member of Team America create and name a fake side alliance with the person they trust the least.


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Donny saved by Team America again - Stupid missions


Create a distraction by hiding a favorite piece of clothing from each Houseguest then organize a neighborhood watch program to keep it from happening again.
Weaken another player's game by keeping them awake for 24 hours straight.


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Guest 6Borders

Donny saved by Team America again - Stupid missions



Create a distraction by hiding a favorite piece of clothing from each Houseguest then organize a neighborhood watch program to keep it from happening again.


Weaken another player's game by keeping them awake for 24 hours straight.


Both stupid but Mission A is much more challenging and interesting. 

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Somebody please explain to me why it was "risky" for Team America to undertake that last mission?  After Frankie won the BOtB , Donny was still left on the block. I am sure that particular mission would have been very helpful to Donny, ensuring Donny's ability to stay in the game, if successful.  Sure Donny agreed with Derrick that it was "risky", but that was because Derrick was so adamant about it, and Donny didn't want to push it because it would seem self-serving on his part. But doesn't it make sense that in Donny's position, he would have really wanted to undertake that mission?


Now remember this was after Zach had won the Veto and before Nicole was chosen as the replacement nominee.


It would have been relatively easy for TA (well Derrick, in particular) to have gotten Victoria to volunteer to be put on the block next to Donny so that they could have voted her out. Derrick and Frankie could have worked their magic on the Detonators to get rid of Victoria, while Donny could have pretended to Victoria that he was ready to go home.  There was no need to pressure Christine to put Nicole on the block.  They could have gotten Nicole out later or the first week that she didn't win HOH or the Veto. It was not vital to evict Nicole at that time.


It would have been more money in TA's pockets.  Obviously, getting Nicole out was more important to Derrick and Frankie than undertaking a so called "risky" mission.  They just want to earn $5000 breezing thru stupid missions like starting rumors and hiding HG's belongings.  

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Guest 6Borders

Somebody please explain to me why it was "risky" for Team America to undertake that last mission?  After Frankie won the BOtB , Donny was still left on the block. I am sure that particular mission would have been very helpful to Donny, ensuring Donny's ability to stay in the game, if successful.  Sure Donny agreed with Derrick that it was "risky", but that was because Derrick was so adamant about it, and Donny didn't want to push it because it would seem self-serving on his part. But doesn't it make sense that in Donny's position, he would have really wanted to undertake that mission?


Now remember this was after Zach had won the Veto and before Nicole was chosen as the replacement nominee.


It would have been relatively easy for TA (well Derrick, in particular) to have gotten Victoria to volunteer to be put on the block next to Donny so that they could have voted her out. Derrick and Frankie could have worked their magic on the Detonators to get rid of Victoria, while Donny could have pretended to Victoria that he was ready to go home.  There was no need to pressure Christine to put Nicole on the block.  They could have gotten Nicole out later or the first week that she didn't win HOH or the Veto. It was not vital to evict Nicole at that time.


It would have been more money in TA's pockets.  Obviously, getting Nicole out was more important to Derrick and Frankie than undertaking a so called "risky" mission.  They just want to earn $5000 breezing thru stupid missions like starting rumors and hiding HG's belongings.  

Good theory but Victoria would have squawked like a barnyard full of free-range chickens if Derrick had even suggested such a thing, which is exactly why he told her she was not going up and safe and she says "really???".  Unlike Dan's "no clue" Danielle, Victoria is not a stupid person and remember she and her mom spent hours poolside  (maybe even at Grodner's Country Club..she WAS by her own admission recruited) plotting her week-by-week game.  Derrick (like Dan) is also no BB idiot and he was/is not about to tip his hand & give away her jury vote or votes for him F2 if he is sitting next to her.

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It seems clear to me that Team America is only being kept around to protect Donny at this point.  After so many failed and/or rejected missions, it is nothing but an embarrassing joke now and serves no other purpose than that.

It's pretty much clear to me that it's not about protection, but to keep the 3 favored houseguests together and give them a reason to stay in the house.  If they played their own game and not worried about the money, Team America would already been gone.


It's also extra BB publicity for each of them...keeps them in the spotlight and keeps ratings up.  "And oh what heights we'll hit, on with the show this is it."

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It seems clear to me that Team America is only being kept around to protect Donny at this point.  After so many failed and/or rejected missions, it is nothing but an embarrassing joke now and serves no other purpose than that.

Except for the fact it doesn't really offer any protection. The missions sure don't and Derrick and Frankie are going to do whatever they want for their own games.


Derrick nominated Donny this week, TA didn't protect him from going up on the block.

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