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BB16 Rumors: Like or Don't like?


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Jordan is not the sharpest knife in the drawer but I like her and she is entertaining

Jeff seems to be a nice guy. He has a typical Chicago personality that I grew up with. I think he is a teaser and has a little temper but I never thought of him as a bully. The word bully is way overused now days. JMO

He was downright a bully to her. Then again... she was stupid enough to stand there and sponge it in.

Political sheeple overuse terms. I don't.

He also made a homophobic remark his supporters glossed over but not the people who found him less than stellar.

I couldn't remember his name but I remember that I didn't like him. Andy. That said, how frikken stupid were they to let it play-out the way it did and him win? He deserved it; I guess. Anyway, I would prefer not to see Jeff or Jordan or Rachel or Brendon or Danielle - I wouldn't mind Danielle Reyes but that won't happen. Controversy=bucks so I am expecting some of that and to tell you the truth; if a person watched just the CBS edit/shows they would be looking at Big Brother from a different angle, to be sure, and CBS enjoys those steady, less-informed viewers. That, and 85% of the fun of Big Brother for me is Morty's and the hilarious differences of opinion, disputes, quarrels and fun.

In my perfect BB world, they would reach to the depths of the Big Brother Vault and bring back some people from long ago.

They'd be all wrinkly except for Evil doctor Will ( yum )

The most we can hope for are some extreme personalities..... with brains.


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I agree, no floaters, except that the fault for floaters in the first place are those dummies who allow them to exist past a couple of weeks and sometimes; prevail. Andy.

Jeff is a big ole' handsome, opinionated lug of a guy. He bullied the chit out of Jordan and she lapped-it-up like cream. Who knows what their real relationship is - I suspect it is all about money and them remaining pseudo america's sweethearts while they can/are?. I liked looking at him and don't really care whether he stays or goes. He is making a living and I can't fault him for that. Jordan is my Elly May Clampett of Big Brother. I'm not sure Jordan's knife even made it to the drawer. She is ha ha funny and seems nice.

Will could sell snake oil to a water moccasin.

Speaking of Danielles...........that Danielle from Alabama gets my vote for not even having the knife with her to put in the drawer.

P.S. I am tired of looking at Jeff. Next!!!!!

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I would LOVE to see a season with ALL NEW HOUSEGUESTS. The idea of bringing back previous players is really getting olddddddddddd! I think if I see Rachel one more time I will permanently quit watching altogether.

There have been so many memorable players in the past ~ so why don't Alison and the gang go with the ORIGINAL CONCEPT and let everyone start out on equal ground.........STRANGERS!! THAT is what made Big

Brother such an interesting show to watch............have to say the last few years have not been nearly as good. Let's get back to the ORIGINAL CONCEPT!!

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Agree with Peach. All new blood.. Strangers. Let the personalities unfold as the days and weeks go by. AND change the sequence of challenges.... Or better yet... Find new ones.

Hire some decent 'ldea' people.... The ones they have now are just phoning it in.

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I don't really care who they bring back/don't bring back. More to the point, "they" don't care whether I care or don't care. Will would be fun but I suspect Will is done with Big Brother except for the cameo appearance. Lifeus interruptus and......don't mess with iconic status.

Speaking of Will Kirby. Did you know that he was born in Italy and went to kindergarten in Paris? I didn't. I also did not know that he lived in Florida and graduated from high school at Florida State's university school and got his bachelor's in biology from Emory. That explains the enchanting lilt to his voice.

I hope that the sixteenth season is the MOST controversial of all.

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You are right BB and CBS could care less what we like or don't like. Unfortunately they will survive without us watching if we choose not to. I am so tired of Rachel I have watched her on the Amazing Race twice and Big Brother twice and I really don't think I could take another summer of her to be honest. Frank I never liked not one little bit. He thought he was the only one that deserved to be playing the game because he tried so hard to get on the show. I am sure many more people have tried to get on the show too and they are still trying. I never was a Danielle fan or a Dominic fan. Which brings me to Dan really???? how many times are they going to let him play???? I know alot of people love him and think he is a genuis but never liked him and never will. So that about sums up my thoughts LOL. I have already purchased the live feeds will they give me a refund if the rumor is true????

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I've been trying to read around the internet regarding rumors and have come to the decision they aren't worth crap. lol When I received my e-mail from CBS regarding the live feeds I decided to hold off signing up for them. I simply cannot watch the live feeds if they're bringing back Rachel. She gets on my last nerve. If I have to give up a season of my show so be it. I really enjoy BB but this repetitive crap they keep doing has to stop. They seriously need some new people who can come up with new ideas and quit repeating this stuff over and over and over...

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I don't get why people loved Will Heuser. He did nothing to further himself in the game. He didn't give a crap about it and eventually just wanted to go home. If you like his humor fine, watch his YouTube videos. But I want people in the game that play their ass off. Even if I hate them as a person. I put people like Frank and Shelly in that category. For example, I HATE HATE HATED Danielle Donato but she was good for the seasons she was on.

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I don't get why people loved Will Heuser. He did nothing to further himself in the game. He didn't give a crap about it and eventually just wanted to go home. If you like his humor fine, watch his YouTube videos. But I want people in the game that play their ass off. Even if I hate them as a person. I put people like Frank and Shelly in that category. For example, I HATE HATE HATED Danielle Donato but she was good for the seasons she was on.

I HATE HATE HATED Frank and Shelly. :lookaround:

I love humor and I think if Will Heuser came back he would give us some laughs. I did fall in love with his videos.

It does seem like most players that come on strong in the beginning are voted out. It kinda forces people to be floaters and that is boring. :disgust:

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I HATE HATE HATED Frank and Shelly. :lookaround:

I love humor and I think if Will Heuser came back he would give us some laughs. I did fall in love with his videos.

It does seem like most players that come on strong in the beginning are voted out. It kinda forces people to be floaters and that is boring. :disgust:

But didn't you LOVE to HATE them? I think their seasons would have been way more boring without them. Shelly's web of lies kept me on the edge of my seat waiting to see when it would all unravel. Frank was the target of the whole house for several weeks and he just kept pulling out those comp wins. It was fun to watch how long he could last. They were also both always working the social game which spiced up the feeds.

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But didn't you LOVE to HATE them? I think their seasons would have been way more boring without them. Shelly's web of lies kept me on the edge of my seat waiting to see when it would all unravel. Frank was the target of the whole house for several weeks and he just kept pulling out those comp wins. It was fun to watch how long he could last. They were also both always working the social game which spiced up the feeds.

No Frank and Shelly I just hated just like I hated Boogie. I did love to hate Amanda and the weasel Ronnie and many others. You are correct the season is more entertaining when you can find those that you don't like and keep hoping they get booted.

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Personally I loved Shelly. I could never tell when she was talking to people who's side she was really on. I think she played a really good game until Adam basically ratted her out then I think she was caught so it was over. She said her biggest mistake was voting out Jeff a week early. I am not sure if I agree with that but she was playing both sides and no one knew. I think Brendon and Rachel didn't trust her as much as Jeff and Jordon did. I do agree I hated Boogie and the main reason I did not like Frank was because he was always whinning about how hard he tried to get on the show plus he was right up Boogie's butt the whole time. I loved that those 2 suppossedly great players had no idea that Ian was the one that was telling the other side everything. It's like Boogie thought Frank was his only hope at winning and he left everyone else out to fend for themselves. Does anyone know if they will give you refunds if you cancel the live feeds before they start? Since the biggest rumor out there is the returning players and relatives I am sure this is what we are going to get. It sucks before it begins LOL.

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I am not a Dr. Will fan but for sure he seems to me to be THE most popular player ever with Dan a close second? I think that people adored Will because he was so upfront and cute with his zany, smug evilness that it made it difficult to dislike him. Sherry and Frank not so cute and both kind of sad to me. Sad enough that I don't need another go-round with either. I didn't like Dan because he was always trying to sell Dan and he was way too serious about the whole thing to ever be called cute. Some people loved him, though, and I get that. I'm not one of them but I respect his game. I think that Dan tries too hard to be young. Or something. Danielle Donato did nothing for me and neither did her dad. Ever.

I thought the coach approach was the worst and most stupid twist ever. It had no benefits for anyone concerned. I hope they fired the person who thought that one up.

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Hey does anyone know what days the show is on TV and is the live show going to be on Wednesday or Thursday? I want to sign up for Yoga class but it is on Wednesday at 6pm and that would miss with the live show if it is on Wednesday. BB comes first ya know.


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I agree, no floaters, except that the fault for floaters in the first place are those dummies who allow them to exist past a couple of weeks and sometimes; prevail. Andy.

Jeff is a big ole' handsome, opinionated lug of a guy. He bullied the chit out of Jordan and she lapped-it-up like cream. Who knows what their real relationship is - I suspect it is all about money and them remaining pseudo america's sweethearts while they can/are?. I liked looking at him and don't really care whether he stays or goes. He is making a living and I can't fault him for that. Jordan is my Elly May Clampett of Big Brother. I'm not sure Jordan's knife even made it to the drawer. She is ha ha funny and seems nice.

Will could sell snake oil to a water moccasin.

Speaking of Danielles...........that Danielle from Alabama gets my vote for not even having the knife with her to put in the drawer.

P.S. I am tired of looking at Jeff. Next!!!!!

Last season was supposed to be the season of "floaters grab your life vests" but it never really materialized because of who they cast. I bought the live feeds last year but stopped watching about half way through because I was sick of the cast. I didn't mind some of the people but just could not stand the majority of them and was done with it. Last year when I heard about the MVP twist I thought it was an OK twist because I thought about how it could play out. Someone secretly gets MVP and then secretly nominates someone. All of a sudden you have paranoia about who the MVP is and it also kind of plays with the HOH because the HOH might have a plan in place but the MVP vote kind of ruins that a little. That right there would be interesting to watch unfortuntaely Grodner has a habit of screwing things up and the minute she cast Elissa last season the MVP vote was completely destroyed.

I want to see a season with all new houseguests that has no Have Nots but does give food restrictions to certain people. I kind of like the fan vote for what the Have Nots can eat so how about instead of slop we have the people on restricted eating can only eat what the fan vote gives them. If it is lima beans and tofu so be it that is all those people can have. I also think the show needs to do some more full house food competitions where the house competes for the food they get for that week.

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I am not a Dr. Will fan but for sure he seems to me to be THE most popular player ever with Dan a close second? I think that people adored Will because he was so upfront and cute with his zany, smug evilness that it made it difficult to dislike him. Sherry and Frank not so cute and both kind of sad to me. Sad enough that I don't need another go-round with either. I didn't like Dan because he was always trying to sell Dan and he was way too serious about the whole thing to ever be called cute. Some people loved him, though, and I get that. I'm not one of them but I respect his game. I think that Dan tries too hard to be young. Or something. Danielle Donato did nothing for me and neither did her dad. Ever.

I thought the coach approach was the worst and most stupid twist ever. It had no benefits for anyone concerned. I hope they fired the person who thought that one up.

OMG I thought I was the only one that didn't like Dr Will LOL glad to know I am not alone. I will threaten to not watch and not be happy about it if they bring back the people in the rumors but I never follow through LOL my husband is a loyal BB fan so he watches even when I threaten not to. If they were to bring back past house guests I wish they would get off the Brenchel band wagon and at least bring back people from earlier shows. I can remember a few that if it was going to be a relative thing I wouldn't mind seeing again. I liked Marvin and I liked Will from the twin season.I absolutly loved Renni I thought she was hilarious. I love Marcellas which I may be the only one but I do.

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Any ideas when the cast will be announced, & actually go into the house? I'm all for a new cast, but the idea of past early-round losers returning has a lot of merit..give them another chance. Also like to see food comps for the week...let them earn food for each day. The anticipation is BUILDINGGGGGGG

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