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Tuesday, April 22 Live Feeds / BB After Dark

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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !

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10:30PMBBT Jon/Heather/Neda outside by the hot tub they are all hoping for a double eviction to get rid of the gremlins then focus on getting to the finale week as final 3. Rachel is going out on peters day 57 and then sabrina next but they have no idea whats coming at them.

10:45PMBBT Jon is telling Heather and Neda how he got cast on Big Brother by one take shooting a video on the iPad and just talking for 2 mins. Neda said that's what producers like is them to be real other then that they are talking about memorable moments of the season and how crazy it is that they are final 5 and it was never in his wildest imagination

10:55PMBBT Neda is saying that even though Allison did not win anything she came close allot and that she was in very good shape. Jons gonna stay awake only because Neda is staying awake. Heather is leaving to go do a few laps then ride the bike, Neda hopes that she gets more alone time with Jon when there is less ppl in the house. Neda is discussing with Jon who is gonna be the smartest to take with them to the end trying to figure out who they have for votes.

11:00PMBBT Neda and Jon still out by the hot tub they are considering throwing the next HOH 1 Hundo percent and go for the veto since its more important then HoH to them. Saying Heather said she would put up Sabrina and Adel. Jon is considering sending heather home. Neda says that if they send her out there's zero chance of them getting the vote. Heather comes back and suggested that they all go to bed and get lots of rest.

11:10 Jon asks Neda if his nipples look puffy she agrees (Im hoping hes not developing Gynecomastia while in the house hes already has a yeastinfection-BBCANSOURCECHICK )Neda says that she cant believe the pov ceremony was today, Jon says he will see the girls in bed. Heather and Neda are taking off there makeup in the WA And doing general adls before bed.

11:30PMBBT Everyone is in the bedroom wanting to go to bed, Sabrina asked heather if she was working out. Jon is asking big brother to turn off the lights and then he responds please stop talking about production. Ro got up and is now going into the WA. Not much is going on she is taking off her eyelashes and going back into bed. Neda has plans to switch jons mattress and shes being sassy across the room. Jon says hes going to sleep on his beautiful mattress and neda said you just have to rub it in. Sabrina is gonna miss Ro and shes gonna be sad when she goes to jury and then when shes back in Montreal. lots of giggling before bed Big brother keeps saying Ro's name then says nothing she says what

11:45PMBBT All the HG are in bed waiting for BB to turn the lights out. We'll keep watching in case they catch a second wind.

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12:05 AM BBT Sabrina is restless and got up. She asked to get into the DR and was denied. She needs something to help her sleep. Now she is in the SR snacking on chips. She asks for BB to give her Melatonin to help her sleep.

12:12 AM BBT Sabrina puts the chips away and requests entry to the DR. She is let in. She leaves the DR and heads to the BR. She is still restless as she waits for sleep.

12:30 AM BBT All the HGs are asleep or almost asleep. Time to sign off – we’ll see you tomorrow.

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10:28AM BBT All house guests on lock down in HOHR. General chit chat. Heather wants to have an Easter dinner. Jon says "What's the verdict Canada" in reference to what we are not sure. Jon asking Neda what's wrong. She says nothing, she is just tired. And we have HOTH again.

11:05AM BBT We still have HOTH

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11:12 am BBT: The live feeds are currently down and there is nothing to report. I personally ( boxerlovers2) hope they are having a luxury comp and something exciting will happen to change the game a bit. I will be reporting on the live feeds today since I'm Canadian and haven't problems watching the feeds.

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11:40AM BBT Feeds are back! Rachelle in WA doing ADLs. Neda in the shower. Sabrina is in the Kitchen preparing to cook. Jon and Heather now in kitchen as well. Jon is sweeping the floor. Evidently there was some sort of competition. Sabrina says she lost by 4 Jon lost by 1. Sabrina said she is just happy it wasn't a video from home because if it had been she would have been upset. Sabrina speaking briefly in French - not sure to whom. Might have been have/have not competition.

11:42AM BBT Heather in backyard doing upper body work out. She said in conversation with Jon and Neda last night that she was going to do that this morning. Heather now called to the DR. She perkily says "OK"

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11:47AM BBT Neda and Rachelle in WA BB talking to Neda - can she come to DR in ten minutes - she asks for 15 minutes and we get brief HOTH.

11:49AM BBT Jon in BY working out - upper body work out. Heather now out of DR as she joins him in the BY. Jon shouts in to Rachelle - asks her if she had any idea how close she was (again referring to the competition that took place earlier when we had HOTH) She says she doesn't care - but would have been upset if the reward had been a family thing. Sabrina again says she would have lost it if it had been a family thing as well. Now Jon asking Heather if she wants to do whiskey shots tonight. Heather says sure.

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#BBCAN2 10:21 AM BBT Feeds 3 and 4 are up while one and 2 are "Hush. Jon, Sabrina, Rachelle, Adel, and Heather are in the HOH room.

#BBCAN2 10:21 AM BBT Woops, Neda is in the HOH room also

#BBCAN2 10:28 10:31 AM BBT Talk with everyone in the HOH room is about how much they would spend on their coming home parties. Jon says maybe about 3 to 4 "Hundo" but not much more. No mention on why they are all in the HOHR yet. With that sentence, the feeds went "Hush"

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11:57AM BBT Heather and Jon in BY working out still. Heather says to Jon - can you imagine if Rachelle had won. Jon says no. Jon asks if Pizza Pizza has soft crust pizza. Then they discuss how long pizza will keep in the fridge. Jon says lets put a piece in the fridge for Neds. (Which leads me to believe that Neda is a have not until Thursday). BB tells them to stop mentioning brand names. Jon talks about having pizza and whiskey and maybe even a cigar tonight.

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12:20 pm BBT : sabrina and Rachelle are by the pool talking, I'm not sure who Rachelle got into it with over Nutella but she questions whether it will be shown in tv or not. Talk turned to what they will be wearing for the party, and how rachelle's going to work out hard core in Jury

12:24 pm bbt: it sounds like they had an easter egg hunt this morning, Rachelle was commenting on how ridiculous either Neda or heather looked like when they went down stairs to the easter egg hunt

12:26 pm bbt: Sabrina hopes her mom buys her a horse as a reward for making it so far in the game. Sabrina says she is going to push the button so fast for the hoh comp.

12:26 pm bbt: Sabrina asks Rachelle if she would get annoyed if Sabrina comes to visit her in Edmonton once a month. Talking about going shopping with Sabrinas discount cards. Sabrina has never been to west Edmonton mall so she really wants to go. Sabrina telling Rachelle she would like Montreal. Sabrina saying she has never been so obsessed with anyone in forever. Sabrina now crying because Rachelle is going to the jury house....she is going to miss her ( these girls really are the best of friends, which is nice to see)

12:32 pm bbt: in the kitchen Neda, Adel and Jon are eating lunch, I saw Heather in the shower a little bit ago. Adel said it is epic, whatever Neda made.

12:36 pm bbt : Jon just brought back to Neda and Adel the items that were taken from them when they talked in their own voices when they had puppets on their hands. He left everyone else's belongings in the storage room.Neda appears to have a sore tooth. Possibly a cavity.Adel is cleaning dishes and asks if something is theirs because if it is either Rachelle or Sabrinas he'd not cleaning it.Adel said that the slop cookies are going to be awesome with chocolate on them. Adel questions Neda about how she cut her eyelashes off. Sabrina came back in the house and Jon asks her what it is like outside. Sabrina and Rachelle are so happy that they got their items back from the puppet punishment

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12:41 pm bbt: Neda is eating slop. I wasn't aware that anyone was on slop. I'm not sure who else is on slop so I'm going to find out. When the houseguest did the egg hunt they got to pick out items they wanted to have like cigars and booze( they were speaking like that was how it went earlier on)

12:49 pm bbt : Adel and Jon are so happy about all of the people that are in the jury house ( not sure why because they are all very bitter)Jon says to Adel "Rachelle is a little fucken mouthpiece hey?" Adel agrees saying it's because she is going in 2 daysAdel now talking about the difference between first and second place ( Adel yesterday morning told us all that he is basically playing for second place by being an ass hole to everyone so they all hate him, making him be the one everyone will want to take to final 2 because the jury won't vote for him)

12:54 pm bbt : The girls of the house are all in the bathroom watching heather do her makeup, I'm not switching cameras because Jon and Adel are talking game.

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12:55 PM bbt : Jon said that he thinks they all started playing the game when it mattered, Adel say it mattered from the start.Adel won't be able to sleep or eat if Sabrina makes it further than him ( I hope Sabrina gets HOH this Thursday) Jon saying to Adel that there is no way Sabrina will win hoh but Rachelle could. 11:57 pm bbt: The house guests just got a 3 minute warning for the house becoming off limits.Adel can't wait to lay in the hammock. Adel asks if there is a Pandora box out there, by the hot tub. Nope. Someone left a red blanket outside so Adel has nothing to cover himself with on the hammock.1 pm bbt : Neda Tells Jon he smells good. Neda would rather be around the gremlins than heather right now because she is so fake. ( OMG that's insane)

1:02 PM BBT : Complimentary time for Heathers dress, Jon says I like the slit in that dress and she agreed saying it is very sensual. Now everyone is on the patio furniture by the pool talking. Everyone seems to be getting along nicely

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1:01PM BBT Jon and Adel on the couches talking. Jon says that at some point they all started playing the game. Adel says he's bee playing from the beginning. Adel says all that matters is that Sabrina goes out before him. Adel says that he could not live with himself if he went out before her. Now BB giving three minute warning to go outside for lock down. They are wondering what the purpose of the lock down is. Outside Neda says to Jon - I can't stand to be around her. (Assuming she is talking about Sabrina Everyone settling into the couches and the hammock for the lock down. All HG out there with the exception of Sabrina. Now Sabrina comes out and Jon asks her to shut the door.

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#BBCAN2 1:00PM BBT House gets 3 minute warning. BB house gonna be locked down. Rachelle, Heather, and Sabrina making a mad dash to get dressed to get out. All were doing ADLs in the WR and not finished. Jon, Neda, and Adel already out at the pool.

#BBCAN2 1:03PM BBT Adel is on the hammock, while everyone else is lounging around the pool. Heather wonders if her friends will be able to come to the after party. BB sounds the "House-guests, nap time is over!" Adel immediately gets up to try and stay awake.

#BBCAN2 1:14PM BBT Pool conversation shifts to how real the HGs were inside. Rachelle says she is exactly the way outside the house that she is in the house. Adel thinks that Allison will hate him outside. They all concede that they are curious on who Allison really is.

#BBCAN2 1:16PM BBT Adel says that he just realized that the gift from "The Brick" is more than 2nd place.

#BBCAN2 1:21PM BBT Pool conversation has now shifted to clothes and shopping. Evidently a certain type of jeans cost over $300 and that makes Jon react like a crime has just happened. "$300 for a pair of jeans!!!????" And just like that we get "Hush" screen.

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#BBCAN2 1:46PM BBT Nap time by the pool....Can hear faint sounds of snoring. Trying to figure out who the culprit is. Jon is my guess.

#BBCAN2 1:53PM BBT BB sounds the "House-guests, Please wake up. Nap time is over!" Neda gets up and tells Jon she heard them inside the house and sounded really excited. (Wonder if Jemmet are inside now)

#BBCAN2 2:00PM BBT House is open. HGs rush inside to find nothing so far.

#BBCAN2 2:08PM BBT Rachelle and Sabrina are on the hammock, while the rest are sitting around the pool. The pool crew is discussing whether Arlie was actually as good as he thought he was. Adel says he is so happy that Allison went right after him.

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4:35PMBBT Heather, Jon and Rachelle out by the HT small talk of who they know, who knows who, small talk. Turns out Jon and Rachelle both know someone. Adel has put his iPod in the SR for BB. He makes his way to the HT area. Jon says BB cleaned the hot tub. The plan is to drink and hangout in the hot tub all night. Adel tells Jon to not share with the gremlins. Sounds like Jon won some booze in a challenge.

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4:45PMBBT Rachelle says she loves Peter from BBCAN1! (Peter, did you hear that?) Small talk continues around the hot tub. Sabrina is in the DR. Jon comments on how weird it was to have the first 5 alliance. "You know nothing about these people but hey let's make an alliance!" He thinks it's strange. Rachelle asks Jon about his cousin that she knows and now she is realizing how much they look alike.

4:52PMBBT Peter was involved in the challenge today. They had to find eggs. The HG think they will get food for their prize tonight. Adel and Rachelle are going to wait and see if they get food before they eat. Peter asked Adel what "Wake up Canada!" means. Adel and Jon told him was for the live feeders! (hey that is us!) Rachelle hopes something good will happen tomorrow. Heather hopes it is fan day, Rachelle says it is weird that they have fans. Adel yells "WAKE UP CANADA!" Heather says it is weird because people who aren't their friends and family are rooting for them.

4:56PMBBT Sabrina is out of the DR. Adel reminds BB to get the iPod out of the SR to throw it on the charger. Rachelle's demeanor has changed since Sabrina has come out. Heather heads inside to see what Neda is up to. Adel follows her in. Uh Oh! Are we playing "Where's Neda?" Again? She's not in the BR, not in the KT, not in the WA... she is in the HoHWA doing a pedicure on her feet. Adel is now in there with them, he is going to lay down because he doesn't want to hang out with the gremlins.

5:01PMBBT Sabrina is whining to Rachelle outside. She starts to cry again. "What am I gonna do with out you?" Rachelle smiles "Win?" Sabrina is now primping herself at the mirrored windows.

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#BBCAN2 2:26PM BBT Checking in finds Heather, Adel, Neda and Jon still around the pool. Chatting about vacations and skiing. Jon talks how he face planted on a hill when he was skiing on one of his vacations. The Gremlins are over near the weights. No real chatter there.

#BBCAN2 2:34PM BBT Adel thinks that he played a great game at the start, but he has messed up in the end. He is now trying to drop the subject. He feels bitterness for himself, but Heather, Jon, and Neda all think he has played a great game so far.

#BBCAN2 2:37PM BBT Adel is explaining how they all should make sure to take photos with fans when they are approached. It helps with their social media presence and gives them 1 more person talking about them. It should translate into appearances and money.

#BBCAN2 2:42PM BBT HGs still locked out of the house. The hot tub is also locked. Sabrina has made her way over to the pool, while Rachelle stays near the weights. Discussion has shifted to what they will eat for dinner. Sabrina says how bored she is and that her and Rachelle should do their musical. Jon says sure. (This should be entertaining) Adel says, "Go practice, make it perfect." .....They sing "OOOOOOHHH BIIIGG BROTHER!!!! " and Rachelle quits. (That lost steam quick)

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5:05PMBBT Sabrina feels she looks fatter today. She and Rach head inside to the KT. Rachelle is now making a coffee. Oh! There is a mirror, some primping going on now. Sabrina is sweeping. She calls Rach over to sweep "quietly for a few seconds" they can hear Adel. BB "Sabrina, Rachelle, STOP THAT!" In the HOH, Neda and Heather are running down the season's game history. Neda went first week one, Heather did week 2. She struggles to remember that Kenny took Neda off the block.

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5:10PMBBT Adel is in the HOH with Heather and Neda. They call out to him to remember names of past comps. Constantly going over the lists over and over again. Jon is in the DR still. Sabrina and Rach are in the freezer, out of the freezer, small talk, not much happening. Sabrina doesn't know what she wants to eat.

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5:25PMBBT Sabrina is cooking on the indoor grill. She made a wrap. Rachelle is sampling the condiments. Small talk in the HoH room. Neda is called to the DR with wet feet. Jon and Adel are in the HTA chatting about the show. Adel would love to be involved with editing the show. Jon says the Hot tub looks so nice. They decide to go in! They turn it on and head in to get changed. The gremlins are now out there too. Sabrina is chomping away at her wrap. Rachelle takes a bite.

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5:35PMBBT How can 5 people with nothing to do the majority of the time be so messy? Jon can't find his flip flops. He heads out to the HT without them. Heather is in the WA, liberal with the hairspray, getting prettyfied. She makes her way downstairs, through the BY to outside. Everyone is outside but Neda who is still in the DR.

5:42PMBBT The HG talk about their lives and what they do, how much they studied. Adel asks Heather and she says she would rather not talk about it in the house. Rachelle pushes her on it. She says "I just don't want to talk about it." Adel says it is wild because they know nothing about Heather and they have lived with her for so long. She says she wants to keep her private life private. (Bravo Heather!)

5:48PMBBT Adel loves Christmas. He loves to go to his friend's places for Christmas, they are all so happy, they have presents, it is so much fun! He hates egg nog. Heather did as well until she tried it at a restaurant and it was seasoned and she loved it! Jon likes Easter and Christmas, going to church and seeing family and friends you haven't seen in a while, everyone is back from school and family comes in from all over. They talk about traditions they like. Sab and Rach are chatting in the muskoka chairs, their mics are turned down (thank you BB!)

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5:58PMBBT The boys are out of the HT. They head inside to shower. Heather follows them. As they walk in the house Heather asks "Where's Neda?" They yell for her and she is out of DR and in the HoH room finishing her foot soak/scrub. Adel hits the shower in the HoH. Heather and Neda head for the WA so Neda can paint her toe nails. Outside, Sab and Rach continue telling stories. Sabrina starts "So me and my best friend go out in the meat packing district..." Rach asks boy or girl she says girl! Sabrina says "I don't care what ANYBODY says I can get into ANY club! I don't care where it is or anything, I can get in." Rachelle says "Oh me too me too!" Sabrina is saying Saudi princes came out of a limo and was raving about why they weren't already in the club but wanted them in their private section. She was like "OMG we are getting killed." There is lots of screaming and dramatics. "Literally had Cristal coming in!" She says it is really always crazy. She always gets in VIP. Always.

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