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Monday, April 21 Live Feeds / BB After Dark

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10:10PM BBT: Rachelle now applying lotion to her legs. Jon entering the shower stall and Rachelle saying that it is strange how easy it is to lose five pounds in a week when it came from junk food and you go back to eating regularly and it come off. Neda and Heather chatting quietly at the counter in the kitchen. Sabrina has gone off the the bedroom and Adel has not been on camera for a while now. Neda and Heather come up the stairs. Neda saying she is going to organize her clothes tomorrow. Heather is going to get ready for bed. Rachelle talking about how she has no motivation to work out in the house with Jon who is showering. Feeds in the bedroom are now loading continually. (A little smack straightened them out. DRG) Neda is in the bedroom now and Sabrina asks her if she thinks they will do anything tomorrow and Neda replies she hopes not. Sabrina repeats the mantra of the day, "So boring." (Tell us something we don't know. DRG) Gremlins now in bed under the covers as is Neda who appears to be changing under the blanket. Jon has finished showering and is toweling off in the stall. Neda up in her PJs now and tosses her clothes into the hassock at the foot of her bed. Heather now in the bathroom doing ADLs. Jon emerges from the shower in his briefs and it is time for guess the weight again. Tonight it is 227.4 which Heather thinks is pretty good. Heather tells him that she asked Will to come to her high school reunion with her then they start talking about meeting up with other HGs this summer. Neda finishing up the transition into sleep mode but still puts her long cardigan on again over her PJs and heads to the bathroom. Sabrina and Rachelle looking and the vein in Rachelle;s palm that is coming out again. Neda brushing her teeth. Rachelle say she is scared to see Sabrina's tan tomorrow. Heather now down in the pantry eating an ice cream sandwich. Jon now pulling on his PJ bottoms in the bedroom. Sabrina is massaging Rachelle's back. Jon now down on the green couches and Heather is hanging out in the SR polishing off her ice cream sandwich (cause everyone knows the calories that no one sees you eat do not count. DRG) Massage ongoing upstairs as Heather leaves the store room and Jon and Neda head out to the hot tub. Heather joins them. (Let's see if they resume the Jedi training they promised one another to continue tonight after they covered only four days last night. DRG) Heather saying she is going to do a couple of laps and then get on the bike to help get her knee back in shape. She asks Jon to run with her and he declines but says he will run tomorrow morning. Rachelle now shouting out something unintelligible in her Svetlana voice. Heather hopes the next comp will be endurance. Sabrina lamenting wanting her friends and family.

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10:50 PM BBT In the LR Heather, Neda, Adel and Jon are lying upside down on the couches, feet over the back and heads over the front. They are playing a game naming countries or states starting with A. In the HT area Sabrina and Rachelle are talking about a psychic that Sabrina went to. They go back into the house.

10:06 PM BBT Rachelle and Sabrina are now in the WA and Rachelle is giving Sabrina a spray tan. They’ve now stepped into the shower to spray Sabrina’s upper body. The logistics of doing this on camera are kinda humorous.

10:16 PM BBT Neda and Heather are in the KT. Heather is making toast. In the WA Jon is having a shower. Neda and Heather have joined Sabrina and Rachelle in the BR. Neda says Heather wants to sleep. Sabrina hopes something happens tomorrow because she is bored.

10:24 PM BBT Neda has moved to the WA to brush her teeth. She’s talking with Jon who wants to ride the bike. Neda says she’s not really sleepy so Jon says let’s go outside. Heather just snagged an icecream bar from the freezer in the supply room. She’s playing with the camera and seems amused running around the SR making the cameras chase her.

10:29 PM BBT Neda and Jon in the HT area and Heather joins them. Heather wants to work out in the morning – working on arms. Then core in the evening. Jon says he’ll do that. They are talking about comps and they have only gotten maybe 2 endurance HOH comps this season. Heather hopes the next one is endurance. They are talking about Andrew and how they can’t believe it’s been a month. It seems like just yesterday. Jon barely remembers Andrew.

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10:25pm BBT Again, not sure what's going on with the feeds. On one Jon just said he was going to lay down and now on another feed he is in BY. Heather talking about working out. Now Jon Neda and Heather talking about Jedi training during the day tomorrow. Saying they cannot put it off. Talking about the order people went out in and that they need to know that. Heather rhymes them all off in order pretty quickly. (She may want to be careful about that-Scarletkate)

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10:35pm BBT In BY - Jon Neda and Heather. Jon says just think if this were the final week and it was just the three of us right here. Heather talking about what days people went out and then says Sabrina will go out on day---and then corrects herself and says no it will be Rachelle going out on that day (interesting) Heather says she is worried about another twist while the gremlins are still there. Jon says he's concerned about how cocky Adel has been. Adel comes out to BY and that conversation ends.

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10:27PM BBT: BB tells Rachelle to fix her microphone. Outside crew reviewing past comps and how former HGs performed in them. Sabrina saying she can't believe it is five weeks already. Heather saying the order that everyone went out is something they will need to know. Neda says you should know it right off the top of your heads before the comp. Heather starts rattling off the names. Heather would love if this one was a double and Neda agrees it would get them out of the way. Heather says then the next week would be just the four and the last week would be just the three of them. Heather says it will be the hardes finale of her life (and how many does she anticipate having??? DRG) She says that Adel will take it really well (assuming he goes home in fourth place), Neda and Jon wich they could sleep outside. Rachelle is going out on day 57 which they say is Peter's day. They speculate about when next evictions will be then say that the twist has them really worried since there are so few left in the house. When they were the underdogs they looked forward to the twists. Jon says that Adel has been cocky as fuck around him all day. Adel finally puts in an appearance and comes out saying it is really beautiful outside. Jon tells him the tub is really dirty and he says it is from people coming and putting their dirty feet in. Now the comment about not being able to see the stars from here. Jon says you can see the whole sky every night where he is from. Adel now remarks that everyone had pretty good skin here. Heather thinks it is amazing how many things they have to consider when casting for the show. Heather now saying they will spray tomorrow night before bed as she is too lazy to do it tonight. Jon tells them that Sabrina and Rachelle were doing it tonight. Adel telling them not to go too dark because they will not match up for their DR sessions. Jon saying he was 250 when playing hockey. Rachelle and Sabrina were sleeping and BB gives them the rooster. Rachelle pulls her head up and yells that she is up. Sabrina gets up and tells Rachelle she should too in order to get the rooster to stop crowing. Adel says goodnight and heads back into the house. Gremlins are now up and going down the hall to the main bathroom. Rachelle wants to know why they can't sleep. Neda talking about how Ika's letter thing is going to be remembered for a very long time. So is Sabrina. Gremlins still talking about when they will be allowed to sleep and why they can't now. Jon wonders what is happening back in Newfoundland right now. Neda asking about how many hours ahead they are there. Heather talking about week three when she would come outside alone and be very lonely but was happy to be here, Now they are sitting here and will be the final three and is with two people who she thinks she will be friends with for life. She is happy because she found two people who she never thought she would. They are having the end of camp conversation about how they will remain friends for ever and ever. Sabrina and Rachelle geading down stairs and Sabrina gets someting to eat from the fridge in the pantry. Heather says they all worked very hard to be here and Jon says very hard and they deserve to be here. He says they did it humbly and Neda says she has never felt confident in the game. Jon says that when you get confident is when you get fucked. Neda saying she never got to be a really great player but she got close with her story line, she did not win but she was physical and came close several times. They all agree she was super fit and worked out more than many in the house. Sabrina asks Rachelle if she wants to go on the hammock and Rachelle says she keeps hearing things. Heather wondering how she and Rachelle are going to play out. She says they might be friends but she would not contact her every day or even every other day. Heather announces she is heading out to do a few laps then get on the bike. Neda and Jon are going to sit for a spell longer.

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10:46PM BBT: Sabrina washing a dish at the sink with Rachelle still on the green couches. Neda and Jon talking outside.Sabrina brings a plate and a bowl of food over to the couches. Neda now worried about how Adel could do in and endurance comp. She knows what Rachelle can do, but she is not sure about Adel. She wants to recall how Jillian and Emmett played it last year. Gremlins now carry their bowl of grapes and plate of cheese to the bedroom and climb into bed to chomp away. Neda and Jon now trying to predict jury votes depending on who is in the final two. Jon thinks that Heather would have a lot of votes. Neda thinks that Adel would have Arlie. Neda says that Jon is thinking that Adel will blow his final speech. she is explaining to him how the end works. BB finally tells Neda to fix her microphone. Neda says she is only considering worst case scenario now where they do not go to the end together like if Heather wins the last HOH and takes her. If Heather and Adel are in the finale she thinks that Adel would win. Neda thinks Heather would try and spin the whole Arlie thing in her favor. They are reviewing Heather's resume and trying to decide who they would rather have in the finals. It seems the gremlins have demolished their snack and are chatting quietly in bed. Speculation about possible pairings at the end continue. Neda wonders if Adel would take Jon to the end and he says he thinks he would because Adel is an emotional player. Neda thinks he would take Heather over either of them. Neda says they are considering throwing the next HOH, but she says it is so risky but it is more risky not having both of them competing in the final 4 HOH the next week. Jon says the most important things right now are the vetos they really need to win the next two vetos. Neda says that Heather was so close in the last one. Neda still wondering which one would be better for them to take to the end. Neda says Heather is really smart and she would probably like to go the F3 with her and Adel as either of them would take her with them and Jon would not. Neda considering throwing the next HOH to her but she wonders if Heather would drop out really quickly claiming that her knee gave out. Jon says that if they win they would have to put up Adel. Neda thinks that one of them would go up if Heather is next HOH once she had time to consider her options. Jon says they just have to win the Veto. They are figuring out that the final four HOH does not matter as far as who goes home. It only gaurantees that person safety and the power all rests with the POV winner. Heather returns following her work out and they all get up to go to bed. Heather remarks that her bubble butt has gotten bigger in the house. Jon bends down swearing and says there are screws everywhere as he picks one up off the grass. Rachelle now saying that she does not talk to the others any more and she does not even feel like she is on the show any longer. This is why she thinks that something is going to happen tomorrow. The three enter the bathroom and start ADLs. Jon says that his nipples are puffy. Sabrina now regurgitating what was happening when they kept Allison in the HOH for hours. Neda says she cannot wait to sleep and then tells Heather good for you for getting your workout in. BB tells them to stop talking about production. Neda can't believe the POV ceremony was just today. Jon goes in the bedroom and the gremlins tell him about getting roostered a few minutes ago. Heather and Neda working with hammers and chisels to remove their faces side by side in the bathroom. Rachelle calls out to no one Can we go to sleep? Lights are still at full brightness in the bedroom. Jon calls out goodnight to the ladies in the bathroom and heads to bed. Against the white walls at least, Sabrina's face does look darker than she was before the spray tanning. Jon is now in his bed and he and Sabrina are talking about their ages. Sabrina says she is frigging annoyed and wants to sleep. She is telling Jon again about just having gotten roostered and BB tells them to stop talking about production. She asks Jon if they are going to do something and when he says no she wants to know why they can't sleep then. Sabrina saying that if she does not win the next HOH it is all over. Jon says he will make it easy on her. Rachelle says it does not even feel like a game anymore. She thinks there will be some twist and because they like drama BB will save Sabrina. Sabrina saying she reallyl believes that she will win HOH (Like she has before every other comp. DRG) She says if not HOH then she will win the Veto. She says that she figures that Adel will leave before Heather and Jon does not want to say. Sabrina is lobbying for him to keep her and send Adel home. she says she will not nom him and will get rid of Adel if she wins. She would rather him win than two other people in the game. Heather says she is now squeeky clean then complains about how empty one of her bottles is and comments that others must have used it up. Sabrina still lobbying for him to keep her over Adel. She says she will swear ont he Bible something she has never done before in the game. She says she can't play the following week and will be sent home. She really wants Adel gone because of how he has been to her in the house. Also she says he has said he would throw himself off a bridge if she was the one to send him home. She also points out this is a tie breaker week, the last one they will have. She says this is the one thing she asks for this whole game and next week she can't play HOH and will go home. She keeps telling him this is the one thing she needs in this whole game and wants him to think about it. She says she will not put him up and knows she will not win the Veto. She wants him to promise not to tell anyone else about this. (Like in her Vegas story this gal is used to being able to get what she wants by constantly begging for it. DRG) Jon says they will talk about it again before the HOH. She does not want her appeal to come off as threatening. He says again that he will think about it and she thanks him saying that just him thinking about it is enough for her. Heather and Neda still working away in the bathroom. Sabrina now playing the sympathy card and saying that she really needs to hear from her family. She knows there are good people that do bad things and bad people that do good things and she knows which one Adel is. Jon leaves the room. Sabrina says that all she wants is to send Adel home. She does not want to be in the house another 24 hours but if she is at least it will be for a purpose. Jon hanging out in the bathroom saying he was trapped all alone with the gremlins for fifteen minutes. Jon returns to the bedroom and Heather comes in too. Sabrina comments about having heard her working out. Sabrina talks about being roostered earlier and BB tells them to stop talking about production Sabrina says she literally wants this mattress. Heather says she wants Williams mattress. (and maybe a few other things he has too. DRG) Jon now up switching mattresses and Neda says she hates him because she was going to do that. Jon tells her to settle down it is only a mattress switch. She says she is pissed. BB dumps all the feeds into the bedroom which sends me scrambling for the volume controls. Jon now bragging about how nice his bed feels and how high up it is and Neda asks if he can see her one raised finger from all the way up there. Jon announces that his mic is going to come off and he will be going to sleep on his nice new mattress. Walton family good night rounds begin.

11:27PM BBT: Sabrina now whining about what is going to happen both in the house and once they are out. Jon says he is out. They ask why the lights are still on and Sabrina says it is because they cannot sleep yet. BB calls out Rachelle, nothing more just Rachelle. Then they do it again. Lights stiil at daylight setting. All HGs horizontal and quiet. (let it be BB, let it be DRG)

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11:36PM BBT: BB calls out Sabrina. Then does it again. She replies what but gets no response. Rachelle asks what she was doing and she replies, sleeping. All other HGs also horizontal with eyes closed. Jon rotates from his side to his back. Lights still on full. (Just think folks you could have been watching this on BB After Dark instead of just reading about it here. DRG) BB calls out again, Sabrina. She says she was full on about to be asleep. Cam one now shows Adel in the Hoh where he is snuggled down in bed hugging his teddy. Camera man having fun zooming in on the bear again like they did last night but not with jump cuts and erratic zooming. Adel stirs and looks around then settles back down. Feeds cut to FoTH at 11:41PM.

11:46PM BBT: Feeds back on darkened and blissfully silent bedroom.

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OK, we got off to a rocky start today and then the same people that always come through, came through again. I tell your friends about the forums, get them involved too. We're going to need more posters if we're going to cover BB16 in June.

June? What am I saying? We still have to get through: Tuesday, April 22 Live Feeds / BB After Dark

Thanks Everyone!


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