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Tuesday, April 1 Live Feeds / BB After Dark

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6:55 pm BBT Sabrina, Arlie outside hottub. Sabrina talking about how Sarah makes up stories, tells them to Allison,
so that Allison will not trust Jon. She explains to Arlie that it is a bit weird that Sarah and Kenny always are
together getting secret snacks in the pantry. Sarah told her she was annoyed that Arlie told her Sabrina is the
mastermind. And Sabrina says this is because Sarah is treathened by Sabrina`s superior game play. She now does
not trust Kenny and Sarah. They now have to be careful. When she goes to Kenny with info. He dismisses her with
saying Oh I already new all that. Kenny does not acknowledge her 'superior' game play.

Sabrina says, she has Rachelle and Allison. We need those 2, Allison can win competitions. Kenny is in love with Sarah,
she has a husband and 2 children. Sabrina now says, keep being alert over the next few weeks, because we`re one third
of the way there.

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7:13 pm BBT Sabrina, Arlie outside hottub. Sabrina says," see I am a good person. I listen in conversation, I am paying attention, I play this game 24 hrs a day. I`m a strategic player. I am not leaving. I am loyal. with Andrew gone, they feel they can dispose of me. I will do anything for our alliance. Keep all this in your mind. We`re too cold out here. Let`s go inside." Arlie leaves Sabrina stays outside. She talks outloud, ;'Please god help me, I want to stay here, have to win HOH this is a game, your suppose to be strategic, to play this game, I`m off with Rachelle, so is she, if anyone thinks I `m not going to have her back, your wrong, she loves me. Hey birdie (talking to a seagull) Canada I love you, I`m staying in this house, and I`m going to win this. It sucks you got my ally out. Come on god help me, Montreal help me, come on my friends, mes amis. With Andrew out of the house, they want to see if I`ll survive, I have Sarah, Kenny, Arly, Allison, Rachelle, I gave my word too and I`m gonna keep my word. And people think I`m a backstabber? I`m not a backstabber thank you very much, I don`t feel bad about myself. I need to win HOH,

I need to have the eye of the tiger. I`ve already won, I`m in my HOH room, with my comforter and pillows and my letter from Stephnie, Don`t let them bring me down, I`ve already won. "

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7:30 Sabrina by the hot tub after a heart to heart talk with Arlie she has been siting by herself. For the last 20 minutes giving herself a pep talk that she has to win HOH. Visualizing herself I the room with white and black sheets with purple pillows. Asking canada and Montreal to rally and keep her in the house. She has RO back number one and would never betray RO. She is having big questions and doubts about everyone else.

7:35 Sabrina mumbling about Sarah having her back. Hoping she does and Kenny has messed things up. Now she is doing her own talk show about her alone time in the house. She says her and Arlie have gotten closer today in the house and what is going on with Kenny and Sarah. Can they trust them or not.

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7:15pm arlie leaves from talking to sabrina. sabrina starts talking out loud saying " i have to win HOh" i wanted to be here, and i got here, and they are not going to get me out of here. i am playing a game and you have to be strategic. you have to watch your ass and if you see something stetch , you have to fucking pay attention. its impossible for people to be walking around never talking game, its impossible. when im off with rachelle im talking to game. and if you think someone doesnt have her back then your fucked, "i am never, NEVER, putting her up." that was one person that was there for me the whole entire time. and i didn't have to have a deal for it to happen. she loves me, and i love her and thats how its going to stay. and that guy(talking about arlie) i love him.

she then looks in the camera "canada i love you, just know that i love this game alot and im not back down im a fighter im going to win this and if i don't its because of me. i respect that you put me up its because you see how my mind works and i love you (blows kiss to canada) thank you for the challenge. suck that you have my best friend up. i have his back no matter what. what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. i lost the love of my life in real life and im still alive , ill survive.

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7:51 pm BBT, In the living room, Rachelle, Kenny, Sarah, Jon, Heather, Neda, Allison, Andrew . Andrew doing a asian accent, and asks if it`s
offensive, Rachelle says yes it is. Andrew then changes and does a british accent, he says the best way to learn is to watch interviews
with Russell Brandt. Sarah then says she loves Russell Brandt. Kenny is laying with his head in Rachelle lap, she is playing with his hair.
Jon is laying with his head in Sarah`s lap, she is playing with his hair. Andrew calls over Sabrina in french. When She sits he asks her what she
was saying, she says when you go home, you can watch videos of me talking to you.

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8:31PM BBT - All the HG's are in the HOH room. General chit chat. Jon is saying he might spray paint a Canadian flag on his wall when he gets home. Sabrina gushes over the beaver. Sarah asks if she'll do that to her beaver. They both mention a bald beaver, which turns into a waxing discussion.

8:33PM BBT - Sarah mentions one time getting completely waxed before going to Mexico, and then put a temporary tattoo on and then considered getting a permanent one there. Andrew asks what type of resort she was going to that made her worried about this. Sarah says something along the line of "It's not that. I have daughters."

8:34PM BBT - Rachelle and Neda head downstairs to grab a snack. Adel comes down next, investigating the fridge. He gets out some salsa. Neda and Rachelle leave the view of the cameras. Adel heads back to HOH, where Allison and Andrew are trying to whistle the national anthem.

8:38PM BBT - Sabrina heads to the HT, where Rachelle and Neda have ended up. They are discussing a third eye, and if you have it open, it's easier to see. Sabrina says the last time she had a premonition was when she was 21; she saw a guy who wasn't real. He was wearing a black hat. She has only interacted with people twice in her life and only males, never females. But she doesn't want to talk about it because then Canada will think she's crazy and that's another reason to put her on the block. How can Canada not like her? She's hilarious!

8:40PM BBT - Sabrina loves practical magic. She tried to levitate when she was 16 years old. Rachelle calls her crazy. They switch to talking about the TV show then discuss the movie. Back in HOH, Allison, Andrew, Adel, Arlie and Kenny appear to the be the only ones left. (MAN, that is a lot of people who start with A!) Andrew is suggesting different slop recipes to Adel. Adel wants to try pancakes next. Adel mentions BB taking away certain foods due to the generosity of the other HG's letting them eat it; Andrew doesn't think that's why it was taken away. They probably hadn't planned to give them stuff everyday. Sarah comes back into the room.

8:45PM BBT - Jon joins the girls in the BY. They ask if anything is going on in the HOH room, he says nothing really. Jon was in DR, and says that everyone in HOH could see him on the screen. He got them riled, and then said he was kidding. Sabrina curses at him. Jon says he is SO hungry. Tomorrow Sab is going to do Jon's hair and do a pedicure. Sabrina tells Jon to stop being so angry, she hates when he's like that. Jon leaves and says he is going to bed.

8:51PM BBT - Sabrina wonders if Jon likes her. Neda says he is as he appears to be. Rachelle has been bursting into bits of songs (sort of) for a few minutes and finally BB tells her to stop singing. She giggles and says she doesn't know if that would be considered singing but stops. They start talking about other twists that could happen on Thursday. They suggest double eviction, but that's not unusual. Canada could be HOH again, but unlikely 2 weeks in a row. Sab asks if Neda would put her up or vote against her. "Are you kidding me?" asks Neda. Sab is worried; she is close to Heather. Neda says she spends time with Heather, that doesn't make them close.

8:55PM BBT - Neda clarifies that she is friends with Rachelle and Sabrina but she just spends time with Heather. Sabrina mentions Jon calls her Selena, Neda calls her paranoid. Sab counters that she is on the block because of Canada, she is allowed to be paranoid. Sab talks about Adel making her feel bad a few days ago, Neda says Adel has made comments about the house and that makes Sab more paranoid. Neda says it was nothing specific about anyone, just the house in general. Sab starts ranting about what happened 2 days ago.

8:58PM BBT - Neda thinks with him, he throws out as much stuff as he can and see if anything sticks. Sab swears on her life she has never said anything about Neda. Rachelle backs her up and adds that she hopes Neda never puts them up. Sab says she wouldn't ask Neda to come outside with them if they didn't trust her. Neda says she trusts them and promises when Sab makes her promise. Neda says they ask her everyday so she wonders if they trust her. Neda adds that they think she has information to tell, and she doesn't. She promises not to vote Sab out, even if the house does. Sab says this week people made her paranoid and being on the block made it worse.

9:00PM BBT - Neda says she has bigger fish to fry than Rachelle or Sabrina. Sab says with Andrew leaving, there is still one or two. Neda says there are a lot in her opinion. Up in HOH, it appears to have dwindled down to just Kenny and Sarah. Kenny is telling Sarah he can never flirt with guys ever. They discuss his dating habits, or lack thereof. (There would've been more details to the conversation they were having but the feeds kept freezing no matter which camera I was on, so I couldn't get a lot.)

9:03PM BBT - Jon comes back in with slop pancakes covered in maple syrup. Sarah comments they smell good and Heather is good at making them. Kenny is going to have a shower in the HOH room; Canada deserves it. Jon can't believe he won the veto; he says it was lucky. Sarah says it wasn't luck. He stopped, took his time to make sure he understood. No one else did that.

9:06PM BBT - In the BY, there is a screeching noise and Sab says it's a bat. Neda looks up. "Where are you?" she calls. Back to business. Neda tells the girls that it's not smart for her to open her mouth and spread things around; makes her name come up too often. Sab agrees and says she's not stupid; she doesn't open her mouth up often either. Heather joins them by the HT and Sab immediately asks what the twist is (the 6 million). She thinks someone will get the power to vote some out immediately, or a 3rd nominee, or someone can pick who will be HOH. Sab thinks they will play HOH, and be told who to nominate.

9:10PM BBT - Neda and Heather think it's too back to back after Canada being HOH. Sab says they've forced people to put up their best friend before. It will be something where if they fail, they are evicted immediately. Like, a failed mission. Sab says they aren't playing their own game anymore, Canada is playing it for them. Sab now thinks they'll get a week off, and then the following week it will be an instant eviction. And this week will be a double eviction.

9:15PM BBT - Rachelle heads inside. Neda and Sabrina discuss how alliances change every week. Heather loves the surprises every week. Sab says "If you were on the block you wouldn't." Heather stares at her. "I was." Sab says outsiders choosing the decisions in the game takes away the essence of the game. The seasons with the best rating in the US were the first 4. Sab says you shouldn't suck up the HOH, you should make good relationships with everyone. Because in 4 days, you're not HOH anymore and you can't compete to be the following week.

9:20PM BBT - Heather says at the end of the day, it's a TV show and they need ratings, and to do things to make it as successful as it can be. Sab says for Andrew, he's a big tough guy, took himself off the block week 1, then was HOH 2nd week. So then they have to shake things up? Sab says that BB wanted to see the big strong guy fall apart. And he did! He cried. Sab says she and Andrew had a moment and it wasn't for TV. Neda says she doesn't even realize the cameras are around anymore. Heather apologizes, she is too cold and heading inside.

9:22PM BBT - Neda says the times she remembers there are cameras is when they ask her things in the DR that happened in the house. They say that? she thinks. Kenny and Sarah still in HOH, back to being by themselves. Kenny says imagine being in F2, first and second. It wouldn't even matter. "Do what you will, jury." Sarah says she could never say anything bad about Kenny. She would tell the jury she loves Kenny and they got there together; that's it.

9:24PM BBT - Sarah leaves so Kenny can have a shower. Feeds switch to the KT. Andrew is cooking, Adel, Allison and Heather as his audience. Feeds switch to the BY, where Arlie is running laps. Back to the HT, Neda and Sab have been joined by Jon. Sab fills him in on their theories about the 6 million twist.

9:26PM BBT - Cams 1 and 2 are on Arlie running laps. Apparently, besides the conversation by the HT, there is nothing more interesting happening with any of the other HG's. Arlie running laps is it. Back to the HT, Jon hates this house today. Neda tells him about the bat. Bats are cool, Jon proclaims. Jon really wants to go to bed and is mad that they aren't allowed yet; it's been a long day. Sarah comes outside; Sab is heading inside. Jon says there is a bat here. "Is it me?" Sarah asks. This leads to the Batman tune being sung. Jon yells at BB that he just wants to wake up tomorrow.

9:30PM BBT - Kenny and Rachelle in WA, whispering. They are talking about Neda and Jon, and all the whispering they do. They are convinced Neda knows more than she says, and both think Jon needs to be nominated. Rachelle mentions Heather and Neda always being together, and Heather always defending Neda. The conversation abruptly ends so Kenny can go shower. The national anthem begins, and all HG's stop what they are doing to sing.

9:32PM BBT - In the KT, Allison and Heather exclaim at how tan Kenny is. Kenny says he tans easily, and he followed the sun around. Both girls are going to try tanning the following morning. Kenny and Allison get into an intense discussion about when the UV rays are the highest. Andrew says when you are in Africa, you are so close to the ozone layer you have to wear tons of sunscreen or you'll burn in 15 minutes. Adel is diligently eating slop pancakes at the table, not saying anything. He is chuckling as he listens to Kenny busting up Andrew, saying there was one thing Andrew cooked that he didn't like.

9:36PM BBT - Arlie is done outside and comes into the KT, sitting down silently. Rachelle goes back to the HT crew; now they are discussing if an evicted HG comes back into the house. Or a swap with a current HG. Sarah commenting this game is not fair. Seeing your letter from your family that you haven't seen in 45 days shredded in front of you? This game is not fair. Sab says they are puppets in the puppet show and the puppeteers are strong. And the audience is playing right into it. Every move they make is calculated. They discuss production, and are called out by BB to stop.

9:40PM BBT - After being yelled at again, they stop talking about production and turn to when 2 names are merged together, like Brangelina. What is it called? They determine it's called "shipping" and wonder if Allison and Andrew have a shipped name outside the BB house. Sarah says once outside the house she will feel differently because she won't feel the same anger she feels in the house. Neda says she can't get over Heather's voice. She mentions she said that in DR, and Heather was right behind her so she thinks that was a clip for the show. Now 2 different conversations happen - Rachelle and Sara, Neda and Sab. Jon is quiet. Adel comes to get them and tells them dinner is ready. He complains about how hungry he is while the rest head inside.

9:47PM BBT - Jon and Neda in the hammock while everyone else is in the KT waiting for food. They aren't talking about much, just general chit chat and joking and laughing. After a minute or so, Neda says it sketches her out when people constantly ask if you trust them. She recounts her earlier discussion with Sab and Rachelle. Jon has to fart, Neda says they've been stinky today. He says this one won't be. He can tell. Neda says good knowledge to have.

9:50PM BBT - Someone calls out to Neda to come have food; she calls back that she's not hungry and thanks them. They start talking very quietly about production and what was discussed in DR. Inside, everyone is eating and complimenting Andrew on how good it is. Not much conversation is happening; everyone is too focused on eating. Since Neda doesn't want to eat, they are going to eat her portion, Sarah says. Discussion turns to who likes spicy and who doesn't. Back in the hammock, Neda fills Jon in on Rachelle and Sab's thinking she is besties with Heather. Jon thinks Sab wants Adel gone.

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10:00PM BBT: Neda telling Jon in the hammock that it sketched her out when she was told in the DR that the power had shifted and it was going to shift again. She asked how and got no answers. Other HGs at the table chatting about bars back home. Neda now wondering about the missing cigarettes and why one someone hide their own cigarettes. She gets upset with him because she can't talk about a lot of things because he gets angry and does not want to talk about them. She can't understand how he could not care about a major twist that may be coming. He says if Canada is making the twist then I will be OK. She says yeah, for now, but what about later. Now they are talking about if Andrew will for sure go this week and who they would nom if it is double eviction this week. Neda wonders who Allison is close to right now, maybe Sabrina. She says the girls said the meanest shit about Allison and how can they think they are good people when they say such things. General rowdiness inside at the table. Neda thinks that if would be bad if Kenny wins next week and he says that Kenny is pretty much set on Adel. She wonders who else though. They would love it if the second nom was Sabrina. Talk turns to Heather and Jon asks if a girl asks you if she has weight on what do you say. Neda tells him you say no whether it is true or not and he says that is what he told Heather when she asked him the other day. He wonders if they went out this week would they still be cool on the outside. Hether walks up to them quietly and they don't see her coming. She sits next to them on the grass. Still general silliness inside at the table as Heather saying she left because she got annoyed.

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10:10PMBBT: Sabrina is trying to rally the troops to "do something fun!" Jon asks if Sabrina will make pulled pork once he is off slop. She says she will if they give her pork. Jon says he will eat pasta, anything... he will devour it. They mention the twists. Sabrina says she is "so done with the twist!" But then says she can talk about it all day long. Sab thinks she looks big on the camera.

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10:15PMBBT: Sabrina is talking about a guy who was at the audition. Sabrina likes blonde men. Neda likes Gingers. Heather says Robert Pattinson was "way hotter in Harry Potter." They are talking about the HP movies now. Sabrina has HP collectables and stationary. Heather says she is going to London in August. Sabrina looks at her weird and says "That's fabulous!" and talks over her. Sarah runs through the yard "I AM SO BORED!" she is laying on the grass playing dead.

10:18PMBBT: Rachelle was playing dead. Kenny tells her she looks like a tube of toothpaste that was run over half way. She says "Whatever. I am over it!"

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10:08PM BBT: Outside group now counting votes to evict Andrew and they think he will be going. Sabrina now comes out asking if anyone will go to the hot tub with her. They all say no except Heather who says she will put her feet in but does not want to shave her legs. Sabrina says no one wants to do anything with her and she is trying to be nice. Jon starts putting in food requests for Sabrina to prepare next week. She says she will make him anything he wants as long as BB gives her the food. They now feed her ego by saying she has the best picture up on the wall. She insists she looks big on the videos. Now they tell Jon he looks fine since he has lost some weight. Sabrina now taling about how she told the DR that Jon is so hot and he was sweating so it was even hotter. Sabrina is soooooo excited for people to see her DRs. Sabrina now playing with Jon's hair and telling him what she is going to take off when she gives him a trim the next time. Beat boxing at the table now. Sabrina saying that Janelle (his girlfriend back home) is so lucky and she would be asking him to take his pants off all the time. Sabrina now telling a story about when she asked him to walk past her again and how he is exactly like what she described she would like in a guy in the house. BB tells them to stop talking about production. Sabrina likes light haired med and Neda likes dark. She really likes gingers, but they are hard to come by. Talk turns to actors and the fellow in Harry Potter who recently died. Neda says she is the biggest Harry Potter Nerd ever. Audio on outside feeds cuts out. Andrew doing and accent and play by play of Rachelle who was flopping around on the exercise ball outside then lay motionless for several minutes. She is doing yoga positions now and the group at the table is kidding her about showing her boobs and if the blouse she has on is working for those moves. Sabrina now talking about Eat Pray Love and how the movie does not do the book justice at all. Rachelle has gotten up and gone inside again. Sabrina mentions the only place she say the Shawshank redemtion is the before place (pre show sequester) and BB tells them to stop talking production.

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10:21PM BBT: Sabrina now on top of Rachelle outside tickling her and faking a makeout session. Sabrina again wants to go to the hot tub. Sarah says her legs are like gorillas Sabrina says hers are too. Sarah saying she is going to get some tea and head to bed. Rachelle bent over backwards now on all fours and Sabrina runs over to her asking again if she will go to the hot tub. Rachelle says yes but no one else is interested so the two head up to get dressed. Andrew doing a bad rap at the table about what is happening now in the house. Neda Jon and Heather remain at the hammock. Neda gives him a hard time about touching himself and he says he likes it and doesn't mind. She asks if he does it just walking around the mall and he says yes. He is asked about skate boarding and replies that he thinks that it is stupid and dangerous. Heather says he was a hockey player and a fighter. Jon says that he lost his first few fights but then won most of the time. He is asked if he is a happy drunk and says that with him it can go either way and that is why he stays away from it. Neda can't understand how folks can drink beer til they go out and he says he likes beer. Heather prefers hard liquor but her boyfriend likes beer. Now thay are talking about his siblings and if he drinks with them or not. Rachelle and Sabrina changing in the bedroom. Jon says he is 6 feet 43/4 inches for official weigh in. Heather says she only knew one other guy who was six five and he was a BMXer but has now retired. She says tall people always do something cool. (So is she saying it is her lack of stature that is her major drawback??? DRG) Jon announce that his balls smell and Neda says he is such a weirdo. Inside cams in the bathroom with Sarah removing her face Kenny also doing nightly ADLs and Rachelle comes in to get some towels for the hot tub.

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Jon and Neda are flirting and laughing on the hammock. "Do my balls smell?" Jon asked. "Your such a fucking weirdo," Neda comments back. They debate whose weirder. Andrew and Allison are also in the BY. Andrew is going on about urinals.

10:35 Now Andrew is telling Allison how he doesn't want to give up. Saying Kenny (I believe) told him he'd give him a vote. Allison agreeing, "It can't hurt." [talking to Jon tommorrow]. Both agreeing it's their only real shot for him staying

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10:31PM BBT: Feeds 3 & 4 now on Andrew and Allison sitting by the pool. Cam 2 following Rachelle's butt in her bikini. Andrew is talking about asking folks for votes and how to approach them to have a chance. He tells Allison that if it does not work and folks talk bad about his trying she should tell everyone exactly how it went down. The girls ask them if they will come outside and they agree to come sit with them. Andrew now joins Kenny and Sarah in the BR. Sabrina and Rachelle making their way to the hot tub and BB thinks we are thrilled to see an extended view of the brick doorway to that room. Finally cam switches to the hot tub where Rachelle is alreay sitting and Sabrina is climbing in. Now Allison has joined them fully dressed with a lumberjack shirt and her Koala cap. Andrew arrives also fully dressed with a jacket and scarf on. Kenny now telling Sarah that he never goes out ever and she asks if Ika is at home watching now freaking out. They are now wondering if Allison knows he is gay and why she has not said anything even in private (they have met back home).

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10:40- Sabrina, Rochelle are in the hot tub. Allison and Andrew go sit by them for company. Allison reports she got an air kiss from the "wonderful" Heather for finding her missing water bottle. Now bashing Neda for her comments about attempts to try and make them believe her and Jon do not talk game.

10:43 Andrew, to Sabrina: "That's why they put us up cuz they hate me (production) for picking my nose and swearing. And they hate you for talking about p-duck all the time"

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10:43PMBBT: Kenny and Sarah whisper in the WA (sorry it was so hard for me to hear). Sarah says "Nighty night night night" She tidies up a bit. Adel brushes his teeth and sprays on cologne. Sprinkles some baby powder in his pants. Sarah and Kenny are now in the BR getting ready for bed. And Ken's pants are off. Again.

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10:47PM Sabrina now praising Andrew, implying he's misunderstood by Canada. "They can say I'm a bitch [production?] but I don't want them to make you look like an asshole."

"The Savinator," Andrew calls Sabrina, "eliminating the competition, one at a time, one whisper at a time."

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10:43PM BBT: Sabrina now bashing Neda and Jon mocking how Neda says that they just talk general and not really talk game for hours on end. Adel now also doing ADLs. Sabrina is warned again for talking about production. Andrew says that is why they are up on the block because he picks his nose and swears all the time and she is always talking about production. (Not quite, buddy. DRG) Kenny and Sarah now making there way tot he bedroom. Sabrina going on about how she has said all the reasons he should not be where he is now and she may look like a bitch but not him. Andrew says he will look however they make him look. General bashing of Heather now underway. Sarah now gets called to the DR and is upset wanting to know if she should put her face back on. Kenny tells her to ask them if it is OK to sleep. Andrew saying he has not talked to Jon at all today and Rachelle says he is walking around like he owns the place today with an air of arrogance. Jon on the hammock asks Heather if her nipples are pierced and kids her about having nipple rings. Sabrina now proclaims the classic BB stratagem (all together now) We have to win HOH!! Hot tub group now reviewing days in the house and recent events.

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10:54PMBBT: The HT crew (Andrew, Alison, Rachelle and Sabrina) goes through the history of competitions and events in the house. Sabrina says she convinced Ika to not put Kenny on the block and not to backdoor Andrew. They say Sabrina is like Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Andrew calls her "Sabrina the demon slayer"

10:57PMBBT: In the BR, Andrew and Sarah talk about what Heather lives off of for food and how it is not healthy. Sarah says "She is like stoned all day long!" She has gained weight in the house but eats a lot of cookies and peanut butter. Kenny says "I think new Heather ate new Heather" Kenny says she is at risk for diabetes everyday. And Heather walks in. They were concerned but were laughing as well.

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