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Friday, March 14 Live Feeds / BB After Dark

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8:20PMBBT: Andrew heads to the kitchen to make another drink. He empties the Bacardi into the blender. Ken grabs more ice. Sarah and Jon made slop cookies and the oven was cooling but the cookies aren't quite cooked. Allison is eating them anyway. Andrew is trying to help the HN's make slop taste better. Allison and Arlie are in the hammock in the BY.

8:25PMBBT: Arlie explains to Allison about what has happened in the house. She says they were at Paul. Arlie explains Paul's nominations and actions and why the blow ups happened. Arlie is being very truthful with what happened and says that Adel went a little nuts but since the blow up and getting back into the groove of things, he is a good guy. Arlie is now explaining the Ika nomination and how Paul blamed the house for her nomination. He calls Paul a "shicester". Now he is on to Andrew's HoH win. Sarah offers her drink to Arlie and Alison smells it. She says it smells like coconut.

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8:30PMBBT: Arlie continues to explain to Alison about the Andrew and Paul saga and how Paul called Andrew a sexist and a racist. Alison is listening intently. Kyle and Adel felt like they were brought into the house to cause drama and told the house that. When Paul lost his mind, Kyle went after everyone. Arlie says Kyle is one of the dumbest people in the game. Arlie says it was the stupidest game play ever. That was when Paul called out all of his alliances.

8:36PMBBT: In the HoH room, Paul is listening to music. Sabrina, Heather, Neda, Ika and Rachelle are in the WA. Neda is in the shower. Heather is in the corner. Ika is sitting on the edge of the tub. Arlie continues to tell Alison about the previous drama.

8:40PMBBT: While the Divergent movie was on, in the house Adel and Kyle went after the girls. They were mooing at Sabrina and calling out Ika with ghetto comments. One night the HG were forced to go to bed because it was so intense. "They literally shut the lights out on us."
Alison says that it sounds so crazy.
All 4 feeds go to HotH.

8:43PMBBT: Feeds come on, ken is now in the hammock with Alison, he adds that even though it is a game he lost it and was freaking right out and we get HotH again.

8:45PMBBT: Sabrina and Rachelle are dancing to the music in the HoHR (Sabrina has the headphones on but Rachelle knows the song) Small talk between Sarah, Heather and Ika on the bed. Andrew and Ken are on the grass, Arlie and Alison are in the hammock. It seems the boys are smitten with Alison. She says today was a "hit the ground running" day.

8:48PMBBT: Alison says being in the house is surreal for a superfan. The house is awesome aside from the guys being awesome. Andrew says "If you let it, it will ruin you." They are basically saying the house is nuts and she can avoid it. Ken says "In the next few days, we won't even say anything, you will see it." Andrew just used the R word but corrected himself (thank you Andrew. There is hope yet!) Alison has 6 more days of immunity.

8:50PMBBT: They are trying to figure out how Alison got into the house. She asks "Do you think Canada voted me in or has it happened yet?" They all wonder. Alison and Kenny know who the voice of Marsha is. Andrew has no idea.

8:55PMBBT: Alison tells the guys she is a lot more comfortable with the guys than the girls. Ken says "Honestly, the girls are having a meeting in the HOH room right now." They reassure Alison that the girls are so rattled and all over the place, even if she was put up, they wouldn't have the numbers to get her out.

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10:00PMBBT: Alison, Ken, Andrew are in the HT. Arlie is making a snowman. Andrew is talking about his tattoos and how he designed it with a friend. Ken asks Alison why she thinks the HoH TV doesn't work, she has no idea because every other BB it worked. They are now teasing her that she is a saboteur. She says "Ya but it didn't work out". She jokes about sneaking food when she shouldn't.

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9:12PM BBT Allison and Arlie on the hammock, while Andrew Heather and Kenny in the BY chit chatting.

9:18 PM BBT Sabrina, Allison and Arlie in Wa. They are getting ready for the pool.

9:22PM BBT Corrections they are going to the HT

9:26 PM BBT Ika and Arlie talking she told him she is considering putting up Heather and Paul. Kenny Andrew and looks like Sarah in HT they all think Ika is going to put up heather and Paul and maybe BD Andrew and Kenny.

9:35PM BBT Adel and Paul in BR the other Hg in the HT general chit chat.

9:41 PM BBT Paul and Adel in SR Paul is looking for something to eat he is HN this week.

9:47 PM BBT Paul have a piece of meat and he is telling Adel he is going to eat it. Paul is on HN. Paul said if he eat what can BB do to them.

9:55 PM BBT Heather came in and trying to tell Paul not to eat what he not suppose to because he is HN.

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10:10PM BBT: The girl party in the HoHR is about who Ika should nominate. She says no one will make a big move the 3rd week and she just wants Paul gone. The girls are silent. Heather asks who she was leaning towards. Ika says Neda is safe because she was pegged last week. Heather says she doesn't want to be a pawn. She wants to feel safe. She reminds them "Pawns always go home" Ken assured the girls that who ever they want to leave will be going home.

10:15PMBBT: Ika is trying to get Heather to agree to being the pawn. Heather is wise to it. She says she is scared that they will blindside her. Ika says there is no way the girls could afford to change their minds. Then the boys would have the numbers. Rachelle and Sabrina are smirking as Ika explains it to Heather. Neda says Heather needs to speak to the guys and make sure they are getting rid of Paul.

10:20PMBBT: Sarah is in the HT now too. She is talking to Alison as Andrew and Kenny talk about Andrew's family ancestry. Arlie's snowman is there but no Arlie. The other girls continue to reassure Heather. Ika lets Heather sit in the HOHR alone to "think about it". Heather looks so down and out. She is listening to the music.

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10:25PMBBT: Arlie had a bag of candy leftover from the movie night. He gave them to Rachelle, she was ecstatic. He says her reaction was worth giving them up. Paul and Adel are watching Ika and Rachelle snack at the counter.

10:30PMBBT: The HT talk is about Divergent and the actors, it switches to books and what books would make good movies and how books need to match the movie. They are now talking about Hunger Games and Catching Fire and how the book is different from the movie, Ken brings up the differences in the Harry Potter series. Neda and Jon are in the hammock in the BY talking about nominations.

10:32PMBBT: Arlie flashed his butt and the BY cams went Hush for a moment. Ika, Sabrina and Rachelle are girl talking on the couch. Ika says she is going up to tell Heather her decision.

10:38PMBBT: Adel is making fries. Sabrina asks if she can have some, he says "Of course!" Paul mumbles "How are the cookies doing?" Adel and Rachelle are now talking about her schooling. Sabrina asks Andrew what he is doing and if he is going to sleep. He says not yet and asks if she is tired, she says "Ya."

10:42PMBBT: Ika wants Heather to go up as a pawn because she won't hold a grudge. Heather worries she will be a constant pawn until she goes home. Ika is thick with the reassurances.

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10:50PMBBT: Ika says she does like Sabrina but, if she was to use her as a pawn, Sabrina would hold a grudge and it may turn the other girls against her. Heather says she could use the fact that she is a pawn this time, to get out of it next time. Ika says "Exactly, like Neda can!" Ika used the BB line "If I ever thought you were going home, I would never put you up." (Isn't that what Jill said to Danielle in BBCA1?)

10:55PMBBT: Sarah has joined Ika and Heather in the HoHR. Heather tells Sarah she needs 2 seconds to finish talking to Ika. Heather asks why Rachelle can't go up then says the only way Sabrina goes home is if she is backdoored. Ika says if Sabrina went up on the block she would tell every single secret they ever told in the house.

10:58PMBBT: Sarah is whispering to Ken in the WA. She says "I think it might be a double eviction so we get Paul gone and then put up Ika and Adel and Ika can go home." Ken agrees.

11:00PMBBT: Rachelle and Neda are sitting by the pool. Sounds like they are trashing Alison. Paul sits alone at the table in the KT. Adel is eating fries at the counter. Andrew, Ken, Arlie, Alison, Sabrina are in the KT chatting. Ika and Heather are still hashing out nomination details in the HoHR. Ika says when she talks to the guys, Heather can be in the room to have their word she is staying.

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11:05PMBBT: Sabrina and Sarah are out by the pool. Sarah is telling Sabrina about Heather and Ika, Sarah gets stern with Sabrina over the boys thing. Rachelle comes out and Sarah says she is going back up there to say she is going to bed and needs to talk to Ika. Sarah is now whispering that Jon does not like Heather one bit and it sounds like Sarah is planning on blindsiding Heather but, upstairs she told Kenny it was Paul (someone should tell her she isn't HoH) Ika is now making her way to the pool area.

11:10PMBBT: Andrew calls Sabrina to get food. He kisses her as he hands her a plate. Rachelle asks if she gets her own bed tonight, Andrew says Sabrina is playing hard to get.

11:14PMBBT: Heather is out by the pool with the girls. She agrees to the plan and tells them that she will need lots of hugs and reassurances this week to get through it. They "swear on everything" that she is safe.

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11:25PMBBT: Andrew, Kenny and Alison are in the hammock. Arlie comes over for a second "I am just making the rounds" they laugh. The girls are still sitting by the pool. Arlie walks in and sits down. You can hear him over everyone else. Kenny and Andrew are openly talking game in front of Alison, that is some quick bonding.

11:30PMBBT: Sarah tells Arlie that she had to do "A lot, a lot, a lot of talking to get her out of making a big move." Sarah whispers that she doesn't care what happens. The final 5 are the final 5. Sabrina joins them and there is very hushed whispering going on. (And some audio issues)

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11:37PMBBT: Hammock talk is small talk. Alison's birthday, Andrew really really likes beer. At the poolside soiree, Sarah wonders if they are sleeping in the HOHR or not. Neda took 2 gravol and is just waiting for it to kick in. We get a brief HOH and then Neda is talking about who goes after this week. Jon comes out and they stop talking. Sarah tells Sabrina and Rachelle that the double eviction plan is to get rid of "her". (I am unsure if it is Ika or Alison as they have talked about both) Ika is now there and telling them that Heather wants the guys to reassure her. They are now talking about Alison. They say she is "pretty much a guy". Sarah says they need to convince the boys Alison is the saboteur.

11:42PMBBT: Kenny and Arlie are in the HoHR with Heather laying on the assurances thick! Ken says he will not vote for her. Arlie agrees. Heather is crying. Heather says it is not like the Neda thing. They tell her everyone wants "him" gone (Paul). She is hugging Kenny then Arlie. She says "This f**king sucks!" Ken and Arlie say that 100% it is the same thing as Neda. No one else will vote for her. A million percent.

11:48PMBBT: Arlie and Kenny tells Heather that they do not want Paul in jury and they want to keep the "dicks" out of jury. Ken leaves, Arlie stays. We can hear Ken talking to Andrew saying reassure her 100 percent. Andrew makes his way upstairs. Andrew sits down and says "What's going on babes?" She sobs and folds up onto his shoulder. He tells her it will be 12 nothing. She says "10" and he agrees. Andrew says he will win POV and take her off. But either way, Paul goes.

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11:53PMBBT: Sabrina heads in to bed. She only hugged Alison as she went inside. "I will see you tomorrow" is what she said to Alison (it was weird). Andrew and Heather have left the HoHR and were headed to the pool. (Audio is sketchy) Everyone except Arlie (in the shower), Paul, Adel (in the HT) and Sabrina (who went to bed) are by the pool.

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