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Jury predictions


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Better donate the cash to Britney baby's.. she got cancer :cry:

You want to give money to someone just because they're (very slightly) famous? Wow. Okay, it's your money to blow. Go for it.

IMO, it's far better to give it to a charity that will help many people who are in more need of the money.

But this isn't about charity. It's about fan-worship.

i agree with you that gm wins over ratboy and i think she wins if it's her and fatboy in the end..i think if Elissa knew how Andy and fatboy have been bashing her and her family neither one would get her vote..gameplay or no their bashing is just mean pure and simple and shows what creeps they both are

If Andy goes to the F2, he wins it easily. The only way GM wins it is if she goes to the F2 with Spencer.

They may not like the way Andy is a rat, but they'll vote for him based on gameplay. GM and Spencer have no gameplay.

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Pretty sure it's about a very sick little baby in case you forgot.

And while general large charity groups are nice, only a percentage of your money actually gets to the patients. That is why I prefer to give directly to individuals ( whether it be friends, family, friends of friends, or even to someone that we admired for a couple seasons on BB). But to each their own, just wish people would remember an innocent child is sick and show a little class, but some just don't have any so that is probably too much to ask.

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Pretty sure it's about a very sick little baby in case you forgot.

And while general large charity groups are nice, only a percentage of your money actually gets to the patients. That is why I prefer to give directly to individuals ( whether it be friends, family, friends of friends, or even to someone that we admired for a couple seasons on BB). But to each their own, just wish people would remember an innocent child is sick and show a little class, but some just don't have any so that is probably too much to ask.

So you think donating to a well respected charity is a person "showing little class". OK

Is my spending years working with hospice and Aides patient showing little class? Is my 30 years volunteering and raising money for charity showing little class ?

So what you are saying is you only have class if you think donating to Britney's sick child is better then donating to St. Jude Hospital?

You are free to donate to whoever you want. I just suggested that Britney probably has good insurance and plenty of resources and she would probably prefer people donate to St. Jude. Thy have already raised over $10,000 for Britney so far. I guess having that opinion makes me "classless"

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So you think donating to a well respected charity is a person "showing little class". OK

Is my spending years working with hospice and Aides patient showing little class? Is my 30 years volunteering and raising money for charity showing little class ?

So what you are saying is you only have class if you think donating to Britney's sick child is better then donating to St. Jude Hospital?

You are free to donate to whoever you want. I just suggested that Britney probably has good insurance and plenty of resources and she would probably prefer people donate to St. Jude. Thy have already raised over $10,000 for Britney so far. I guess having that opinion makes me "classless"

In defense of Angie, I think she was referring to the statement "You want to give money to someone just because they're (very slightly) famous? Wow. Okay, it's your money to blow. Go for it." as lacking class, not the one you quoted. Only she can confirm that though. I think it was more lacking sensitivity than class.

I agree with you that Britney appears to have more resources at her disposal than many mothers facing this kind of situation and the money might be better served going to St. Jude.

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In defense of Angie, I think she was referring to the statement "You want to give money to someone just because they're (very slightly) famous? Wow. Okay, it's your money to blow. Go for it." as lacking class, not the one you quoted. Only she can confirm that though. I think it was more lacking sensitivity than class.

I agree with you that Britney appears to have more resources at her disposal than many mothers facing this kind of situation and the money might be better served going to St. Jude.

I don't think anyone should be criticized for whatever cause they choose to help. This very sad news about Baby Tilly raises awareness about children's cancer and many people will be motivated to help others, which is always a good thing. It's the same as it was with Christopher Reeve, Annette Funicello, Michael J. Fox, and a lot of other famous people. It's unlikely any of them needed financial assistance with their own afflictions, but going public raised awareness so people donated money, time, or advocated for increased research.

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It's unlikely any of them needed financial assistance with their own afflictions, but going public raised awareness so people donated money, time, or advocated for increased research.

Yes, and that's why (IMO) it's a good thing to donate to a charity that helps many people that actually NEED it, not just one person because they're famous. St. Jude hospital sounds like a great idea. But regardless, it's their money and they can choose to give it to whomever they want. I just don't think it's a desire driven by charity. It seems something that is driven more by celebrity-worship.

In the end, even if Britanny pockets $10,000 because of this, and the real charity gets $100,000 from the awareness, I suppose that's a good thing.

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Yes, and that's why (IMO) it's a good thing to donate to a charity that helps many people that actually NEED it, not just one person because they're famous. St. Jude hospital sounds like a great idea. But regardless, it's their money and they can choose to give it to whomever they want. I just don't think it's a desire driven by charity. It seems something that is driven more by celebrity-worship.

In the end, even if Britanny pockets $10,000 because of this, and the real charity gets $100,000 from the awareness, I suppose that's a good thing.

I never really understood that "celebrity worship" thing. Being a celebrity doesn't make someone any better than the rest of us. I enjoy watching movies, television shows, sporting events, etc., but I can't say there's any celebrity I really want to interact with on a personal level. (I WOULD like to have a one-on-one with some politicians cuz some of them got some 'splainin' to do.)

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I never really understood that "celebrity worship" thing. Being a celebrity doesn't make someone any better than the rest of us. I enjoy watching movies, television shows, sporting events, etc., but I can't say there's any celebrity I really want to interact with on a personal level. (I WOULD like to have a one-on-one with some politicians cuz some of them got some 'splainin' to do.)


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As far as I'm aware none of us know the details of Britney's financial situation. If someone wants to donate to Britney and her baby, I think that's a wonderful thing. Britney is not an A list multi millionaire celebrity. Her baby is very very sick. If people want to donate to help alleviate some of the horrible stress that Britney and her family are under, then that is a wonderful thing. It's not about celebrity worship, it's about hearing that another human being needs help and choosing to help. Lots of everyday people who experience this sort of life changing event turn to their friends, family, community for support. Many will accept donations, their friends and family will hold fundraisers. This isn't any different.

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In defense of Angie, I think she was referring to the statement "You want to give money to someone just because they're (very slightly) famous? Wow. Okay, it's your money to blow. Go for it." as lacking class, not the one you quoted. Only she can confirm that though. I think it was more lacking sensitivity than class.

I agree with you that Britney appears to have more resources at her disposal than many mothers facing this kind of situation and the money might be better served going to St. Jude.

Thank you and you are correct. The classless remarks about giving to asick baby are sad. I also give to big charities, but the point I was saying was that there is a benefit of giving to the individual as well because ALL the money gets to them and not a percentage spread around.

OMGosh once again people take things out of context and think I am referring to something or someone I am not!! Glad this is the last day. I enjoyed the live feeds and sometimes rational discussions, but just like anything, it only takes a few to ruin the whole thing.

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Thank you and you are correct. The classless remarks about giving to asick baby are sad.

Can you quote what remarks you think that were said that were classless about Britney's sick baby? You keep calling posters classless.

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and this is why I kind of gave up on Morty's forums about a month ago. This back and forth bullshit between poster's is enough to make me vomit. The thread topic is JURY PREDICTIONS. It is not about different charity beliefs. Get a grip! I am done for the season!

So true.

If it's Andy and Gm I give the win to Andy.

If it's Andy and Spencer I say Andy wins.

If it's Gm and either Andy or Spencer I say GM

If Spencer is in F2 the other wins.

Just my 3.9 cents worth

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So true.

If it's Andy and Gm I give the win to Andy.

If it's Andy and Spencer I say Andy wins.

If it's Gm and either Andy or Spencer I say GM

If Spencer is in F2 the other wins.

Just my 3.9 cents worth

OK Steve, is it just me or does your first and third statement contradict each other?

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I truly hate to say it, but if I were on the jury Andy probably would get my vote as the person who played the best game.

It just hard to know how the jury will vote, some seasons the Jury votes for the HG played the best game without getting their hands too dirty (ie GM and spencer), other seasons they vote for the HG who was ruthless and back stabbed everyone on the jury \(Andy).

Overall, I think Andy played the best over game because he had a hand in voting out nearly everyone on the jury. He never was a floater who let others do all the hard work..... Other than that, I can't stand listening\watching the guy; just can't ignore he played an almost perfect game making sure his biggest threats were out of the game. If he made a mistake, it was keeping GM around, rather than McCrae or Amanda, but even then, they might have gotten rid of him if he kept one of those two. Andy always knew GM was a honest upfront player, and would have had a hard time lying to him.

IF he wins the final HoH, picks Spencer, he wins BB15. If up against GM, it could go either way.

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I think steve was giving an advantage to the final HoH, meaning it sways 1-2 votes in favor of the HoH.

I think winning the final HoH would help GM significantly with anyone on the jury who is undecided.

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Can you quote what remarks you think that were said that were classless about Britney's sick baby? You keep calling posters classless.

It wasn't about YOU and it was in another thread that I read the classless remarks. I see one has already been deleted and the other is still there. Sorry for the confusion and have a nice off season everyone.

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