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Sunday, September 15 Live Feed Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !

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Wash Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BYD)
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Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
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12:05 AM BBT Andy says SPencer would probably beat them in final two because he was only on the block. He feels bad taking out someone he is so close with but he feels his best chance is with GM. Adding Spencer to the jury will only add one more person who is upset with him to jury.

12:05 AM BBT Andy says SPencer would probably beat them in final two because he was only on the block. He feels bad taking out someone he is so close with but he feels his best chance is with GM. Adding Spencer to the jury will only add one more person who is upset with him to jury.

12:30 AM BBT GM took a shower, Spencer is in DR, and Andy is laying on the couch staring at nothing. GM finishes her shower and gets her bed ready for when she sleeps. Andy tells her there was a GM crab as she walks back through the LR. Small talk commences.

12:45 AM BBT Andy and GM are recapping comp wins and complaining because they want outside. GM hasn't worked out sincer her last HOH.

12:55 am BBT GM and Andy are talking about how they would have done comps differently if they could go back and re-do them.

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1:05 AM BBT GM is now quoting movies like scarface and the goonies. They got beer and Andy gives Spencer all the beers.

1:15 AM BBT Spencer and Andy are talking about how long they have watched BB and some of there fav bb moments. Spencer describes the time Boogie quit in the final Hoh comp saying that both the girls had to take him during all-stars GM is out of DR complaining about the smell of the flowers.

1:35 AM BBT small talk continues about being able to sleep well tonight without having to worry about a comp tomorrow.

1:45 AM BBT GM makes all the other beds and cleans up a bit. The cameraman must be bored as he zooms in on some sort of rotten fruit sitting on Spencer's nightstand.

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9:00 am BBT Spencer has moved around some, some one is snoring lightly but they are all still asleep. There is a LOT of thumping and and bumping going on. BB is not being quiet.

9:25 am BBT HG stil sleep, BB building, you can hear sawing and hammering in the back ground.

9:56 am BBT Nothing has changed. Spencer still laying with his neck at an odd angle. Andy still laying under his completely wrinkless blankets and GM is somewhere in that mess of blankets.

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10:07am BBT - We got movement! Spencer makes his way to the WC; while the other two are sound asleep.

10:09am BBT - Spencer comes out of the WC and washes his hands real quick, goes to change his batteries in his mic, and climbs back into bed.

10:30am BBT - Just got FOTH.

10:40am BBT - Still got FOTH [Wake up call?!]

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11:07 PM BBT Our three HGs are up and sitting in the living room talking. No sooner had I typed that but they go their separate ways and head back to bed. BB: "Buenos Dias House Guests. Don't forget to change your batteries." Spencer gives us a thumbs up directly to the camera. BB reminds Andy to put on his microphone. Spencer jokes "Who you talking to Andy?" Andy jokes with BB "I will not put on my microphone BB." All three are back in bed again.

12:00 PM BBT The HGs are still in bed but there is lots of tossing and turning. Someone has gas. Spencer appears to have a stuffed up nose. That's all I got.

12:24 PM BBT All the HGs are napping. Spencer has his sunglasses on. Gina Marie is shielding her eyes with a purple pillow. Andy has his eyes covered with a blue bandana and he has one foot sticking out from under the covers. This little piggy went to the market, this little piggy stayed home.....

12:42 PM BBT Andy is awake. He sits up, puts on his glasses, and then stares into space. He stays like this so long I check to see if my feeds have frozen.

12:47 PM BBT Andy visits the WC and then goes back to bed after taking a moment to straighten out his covers.

1:40 PM BBT They are all still in bed.

2:14 PM BBT Andy and Gina Marie are awake. Gina Marie visits the water closet. Spencer is awake but not moving from the bed.

2:17 PM BBT Andy wants a reprieve from LD so he can do laundry. He says they are all running out of clothes. Andy says he doesn't have clean underwear.

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2:20 PM BBT - GM talking about dancing and singing. Big Brother tells Andy to relocate his transmitter. Spencer is awake but still laying down in his bed.

2:24pm BBT - Andy said Amanda had a good singing voice. GM responded she did and brought up that she tried out for American Idol but it didn't go well.

2:28pm BBT - Spencer gets out of bed and goes to WC, washes hands real quick, and heads back to the room and joins GM and Andy.

2:34pm BBT - Andy putting his contacts in his eyes. He then joins GM and Spencer and they talk about where they are sore the most. Andy begs BB "Please give us something to do".

2:35pm BBT - BB gives them great news...HG lock down is over. GM runs outside screaming in excitement.

2:41pm BBT - Spencer is laying down in his bed still (he said he was waiting for some pizza to be done before he gets up). Andy is outside working on his laundry. GM changed clothes and went back outside to suntan next to the pool.

2:50pm BBT - GM outside sunbathing, Andy checks his pizza he's making and goes to talk to Spencer about what GM and him were talking about. Andy told Spencer that they were discussing what they are planning on wearing for finale night.

3:06pm BBT - Spencer still laying in bed and Andy is sitting on the bed next to him just in general chitchat. GM still outside laying next to pool sunbathing.

3:08pm BBT - BB calls GM to DR. Andy goes back and checks his pizza in the oven to make sure it doesn't mess up. Spencer gives this weird laugh when Andy leaves the room.

3:20pm BBT - Spencer and Andy in the KT talking about their past/current relationships. GM still in DR.

3:23pm BBT - GM comes out of DR and yells that she got four stitches out. She's excited and happy. Mentioned more come out Tuesday. Andy goes to BY to check laundry. Spencer goes outside with him then I got FOTH.

3:31pm BBT - Spencer and Andy head outside to eat their pizza. When walking out GM asked what BB said and Spencer tells her "The only consistent is change."

3:37pm BBT - The boys are talking about Spencer and him shaving his beard off because it's "insanity" (Spencer's words) . GM no longer by the pool and now in the middle of the yard sunbathing. Looks like she's half in the sun and half in the shade.

3:41pm BBT - GM moved to the hammic to get into the sun as she realized she was losing daylight. Andy got some more pizza for him and Spencer.

3:50pm BBT - GM heads to sit with the boys. Talk is about the stitches. Spencer is telling a story about how someone had to get 7-8 stitches at the bottom of their foot.

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4:01pm BBT: All three Hg in By talking about the walls in the BY and about comps and how they had to read her name yesterday and she is laughing and we get foth.

4:04pm BBt: BB comes on and says "hey hg it is hot outide dont forget your sunscreen" Andy says the sun is gone there is a shadow over the yard now and BB says "really?" then Spencer and Andy ask Bb to play a game and he isnt doing it.

4:21pm BBt: Gm and Andy and Spencer talking about the evicted Hg and their pictures as they sit in the backyard.

4:30pm BBT: HG sitting in BY still just general chat

4:40pm BBT: All hg now in the house and Spencer tells Gm that the washer is empty and she says thank you. as she puts makeup on in the WA.

4:52pm BBT: Gm has finished her makeup and is now going to curl her hair. Andy and Spencer sitting in the Living rm just general talk.

4:57pm BBt: Spencer telling Andy that if you go down his street there are dead ends at both ends. Andy says it is that way at his parents house but not in the city where he lives. Gm is still doing her hair in Wa.

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5:06pm BBT: Spencer goes to the STR and finds props and Bb says buenos dias Hg its Photobooth time and Gm gets excited and yells and BB says your welcome than Gm says thank you.

5:16pm BBT: HG taking pictures in the photobooth with their keys as a final three picture.

5:30pm BBT: HG still taking pictures in the photobooth

5:43pm BBT: photobooth is now over and Spencer is heading out to lay in the hammock Andy is making him a drink. Gm putting the props back away

:5:52pm BBT: Gm and Andy walking around house.Gm stops in WA putting her stuff away.Andy went to the bathroom and Bb says Andy stop that then says Andy stop that now. he comes out and Gm is laughing asking what he did and he said he was writing his name on the wall now that he is final three.

5:56pm BBT: Spencer laying in the hammock, Gm running in the BY and Andy goes to the bathroom again then washes his hands then goes back outside

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7:06PMBBT: This is where the convo has gone... they are wondering why Judd and McCrae puked so much. Why did Jessie only clean when angry? GM calls HG slobs for no cleaning. She says she is the one who cleaned the toilet. Spencer and Andy only wipe off the toilet if they have dribbled on it. That was it. (ewww)

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7:25PMBBT: Small talk continues. BB told them if they behaved they would get a new game, they didn't. Spencer is proud to be representing his town on the show. GM lives 15 minutes from Jersey City. Then they go back into game play and how Andy would tell people others were lying when they weren't. GM is now ranting about what a "rat" Candice was. She has said the word Rat a dozen times in 90 seconds.

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7:30PMBBT: the talk is about Amanda now and how she fake cries, they realized this the night of the wine drinking incident with Jeremy when Amanda ust burst into tears in the BY over it. GM says Amanda can dish it but she sure can't take it. Spencer is heading in to marinate steaks, stops to do laundry first. Andy is debating having a shower. (Anyone notice he has chest hair but no armpit hair?) GM is still on the lounger.

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7:40PMBBT: Spencer and Andy are doing laundry. They think it is a waste for the 3 of them to be in the house for 3 more days and nothing going on. Spencer says tomorrow is the day Elisabeth Shue is going to visit them. (He says this everyday) Andy wishes they had something to do to make the next 3 days worth while. They are talking early bedtime tonight as no one napped today.

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7:50PMBBT: Really not a lot happening. Spencer says the good steaks are gone from the freezer and they replaced them with not so good steaks. GM plans on making cookies. Spencer says they have slice and bake but she says this gives her something to do. Andy is in the shower. Spencer and GM are now talking about where they get their furniture. Spencer says "F--- Ikea!" GM says she gets her stuff usually at WalMart.

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8:35PMBBT: Small talk. Andy asks what the strangest HG combo of 3 would be. Spencer says "Elissa, David and Howard." Andy says "Good one! I was thinking Elissa, David and Jessie." GM is now talking about the veto speeches and how lame they all were til hers. She was hardcore during hers. They are just sitting in the KT talking.

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8:45PMBBT The 3 HG are in the LR on the couches, talking about the finals. Talking about candy and games. GM yells at them about checkers. Spencer finds it funny how BB does not interject on any argument no matter how small it is. Andy wonders what the biggest fight was in the house ever. They are all in good spirits. Laughing and giggling.

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