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Andy - DE/Week 11


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It is official. Big Brother is dead:

7:12PM BBT: McCrae just sniffed the dog bones. Judd and Andy have made their way through the house to gloat about their victory. McCrae is not saying much. GinaMarie was just called to DR. She was doing dishes. McCrae just whispered to GinaMarie, "Let's just bury the hatchet." She replies "Nothing against you. Now everyone is playing for themselves." Andy wants to play cards. Judd and McCrae say they can't sit down. Spencer yells "Everyone know what time it is?" They all say "What?" Spencer says "Time to pack that bitch's shit up!" They found pills in Elissa's bag. Spencer says, "They are 'Bitch Pills, she wasn't taking 'em."

7:29PM BBT: GinaMarie is still in the DR. The boys are going on about Elissa again. Spencer has called her a bitch a few dozen times. He keeps yelling "F-you B! F-you!" Andy yells she is an idiot. Now they are imitating her. Once again the Big Brother house is full of hostile winners, viciously spewing vulgarities about Elissa, and say how right now all of "sane America" is thanking them for getting an insane bitch out of the house.

7:32PM BBT: The Elissa bashing continues. [it is becoming nauseating.] They speculate what they would have done if Elissa had a special power. Andy said he would have punched her in the throat. Spencer says he was not sexually attracted to Elissa what so ever and mentions how she never got him hard. They all agree. They are now on to Helen and wonder how Helen could have a conversation with Elissa.

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On the feeds right now he's gloating about how he back stabled so many people..... It really hard to identy why he is so unlikable, he is just one of those people we meet in life that is just so damn annoying. Its like watching an old rerun of Lost In Space, and in every episode I want one of the Robinsons to get fed up with Dr Smith and throw him into the f'ing air lock, press the big red button marked EJECT, jetsoning him into space, but the Robinsons are all morons and simply do nothing to save themselves week after week for three years. Same is true with Andy and HGs each week. instead of evicting Andy, they all more-or-less, shoot themselves in the foot and get themselves evicted.one by one.

I hope this guy can't make it to the final 2, and if he wins BB15, good chance he'll go down in BB history as the least favorite BB winner of all time. Seriously, does anyone really like watching him?

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On the feeds right now he's gloating about how he back stabled so many people..... It really hard to identy why he is so unlikable, he is just one of those people we meet in life that is just so damn annoying. Its like watching an old rerun of Lost In Space, and in every episode I want one of the Robinsons to get fed up with Dr Smith and throw him into the f'ing air lock, press the big red button marked EJECT, jetsoning him into space, but the Robinsons are all morons and simply do nothing to save themselves week after week for three years. Same is true with Andy and HGs each week. instead of evicting Andy, they all more-or-less, shoot themselves in the foot and get themselves evicted.one by one.

I hope this guy can't make it to the final 2, and if he wins BB15, good chance he'll go down in BB history as the least favorite BB winner of all time. Seriously, does anyone really like watching him?

very good analogy! Andy will not win if he gets to final 2 ..ratboy has been outed in the jury now the only one i could tolerate winning is fatboy ..and i can't stand his deviant ass..but if GM or Andy or mcnasty or judd win ..i'm out of this show for good


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It is official. Big Brother is dead:

7:12PM BBT: McCrae just sniffed the dog bones. Judd and Andy have made their way through the house to gloat about their victory. McCrae is not saying much. GinaMarie was just called to DR. She was doing dishes. McCrae just whispered to GinaMarie, "Let's just bury the hatchet." She replies "Nothing against you. Now everyone is playing for themselves." Andy wants to play cards. Judd and McCrae say they can't sit down. Spencer yells "Everyone know what time it is?" They all say "What?" Spencer says "Time to pack that bitch's shit up!" They found pills in Elissa's bag. Spencer says, "They are 'Bitch Pills, she wasn't taking 'em."

7:29PM BBT: GinaMarie is still in the DR. The boys are going on about Elissa again. Spencer has called her a bitch a few dozen times. He keeps yelling "F-you B! F-you!" Andy yells she is an idiot. Now they are imitating her. Once again the Big Brother house is full of hostile winners, viciously spewing vulgarities about Elissa, and say how right now all of "sane America" is thanking them for getting an insane bitch out of the house.

7:32PM BBT: The Elissa bashing continues. [it is becoming nauseating.] They speculate what they would have done if Elissa had a special power. Andy said he would have punched her in the throat. Spencer says he was not sexually attracted to Elissa what so ever and mentions how she never got him hard. They all agree. They are now on to Helen and wonder how Helen could have a conversation with Elissa.

they are all a bunch of low=lifes without a brain between them ..Andy is the biggest Ratboy ever! :censored::censored::death::death:

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Amanda thought Elissa voted her out & trusted Andy to the end.

Elissa thought McCrae voted Amanda out because Andy "looked so shocked".

McCrae believes Andy because he is certain everyone loves him.

I'm wondering if their combined IQs total more than 100.

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Amanda thought Elissa voted her out & trusted Andy to the end.

Elissa thought McCrae voted Amanda out because Andy "looked so shocked".

McCrae believes Andy because he is certain everyone loves him.

I'm wondering if their combined IQs total more than 100.

No, Amanda know Andy vote her out

Guess Andy didn't win HOH since he is the only one in the house at this point!

Thats a good news :cheers:

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No, Amanda know Andy vote her out

Amanda did not KNOW Andy voted her out on her own.......SHE BELIEVED HE VOTED TO KEEP HER.......UNTIL Julie showed her the tape he made telling her..........and because of that ANDY will lose 2 jury votes.

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it would bother me if Ratboy would win ..he's a weasel low-life creep :furious3:

He is counting on her to forgive and admire the gameplay. She might. I don't know why but the houseguests all love Andy. We don't like him but they do.

once they see the evil things he's said about them ..i doubt if anyone will like him :disgust::disgust:

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