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Amanda - Week 6 - 3rd Nominee


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Can't stand her! I think that McCrea may start to back off after all her craziness. And then she has the gall to talk about Elissa! Really. :nono:

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Guest 6Borders

Amanda is beyond awful, not only with the racial and mean comments but the bullying to boot. The things she says are equally as bad if not worse than Aaryn's and GM's and she gets away with it because apparently she thinks she's Grodner's golden girl this year or something.

I question why Grodner/CBS/BB have not come out with a statement against the articles that allege Amanda was pre-selected to win BB15. They showed Aaryn in a bad light on the show but they need to give equal time to the others who are just as bad.

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Fighting with amanda is a total waste of time. She acts like a psycho b**** - who in their right mind would parade around on tv with bandaids on their nipples to show off obviously fake too-large breasts?

The best way to handle amanda is to win HOH and put up her on the block along with McCrae and Helen. It is the only way, at this point, to win with amanda and shut her nasty mouth up.

As for the people wanting amanda to stay because they find her entertaining; maybe she can come and visit you for a month or two after the show ends.

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I got this from another site! This is what Amanda told Mccray early this morning!

Fri 5:20 AM BBT Amanda - when you do things to me I don't say anything to you. The Howard thing was f- up, the Spencer thing was f- up the MVP thing was stupid. Amanda - Howard's comment to me. Yeah, it's all game. I don't feel good about it, I am not a mean person and don't like feeling threatened by her f-ing comments from a personal standpoints!

What a bit***!!! I told you it wasn't true! I don't Know how to highlight of bold. Could somebody pleases do that sentence for me!

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Calling Jessie a slut when she(Amanda) is standing in the backyard in her undies while cheating on her boyfriend with McCrea on national TV/internet is rich....

And what's up with Helen's little rant? Not an exact quote but close:: "I've never been anything but nice to her... I've never lied to her..." Oh really??????


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Guest 6Borders

Fighting with amanda is a total waste of time. She acts like a psycho b**** - who in their right mind would parade around on tv with bandaids on their nipples to show off obviously fake too-large breasts?

The best way to handle amanda is to win HOH and put up her on the block along with McCrae and Helen. It is the only way, at this point, to win with amanda and shut her nasty mouth up.

As for the people wanting amanda to stay because they find her entertaining; maybe she can come and visit you for a month or two after the show ends.

That's why (only reason) I hope Spencer makes Jury (Candace too). He is the only person to stand up to her. Personally I would rather see Amanda & McWhippedByAmanda have to sit in jury (because it's obvious they are both going that far at very least) and vote between Spencer and Roscoe the Duck. I would rather see Helen up on the block and back home watching tapes before Jury just so she knows how stupid she was to not get Amanda out when she had the chance!

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Guest 6Borders

Amanda admitted to McRae that she lied about the Howie comment! It's was all game And she's not a mean person! WTF and who does that!!!!

Amanda admitted to McRae that she lied about the Howie comment! It's was all game And she's not a mean person! WTF and who does that!!!!

When did she do that???? (not saying she didn't and would not be surprised but when???)

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Amanda admitted to McRae that she lied about the Howie comment! It's was all game And she's not a mean person! WTF and who does that!!!!

Amanda does that, that's who. She is totally down with that type of crap. It's weaved into her fabric. That's just who she is.

She would do it ten times over if given the chance.

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Andy commented after this was over (in the HOH) that although Amanda made valid points she was being a bully. I think that if she goes up on the block this week her alliance just MIGHT really consider sending her home. At least I hope so. That was pretty nasty behavior even for BB, She really made Jeremy look like a saint.

BTW Marty thanks for posting that clip :)

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I got this from another site! This is what Amanda told Mccray early this morning!

Fri 5:20 AM BBT Amanda - when you do things to me I don't say anything to you. The Howard thing was f- up, the Spencer thing was f- up the MVP thing was stupid. Amanda - Howard's comment to me. Yeah, it's all game. I don't feel good about it, I am not a mean person and don't like feeling threatened by her f-ing comments from a personal standpoints!

What a bit***!!! I told you it wasn't true! I don't Know how to highlight of bold. Could somebody pleases do that sentence for me!

to anyone: what do you suppose she means by feeling threatened by her? who is her?
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After watching the You Tube video Marty posted about Amanda reacting to something Howard whispered to her

in the kitchen....

Her body language and the way she was supposedly repeating what he said - were a far cry from her feeling

like she was threatened.

ohhh.... and how come no one's heard or read about any repercussions she might face in the outside world

about all the racist comments she's made ? (like Aaryn and GM)

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Can someone clue me into the reason why everyone dislikes Amanda so much now? I haven't been doing anything more than watching the broadcast shows for the past few weeks (because anything more would be too painful as far as I am concerned) and she gets a great edit. The last time I was on here and up to date on the feeds people liked her!

Besides the bullying,lying(well that's part of the game;don't admonish others doing it)and the racial remarks,there isn't much to like.

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I've been watching the tv episodes mostly and haven't had a lot of time to even come to morty's to see what's really happening..Even through the shows I was thinking Amanda was getting a little big for her britches. Like she had control over everything. I was disappointed cause I liked her in the beginning. Now I think it's time for her to go.. and her little crew right behind her. I'm really not even sure at this point who I like in the house anymore.

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This is one of the most despicable players in BB history. There is barely a minute where the "F" or "C" word isn't coming out of her mouth. She makes herself look as evil as Aaryn. I'm not really sure, but I don't think there is a person, beside McCrae that hasn't been a subject of her assaults. As for her "Adderall for weight-loss", give us all a break. It's for ADHD & she obviously suffers from gutter mouth as well. If the house doesn't wake up and realize she is nothing but a bully, there are none that will deserve to be in the F4 never mind F2. I wonder if any of them actually go home and watch themselves and realize how rude & disgusting their behaviour is. It doesn't matter if it's a game or not, have some decorum, self-respect and respect for others. BB has made itself a joke this year. Let's hope they've learned their lessons because a lot of his is not even close to entertaining.

After watching the You Tube video Marty posted about Amanda reacting to something Howard whispered to her

in the kitchen....

Her body language and the way she was supposedly repeating what he said - were a far cry from her feeling

like she was threatened.

ohhh.... and how come no one's heard or read about any repercussions she might face in the outside world

about all the racist comments she's made ? (like Aaryn and GM)

It's possible that there may be no repercussions for her until she leaves the house. If she is a realtor, she may be independent and the only repercussions she may find will happen when she loses business because people recognize her for the crude piece of work she is.

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Besides the bullying,lying(well that's part of the game;don't admonish others doing it)and the racial remarks,there isn't much to like.

She has the most foul mouth of anyone ever in the BB house & that includes the Maggie/Ivette/Cappy season. No respectable female I know would continually refer to her female house mates as "c*nts", "sl*ts" and so on. The "F" word flies out of her mouth faster and more often than most people get a chance to speak. Add in the bullying, lying and manipulating, you would understand why she is so unlikable. The only people she wants out of the house are those too wise to fall under her manipulations. Hopefully, she is America's MVP choice again, and hopefully the other house guests will wisen up and we will watch her walk out the door. It would be best for everyone, especially McCrae, who I'm certain could do so much better.

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I'm completely out of the loop with what was being said about adderall for weight loss, but I know people who use it for that.

Yeah it's odd to me that Amanda, unlike Aaryn, actually recognizes racial slurs but still uses them. Common sense would tell you to at least keep those beliefs to yourself on national tv.

I doubt she will suffer much backlash bc the media outlets haven't talked about her like they did Aaryn

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For some reason, I think that amanda works for coldwell banker in boca raton. Her grandmother and mother were/are in real estate as well and her father with a mortgage company - don't quote me on this but I think it has been somewhat verified and is no secret. Boca is relatively small. I suspect that the word is out.


"Robert Zuckerman, the father of Big Brother contestant Amanda Zuckerman, says his daughter was bullied in high school because she's Jewish. He says that's one of the reasons she feels compelled to call out the contestant who are making racist remarks on the show."

We all know that the Boca, Lauderdale, Miami area is bereft of Jews so I'll bet they really bullied her since she was the only jew and all. Really now, Robert.

Sounds like Robert needs to get his head out of his azz as far as his daughter is concerned. She's a daughter of which to be proud, sir.

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Oh I read and I don't believe everything I read but Amanda's mother sold a home to Grodner.

We now have a piece in the Huffington Post about Amanda. Wonder if CBS will still continue with the good edits:


So at least they are being fair even if CBS is trying to cover up Amanda's issues.

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