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Candice - Week 6 - Evicted (Aug. 8) Juror #1


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It seems like they have let up on the Candice bashing the last few days. (well except for Gina Marie)

Aaryn's new bashing target is Jessie. She has been enlisting others all day today to bash her and mock her.

Candice - BB is just bringing you down. You go on with your life and the least amount of time spent in the BB house the better. The legacy of this season will not be good.

I agree this season will not go down as the best. It will forever be known as the season with the mean girls and the dictatorship of Amanda, Mc Pizza and Helen. I don't get to see this show on Thursday because the Denver Broncos are playing their first pre-season game I think it comes on at like 1:00 am. Most years it makes me so mad not this year I don't care to see who goes unless its Aaryn. I will be secretly plotting her demise and crossing my fingers that she leaves......I can dream until I find out on BBAD.

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I agree this season will not go down as the best. It will forever be known as the season with the mean girls and the dictatorship of Amanda, Mc Pizza and Helen. I don't get to see this show on Thursday because the Denver Broncos are playing their first pre-season game I think it comes on at like 1:00 am. Most years it makes me so mad not this year I don't care to see who goes unless its Aaryn. I will be secretly plotting her demise and crossing my fingers that she leaves......I can dream until I find out on BBAD.

1 a.m.???

I'll be watching the Broncos also. I can catch up on BB during the commercials and watch the whole show on Friday.

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Candice was a good player but a person can only take so much before they lose it. I think the treatment and the comments that she had to endure were definately uncalled for There is a difference between calling someone a bitch and calling her Shaniqua big difference. Aaryn, Kaitlan, Gm, and Jeremy were in this group and the only thing they liked to do was call people names say how ugly they all were. In the end Candice will have the last laugh when she gets out and finds out that Aaryn and Gm are now unemployed as a result of their behavior in the house. She doesn't have a chance to stay in the game. As far as Helen goes Helen does not forgive people when they cross her. Candice went to Helen last week because she knows Helen is in charge of the votes and she knew if anyone could have saved Howard it would be Helen. Helen got mad and went and told everyone that Candice threatened her. Same thing with Jesse she has crossed Helen and is now an outcast. I think she spent the time with Howard because the rest of these idiots are not worth the time or the energy it would take to try and talk to them. This game is personal for Aaryn and she is on the I hate Elissa band wagon yet again. It is probably a good thing she is leaving before Jury so she doesn't have to spend anymore of her time with these losers.

Good post. And to think Helen actually considers Candace her ally. To a lesser extent, Jessie has done the same thing. But I believe Jessie is starting to hear the drumbeat for her as well.

I agree. Candice needed to show a tough facade and instead showed her vulnerabilities. Aaryn picked up on those vulnerabilities right away and then others joined in. Helen turned her back on Candice.

She had nowhere to go but Howie.Maybe Elisa,but Helen pretty much has her leashed.

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Her ears will touch her shoulders in 5 years...


That's the fashion now is big earrings! The real housewives of Atlanta and basketball wives put big earrings on the map! A lot of people are wearing them! Different colors too!
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That's the fashion now is big earrings! The real housewives of Atlanta and basketball wives put big earrings on the map! A lot of people are wearing them! Different colors too!

So they can all look stupid with long earlobes. Birds of a feather...

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So they can all look stupid with long earlobes. Birds of a feather...

They don't because a lot of them are really light. I own several pair! The heavy ones you are going to have to worry about. If she has heavy ones then yeah! She is going to have major problems with earlobe stretching!

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Candice has told her that if she goes that is one less jury vote for her and Judd Andy spencer and Mccrae are working together! The only thing Candace got wrong was Mccrae being MVP! And Elissa was adding on to what Candace was saying! Now Helen looks like the info she heard is blowing her mind!

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Does Candice KNOW that she is probably going home this week? Because she seems really laid back. I know there are a few days until Thursday, but she HAS to socialize with the other HG's if she expects to have any chance of staying.....c'mon get outta that bed!

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Does Candice KNOW that she is probably going home this week? Because she seems really laid back. I know there are a few days until Thursday, but she HAS to socialize with the other HG's if she expects to have any chance of staying.....c'mon get outta that bed!

I don't know but I believe she has sold Helen!
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Candice and Jessie just found a centipede by the pool and Candice said she never saw one in real life before. Then she tells Jessie to be careful because "do you know how poisonous they are?"

Has she been living under a rock her whole life? Is it possible to never have seen a centipede before? Just seems weird to me.

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Candice is complaining that she's not happy because she doesn't understand why the HOH decides who goes home. She says the HOH puts up Tweedledee and Tweedledum and its up to the players to decide if they are close friends with them to keep them or if the people are shady then vote them out.

The thing that I don't understand is - the first three evictions - David, Nick, Jeremy - were the MVP nominations, NOT the HOH nominations. So WTF is she even talking about? She at least got to play for the POV......I guess she's just upset that her "friends"aren't doing much to help her.


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Candice is complaining that she's not happy because she doesn't understand why the HOH decides who goes home. She says the HOH puts up Tweedledee and Tweedledum and its up to the players to decide if they are close friends with them to keep them or if the people are shady then vote them out.

The thing that I don't understand is - the first three evictions - David, Nick, Jeremy - were the MVP nominations, NOT the HOH nominations. So WTF is she even talking about? She at least got to play for the POV......I guess she's just upset that her "friends"aren't doing much to help her.


No everyone is saying that its the HOHS decision! That's what the hg has been saying for the last 2

3 wks as excuse why they are voting! They have been telling people that you have to convince the hoh which is stupid! That's why GM has it in her head that she controls who goes out! Because that's what they told her when she was on the Block! It's up to the hoh!

She is trying but she doesn't have the votes! Judd is not going to budge! Howie warn her to not trust Judd because he betrayed him! Those 4 she was talking to the right people except for Andy who went straight upstairs to snitch! Now she needs to pitch that same speech to Amanda and reasons why and she can get her side to flip!

She has Helen convince and I believe Helen realizes she has f up her own game with jury votes! And when she said Andy was with Judd that mess Helen up. With Elissa confirming! Helen last night looked like she was out of it after wards! She finally woke up and she told Elissa and Jess they have to win all 3 HOHS! Yeah right! She thinks she is more close to aryan and GM than Amanda! Stupid child!

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At this late stage I don't know that Candice's getting out of bed is really going to make a difference. Her pitch to Helen

that if she goes that's one less vote in jury for her is a strong sale -- I wish Candice had made that pitch about herself

+ Howard to Helen a while back.

The houseguests have pretty much closed their mind to Candice at this point. So her relaxing and just laying out the

facts to Helen is probably as effective as anything.

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