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McCrae - Week 6


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I know that some of you hate it when I lose my PC blouse but okay; mcrae olsen is one ugly dude. He has a pitifully underdeveloped body for a man his age - wrap it up and call it scrawny - his hair is awful and receding and he talks like a tough guy when in fact, a couple of girl scout daisies could whip his ass.

Who would kiss that? Much less do other things to it. Yikes.

Could be because him and Judd share one gonad. Amanda has his other one.

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Hey Slimcruz, any idea who that is in the picture with him? That guy looks a bit like a younger Val Kilmer in disguise

I do know his name. Friend of McCrae's. I probably should not have posted it without asking. It is not val kilmer. LOL. He does look like him, though.

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Would it be too much to ask that Dirty boy get out of his jammies and take a shower and get clean clothes on?

In the last 24 hours I have heard Amanda say: "Ewww your feet stink" 3 times and "pwooof your armpits stink" 1 time. Then he said he was going to take a shower and she asked "aren't you gonna wait for me?" but she can't take a shower until 10 pm tonight

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:jester: Hawk, we need a photo of McCrae without the hair on top!!!!!! Bozo style.

I took your suggestion and ran with it. Only I couldn't stop at the bald head! I don't know if this is what you had in mind, but this is what I came up with. Here is the transformation into "McBozo" Had a lot of fun with this. :)


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Our Little Intern Has Gotten So Big… Brother.

Posted on July 7, 2013by

McCrae Olson. At one time, he wasn’t known as the Pizza Boy on Big Brother 15. He wasn’t the first H.o.H. of the season. He wasn’t the long haired, goofy, ladies man featured on The Soup. No, he was just an intern at Jingle Studios:

McCrae has helped out with a bunch of skits, shorts and cartoon ideas at Jingle Studios and nothing brings me more joy than to watch The McCrae himself on Big Brother 15 this season. Send McCrae all the love and support you can as he makes an ass of himself every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday on CBS.

Once McCrae is off of Big Brother, you can expect to see him in a few short skits and debuting his very first cartoon on Jingle Studios! The ************* will be slashing and bashing its way onto the internet with a trailer premiering in just a few weeks!

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I think that he was popular on survivor sucks. Interesting to me that evel dick tweeted with mccrae back in May. Nothing pertinent to big brother but tweeted. Evel dick also tweeted with amanda's dad. In one tweet, he mentioned that - something along the lines of - BB15 would be remembered as the racist season.

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Can McCrae grow a pair and vote Amanda out? I mean isn't time to secure jury votes to win, that would be a monumental move on his part, but the punk coursing through his veins won't allow such awesomeness to occur.

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McDirt might be regretting his bedding of the house harpy. She has definitely lost the love of the powers that be (as McDirt likes to call them).

Ya but he is still getting cozy with her. cwaaaazy

The edit on the show will help his game.

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Interesting aspect to mccrae - or I thought so - in a tweet with ann coulter during the boston bombings - she says something about suspect #2 being on the loose, etc.....bet bostonians wish they had guns right now. McCrae replies that he bets they wish for peace and quiet now. I liked that.

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8:10PM BBT: McCrae is in the storage room with Helen, they are whispering about a new plot to vote out Amanda and GinaMarie will break the tie and Amanda will be gone. We keep getting brief FotH for a second here or there. Helen leaves the storage room and tells GinaMarie she wishes they could dance more.

Is this legit?!

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8:10PM BBT: McCrae is in the storage room with Helen, they are whispering about a new plot to vote out Amanda and GinaMarie will break the tie and Amanda will be gone. We keep getting brief FotH for a second here or there. Helen leaves the storage room and tells GinaMarie she wishes they could dance more.

Is this legit?!

Since it's from the main update page I am thinking it is legit.

Anybody just hear Amanda tell McCrae to go take a shower cause he stinks?

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