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BB 15 General Discussion - Part 2


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Guest 6Borders

Do you know for a fact that they are monitoring their medications?

Druggies are good at palming meds and they do it under the most observed conditions and get away with it.

BB might be smart to call an outdoor lockdown and bring in a drug dog for a sweep!

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Druggies are good at palming meds and they do it under the most observed conditions and get away with it.

BB might be smart to call an outdoor lockdown and bring in a drug dog for a sweep!

I would think that every med that went into the house had to be in a prescription bottle and checked out. They don't want anyone bringing illegal drugs into the house. They are passed out daily. You never know, could be crazies that want to slip something to someone else, take the pills with the booze etc.

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Guest 6Borders

Janelle had a baby boy today name Lincoln


Never EVER was a Janelle fan on BB (because I detest Grodner selected favs who win everything Grodner can produce at the expense of legit HG's who came to play the game) and then Grodner kicks to the curb the Janelle's who can't produce a fan base..aka $$$, aka, last year, but her baby is adorable, Janelle is a beautiful mom and I am happy for her!!

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I was thinking today that if Jeremy, David, Nick, Aaryn, Kaitlin & GM would have had any maturity at all, they could have bonded together and ran this game against McManda et,al,.

Instead they came in all trying to one up each other (certainly the mo of every "cool kid")and they ended up crashing and burning.

Think what a great game it would have been if they actually could have kept their mouths closed and had more focus on the BB game than they did recreating a soap opera. It could have been a divided house and a real game.

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What people seem to forget is, you can claim that Elissa hardly wins anything so she doesn't have a shot at winning, but you keep forgetting that, yes I know a Head of Household holds more power than a POV, but Elissa has won a POV. All of Helen, GinaMarie, Jessie, Spencer and Judd prior to his eviction had only won one HOH/POV in these 8 or so weeks, and Amanda hasn't even won anything. The only HGs to win HOH/POV more than once are Andy and McCrae, who have only won 2 things and Aaryn who has been arguably the most successful with 4 wins. So before you start claiming Elissa is below the others, remember there are five other HGs who are equal to, or below Elissa in power.

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Appearing not to have a strategy sometimes IS a strategy.

E. is never going to win, her personal best can only be F2.........seems like at this point there's enough HGs who would like to be sitting next to her at the end. She's developed herself into a commodity, intentional or not, who knows?

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Just a thought, but do they not realize that if Jessie, Spenser, Elissa, and either Andy or Aaryn or even GM come together they have the numbers against the powers that be? Can they really be that stupid to just be handing the others final 3. They are gonna get picked off one by one - unless the McManda's can get Helen out and then they get final 2! Someone needs to step up and explain this to them!!! I am getting tired of "what the house wants", "not getting blood on my hands" mentality! :help:

I know right? Stupid group this year.

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