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BB 15 General Discussion - Part 2


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Maybe it is just me, but I dont watch the show to fall in love with the cast. I am more in to watching the game play and interactions of the players. I do general chose a favorite, but I dont see any need to boycott the show.

The players this year have their faults but I still find all of them interesting in their own way, even Aryan and Amanda. As digusting as I may find thier comments and actions, its still worthnwatching because the house is like a small labatory and gives insight into how different people view and interact with others.

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..... the house is like a small labatory and gives insight into how different people view and interact with others.

I watch because it's entertaining, and also as a tool in refining my craydar.

In real life I prefer to keep my distance from the loons, but it helps to be able to recognize them before they pull me into their crazy lives.

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I am watching less and less of the live feeds because of the the hate being spewed by various HG. I know lying and backstabbing is a part of the game but some of the lies about their fellow houseguests have little or no relation to the game.

I am urging people to vote Candice as Fan Favorite, not because she is the best player (admittedly she is not). But she has been beyond demonized and ostracized by most of the house. The mob mentality is not fun to watch.

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I am watching less and less of the live feeds because of the the hate being spewed by various HG. I know lying and backstabbing is a part of the game but some of the lies about their fellow houseguests have little or no relation to the game.

I am urging people to vote Candice as Fan Favorite, not because she is the best player (admittedly she is not). But she has been beyond demonized and ostracized by most of the house. The mob mentality is not fun to watch.

Usually the one they want to go home gets demonized. Howard got a lot of crap too and I am sure as they get farther in the game there will be just as much demonizing of other Houseguests. If I do vote I always vote for the best player. I may not like the player but they get my vote. I think you would have to say Helen has been playing a good game and now even Aaryn is. I don't like either of them. I don't think I could bring myself to vote for Aaryn but ..... I will know at the end of the season who to vote for. I almost gave Britney a pity vote in her season but I changed my mind and didn't vote.

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Candice (IMO)has shown her true character.....I don't know too many people who could have accepted all she has been put through with as much grace & class. She's no "angel" for sure and has had to fight in the mud at times.....but when you find yourself in a pig pen, it's hard to get out without any mud on your hands.

She would merit my vote on her ability to survive as long as she did.

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Candice (IMO)has shown her true character.....I don't know too many people who could have accepted all she has been put through with as much grace & class. She's no "angel" for sure and has had to fight in the mud at times.....but when you find yourself in a pig pen, it's hard to get out without any mud on your hands.

She would merit my vote on her ability to survive as long as she did.

It's simply amazing what some people are willing to endure for the sake of $$$$$. Sorry, no sympathy here.

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I watch because it's entertaining, and also as a tool in refining my craydar.

In real life I prefer to keep my distance from the loons, but it helps to be able to recognize them before they pull me into their crazy lives.

I like the idea that one can avoid this insanity by being aware of that type through the show.

I am watching less and less of the live feeds because of the the hate being spewed by various HG. I know lying and backstabbing is a part of the game but some of the lies about their fellow houseguests have little or no relation to the game.

I am urging people to vote Candice as Fan Favorite, not because she is the best player (admittedly she is not). But she has been beyond demonized and ostracized by most of the house. The mob mentality is not fun to watch.

CAnd or How as fan fav yes great idea the US can show it did not spawn the racists by voting for the melanin rich. I love the idea. Do I think it will happen? Duh who did spawn this?
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It's simply amazing what some people are willing to endure for the sake of $$$$$. Sorry, no sympathy here.

I don't have "sympathy" for Candice............but she could have sold out Howard for the $$$$.

It's certainly been obvious for awhile that she is NOT going to be around long....perhaps she stayed for the $$$$ but IMO, she made the best of a really bad situation.

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I don't have "sympathy" for Candice............but she could have sold out Howard for the $$$$.It's certainly been obvious for awhile that she is NOT going to be around long....perhaps she stayed for the $$$$ but IMO, she made the best of a really bad situation.


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Hard for me to pic a fave this season. Will prob change 4 or 5 times before it ends. Right now--Judd is my vote. I agree that the cast is very racist. I think it shows that all this reality TV that is shoved in our faces (Cops, Detective shows, Pawn, Storage, whatever else) is what our 20 somethings have been hearing and watching all their lives. It is very racially one-sided. Imitating a stereotype is racist, but it is on television and radio all day long. I truly think that hate and discrimination based on race is the worst racism there is, and for the most part, I don't see the dislike and hate for each other in the BB House as racially motivated. JMHO

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I like the idea that one can avoid this insanity by being aware of that type through the show.

Haha and I also like the term "craydar" thanks for that one Roli :lol2:


Well, we can hope....she IS standing up for herself I'll give her that - I think her "rouge tactics" ( :P ) are pushing her other allies away (Helen,Elissa)

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Candice (IMO)has shown her true character.....I don't know too many people who could have accepted all she has been put through with as much grace & class. She's no "angel" for sure and has had to fight in the mud at times.....but when you find yourself in a pig pen, it's hard to get out without any mud on your hands.

She would merit my vote on her ability to survive as long as she did.

This.And to handle it with the dignity shes' had.Even Howie didn't have to endure the visceral hate that she has.Everybody else could just simply play the game.By their words and actions,GM,Aaryn,Kaitlin,Amanda and Spencer were never going to work with her unless they absoloutely had to.And they never had to.

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Classic Dr. Will POV speech - It reminds me of the houseguests this season. I hate you all!

I really miss the old BB days where they had some intelligent funny normal people. A few psychos in the season is Ok but all of them? ugg

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Guest 6Borders

I would not vote Candace for favorite player because I really don't think she's done anything BB game-wise to warrant it!

I don't believe in giving people a sympathy vote just because they put up with crap, any more than awarding the winner because they are poor and need the money. What was done to Candace was horrible I agree but her game play has been nothing, neither was Howards or Kaitlin's,

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I will have to stop watching if the house don't stop voting to same way week after week come on people use your own minds....please I am sick of Amanda, Helen and Andy :nono: Be done with them PLEASE I have never stopped watching but I can see it in the near future. Can somebody say boring

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I will have to stop watching if the house don't stop voting to same way week after week come on people use your own minds....please I am sick of Amanda, Helen and Andy :nono: Be done with them PLEASE I have never stopped watching but I can see it in the near future. Can somebody say boring

Ditto! This is the worst group ever! I have no one to root for at this moment. There is no one willing to go against the group and stand out, secret alliance are outed cause no one can keep a secret, and I wonder if they realize only one person will win. Sadly, I am not impressed. Between racial comments, cowardly players, and just plain immature houseguests - I am debating ending the season early for myself!

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Ditto! This is the worst group ever! I have no one to root for at this moment. There is no one willing to go against the group and stand out, secret alliance are outed cause no one can keep a secret, and I wonder if they realize only one person will win. Sadly, I am not impressed. Between racial comments, cowardly players, and just plain immature houseguests - I am debating ending the season early for myself!

It's sad I look so forward every year to watching and I am so disappointed this year UGH

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