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Spencer - Week 4

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Spencer knows everything about everything and in fact; he knows little to nothing. He told a group last night that his dog (probably imaginary) ate rat poison - D-Con - and he made him drink hydrogen peroxide so that he would vomit and expel the poison. GM asked him how much he made him drink. Spencer hemmed and hawed with the answer because he was lying and moved the convo for GM to go and try it herself. he wanted to bet her that it would make her vomit. The conversation continued. Needless to say; as dumb a box of rocks as GM is, she had common sense enough to not go drink some hydrogen peroxide. How they keep from telling spencer the oaf what a fool he is remains beyond me.

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This guy is repulsive. His comment about the chocolate milk last night was disgusting. I wonder how Spencer's mother will defend him now. The things he says are ridiculious and very offensive. I have had to quit watching because he is constantly throwing everyone under the bus. He needs to shut his big mouth.

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You know, people like spencer get away with that sick talk because none of them tell him to shut his fat mouth. That, and with GinaMarie in the vicinity one could hardly claim a lady present. She is as bad as he is. Where did they find these people? That fatass has to go home to smalltown arkansas, too. Has he lost his mind?

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Spencer was discussing how much he liked his stint in rehab - he said he graduated magna cum laude.

Personally I think that he is really smart, even though he is a jackass when it comes to women (and a few other things). He knows how to keep conversation flowing and that is an important social skill. He also knows how to talk until a person's defenses come down and then he is great at reassuring and sympathizing.

I don't see him leaving any time soon.

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This guy is repulsive. His comment about the chocolate milk last night was disgusting. I wonder how Spencer's mother will defend him now. The things he says are ridiculious and very offensive. I have had to quit watching because he is constantly throwing everyone under the bus. He needs to shut his big mouth.

This guy is repulsive. His comment about the chocolate milk last night was disgusting. I wonder how Spencer's mother will defend him now. The things he says are ridiculious and very offensive. I have had to quit watching because he is constantly throwing everyone under the bus. He needs to shut his big mouth.

What did he say about choc milk..?

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Amanda just blasted him on the feeds! Calling out the way he always talks about himself and he smells and the way he looks at women and he's misogynistic and the way he is just gross, and how when he first got here he was single and now all he talks about is Marilyn.


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Amanda just blasted him on the feeds! Calling out the way he always talks about himself and he smells and the way he looks at women and he's misogynistic and the way he is just gross, and how when he first got here he was single and now all he talks about is Marilyn.


this is good for their game...a break up means no more target as a couple on them

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When all these posts say HE ... does He = Spencer

It should.

That post above that NYRose quoted from Hawknose is referring to Spencer since it also includes Marilyn in it....seems the "he" in it was mistook for McPizza boy tho.

I'm guessing Spencer is stinky this week because he doesn't like cold showers. He probably figures if he has to suffer through being a have=not, he'll make the rest of the house suffer right along with him. I'm sure he got a good laugh afterwards that his odor bothered Amanda.

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