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Elissa - Week 4 - POV Winner - Saved

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Rachel / Elissa's army may have only had a small amount of votes that were placed by mistake.

More than likely the majority of the votes were for Aaryn and GM - and they were already on the block.

Soooo it's not far fetched that Elissa had the most votes after those 2.

Just a possibility folks.

If GM had the second most votes she would have been the nominee and she wasn't it was Elissa. I truly think that many people who voted for Elissa didn't truly read or hear the annoucement that America was the MVP this week and voted for Elissa because they thought they were voting for her to be the MVP.

From what I have seen and heard it seems Amanda and Andy don't want Elissa to use the POV on herself thatway the nominations stay the same. The problem with that is I think Amanda, McCrae, Andy, Gina Marie, and Howard would vote for Elissa to be evicted in a heartbeat. Elissa would be stupid not to use the POV.

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That's her cover but she either thought of it too late or DR told her to use it too late...she's excited because she knows she''s Grodner's pawn and not going home...she probably also knows she has a special power like a Diamond Veto she just happened to find on the floor of the DR

I thought I saw something weird in the MVP feed leak from last week! That's what it is - the "Diamond Veto"


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Seems like the HG's think she put herself on the block this week, they can't understand how America would turn on her like that. :laugh4:

I don't think the US did turn, I think they can not read directions.

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Once again, elissa doesn't bother me nearly as much as some of the other yahoos but BB can't possibly allow her to win BB15 or would it cause the demise of the show. I just wonder how far she will be allowed to go in the game. I also wonder if they cut a deal with her this much cash to make it to this point in the game, this much cash to make it to that point in the game. Will elissa suddenly become a beast at comps?

One other thing about elissa. Rachel and elissa together in a BB season would be one of those things I would have to take a look at.

For sheer attention, the elissa/rachel twist has certainly garnered its share; here and there.

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Rachel has 130,600 follower's on Twitter, Brendan has 55,100 follower's, and Elissa has 22,200 followers. That makes for a large fan base.

I wonder if those fanbase voted for her again this week LOL

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I'm confused. I'm watching some FB from last night and Elissa is talking about her son. She says she doesn't let him do anything and it doesn't matter what other people say because he is hers, he came out of her, etc. So, does she have her own child? And this also relates to her saying (in the first week maybe?) that it was her 9 year wedding anniversary. But think someone posted a page that showed her wedding was last year.

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I'm confused. I'm watching some FB from last night and Elissa is talking about her son. She says she doesn't let him do anything and it doesn't matter what other people say because he is hers, he came out of her, etc. So, does she have her own child? And this also relates to her saying (in the first week maybe?) that it was her 9 year wedding anniversary. But think someone posted a page that showed her wedding was last year.

I just got this from a site:

"Slater – who will spend the summer away from her son Riley, 8, as well as her husband Brent and his three children from a previous marriage –"


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OMG Judd tells Elissa through the door - that he missed Amanda's show last night - Elissa says she puts on a show often I'm sure there will be another - and Judd says - who was she mad at, I heard her crying through the door!

Elissa questions him, wonders if it was her, and then decides that it was probably Aaryn that Amanda was mad at......

BTW thanks GingerSnaps :laugh4:

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I just got this from a site:

"Slater – who will spend the summer away from her son Riley, 8, as well as her husband Brent and his three children from a previous marriage –"


Yes. He is her son from a first marriage. Not that anybody is going to believe it anymore this time than they did the first time I said it but he is.......her birth son.........from a previous marriage.

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Yes. He is her son from a first marriage. Not that anybody is going to believe it anymore this time than they did the first time I said it but he is.......her birth son.........from a previous marriage.

Thanks, Slim. Didn't see your first post about it. I guess the thing that is really throwing me off is hearing her say it was her ninth anniversary and knowing that there was a previous link to a page that said she was married last summer. So her son is eight (?) and from a previous marriage then the numbers just add up for her statement that she has been married nine years.

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