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Aaryn - Week 4 - Nominated

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I do believe Elissa's going to be replaced by Amanda today and I'm very curious and excited to see the inevitable drama that's bound to ensue. Howard will want Amanda gone and several of the others are going to be torn, trying to decide which to evict, Amanda or Aryan. At that point, Judd and Jessie might as well forget about getting Kaitlin out. I think several are going to see it as an opportunity to get out a bigger, bossier fish and break up a showmance. Mcpizza may actually do some active scheming of his own to try to save his 'queen.' If he were smart, he'd let her go.

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Helen wants it to be aaryn this week and kaitlin next week or kaitlin/GM following aaryn if it is a double E. There will be hell to pay if she doesn't get her wish. She thinks that she might be the replacement. This could be a crossroads for Judd. Helen will see-through any attempts to divert from aaryn. That's how I see it. I agree that judd doesn't want kaitlin out so much as retaining aaryn. Aaryn would love to see kaitlin go. I truly believe that aaryn will be judd's downfall; ultimately.

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I do believe Elissa's going to be replaced by Amanda today and I'm very curious and excited to see the inevitable drama that's bound to ensue. Howard will want Amanda gone and several of the others are going to be torn, trying to decide which to evict, Amanda or Aryan. At that point, Judd and Jessie might as well forget about getting Kaitlin out. I think several are going to see it as an opportunity to get out a bigger, bossier fish and break up a showmance. Mcpizza may actually do some active scheming of his own to try to save his 'queen.' If he were smart, he'd let her go.

spot on!

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Guest 6Borders

Maybe Mommy's publicist has been working with Aaryn in the DR to improve her attitude and that's why she's been (a tad) better!

Anyone with their mind-set on 500K would be a BB Fool not to keep this (expletive not even added) in the house!

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I don't see amanda going home. People like mccrae. Helen is long-range and needs amanda's vote for the while. Amanda going-up would be good drama but not much more.

I would miss aaryn least of all of them. Even if I liked her.

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I don't see amanda going home. People like mccrae. Helen is long-range and needs amanda's vote for the while. Amanda going-up would be good drama but not much more.

I would miss aaryn least of all of them. Even if I liked her.

I honestly don't have a clue who will go this week but I do think the power struggle, scheming and campaigning could be epic in the fight to save Amanda. I hope Aryan goes. I'm sick of her sour-pussed face and snobby attitude. Get the racist b!tch out already.

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I honestly don't have a clue who will go this week but I do think the power struggle, scheming and campaigning could be epic in the fight to save Amanda. I hope Aryan goes. I'm sick of her sour-pussed face and snobby attitude. Get the racist b!tch out already.

That's how I hope it goes down. I have no use for aaryn, either. I can't believe they put up with her bs. Of course, I have no idea who will go home, either. In this case, it is likely hopeful thinking. That, and I hate it when people start talking how perfect a meanie would be as F2 when it is someone like that B****.

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I agree Slim, this is quickly turning into an "I don't give a shit" season. dumb twist, dumber HGs... I'm rooting for Andy now, milktoast floater!!!

Can't wait until the finally so we can see the duckface twins together!!

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Do not see any scenario where Aaryn is not a goner this week. So glad she will not be in jury. If her family was smart they would have her refuse all interviews. I think the only one she has to do is with Jeff, and I don't know if Julie (at eviction) or Jeff would bring it up. I would like to see Julie touch on it a bit though. Curious to see if she gets booed when she walks out the door. She is young, but she really needs to re-think herself and do some serious soul searching. People can change if they want to. Being racist is usually how you are brought up, but at some point, you have to take responsibility for your own thoughts, beliefs, and actions.

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This is what Jeremy ran into when he got out of the house.

I can't imagine what happens when Aaryn and GM get out, especially if they don't make the jury.


Thanks, Steve. He might have to do better than that. I wonder if he got his boat associate job back. What is a boat associate? Do you have to like have a college degree to be that?

I'll bet his momma was thrilled to have him back at the table.

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I don't think Aaryn will get booed when she comes out of the house for the simple fact that production coaches the audience to cheer for the evicted houseguest and to smile during the taping. If anything I think maybe they'll just be silent when she comes out. I also don't think Julie will light into her the way we all want her to.

I doubt Aaryn will be there for the finale night like all the other evicted houseguests. I can't remember another evicted houseguest who didn't come back for finale night except maybe Chima? Can anyone else think of one?

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Guest 6Borders

I hope Aaryn goes this week. It will be much more fun to read all her denials and see what mommy dearest's publicist has cooked up to save poor little Aaryn's "damaged reputation" once she is outside the house than it is watching her inside the house.

I'm willing to bet that most of Aaryn's friends are just like her and will support her in all her denials and that BB edited her badly. As for her modeling, she's a college student so I'm sure that's just part time. She has talked in the house about how important her "career" is and all the things she gave up (a travel show) and the things she wants to do and hoped the BB experience would further, so she may be pretty upset. I'm sure mummy and daddy will fix it for her!

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I don't think Aaryn will get booed when she comes out of the house for the simple fact that production coaches the audience to cheer for the evicted houseguest and to smile during the taping. If anything I think maybe they'll just be silent when she comes out. I also don't think Julie will light into her the way we all want her to.

I doubt Aaryn will be there for the finale night like all the other evicted houseguests. I can't remember another evicted houseguest who didn't come back for finale night except maybe Chima? Can anyone else think of one?


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I hope that aaryn goes home thursday. I dont care what she does after she leaves the BB house. I don't like her. She is a total ass.

Jessie and aaryn are in the WA and jessie asked aaryn if she still missed david. Aaryn said, sometimes. Then aaryn said, the finale is going to be a lot of fun. You think so, aaryn?

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I hope that aaryn goes home thursday. I dont care what she does after she leaves the BB house. I don't like her. She is a total ass.

Jessie and aaryn are in the WA and jessie asked aaryn if she still missed david. Aaryn said, sometimes. Then aaryn said, the finale is going to be a lot of fun. You think so, aaryn?

She'll go off into oblivion, never to be heard from again...like Maggie, only Maggie was half a mil richer.

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She'll go off into oblivion, never to be heard from again...like Maggie, only Maggie was half a mil richer.

I agree. Oh, Maggie. She almost made me leave BB permanently. Scary, that one. I barely watched past a point. Could not handle her.

Sometimes I almost feel sorry for the poor little fool... So clueless.

I know what you mean. I am watching her do her hair and you can see all the fake hair. Just a mess.

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