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Amanda - Week 4

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The other night Amanda was talking to Judd. As usual, she was pushing to get Howard. Judd said there were too many girls still in the house and was worried about all the guys getting voted out. She said We are just getting all the smart guys out. He didn't have any reaction to that comment but I was thinking, what is she saying about you, Judd?

She's a salesman, what did you expect.

You know your a good salesman when you can look a customer in the eye and tell them to go to hell in such a fashion that they actually look forward to the trip.

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the guys need to get together and get her out. She is too demanding and she is running the house! Can't they all see it? Candance seems to be the only one who can see what is going on here. And why does everyone talk about couples but dont seem to see Mcmanda as one?

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Amanda was described as a "high-end real estate agent." I guess she doesn't care if her exhibitions will hurt her sales. :lol2:

Well we all know you can say something about whites, asians, jews, gays and women without repercussions.

I remember a comment about Andy's "white legs," imagine if someone said something about someone's black legs. Innocent as both comments are, there would have been uproar over the black legs comment. JMO

It would have to be ashy black legs LOL

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I like Amanda. She is smart and she stirs things up. In general, I like this cast a lot. They are taking the game seriously.

I cant remember a cast that turned as often as this cast does. I thought for sure Aaryn would be out this week but it looks like Amanda has convinced everyone to vote for Kaitlin. Amanda is very persuasive.

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I would've liked to have seen her go on the block as the MCP replacement nominee too...just to scare the crap out of her and maybe shut that trap up for a few days, but I didn't neccesarily want her to get evicted....not just yet anyways.

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^^ :laugh4:

Amanda winning works for me!

I'm calling BS tho, however I'll give Hailey Jones credit for creating this little tidbit that will surely convince some that it's authentic insider info.

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Ps Amanda has been getting good edits on TV!!! And she's in the show Mance too! And I was wondering why would they have Amanda addressing the racial comments but she's been doing racial and homophobic comments!

I don't know time will tell!!!!

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Ps Amanda has been getting good edits on TV!!! And she's in the show Mance too! And I was wondering why would they have Amanda addressing the racial comments but she's been doing racial and homophobic comments!

I don't know time will tell!!!!

I've wondered the same thing. They always have her talking about her opinion on Aaryn's comments, but the Amanda says awful things herself. Pot meet kettle.

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Someone asked about maggie. I thought that she was a sanctimonious b****.

As for amanda; she needs to win a comp and be HOH. That would be fun; which BB is not so much at the moment.

That would be my worst BB nightmare. Howard and Spencer up with Candice as a replacement. She has laid it out over and over. Howard goes home. boooooooooooring.

But for those thrill seekers they can watch Amanda dry humping McCrea over and over or maybe she would provide more for the feed watchers.

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I remember a comment about Andy's "white legs," imagine if someone said something about someone's black legs. Innocent as both comments are, there would have been uproar over the black legs comment. JMO

Well who was it(and in what context) did they make the comment?

Sounds like you're dying for a reason.

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Watching last night BBAD. It just started with Amanda and McCrea taking a bubble bath together in the HOH. The keep coming up to kiss from time to time. Their kissing is gross and awkward. I do not see any real chemistry between them at all. I think I'll go vomit now. LOL

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Watching last night BBAD. It just started with Amanda and McCrea taking a bubble bath together in the HOH. The keep coming up to kiss from time to time. Their kissing is gross and awkward. I do not see any real chemistry between them at all. I think I'll go vomit now. LOL

Hey you are not in that kiss and you do not know how it feels to them. How it looks to you is not how it feels for sure. I personally can not respond to most of what passes for love making in the movies. It is boring and way too violent as though that indicates passion. but I agree with you that most love making on the screen makes my stomach lurch ..those two are so odd and somehow it works or seems to be working for them in this situation but I do not think it will last.

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Just something that is going around the Internet. Not saying if there is any truth to it. I report and you decide.


2:19PM BBT: In the backyard, Howard is explaining to Jessie and Amanda about the entertainment business. Amanda says she stopped being an actress after a web show during the writers strike. She says she worked in the reality television area for a couple of years and then got into real estate.

Marty, you could be :notworthy: on to something.

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Wow those things she just (Amanda) said about Candice and Howard were pretty vile and mean

Candice is fat and her voice is annoying and Howard doesn't like her he is just using her she follows him around and he tries to spread his religion and I cant even remember the rest but it was harsh

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