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Sunday, July 21 Live Feed Updates


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4:30PMBBT So GinaMarie and aaryn are talking at the KT. GinaMarie says she never talks sh*t about anyone. She doesn't talk behind backs either. Aaryn agrees and she doesn't see why this is happening. She "hasn't done anything". Aaryn goes to talk to Judd about the situation... "Did you just hear that commotion in the kitchen?" Judd says "What just now?" Aaryn "Ya." Judd says he didn't hear it, the alarm starts to go off. Aaryn says "Well, apparently I am going around saying things and Kaitlin has thrown me under the bus and now the, like the whole house is against me..." Judd listens. (My feeds froze at this point)

4:38PMBBT Candice and Howard are playing pool, talking quietly about the game but making it sound like they are talking pool.

Spencer is reassuring Kaitlin. He tells her "Everyone's guns are pointed in the same place so just don't give them a reason to aim elsewhere." Kaitlin says she is just nervous about next week, she must win HoH to stay off the block and in the house. Spencer thinks she is a good girl with a good heart. Her involvement with Jeremy changed her game play but, he is gone and now it is all good. Helen announces the time and they yell "It's almost Judd time!" They are making a pizza.

4:48PMBBT Helen is complaining about her injuries to the hammock crowd. She says she ended up swallowing some of the mud in the competition yesterday, Spencer says "I would not have done that! You have 2 options, spit it out or swallow and I would be spitting out." Helen has punishment coming, she can not talk or eat for 2 nights. She has to just suck it up. It is just tonight than it is done. She just really wants to talk and eat at night. They all laugh.

4:54PMBBT Andy "What's a good question for everyone?" Kaitlin "What do you think the next HoH competition will be?" Spencer "Oh that is a horrible question! No. Next question!" They are now talking about Jessie and how she can be moody but some times she can be a great conversationalist.

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4:57PMBBT Elissa goes out to McCrae and says they dont have food coloring but they have red drink mix and can dye popcorn with that. McCrae says that he is gonna pop the question, the big brother question (not sure what he means). He says this is all gonna happen after their date.
Kaitlin is now talking to Howard. Howard is telling her that being honest, he sees BS in this house. If she wants to go after Elissa, he is fine with that. If she wants to go after Amanda, he is cool with that but he doesn't want her to think that just because he is social with someone does not mean is in an alliance with that person.

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5:00pm BBT:kaitlin on hammock saying how bad was it lastnight. and andy starts laughing and saying ginamarie was making waves all over the room lastnight. mccrae says fart waves. mccrae says he and amanda have a date tonight and she is making chicken for them. andy says i get slop balls tonight but i am over maccaroni and mangos.
5:10pm BBT:ginamarie and howard and kaitlin on by couch and ginamarie says i sit in the bathrrom and do my hair and i get pulled into crap. howard says i get that but dont get pulled into her crap.
5:15pm BBT: howard says jeremy should have been here but they got him and i have candice so just trust me. he says people try to control you and if you get in with people that have power they want to control you. i just need people to be a rebel and fight.howard tells kaitlin that spencer and i would love you to be with us. and i know mccrae has a good heart and amanda is the one who stirs things. it is time for judd to get out of his solitar room and they are all yelling and celebrating that he is now out. all the hg go in to see his room and yell seriously after seeing the porta potty. they have pizza and beer waiting for him as he comes out.
5:20pm BBT: howard and candice are hugging and candice says she is going to the hammock as the other hg are still looking in the cockpit at judds solitary rm.
5:21pm BBT: most hg are in the kt eating while judd eats and the have nots have gone out to the by.
5:24pm BBT: spencer says they all have to go outside for a ld so bb can clean up the cockpit and we now have foth.
5:34pm BBt:all hg on odld some hg are talking to judd as he smokes and says he slept through that alarm and some hg are playing ball.
5:38pm BBT: helen, spencer, howard and candice playing vollyball. all the other hg on couches in by talking about other bb seasons and libra leaving her 5 month old babies to come play bb.
5:45pm BBT: helen and Howard are playing pool. all other hg are sitting around by not saying much. elissa and candice go to the hammock and are laughing about elissa using the veto tomorrow. candice says do it like Janelle" i use the veto on MYSELF" and they laugh again. elissa ask did she use to go up alot and Candice says yeah all the time. elissa says i just want some hair coloring. Candice says why your hair is so pretty. Elissa says i just want to know who is mvp this week. candice says howie would tell me for sure so it isnt him.
5:53pm BBt: candice says i think people are gonna like that amanda is the hot girl with the nerdy boy. i dont think that has ever happened in bb before.candice says we will know tomorrow who will be up but i think aaryn will leave she is bad. candice says i dont use my mouth to destroy people i learned to control my mouth but when she started amanda would start cuz they are buddy buddy.
5:56pm BBt: spencer telling most hg about being in a dojo. helen and howard still playing pool. amanda yelling she wants to stir her potatoes. arryn sitting not talking to anyone.

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6:04pm BBT: hg are still on ld in the by general talk going on and helen and howard are still playing pool and candice and elissa are still on the hammock talking about arryn repeating themselves over and over.
6:09pm BBT: amanda and judd laying on a lounger. amanda is whispering real low cant make out what she is saying. jessie joins them and amanda shuts up. judd says i feel like i need a shower and to brush my teeth.
6:13pm BBT: amanda telling judd that candice and spencer have a deal o the side. she is telling everything that happened lastnight. she says when everyone went upstairs it was just spencer and candice down stairs.
6:20pm BBT: the ld is over hg are in the cockpit taking pictures in the photobooth.
6:24pm BBT: spencer and judd are going in the house spencer says he is goin g up there to hoh and judd says i will meet you up there. judd tells other hg he is going to take a shower then he will be down for pictures.
6:27pm BBt: in hoh rm spencer and judd are talking. spencer says i dont know where candice,s vote is right now. judd says kaitlin is scheeming. spencer says yeah i know she is. judd says i heard them talk in the wa lastnight but i dont know who she was talking to. spencer says kaitlin and amanda was together alot lastnight but he doesnt know thats why he lays low and stays quiet.
6:30pm BBt: in the cockpit arryn , kaitlin and ginamarie are all in there but they are not talking to each other.spencer and judd is still in the hoh rm talking about where the votes are going and who is scrambling.
6:33pm BBT:andy now comes into hoh and talk with spencer and judd stops. judd says he is going to take a shower so he can do pictures.Amanda and jessie are in the wa doing their hair before they take pictures.
6:40pm BBT: spencer is telling mccrae that everyone is saying they want elissa and amanda out but i want you to know we have your back but i dont want amanda to get scetchy thinking we are after her. just let her know that candice is trying to make deals ok just let amanda know that we are all cool and we have to make sure that the twist doesnt mess us up.
6:43pm BBt: candice and howard are sitting on the hammock talking about walking candice's dog and she says sometimes on sundays she goes on a date. back in hoh rm spencer is still telling mccrae that he needs to talk to amanda. mccrae leaves the hoh rm.
6:46pm BBt: mccrae took pics alone and now mccrae and elissa are going to take pics together.judd is now out of the shower as spencer is listening to music.
6:52pm BBT:hg still taking pictures. amanda in hoh spencer telling her that if you ask anyone in this house they want elissa and you gone. amanda says if i am taking heat why isnt mccrae? he says its because they think you are just dragging him alone. amanda says if you dont give names then i dont believe it. he says arryn kaitlin and ginamarie almost everyone in this house but dont go telling everyone that i trust you cuz i do trust you.
6:55pm BBt: arryn comes in to hoh and talk stops she says bb doesnt wash your clothes they only fold and fluff . she says read the paper. so spencer reads the paper and it says fluff and fold only.

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7:05 PM BBT:

MCManda in the store room talking. He is telling her tht she has to stop playing game at least for the following week. She questions him and he tells her tht he hears tht everyone says tht she is whispering and causing trouble and she says tht she will be more mindful but seems to be shocked. They talk about everyone and then he says how he does not trust elissa. they go on to cover candice and he says tht they cannot have elissa flip to howard and candice side so they have to ride it out with her and do what they have to do.

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7:00PMBBT HG photos are still happening in the Photo Booth. Candice and Howard are having a heart to heart in the hammock. Spencer and Andy are chatting in the HoH, they think Elissa and Helen are conspiring against them with the MVP. Spencer is thinking that Elissa can't "rally the votes like she used to could".

7:10PMBBT Amanda and McCrae are whispering feverishly in the SR. They are anti Elissa right now. Amanda says she trusts Aaryn over Elissa or Spencer or Howard. Helen comes in and asks McCrae "I am ok... are we ok?" McCrae says "ya, but..." Amanda comes in and tells Helen that she is concerned. Helen says that one day of drama should not change anything. Amanda leaves the SR, Helen continues to reassure McCrae. He says he is 100% loyal. Helen says they have to get "Aaryn out. Kailtin out. GinaMarie out. Howard out. Then either Spencer or whoever to jury"

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7:07 PM BBT:

Helen and McCrea in storeroom now amanda gone. He tells helen tht they are worried about elissa but helen cautions him not to worry tht the group needs to stay together tht even if one of them goes up they have the numbers and should be fine. Amanda is back and telling helen tht she is 100% loyal to her and has never lied to her. Helen agrees and goes over who she trusts then says that they have to keep the house on arryn and they will be fine.

Amanda goes. McCrae back talking to helen and tells her how he has to wrangle amanda back to keep it on target. They chat and helen talks again that they have to stay on target then she talks about candice and says if she goes with howard then spencer has to stay. Helen says tht she and jessie have talked and that they have to be ready for double eviction. whats the order she asks? kaitlin, ginamarie, etc....and how they will backdoor the other person. She says tht kaitlin seems loyal to them and if she wins hoh then maybe spencer will go home. Helen considers kaitlin a buffer vote. McCrae agrees.

7:12 PM BBT:

jessie interrupts coming into storeroom. MCCrae starts whispering tht he wants to please know what was going on. Helen says that she has made up with howard and spencer and wanted to let them know that they are taking them along for the ride. She says tht he went into the dr for 45 minutes last night -( not sure who she is talking about sorry) I think it was spencer. McCrae says he is super calm but talks to everybody. they talk about howard and spencer being aligned and that helen amanda or mcrae could easily go up. Mccrae says tht they HAVE to reel in elissa to make sure tht she votes for them. Andy jessie, elissa, amanda, GM they count those votes - 5 to break the tie.

7:15 PM BBT:

Helen says if any of their group goes on the block it will probably be this week. McCrea says tht he just doesnt know abt elissa and helen says tht she has never said anything bad about him. They discuss who has MVP and who is maybe lying. Helen says she thinks that howard or spencer or someone out of the house has it. McCrea agrees. Helen says tht she will probably be going up but she isnt worried because she has the votes to stay. Aaryn go home, kaitlin go home, gm go home thts what you tell amanda to just chill out. Helen says yes you have to tell her to remember to stay solid within the alliance and ok to fight within the alliance but to make up with it and stay strong.

7:17 PM BBT:

Helen tells mccrae that people shouldnt worry about other people talking to someone outside their group. Just to trust the group and stay strong. She reiterates that one of the group will probably go up and probably her but it is fine.

7:22 PM BBT:

Judd, helen and mccrae whispering. Judd says tht he heard kaitlin whispering last night tht helen had to go and he thinks tht she is working with someone. Helen says tht she worries that kaitlin will win HOH. They agree tht she is so close to winning each week. They tell helen to make sure that candice keeps her mouth shut.

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7:16PMBBT The game talk continues in the SR between Helen and McCrae. Helen is repeating the game plan of who is leaving. They are still hung up on who may have the MVP. (They don't know America had the power)
Helen is trying to smooth last nights waves. Helen heads to the KT.
GinaMarie, Aaryn and Kaitlin are having a talk in the hammock. Aaryn is still trying to explain the way she is with people.
Andy, Howard and Candice in the HoH, Candice and Howard are becoming really cuddly.

7:25PMBBT Judd, McCrae and Helen are whispering in the chair bedroom. Judd overheard Kaitlin say that Helen is next to go home. Helen says she will do what ever they want, keep the numbers up and vote with the house. They are now planning to send Kaitlin home this week and then get Aaryn out next week. Helen says Candice does not care as long as they all leave, she just wants them all gone. They leave the bedroom, McCrae stays in the KT, Helen and Judd go their separate ways.

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7:25 PM BBT:

andy, candice and howard talking about evicted HG's. they think that maybe jeremy lies about all the things that he says tht he has done. Before that they had said that they were curious about nick and what his real story is tht nobody really got to know him. Candice says tht she tried to talk to jeremy about where he lived and she thinks that he might be older than 23. She said tht jeremy had womanizer skills of an older man. Andy says that his bullshit meter went off the charts with nick and he didnt get why he didnt come clean in the house and why he spun such intricate webs. Helen comes in.

7:28 PM BBT:

Andy goes to talking about money and why he thinks some people deserve it more than others. He disses aaryn about sleeping arrangements and basically how selfish she is. Candice asks if she pissed him off and he says no not you. Andy asks who they think is MVP? ELissa? Candice says it is america. Andy says yes. Candice says why would america put up elissa though the person tht they like. Helen tries to explain her version of why. sort of all the guys are going lets get the girl out. Candice says they did it to cause paranoia. Howard says tht he just likes to see people scurry around.

7:31 PM BBT:

Andy bring up possible double veto next week and they agree that it will be kaitlin and GM if its a double after aaryn goes.

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7:30PMBBT Jessie, GinaMarie, Kaitlin are also hashing through the MVP. They think Elissa won the MVP and nominated herself, since she won the veto, she will pick the replacement. Jessie gives Kaitlin a drag of her cigarette and the talk turns to leg hair and who needs to shave more. Jessie heads inside to Judd in the lounge. She whispers "Everyone is talking so much sh*t!" They are now whispering about the veto. Judd told her to watch what she says 'cause then he gets put on the spot.

7:35PMBBT Judd admits to Jessie that he made a deal with GinaMarie and that is why she is not on the block. She will vote whatever way he wants. Jessie asks "What if she wins HoH? Are you safe?" Judd says "Ya, ya and I think you are too. Ya." Jessie is wondering why Helen is talking to McCrae, why everyone is talking so much sh*t today, why people are being this way. Judd whispers "Listen, we just gotta lay low. People will self destruct, because it is already happening. Just agree with everything that they say."

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7:40PMBBT Helen is in the HoH with Candice, Howard and Andy pitching the plan to vote Kaitlin out. Helen says she is probably going up on the block next, she's not freaking out though because the plan all week has been for the vote to be 9-0 against Kaitlin or 9-0 against Aaryn. Helen wants no more drama because they ALL agree who is going home. Helen leaves the HoHroom and Candice says "I would just like to put a muzzle on Amanda" Howard is now talking her down (he is very good at it) Andy jumps in to the convo. "I am just watching listening learning to shut up, I mean I talk a lot but when it comes to the game and strategy I just shut up and listen" (When?) He then says "My plan was to be 'When in doubt blame Candice'" She says "Don't do that"

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7:45PMBBT Candice says that she does not want people talking to her that wouldn't normally talk to her when she wins HoH. Andy and Howard ask who and she says "GinaMarie" and starts ranting about Gina and how she has a double standard towards her. The 3 have covered what an attention grabber Gina is and are sharing what Gina does that drives them crazy.

7:50PMBBT The BY crew (Kaitlin, Spencer, Aaryn, Judd, mcCrae, Jessie) are having a "GinaMarie drives me crazy" chat too. Now they are on to Elissa as GinaMarie has now joined them. Judd thinks Elissa nominated herself for MVP to throw the house off.
Gina wants a piece of chicken but not on the bone. It grosses her out. Andy walked into the BY, "Bone in chicken?" They laugh. They are now discussing restaurants. Kaitlin says that her teeth hurt from using peroxide on her teeth.

7:55PMBBT Howard is trying to convince Candice to "Kill them with kindness" Candice's issue with GinaMarie is her attitude towards Elissa today in the house. They agree that they both like Elissa. Candice has figured out that the power has come from outside the house.

8:02PMBBT Helen is going to bed, she just yelled out "Everyone talk to me quick for 2 minutes!" And BB tells her its time for bed. Andy, Jessie and Judd leave her in the chair bedroom and the lights are off.
In the HoH Howard and Candice are snuggling and cuddling on the couch.

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8:07PMBBT The BY talk turns to movies again. Aaryn is all dressed up because she didn't do laundry. At this time of night Spencer turns his crudeness up a notch and tonight is no exception.
in the HOH room, McCrae walks in with Howard and Candice on the couch. McCrae has a "ring" and they are planning a BB wedding in the BY this week. Candice wants to make Amanda's dress and Elissa is planning the wedding. So the question is "Will you be my BB bride?" Or something along those lines.
McCrae is talking to Judd about his convo with Helen. Judd is thinking Kaitlin goes and McCrae says that works because then again Aaryn is still a target for next week.

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8:15PMBBT Judd and mcCrae have cleaned up the HoH room. The BY crew is still talking about movies and Amanda hollers it is dinner time. Everyone in the house except helen (who is in bed on punishment) is at the dining table to eat (it's McCrae's birthday). Elissa made hearts out of butter for the dinner bread, Amanda is still cooking at the stove. They are trying to figure out if the salmon is cooked.

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8:20PMBBT FotH as they sing Happy Birthday to McCrae

8:28PMBBT McCrae and Amanda are in the HoH for their date. Aaryn and Howard are serving them. Howard says "This is a delicacy called puffy butter and it is made by a yoga instructor!" They laugh and Howard and Aaryn leave to get the rest of the food.
McCrae is telling Amanda about the convo he had with Spencer. Amanda's name has come up in conversations all day.
elissa is trying to write "Will you marry me?" on the table and BB tells her to stop that! She looks defeated.

8:35PMBBT So what does Elissa do? She pulls out the tin foil and writes it on there with whipped cream and sprinkles red drink mix on it! Judd is helping (supervising) and other HG are eating. Looks like they need more condiments to write with.... bring on the ketchup! Possibly shaving cream? Elissa is on a mission. GinaMarie is helping her.

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8:40PMBBT Amanda and McCrae have their food and are eating in the HoH, they are strictly talking game. Amanda is dominating the convo.
The Havenots are in the BY with Judd. They are talking about ways to mess with Helen while she can't talk. Andy said he and Spencer were going to go in and tell her to make a final 3 with them all she had to do was say the word (she can't talk til 8am), Judd laughs "She wouldn't sleep all night.. she would be panicked"
MVP talk again, Andy nailed it. America is the MVP and some how Elissa got nominated. Kaitlin is whining saying she is gonna throw up.

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8:45PMBBT Amanda is ranting about how the girls say the guys are "their person" how Candice says Howard is her person, Jessie says Judd is her person. "Hello!!! You are human beings, women you are not a dog you don't have a person. Oh I swear I am gonna snap if one of them says it again." Their talk turns to Jessie and how she annoys Amanda. Amanda is paranoid that she is going on the block tomorrow. "If it's outside the house then I am not going up, if it is in the house I might be." Now she is telling McCrae how messy his hair is. (Nice dinner talk for his birthday)

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9:00 PM BBT Judd, Kaitlyn, and GM are sitting on the backyard couches. Kaitlyn asks Judd how he felt being out of solitary and Judd responds, "Grouchy." GM says she's going to be "in traffic" during this wedding.

Elissa and McCrae are chatting in the kitchen with others walking by. They are talking about planning the wedding. Elissa says Andy could be the officiate. Judd is the best man. Howard is the minister. Candice says she wants to be the dress designer.

Spencer/Jessie/Howard are by the pool table and McCrae and Candice have joined the BY couch crew. Candice just gave Helen and update about what was going on with the wedding and Helen gave her two thumbs up. Candice said she is going to give Helen hourly updates. The talk on the couches return to Judd's time in solitary. Judd said he was mad because BB made him turn off the alarm every nine minutes even though he was trying to sleep through the alarm. Aaryn and Andy join the couch crew and talk returns to the wedding. Elissa is both the wedding planner and maid of honor. Amanda walks out and says, "This is going to be so much fun!" More talk about wedding details and Aaryn mentions she wants a raw uncut yellow diamond that has gold wrapped around it, sits on her finger, and is not flashy.

9:14 PM BBT Backyard couch crew is still making small talk.

Judd and McCrae are now up in the HOH talking about the POV competition. McCrae says he's trying not to talk about the POV competition (I'm assuming he's referring to the $5,000 he won). They are both saying they need to keep GinaMarie calm. Andy walks into the HOH room. Judd says he thinks people forgot he was in solitary because people around him would talk freely. He says he heard Kaitlyn talk to somebody saying she wants Helen to go next week but she doesn't know who she was talking to. Andy says their number one priority has to be to get Amanda off of everyone's radar. Judd says Kaitlyn was talking to a girl. Andy says Spencer/Howard formed a four-man alliance with Judd and him tonight. Andy says to Judd sorry if Judd did not want him to mention. Judd says he forgot about it. They laugh. McCrae says that they also formed a four person alliance with McCrae and Amanda. They're trying to figure out where Kaitlyn's loyalty lies in the house. Judd said he's ready to get the alcohol. McCrae is saying they have to lay low. Judd is now talking about Jessie walking in on conversations that Judd is having. He told her she needs to stop doing that and she got defensive. Andy says that Candice is an open book and that makes Andy think that Kaitlyn may not be with that group. Judd says he is worried about Elissa because he thought they were tight, but he doesn't know any more. McCrae says Howard is gaining numbers slowly. Andy and McCrae are discussing conversations they have had with Howard in which Howard told both of them he wants to go far with them.

Elissa now walks into the HOH and asks to take a shower. Judd says, "What do y'all think?" They laugh.

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9:30 PM BBT Jessie and Spencer are talking game in the hammock. They're talking about GinaMarie probably being the last of the three girls to go.

Howard/Candice were talking by the pool and Amanda comes by to interrupt, talking about the wedding. She leaves

Andy/Judd are still chatting in the HOH. Seems game talk has stopped since Elissa is up there. Andy said GinaMarie is jealous of McCrae and Amanda. Judd, "I want her to keep showing her ring to GinaMarie." McCrae says despite GM being pissed off, he hopes she stays with them. They're now talking about Spencer and how good of a liar he is. Judd points out that there is a reason he is here out of the hundreds of thousands of people that tried out. Judd: "People ain't here just to sit down being... well GM might be." Their conversations are revolving around game but they're moving from topic to topic pretty quickly. Andy said either Aaryn or Kaitlyn need to go despite the third nominee. Judd also says GM doesn't like Aaryn.

Feeds switch to Candice/Howard. Candice, "I just need time to process what you're saying. I don't think you're lying to me." Candice seems a bit worried that she doesn't seem to be part of his alliances. Howard is reassuring her that he is looking out for her, and he's also calmly explaining his strategy to her. Candice is saying the people that were protecting her on her side of the house no longer protect her except Elissa because of Howard. Candice says now that she has openly advocated for Howard to stay in the house, she is saying Amanda would vote against her. Howard is saying he has numbers on his side. He assumes Judd and Andy are with him. Howard keeps reassuring Candice that he is with her.

9:47 PM BBT Candice/Howard still hashing it out. Candice is questioning Howard about his conversations with other houseguests. Seems Howard was telling people that Candice is not part of his individual game, but Candice seems a bit upset because she made it open to the house that she is with Howard. Candice says she drew the line in the sand yesterday with Amanda and McCrae and even Helen.

9:52 PM BBT Spencer is still in the hammock with Jessie. They're making fun of someone out in the backyard. Now Spencer has brought up he is nervous about the veto ceremony. He says there's going to be fireworks. Jessie says, "Mm-hmm." Spencer says it'll be wise to see who gets called to the DR tomorrow morning. Jessie says, "Mm-hmm." They're saying they call Elissa often to the DR.

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10:00 PM BBT Candice and Howard are still by the pool talking. The conversation keeps revolving around what Howard has been telling people about him and Candice. Candice is visibly annoyed with what Howard has been telling people, but she ends up saying, "I get it." Candice says she has no desire to work with or be around GinaMarie. She says even if she needs a vote, she won't go talk to her. Howard says he is doing everything he can to keep Candice and Spencer. He said no one else talks game with him except Judd. Candice says something tells her not to trust Spencer. Howard says before Candice came along, Spencer was all Howard has. Candice once again says she doesn't trust Spencer because of something that she saw (I'm assuming she's referring to the first eviction vote).

10:05 PM BBT Feeds switch to Amanda saying she hates fish in the HOH. Amanda/McCrae/Aaryn/Judd in the HOH room. Judd says GinaMarie was nuts down there.

Now feeds switch again to GinaMarie and Spencer in hammock. Spencer is trying to tell her something, but GinaMarie interruprts saying she smells barbecue. Spencer tells GM that Elissa is trying to spread rumors that Howard is a professional football player and make it look like Howard is going after "her and Amanda." He's talking about Elissa and explaining why Elissa nominated herself to put the heat on Howard for nominating Elissa and then nominating Amanda (tomorrow). Spencer then brings up that football season is starting soon and Howard is still in the house. He then brings up America possibly being the MVP and choosing the noms. GM asks if they have enough votes to evict Amanda if she is nominated. They start going over the votes and come up with 5-4 keeping Amanda. GM is talking about Candice spreading shit about what GM said earlier and that Howard needs to control her. GM says the people she would like to work with in the house are Spencer, Kaitlyn, Howard, and Judd. She thinks Candice and Jessie are "loose ends."

10:16 PM BBT Elissa/Candice/Jessie/Andy in HOH. Candice says Andy hasn't been pooping a lot. Andy says he has but he has been keeping it on the down low. Candice said she pooped this morning (I know this is vital information that you all wanted to know). Andy leaves to go make noodles, and Candice gets into bed with Jessie and Elissa in HOH.

Backyard crew, Amanda/Howard/Spencer/GinaMarie/McCrae, are talking about the food competition and laughing about it. GM says the more she ate of the habanero ice cream, the less it burned. Amanda says she had Adderall and Coffee, both appetite suppressors, right before the comp. They continue to laugh.

10:22 PM BBT Elissa/Jessie/Candice still in HOH. Elissa says, "Wouldn't it be fun to just get rid of all the guys?"

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10:26 PM BBT Candice says she feels bad for Kaitlyn because she got "douchebag Jeremy." Jessie says it was Kaitlyn's decision, and that she has her whole life ahead of her. Jessie has been messing with both Elissa's and Candice's hair during the conversation.

10:28 PM BBT The backyard crew, GM/Amanda/Andy/Aaryn/Spencer/Howard is still laughing and having a good time outside. They are teasing Andy about how he dazes out sometimes and making fun of his face when he comes to. Amanda says she can tell when people are worried. Spencer says, "Oh shit, Andy's worried." Everyone laughs. Spencer asks Andy to bring something over while he's up and then says, "You'll make a great wife one day, Andy." They laugh. They continue to talk about how to tell what someone is feeling by their facial expressions.

Girl talk continues up in the HOH about who to evict. Jessie says she will do what they want as long as it's not her. They all look really sleepy.

Feeds switch once again to the backyard. No game talk going on. Amanda says she hates the phrase, "My person." Andy asks, "Who said that?" Amanda, "Everybody." GM is quick to chime in she never said that. Amanda then points out Aaryn started it, and then it caught on. Aaryn says she feels what she says tends to catch on but not in a good way. Amanda then makes fun of Gina's cockroach comment and then she and Gina start making high pitched squeaking sounds. GinaMarie asked where did the sound, "Meep Meep" come from. "Was it the Muffets?" They all laugh and say that it's not the Muffets, it's the Muppets.

10:41 PM BBT Backyard crew dispersed. GM/Howard/Spencer remained. GM is again mentioning Elissa is MVP again with some weird strategy talk that I can't follow Amanda/McCrae/Aaryn all come walking over to the couches. The game talk ends.

10:46 PM BBT Elissa is showing Andy how to make something in the kitchen. She then whispers, "Is it mutual consensus to vote Aaryn out?" Andy says, "yes." Elissa says she misses Helen, and she missed Judd last night, but she does not miss Jeremy at all. Elissa once again asks about MVP to Andy. She says once again that she knew she was going up on the block. Elissa says she didn't expect to be MVP coming into the game, but her sister has amazing fans.

10:54 PM BBT Backyard crew now includes Amanda/McCrae/GM/Candice/Jessie/Judd/Andy/Spencer/Howard. Random chit chat about the different states in the US and trying to figure out if there is a song associated with each state, and then just random talk about the different states.

10:59 PM BBT Elissa is filling Judd in on what he missed last night.

That's it for BBAD

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