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Candice - Week 2


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WAIT! STOP THE PRESS! Did our Little Aryan Nation AKA LAN Just blame Candace for the reason why the house thinks she is a racist??? Did I read that right on the feeds???

Well you know that women are blamed for men lusting after them...so a person of high melanin is to blame for Aryan showing her racism. Her presence is the problem.

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WAIT! STOP THE PRESS! Did our Little Aryan Nation AKA LAN Just blame Candace for the reason why the house thinks she is a racist??? Did I read that right on the feeds???

Candice has a permanent spot under the bus. Nothing would make my week more than for Candice to get HOH.

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Ah yes the last two sentences...based on history only unearthed by Jack Herer when he found the US Government's film Hemp for Victory that was about to be lost in the BB memory hole when they switched to computerized catalogue in the Library of Congress. He happened to go to the card catalogue that had not been thrown out yet. The library had not transferred reference to that film into the computer database. It would have been lost unavailable to access with no mention or notation for a reference number so that it could be called up. Yes BB of 1984 fame Orwell's masterpiece is very much a part of this show for all its silliness and gaming.

Jack Herer :D and yes I knew before you were talking about hemp but it could have never competed with Texas Tea.;)

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Candice's crab story:

Went out with a guy, he got her drunk, took her to an R-Kelly concert, she was too drunk to go home, went to the guys cousins house, they have sex, she catches crabs, cut to the fish. Her mother gave her a bath with a crab medication. She was 18 years old.

Very entertaining.

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Candice's crab story:

Went out with a guy, he got her drunk, took her to an R-Kelly concert, she was too drunk to go home, went to the guys cousins house, they have sex, she catches crabs, cut to the fish. Her mother gave her a bath with a crab medication. She was 18 years old.

Very entertaining.

I have to give it to her, she is very courageous! Lol! She should've have kept that story to herself! But I guess she is like and open book! Lol
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Candice's crab story:

Went out with a guy, he got her drunk, took her to an R-Kelly concert, she was too drunk to go home, went to the guys cousins house, they have sex, she catches crabs, cut to the fish. Her mother gave her a bath with a crab medication. She was 18 years old.

Very entertaining.

I gotta apologize, I thought Spencer was just making stuff up. Candice, if she stays longer, is a very entertaining story teller and they always cut to the fish.

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Candice is gone if Candice doesn't stop being so ingenuous and more ingenious and tell those B****** to kiss her bi-racial and proud-of-it, beautiful A**. She also needs to get the lead out and show Howard the Coward how to confront that slob spencer and the incredibly self-absorbed and infinitely boring jeremy.

Money is not everything. You cannot put a price on self-respect.

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Candice is gone if Candice doesn't stop being so ingenuous and more ingenious and tell those B****** to kiss her bi-racial and proud-of-it, beautiful A**. She also needs to get the lead out and show Howard the Coward how to confront that slob spencer and the incredibly self-absorbed and infinitely boring jeremy.

Money is not everything. You cannot put a price on self-respect.


WHERE IS THE LIKE BUTTON!!! Totally agree and this is where she is pissing me off! I'm like does she know what's going on??? Howard DOES NOT have her back! He keeps adding more flames to the fire. I'm thinking maybe she is use to this. She did say growing up she was the only black person in her elementary school! Idk!!

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Jack Herer :D and yes I knew before you were talking about hemp but it could have never competed with Texas Tea. ;)

Henry Ford thought it could. And in fact other than the fact that the technology of the harvester was shut down and never implemented due to the competition getting it banned, your notion that oil would have been easier to process is false especially when you factor in the damage oil has done to the ecology that we have not dealt with so those costs have not been factored in and ought to be laid right at the feet of the oil industry

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I feel bad for Candice. She seems pretty akward aound most of the people and they tend to make the weak ones targets. She needs to step it up and be bold. She has nothing to lose at this point. She is on the radar just because people are mean and pick on the weak.

Sad but true. Big Brother is a tough game.

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I feel bad for Candice. She seems pretty akward aound most of the people and they tend to make the weak ones targets. She needs to step it up and be bold. She has nothing to lose at this point. She is on the radar just because people are mean and pick on the weak.

Sad but true. Big Brother is a tough game.

Agree! I don't think she knows she has a big bullseye on the back of her back! Her laying low is not working! She like dans strategy lay low until the time is right then strike!!! But that's not going to work with her! She gets target for breathing! Smh
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WHERE IS THE LIKE BUTTON!!! Totally agree and this is where she is pissing me off! I'm like does she know what's going on??? Howard DOES NOT have her back! He keeps adding more flames to the fire. I'm thinking maybe she is use to this. She did say growing up she was the only black person in her elementary school! Idk!!

If Candice was not raised with Af Am culture, she is ill equipped to deal with the racists and with an Af Am man who is doing a modern day version of shucking and jiveing. He has gotten himself in with the guys and he is not about to align with the token Af Am female since he knows damn well he is the token male. He is doing his job of smoothing things with her as all the MC are smoothing with women that they can make a connection with. They are wanting to keep their alliance hidden and this is how they are managing it.

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If Candice was not raised with Af Am culture, she is ill equipped to deal with the racists and with an Af Am man who is doing a modern day version of shucking and jiveing. He has gotten himself in with the guys and he is not about to align with the token Af Am female since he knows damn well he is the token male. He is doing his job of smoothing things with her as all the MC are smoothing with women that they can make a connection with. They are wanting to keep their alliance hidden and this is how they are managing it.

Racism is not exclusive to any color of skin. Racists come in all colors. The Twitter universe is jammed with kill Zimmerman tweets this past week.

Racism is just wrong and it is sad that there is still in this day so much out there.

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I agree with everything u said! Howard has disappointed me. He has become a rat in my eyes! Candi has even protected.

Agree. Howard has really disappointed me too. He's loyal to the MC though, to the point he's lied with the best of them. I heard him tell Aryan the other day that Elissa was the troublemaker in the house. ??? Howard acted like Spencer when he said that, imo. I have a fear that we're going to see another brigade predictably steamroll through the house. I'll hate this season if that happens. Why can't these women see what's going on right under their noses?

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Racism is not exclusive to any color of skin. Racists come in all colors. The Twitter universe is jammed with kill Zimmerman tweets this past week.

Racism is just wrong and it is sad that there is still in this day so much out there.

I agree that anyone can be prejudiced against a color of skin of a group. and I agree it is wrong just in case anything I said seemed to indicate that I did not have that opinion

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I have a fear that we're going to see another brigade predictably steamroll through the house. I'll hate this season if that happens. Why can't these women see what's going on right under their noses?

It seems like these young women came into the house with the sole intention of hooking up with a guy and riding that showmance into the final. Kaitlin got first dibs and pulled Jeremy, Aaryn went for surfer boy and had buyer's remorse with her choice. Amanda decided use her two assets to lure in McPizza because he seemed smart but geeky and possibly weak to her charms. GM has been practically begging Nick to be her showmance. Jessie is wandering the house wondering why she, the prettiest girl in the house, didn't get one of the hotter guys and is stuck with only Judd willing to share her bed. Not one of these woman ever even considered a woman alliance. I don't think they are able to see that the men don't see the showmance's as alliances at all but convenience and the extra votes.

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It seems like these young women came into the house with the sole intention of hooking up with a guy and riding that showmance into the final. Kaitlin got first dibs and pulled Jeremy, Aaryn went for surfer boy and had buyer's remorse with her choice. Amanda decided use her two assets to lure in McPizza because he seemed smart but geeky and possibly weak to her charms. GM has been practically begging Nick to be her showmance. Jessie is wandering the house wondering why she, the prettiest girl in the house, didn't get one of the hotter guys and is stuck with only Judd willing to share her bed. Not one of these woman ever even considered a woman alliance. I don't think they are able to see that the men don't see the showmance's as alliances at all but convenience and the extra votes.

I think it was Elissa that pitched the woman's alliance thing and Amanda was on board but...... then the vapid girls would rather hook up. They are so catty that it is really hard to have a girl alliance. All of the girls seem to attack each other. <<<<<<<<<< meow >>>>>>>>>>

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I know I said I wanted Candi to blow up, but then I started thinking. Kaysar blew up at Cappy, it sent Cappy home; however, kaysar also went home next. Um she might need to wait and bite her time!

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Henry Ford thought it could. And in fact other than the fact that the technology of the harvester was shut down and never implemented due to the competition getting it banned, your notion that oil would have been easier to process is false especially when you factor in the damage oil has done to the ecology that we have not dealt with so those costs have not been factored in and ought to be laid right at the feet of the oil industry

The phrase ''Put the pipe down, put your bong down '' is appropriate if anybody thinks a little hemp plant could have ever competed with big oil then or now. :D

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The phrase ''Put the pipe down, put your bong down '' is appropriate if anybody thinks a little hemp plant could have ever competed with big oil then or now. :D

a plant that grows up to twenty feet tall in three months provides, when you consider the grass designed Midwest, with an immense amount of biomass. In fact the amount of fuel that can be produced would fuel this country and give us a third more to export. I am not advocating smoking it since hemp is not going to get anyone high and growing it like wheat, tight tall plants but much taller than wheat, does not produce the herbal form of the plant. The US gov put out a bulletin saying that one acre of hemp was equal to 4 acres of trees when those were used to make paper. Plyhemp is four times stronger than plywood and the termites won't eat it. Concrete blocks with hemp are half the weight and four times the strength of concrete blocks alone. Hemp seed can make glue and paint that are not toxic. Yes this plant will compete successfully with oil and is the main reason along with the wood pulp paper people and the Dupont nylon rope people that hemp was made illegal in the 1930's.

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a plant that grows up to twenty feet tall in three months provides, when you consider the grass designed Midwest, with an immense amount of biomass. In fact the amount of fuel that can be produced would fuel this country and give us a third more to export. I am not advocating smoking it since hemp is not going to get anyone high and growing it like wheat, tight tall plants but much taller than wheat, does not produce the herbal form of the plant. The US gov put out a bulletin saying that one acre of hemp was equal to 4 acres of trees when those were used to make paper. Plyhemp is four times stronger than plywood and the termites won't eat it. Concrete blocks with hemp are half the weight and four times the strength of concrete blocks alone. Hemp seed can make glue and paint that are not toxic. Yes this plant will compete successfully with oil and is the main reason along with the wood pulp paper people and the Dupont nylon rope people that hemp was made illegal in the 1930's.

There is no way hemp could supply that much for the US to make us energy independent without oil and hemp oil is

less powerful than petroleum. Exxon and other big oil would have pushed to cultivate hemp themselves if it was that viable. I quit being interested in the discussion when Jack Herer was mentioned as a source on info. :D

Being this is a Candice thread looks like she was Candice_Stewart_Texans_cheerleader.jpg?ga NFL toned Texan cheerleader. :D

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There is no way hemp could supply that much for the US to make us energy independent without oil and hemp oil is

less powerful than petroleum. Exxon and other big oil would have pushed to cultivate hemp themselves if it was that viable. I quit being interested in the discussion when Jack Herer was mentioned as a source on info. :D

Being this is a Candice thread looks like she was Candice_Stewart_Texans_cheerleader.jpg?ga NFL toned Texan cheerleader. :D

Hemp is a proven technology that has been rated for 1000 gallons of fuel per acre and we do have the land to produce enough for our needs. Hemp seed oil is finer than other oils and can really work well in delicate engines. That is the analysis by people who are professionals in making those determinations. I do not know why you are pushing poisonous oil as superior since whatever destroys the planet's ecology is obviously way too expensive for the whole species.

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Last night, Candice was telling Elissa and Helen that if she got hoh, she was going to nominate Aryan and when she did, she was going to call her "Aaryn Shaniqua." She was serious too. I so hope Candice gets hoh. She's not forgiving Aryan about the racist comments at all.

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Candice was raised in an African-American family. She was telling a funny story about her white family coming to New Orleans but unfortunately BB cut it off. I'm sure at her age she has seen or faced the subtle racism that is a part of America. In the pressure cooker that is the BB house I admire the restraint being shown by her and Howard in not going there with the mean girls and Spencer.

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