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I don't understand - SPOILER

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Why didn't he put Peter up? Would have assured Peter or Topaz went home.....damn! Now Peter will take Topaz off - he'll have a strong alliance with her. Andrew will have to go up and will go home because they won't vote Talla out. She's not a threat. Damn. Damn. Damn.

Omg. Shocker....thought he was going to save Topaz!

I can't wrap my brain around this. He would have had an assured alliance with Topaz. (I think...but my thinking has been wrong....)

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I'm with you scarletkate, except I'm on the other side of the house. WTF is wrong with Peter? He is trying to play the "I'm not a threat game". I think unless he wins HOH he is going home next. I don't get it, if he kept Topaz,Topaz and he would have controlled the vote, and they could have taken Andrew out.

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If he would have used it on her, then they would have been the definite enemies of the East Coast Alliance. He probably thought that Topaz and himself would have still came out of the wrong side if that happened. Plus, I don't think Peter is comfortable playing so direct. He seems to play a more indirect and mental game. He might have also thought that with Topaz in the house he would have a harder time winning, I don't know. He seems to think so highly of himself that he probably thinks he can manipulate the house and get to the final two. Little does he know, he isn't nearly as good as he thinks he is and will be going unless he wins HOH. He thinks he can manipulate the outcomes of things based on previous events, but he doesn't seem to understand that he was just with the house on those things and they would have happened regardless.

Overall, I think he did make a pretty poor choice and it's really hard to justify it. Though I am not unhappy about it as I am rooting for Emmett, Jillian, and Andrew.

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I saw that he said it was to avenge Liza - however unless he wins HOH ( hope he doesn't ) he's likely on the block.

Having said that, who knows what he's thinking. Very interesting that he's started to wins comps....if he gets to the end I can hear it now....didn't get blood on my hands...won comps when I needed to...et cetera.

Omg. Did Jillian win HOH?

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I just can't see him winning anyways even if he gets to the end, though (unless he is up against Talla or something). I honestly don't believe that a majority of the HG's think that Peter played that good of a game. I certainly don't. He seems to think he is such a good player himself and I don't see it. On the LFU's I read that he said he could pinpoint what he did that got each houseguest evicted. Doesn't he realize that his desires just coincided with the rest of the house all of the time? For example, let's take Tom. Gary was going to target him anyway, just because Peter spoke to him about it doesn't mean anything. So, I don't think he really has much to stand on if it does come to that.

Edit: Jillian won HOH. She will send him out of the house as long as he doesn't win POV!

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How do you guys know Jillian won? I have nothing against Jillian or Emmett, I just don't want them to win. they are both too "vanilla". They are two nice looking, well spoken "popular" folk - I can imagine a cheerleader and a football captain. I just puked in my mouth......sorry....look I know it's a game and lying is par for the course but Jillian lost me as a fan when she lied to Topaz (on the iceberg) and didn't care that she did. Lying to win a challenge is a different lie than lying to save your ass when you're on the block. Maybe I'm just nuts........but.... oh well.

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Well said Shrinra - I my opinion he hasn't done anything to warrant winning. My vote is on Emmet' Jillian or Andrew. But who knows with a HG coming back (likely Gary) what the heck will happen. It would offer an alliance to some one who might not feel they have a true alliance right now. (Talla comes to mind)

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Speaking of that, does anyone know if Americans can access that part of the site to vote? This is one thing i definitely want to vote on. I feel like Talla is attached to Andrew though, and he is attached to Jillian. If Gary came back I feel like he would be without an alliance. The only people he ever really had (like Danielle, Suzette, and Topaz) have all been evicted. And if Peter stays because he won the veto, I don't think he would team up with Gary. I just don't see a rapport between them. Actually, I think if Gary returns he would be the most disadvantaged.

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I don't think Americans can vote, when I go to the sliceTV web site, all BBC stuff says sorry :( geographic restriction. I wonder if I changed my IP address to a Canada IP if I can see it.....

EDIT: with TOR browser, I was able to vote! I voted for Alex......just cause he can help Peter

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I am sure there are hoops we could jump through. I might look for a Canadian proxy and see if that works. Has anyone ever tried that before?\

Edit: I just voted without any problem; no geographic restriction. Just go to bigbrothercanada.ca and the option to vote is at the banner at the top.

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You can view all the content on the BB Canada site if you use a VPN that changes your IP address. See my post about watching the live feeds.

I lot of stuff asks for your zip code, I just google one and use that.

BTW, the word "Zip" when used in "Zip Code" is a registered trademark of the US postal service. Zip stands for Zone Improvement Plan.

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