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Peter Brown HG Discussion Thread


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Big-Brother-Canada-Peter.jpgName: Peter Brown

Age: 26

Hometown: Surrey, BC (originally from Millville, NB)

Occupation: Web Content Curator

Three adjectives that describe you: Mean, funny, and intelligent

Why did you want to be on Big Brother Canada?

I’ve watched every season of the American show and some seasons of the British show and I’ve always wanted to play. As soon as it was announced that it was coming to Canada I had a lot of people telling me I should try out.

Do you have a strategy going into the show?

My strategy is to be nice to people – it’s the most duplicitous thing I can do. In real life I’m nice to the people I like, but to me these people aren’t people, they are characters to be overcome in my narrative to the end.

Will you hide anything about yourself from the other houseguests?

I’m going to be as forthcoming as possible. In a game where everyone is lying all of the time, the trickiest thing you can do is just be up front. Then again, I also plan to be nice, so I’m not necessarily going to be honest as much as make people believe I’m being honest.

Do you think the physical or mental challenges will be more difficult for you?

I think it will depend on what type of challenge it is – all challenges can be tricky depending on what they are. I don’t foresee the day-to-day minutiae of the game being something I have a hard time with.

Describe your perfect day.

I would probably go to a multimillion dollar theme park because it is the ultimate manufactured experience.

What’s your biggest pet peeve?

People moving slowly. Walking on the street or an escalator, basically just slow people in general.

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  • 2 weeks later...

He's been a sulky little baby since Liza left. Really, I can't stand his sulking anymore. I don't want him to win. His only "social game" was with Liza and he is lost in that respect since she's gone. There are people wise enough in the house to know he's got to go. His "alliance" is going to play it safe for now.

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It's funny how he thinks he has the game in his hands, yet he totally was played by Liza. His alliance with Alec isn't controlling anything.

Agreed - with any luck their little house of cards is going to come tumbling down. I am just trying to imagine in my own little mind who I want to be responsible for evicting him.....Gary would be great but it would be better if he were played by Talla....roflmao!

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  • 2 weeks later...

He finally won something - but thus far I don't think it would be enough to convince the jury that he played the best game. Hopefully Topaz goes up as the replacement and then he can kiss his....shield buddy goodbye! Go East Coasters! ( minus Peter...lol)

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