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Interviews with BB14 House Guests (links inside)


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No one has said that it is against the rules. NYROSE was stating an opinion, just like you. It is not against the rules to say Dan is a lying satanist scumbag, but people still reply with opposing posts. How is this any different?

Many of us are of the opinion that one shouldn't have to be anorexic to be on Survivor or Big Brother and that it is harmful to our society to automatically attack anyone who doesn't measure up to our "ideal". We are entitled to express this opinion.

yes that is part of where I am coming from, but also if Marty thinks about how racism operates, it is mainly on the basis of looks. That is all I am saying, so maybe people might start to think of why they are prejudging people on the basis of looks. Even the male attraction to a stick with balloons on top is a product of conditioning. That view of what is female beauty was not present in other times. For women to undergo surgery in order to have the vaunted body shape is horrible. They are literally risking their LIVES to attract a man. In nature, the male works to attract the female. Only humans skew the 50 50 numbers of men to women by killing off men in wars. Then women are numerous and men can demand that women vie for them by offering whatever the man craves. No one gets to be in a relationship based on real love and natural sexual attraction.

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yes that is part of where I am coming from, but also if Marty thinks about how racism operates, it is mainly on the basis of looks. That is all I am saying, so maybe people might start to think of why they are prejudging people on the basis of looks. Even the male attraction to a stick with balloons on top is a product of conditioning. That view of what is female beauty was not present in other times. For women to undergo surgery in order to have the vaunted body shape is horrible. They are literally risking their LIVES to attract a man. In nature, the male works to attract the female. Only humans skew the 50 50 numbers of men to women by killing off men in wars. Then women are numerous and men can demand that women vie for them by offering whatever the man craves. No one gets to be in a relationship based on real love and natural sexual attraction.


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Yes but opinions are being said about the POSTERS in this forum. They are being told if they have an opinon that someone is chubby that they are expressing a form of racisism. :o

There is one human race. What makes for the notion of Caucasian, Negro, Asian? Those are genetic visual differences. What makes for fat people? genetic difference that results in a visual difference. The basis is the same. Just think about it and don't be offended, I know that a person is not a KKK in attitude because they are societally swayed to despise a body type.

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There is one human race. What makes for the notion of Caucasian, Negro, Asian? Those are genetic visual differences. What makes for fat people? genetic difference that results in a visual difference. The basis is the same. Just think about it and don't be offended, I know that a person is not a KKK in attitude because they are societally swayed to dispise a body type.


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NYROSE ..you don't seem happy here. I am beyond annoyed scrolling past your flaming posts. All Empty worthless gibberish. Not what I come here to read.

Actually really like most of the interaction here, and am quite happy thank you for caring. But since you are not happy with my writing, Then after this just skip anything I write. No pressure from me for you to read my writing.

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The fake romance between Danielle and Shane is creepy. I am sure they think if they keep up appearances then they will be a spot on Amazing Race or some other gigs. ;)



:pixiedust: :pixiedust: :pixiedust:

That is an interesting hypothesis for that attachment. There is also Shane's real need for money and Danl's also and as they lick each other's wounds...well do i need to complete that metaphor? LOL So in the adversity they may find a reason for what passe for romance for them. Remember, dan'l admits tht she has only been cheated on so she has no idea what a real relationship would feel like.

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Thanks Kansas for posting the link to the radio interview: This is my analysis: Danl is wrong, Dan would have taken her to f2 because he would have beaten her. Shane is wrong, Dan did not screw him out of 500K because Shane would not have won against anyone, but he did perhaps screw him out of $50K. Danl's shock at the funeral when DAn claimed she had done something so terrible was real. These two show just how naive they are, how unprepared for being manipulated they are in this situation is just flabbergasting. Shane, as a house flipper has to deal with how people perceive the value of homes that he has spruced up for making a profit. Maybe his monetary problems in life are a reflection of this naivete also? Danl about Brit saying she did not want to see her in final 2 is totally concilliatory. This is continuing a trend that she presents of being just too nice comes off as a doormat. Shane knew nothing about the game? How the heck did they recruit him? I do not blame Danl for not wanting to have anything to do with Dan. In the situation, from how Danl was approaching the game and Dan knew how she was, he used her in the way some guy decides he will prove he can get into a gal's pants and acts the part to get there and as soon as he succeeds, he wants no more to do with her. DAnl feels used and she was. She ought never have anything to do with him. If she gives him the time of day, she is saying it is ok for him to have done what he did even though he knew his relationship with her was not a game to her, that she believed he was her coach. He just wants to prove he is not what he was on the show, but that is who he was to her. It is a stain on his soul. A coach has a responsibility to his players. Dan knows that. He cannot undo what he has done.You can say it is a game, and you can say Danl was deluded when BB said the coaching was over and she kept thinking she was being coached, and you woulld be correct, but when you know a person is deluded, do you take advantage of them? That is the crux of character that has nothing to do with a game.

These two are matched in naivete level, so I think it is a good match on that score. They will either grow up together or as they grow, they will come apart. But at this point it is a good match. If Danl had no cancer and made it up to get sympathy, that would have been game play. The HGs could believe or not based on knowing they are in a game. On what ever level she made the situation more than it was, she did that partly out of her nature, partly out of having been recently told she might have cancer and was reacting to the worry that brought on her, and partly in order to get a sympathetic reaction because the game itself did bring out some of her neurotic tendencies. People who have cancer, who are offended that she said she had it are rather strange from my view. Am I to be offended by someone claiming something that pertains to me? Is it offensive for an actor to put on dark makeup to play Othello? Should only Jews play Shylock? I do not think so.

Would someone tell me what happened to Danl's bag on ebay? What was that about Survivor and that bag? I could not understand what was asked or said.

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