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Dan, Week 11 (HoH - Part 1) 2nd Place $50,000


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I come from a split family - my daughter is greatly offended by his swearing on the Bible and his wife, etc., while I don't take those things literally at all because of the context. We will have very different reactions here to how the rest of the game unfolds!

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He'll be right back coaching at OLSM as soon as this season is over. People were saying the same thing the first time he was on the show. For a game that is all about deceit and lying and backstabbing why do self rightous people watch it?

I guess you're intent was to call me "sel rightous"?? I actually watch BB because I love the original "intent"......a social experiment to watch people and learn something about what people will do when confined and/or to "win money". The posters turned into "all about deceit, lying & backstabbing" and have made that the goal (?)

As far as Dan, he pretends to still be coaching but has NOT been on the roster.........just more "mist".

And, BTW, I'm not "judging him".......I'm just looking at him with clear eyes, not through the mist.

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I guess you're intent was to call me "sel rightous"?? I actually watch BB because I love the original "intent"......a social experiment to watch people and learn something about what people will do when confined and/or to "win money". The posters turned into "all about deceit, lying & backstabbing" and have made that the goal (?)

As far as Dan, he pretends to still be coaching but has NOT been on the roster.........just more "mist".

And, BTW, I'm not "judging him".......I'm just looking at him with clear eyes, not through the mist.

Then I apologize to you and to not the others that are judging him. I'm not saying anyone has to like how anyone plays the game, just that if people are going to complain about people lying and backstabbing and being deceitful in a game that is about all those things, then why are you watching.

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Then I apologize to you and to not the others that are judging him. I'm not saying anyone has to like how anyone plays the game, just that if people are going to complain about people lying and backstabbing and being deceitful in a game that is about all those things, then why are you watching.

No offense taken.......I think you missed my point.....I really have no problem with lying, backstabbing and/or being deceitfu in bb as long as they are all on the same level.

In sports terms this years BB is like seniors playing against freshman and then calling it a "fair" game.

As far as "watching", I have watched less BB this season and posted less this season than ever........but I did tune in tonight to see Dan, once again using his power and reputation as a coach in the REAL world to advance his BB game.

In all sincerity, I have been surprised at how Dan has affected me this season. There was no one I liked, and truthfully, he's the first HG that I cannot stand watching AT ALL. I mute or FF and tune in and out hoping because I know that if/when he is ever gone (doubtful) I will get some pleasure. It's like, OMG, he could have been my brother because we have the same background and if he was my brother I would still feel embarrassed and shocked for him.

I watch because watching BB has taught me that someone who is "perceived" to be a cad like Mike Boogie can turn out to have more morals than someone who presents himself as........well, you know, Dan.

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No offense taken.......I think you missed my point.....I really have no problem with lying, backstabbing and/or being deceitfu in bb as long as they are all on the same level.

I got what you were saying. The points in the rest of my post weren't directed at you but as a generalized statement to others who complain. I agree it wasn't fair that the coaches entered the game. I don't believe that they should have returning HG's unless it's all stars. With that being said, these were the players we were given this year. I never take what a HG says or does in this game and say they must be the same outside of the game.

There have been HG's that I've liked on BB that when I've seen interviews outside of the house I decided that I don't really care for and vice versa. What I don't get is how what a HG says or does in a "game" causes some people watching the game to go completely nuts.

Take Dani for example. There are a lot of Dani haters because of all the so-called lies she has said. First of all, we don't know if they are all lies, (I'm sure some are), second, they aren't said with any malice, and third, they don't affect anyone watching the game.

The one thing that gets me every year is if a HG that someone likes does something it's okay, but if a HG that that same person doesn't like does the same thing all hell breaks loose.

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Dan is a manipulation genius, lol. Everyone who enters that house knows that the whole point of the game is to manipulate your way to the end. He has gotten himself out of impossible situations this year. If he gets either one of those two, especially Ian(who I am hoping wins), to take him to the end, he completely deserves to win. Maybe it isn't exactly what we wanted to bring back the coaches, but the houseguests(newbies) knew that the coaches learned things about them, played hard and well in their own seasons. If the houseguests had banded together with backbone to get out the coaches, they had the numbers to do so.

As for Dan's religious beliefs and lifestyle out of the house, that's his business and by lying/manipulating in the house should have no repercussions in his real life. The game is a TV show. Dan is playing a role. All actors/entertainers play roles that are not remotely close to the their real life person.

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Dan always my fav. I watched show last nt and I root for Dan but I saw hurt on shane face and I not feel good about this anymore. Hard to xplain. I think it ok but not ok if people get hurt. bye.

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I've been lurking here a long time, but after last night I felt a need to post (vent). This is a game. Anything you say or do is fair as long as it's within the rules. It does not mean I have to like it.

I have been a huge Dan fan on both seasons he played. But last night I felt it was a bit too much and now I've lost some respect for him. He does not know what is said in the DR by other players, and I don't think he realized how much Daniele supports him. Last night it was clear to me by her comments that she would take Dan over Shane in final two, but I think Dan was worried that Daniele would win the final HOH and pick Shane. Maybe Dan will feel some remorse for what he did after seeing Daniele's comments. Then again, probably not.

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I've enjoyed watching Dan work his magic this season. It was a different scenario with the coach twist and after the reset, it was game on. I think Boogie and Frank thought they were just going to steam roll over everyone and win this game but they neglected Dan who was lying low and observing until a plan could be set in motion. This year called for some different tactics from Dan to get people to trust him and sometimes it involved using his religion, the Bible and anything else he had at his disposal. Some of the people on this board were mortified by this, citing their religious beliefs and condemning Dan for more of less blaspheming.

Several times I wanted to say something but refrained from responding to some of those posters here. I decided that each of us has our own beliefs and it's not for me to criticize another person's religion On the other hand, realize that BB is a game and Dan is the ultimate manipulator. The way I see it is that Dan will have to answer to his God for his actions in his own time. I'm sure he will be in the confessional many times when he leaves the show.

Know this - I would rather watch Dan work his magic in the game than watch a sleeze-ball like Mike Boogie and his side-kick Frank intimidate the people in the house. Frank was deceived by the "best" and he's exactly where he should be - in the jury house.

Embrace the mist :pixiedust:

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Dan is a manipulation genius, lol. Everyone who enters that house knows that the whole point of the game is to manipulate your way to the end. He has gotten himself out of impossible situations this year. If he gets either one of those two, especially Ian(who I am hoping wins), to take him to the end, he completely deserves to win. Maybe it isn't exactly what we wanted to bring back the coaches, but the houseguests(newbies) knew that the coaches learned things about them, played hard and well in their own seasons. If the houseguests had banded together with backbone to get out the coaches, they had the numbers to do so.

As for Dan's religious beliefs and lifestyle out of the house, that's his business and by lying/manipulating in the house should have no repercussions in his real life. The game is a TV show. Dan is playing a role. All actors/entertainers play roles that are not remotely close to the their real life person.

Well said.

Dan always my fav. I watched show last nt and I root for Dan but I saw hurt on shane face and I not feel good about this anymore. Hard to xplain. I think it ok but not ok if people get hurt. bye.

When a player out plays a player... it cuts deep. No need to feel pain for him he would of cut Dan in the next round, given the chance.

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My post was not aimed at a specific person but more in general. I understand that people who are fans of other people and not Dan are not going to like Dan's game play this year. But you know what? They have known this whole time what Dan was doing. Earlier on in this season, Joe pointed out to the others that Dan was using the line of "nobody will vote for me to win twice" on everyone. Frank and Boogie both trashed Dan to everyone saying that Dan was using the renegade/loyalty/"be my Memphis" card and yet they all still bought it. I have no problem whatsoever with anybody trashing Dan's game play but I do take offense to those who say he isn't a Christian or implies it. I am even aware that my intense feelings are carryover from season 10 when I heard the same arguments regarding Dan being a "Judas".

As I say this, I also have a problem when people go too far regarding wishing ill upon someone else (death threats, hopes they lose their job, f*cking someone's wife, etc) even if they are slightly psycho in the house and I think they need therapy. I will wish therapy upon the person but I do generally feel bad that they will face a backlash from people who don't even know them. I understand that they bring it upon themselves by entering a house where they are on camera 24/7 but I think most people, especially young people, have no idea who they even are yet and that the world does not revolve around them.

~gets off my soap box~

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Nice post Misha.

I'd like to add one more point. It was Janelle and Danielle week 2 that came up with the Dan "misting" and they complained/laughed about to everyone in the house. (Waaay before Dan was swearing on his wife, bible, jewelry, etc.)

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Nice post Misha.

I'd like to add one more point. It was Janelle and Danielle week 2 that came up with the Dan "misting" and they complained/laughed about to everyone in the house. (Waaay before Dan was swearing on his wife, bible, jewelry, etc.)

Oh yes. Everyone was aware of "the mist" from the beginning of the game and they STILL kept Dan around.

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Just had a thought of Dan sending Boogie a message from the DR.

*brrrrrnnggg.... brrrrrrnnnnngggg* Yo Boogie. Remember that time when you had operation Double Date and Dr. Will and you got your showmances to nominate their best friends and then you blindsided and evicted them? How about I got my best friend to save me so I could evict HER showmance? Bwaaahahahahahahahaha!!

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Dan always my fav. I watched show last nt and I root for Dan but I saw hurt on shane face and I not feel good about this anymore. Hard to xplain. I think it ok but not ok if people get hurt. bye.

Of course he was hurt, he just lost $500,000 and he did nothing to prevent it from happening letting Danielle put him on the block. Shane especially was dumb this season, you never volunteer to go on the block, and he did it all season.

My post was not aimed at a specific person but more in general. I understand that people who are fans of other people and not Dan are not going to like Dan's game play this year. But you know what? They have known this whole time what Dan was doing. Earlier on in this season, Joe pointed out to the others that Dan was using the line of "nobody will vote for me to win twice" on everyone. Frank and Boogie both trashed Dan to everyone saying that Dan was using the renegade/loyalty/"be my Memphis" card and yet they all still bought it. I have no problem whatsoever with anybody trashing Dan's game play but I do take offense to those who say he isn't a Christian or implies it. I am even aware that my intense feelings are carryover from season 10 when I heard the same arguments regarding Dan being a "Judas".

As I say this, I also have a problem when people go too far regarding wishing ill upon someone else (death threats, hopes they lose their job, f*cking someone's wife, etc) even if they are slightly psycho in the house and I think they need therapy. I will wish therapy upon the person but I do generally feel bad that they will face a backlash from people who don't even know them. I understand that they bring it upon themselves by entering a house where they are on camera 24/7 but I think most people, especially young people, have no idea who they even are yet and that the world does not revolve around them.

~gets off my soap box~

Nice post Misha.

I'd like to add one more point. It was Janelle and Danielle week 2 that came up with the Dan "misting" and they complained/laughed about to everyone in the house. (Waaay before Dan was swearing on his wife, bible, jewelry, etc.)

Agree with both of you, everybody knew what Dan was up to, yet they all still went along with him thinking it would further their own game.

One other thing I would like to add, while swearing on the bible and all helped sway Frank, everybody forgets that Frank was making it personal, and he was trying to avenge Boogie's eviction. When he found out that Ian and Brittany were the ones behind Boogie's demise he went at them and pulled Dan off the block, the whole time talking about getting Dan out the next week. Now Frank wants to play the victim because of the agreement between them, but that is far from the only reason he had Jenn save Dan, in fact I think it was just a secondary factor..

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Those who are so upset by Dan's actions, you have to realize that this is a very "evil" game! It's the most evil reality show I can think of in the way that everyone eventually has to turn on each other and it's usually those that turn on their allies first that survive another day. It's more evil than Survivor I think, because at any time you can be put on the block next to your best friend or showmance and you have to do something to get people to send them home instead of you. The way this game constantly tears people apart is what makes it fascinating to me and since it is such an evil game, these people must do evil things to make it to the end yet if they do too many evil things then they won't be able to win. Dan may have done too many evil deeds in this game to win and so he will probably be punished but if you don't enjoy the ride of watching the best of the best stealthily assassinate one person after another on their journey to make it to the end and have to face all those that they betrayed to get there then I can't imagine why you are watching the show.

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Mist???LOL, he used his power as coach, his religion, his wife and his dead grandfather to further himself in a game to win money. Nothing "misty" about it. BB shows how far a person will go to win. In Dan's case, the only reason he was able to get further in this game was because of who he was going into the game, a Catholic, a coach, newly married, bible reader who supposedly won the first time by being loyal and the obvious help he got in the DR.

He was able to "mist" people by using every ounce of respect that anyone else in the game had for him, against them. Tonight he even used his own books and his & his wife's "love for Danielle", along with a promise of a possible new book about "how much she as a player taught him, the coach"...... :animated_rotfl: .........nothing "misty about it....just outright deceit and lies to win BB, which if done by someone you don't like would be perceived totally differently......SKILL? wow!

He better win the money because he'll never coach again (unless penn state is hiring)

And I doubt any Catholic school would let him teach there again (in fact, he is not on their roster-lie?) after he used the story about "how his wife goes to church every morning for adoration to pray for him to win"....."adoration" is sacred to Catholics, it's about showing your love and respect for God.....we don't go to ask for God to help us win BB or any other game :animated_shocking: ...........and, no, it's NOT holding HIM to a different standard......HE set that standard about himself and set out during this game to use his prior reputation to purposely to deceive....... it's really not that hard if you have no morals and will do anything to win with a lot of help from the DR.

Win or lose, other than some posters who believe and like Dan, (some who BTW also have condemned other players they don't like for doing much less degrading and disrespectful things) better beware in their real lives if they're so easily swayed by "mist". :angel_not:

He played the game and he played it well. It's like football players going into a game KNOWING they are going to get tackled but then saying "no fair" if they get hurt when they get tackled. It is possible for a completely legal tackle to injure a player and take him out of the game for life. I can't recall one incident where a player who did the tackling was fired or never hired in professional football again. Dan played within the rules and this group of people KNEW what they were up against and had MULTIPLE opportunities to take him out but chose not to. If he makes it to the end, he deserves to win because he far and away played the best game however, I think the jury is too full of bitter babies to acknowledge that, so I doubt he will.

As far as his job goes .... unless you are his boss I don't see how you can possibly know what any school, Catholic or otherwise, will do. Not everyone judges a person by how they play a game. Some people actually take the reputation a person has outside the house into consideration.

Just my opinion, of course, but I respectfully disagree with your post.

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He played the game and he played it well. It's like football players going into a game KNOWING they are going to get tackled but then saying "no fair" if they get hurt when they get tackled. It is possible for a completely legal tackle to injure a player and take him out of the game for life. I can't recall one incident where a player who did the tackling was fired or never hired in professional football again. Dan played within the rules and this group of people KNEW what they were up against and had MULTIPLE opportunities to take him out but chose not to. If he makes it to the end, he deserves to win because he far and away played the best game however, I think the jury is too full of bitter babies to acknowledge that, so I doubt he will.

As far as his job goes .... unless you are his boss I don't see how you can possibly know what any school, Catholic or otherwise, will do. Not everyone judges a person by how they play a game. Some people actually take the reputation a person has outside the house into consideration.

Just my opinion, of course, but I respectfully disagree with your post.

ITA with your post.......and as far as the Church goes that is between Dan and the Church, he may have to answer to them not any of us!!!


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He played the game and he played it well. It's like football players going into a game KNOWING they are going to get tackled but then saying "no fair" if they get hurt when they get tackled. It is possible for a completely legal tackle to injure a player and take him out of the game for life. I can't recall one incident where a player who did the tackling was fired or never hired in professional football again. Dan played within the rules and this group of people KNEW what they were up against and had MULTIPLE opportunities to take him out but chose not to. If he makes it to the end, he deserves to win because he far and away played the best game however, I think the jury is too full of bitter babies to acknowledge that, so I doubt he will.

As far as his job goes .... unless you are his boss I don't see how you can possibly know what any school, Catholic or otherwise, will do. Not everyone judges a person by how they play a game. Some people actually take the reputation a person has outside the house into consideration.

Just my opinion, of course, but I respectfully disagree with your post.

ITA with your post.......and as far as the Church goes that is between Dan and the Church, he may have to answer to them not any of us!!!


Thanks. I also wanted to add that I would hope that his reputation and skills as a teacher and a coach would count for more with potential employers and/or parents of his students than their opinion of how he played a game did. I know that, as a parent, when it comes to my children, the teaching skills of their teachers are far more important to me than my opinion of how well the teacher plays Monopoly. :)

As far as the Church goes ... not my place to judge. I've always been taught that Americans have the freedom to worship any way they choose and that I should respect that right. I don't necessarily agree with those religions that don't believe in medical attention for their sick children, for example, but I know that it is not my right or place to judge them for it and I am thankful that I have the right to choose differently.

Off my soapbox now. :)

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IMO, last night was a BB classic and the best episode I've ever seen. Dan has worked his butt off, whether with morals I agree with or not, to stay in this game. Again this is my personal opinion: I think that Dan is the #1 BB player of all time now. Sadly, he will probably not win it. I can't see how he would have jury votes unless they put their hurt feelings and emotions aside to see that they were played by a master of manipulation.

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I cant stand ian! Idk if evicting shane was good choice though, ian is smart but book smart only! Yes he got everyone out thhat i was pulling for but that is the game! He is playing a good and dirty game! Just the kind i like! Just not to my players lol! So i guess next year i will probably be watching bb again! Hey u got to give it to me! I usually quit before season is over with and this time i stood it out! Yeah! Does ian realize that he is the only one quacking!

except for shane and he is gone! Please someone tell him that the alliance was already form and he didnt create it! He was the fith wheel!

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